Top 45 Lady Next Quotes

#1. I'm the lady next door when I'm not on stage.

Aretha Franklin

Lady Next Quotes #505942
#2. The stigma of the prostitute is the badge of her identity. That is why the client goes to her. If he wanted someone without a stigma, he'd go and screw the lady next door.

Camille Paglia

Lady Next Quotes #673378
#3. My family was so poor the lady next door gave birth to me.

Lee Trevino

Lady Next Quotes #1043251
#4. Snap. Lady with dog. Lady on sofa half-naked. Snap. Naked lady. Lady next to dresser. Lady at window. Snap. Lady on balcony sunlight. (On New Orleans photographer E. J. Bellocq)

Michael Ondaatje

Lady Next Quotes #1661407
#5. I was born on the kitchen table. We were so poor my mother couldn't afford to have me; the lady next door gave birth to me.

Mel Brooks

Lady Next Quotes #1821475
#6. Oh, God ... you're so beautiful," I said in a weak voice, my head enchanted. He smiled at me and turned to the thin, elderly lady next to him whose skin seamed with wrinkles."She must still have a fever," Victor said, fighting a smile, which just made him even more breathtaking.

A.B. Whelan

Lady Next Quotes #336259
#7. You're sleeping next to me right now. You're all wrapped up in blankets, and you look like a delicious lady-sandwich. I might eat you before you wake up. Just wanted to let you know.

Kate Ellison

Lady Next Quotes #980230
#8. I could draw Bloom County with my nose and pay my cleaning lady to write it, and I'd bet I wouldn't lose 10% of my papers over the next twenty years. Such is the nature of comic-strips. Once established, their half-life is usually more than nuclear waste.

Berkeley Breathed

Lady Next Quotes #1865280
#9. My next baby will be my new record.

Lady Gaga

Lady Next Quotes #1037183
#10. Perhaps you think you see a certain contradiction here? In that case, a word in your ear. Study your wife closely, for the next four-and-twenty hours. If your good lady doesn't exhibit something in the shape of a contradiction in that time, Heaven help you!
you have married a monster.

Wilkie Collins

Lady Next Quotes #1098995
#11. Paul says, "If not for yourself, my lady, stay alive for me."
Our eyes meet.
His next words are a whisper. "I have no need for a world without you in it.

Claudia Gray

Lady Next Quotes #1108581
#12. Our last day in Myrtle Beach until next year. By then we'll be all freaked out because we'll be full-blown teenagers with changing bodies we don't understand - so we need to enjoy life while we're still half-way kids.

Lady Jenniviere

Lady Next Quotes #1202826
#13. I plan to do my next two albums with Lady Gaga . She is quite a talent.

Tony Bennett

Lady Next Quotes #1220811
#14. I don't think there'll be a next time, my lady." Saint smiled. "But thank you for the offer."
Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You're welcome. My, my, manners. Where have you been - church?

Suzanne Enoch

Lady Next Quotes #1236690
#15. Lady Gaga will dominate the charts next year. She let me listen to a couple of new songs, she is a legend.

Britney Spears

Lady Next Quotes #1287789
#16. If you're laying in bed next to someone that really doesn't make you feel like the goddess that you are, you need to rediscover what it is that you truly want and need.

Lady Gaga

Lady Next Quotes #1355575
#17. There are lots of people whose style I admire, although I'd never dress like them. Chloe Sevigny is probably the most stylish woman ever, and Lady Gaga is amazing - it's fun to watch what she's going to wear next.

Eliza Doolittle

Lady Next Quotes #1432016
#18. She hesitated for a moment longer, then tentatively placed her fingers in his. Her hand was hot and dry and so fragile-seeming that James cradled it gingerly. The next moment, she squeezed so hard his eyes widened.
Fragile lady be damned. He squeezed back spitefully. Vicious minx.

Y.S. Lee

Lady Next Quotes #1528351
#19. Jigsaw Lady is the working title of a science fiction novel I've had in my head for darn near 15 years. I think I'll start work on it next year (in all my spare time) but I'd like to get it finished some day.

Raymond E. Feist

Lady Next Quotes #1591044
#20. In the next room, a very nice young lady, who happened to be completely naked, wanted me to tell her anything I could possibly remember about my seventh birthday party.

John Scalzi

Lady Next Quotes #1689164
#21. Lavender Lady not go again," Kiki said in my mind.
"I'll try to avoid it. No promises, though."
She huffed. "Next time Kiki go."
"A Horsefinder?"
"Help Lavender Lady.

Maria V. Snyder

Lady Next Quotes #1693820
#22. Are you all right, my luv?" asked a lady who had moved from the other side of the carriage to sit next to Old Jack. "Yes, thank you," he said, the tears streaming down his face. "It's just that I was released from prison today.

Jeffrey Archer

Lady Next Quotes #1735146
#23. One time I told this lady to give me all her money, she said no. So I cut her and pulled her eyes out. I would do someone in and then take a camera and set the timer so I could sit them up next to me and take our picture together.

Richard Ramirez

Lady Next Quotes #1773454
#24. I want to be America's Margaret Thatcher. I will be the next Iron Lady.

Michele Bachmann

Lady Next Quotes #1795969
#25. The Lady has always moved to the next town
and you stumble on after Her.

Robert Creeley

Lady Next Quotes #1848840
#26. Besides that, she's a fine young lady."
"I'll be sure to remind her of that next time she starts yelling at us.

Lia Habel

Lady Next Quotes #594335
#27. We have always had dogs, and they have faithfully performed many valuable services for us, such as: 1. Peeing on everything. 2. When we're driving in our car, alerting us that we have passed another dog by barking real loud in our ears for the next 114 miles. 3. Trying to kill the Avon lady.

Dave Barry

Lady Next Quotes #141154
#28. When a lady's erotic life is vexed God knows what God is coming next.

Ogden Nash

Lady Next Quotes #172646
#29. I didn't want that bouquet to die. Not yet. Not tomorrow. Not the next day. I wanted to keep it alive for as long as possible. And it wasn't because it cost a hundred and fifty dollars. I didn't know why it was. I just knew I did.

Kristen Ashley

Lady Next Quotes #184032
#30. I remember the first show I had there were about 3 people, at least there was somebody. The next one was about 30. Then a couple years later there were 300 people and before I knew it there were 3,000 ... Then one day, I opened my eyes and there were 300,000 singing all my lyrics.

Lady Gaga

Lady Next Quotes #356646
#31. A lady doesn't insist on having her own way. Then, next thing you know, it all works out somehow, without one's even trying. I thought I'd never learn, though it's really quite easy once you get the knack.

Lloyd Alexander

Lady Next Quotes #358144
#32. My auntie reads those. They're lady porn. Nothing but cowboys who stumble upon the preacher's daughter bathing and next thing you know they're fucking under a waterfall.

Eve Dangerfield

Lady Next Quotes #479742
#33. I'm not interested in people positioning me next to other artists.

Lady Gaga

Lady Next Quotes #503330
#34. I don't want to be left in the past. When I stand next to Kylie, Beyonce or Rihanna, I don't want to be a decrepit old lady.


Lady Next Quotes #528262
#35. Charity knew she had to begin looking for a job soon. Definitely tomorrow, or the next day. Or perhaps the day after that. Charity didn't believe in procrastination. She just needed to plan her strategy. She was sound asleep on the sofa when Lady Margaret got back from London.

Elizabeth Jane Howard

Lady Next Quotes #553587
#36. I have a picture of me with Lady Antebellum, when they released their first single and I was at CMA Fest as a fan. I'm in flower-power shorts and a headband - so not cute - and I'm fan-girling next to Hillary. I couldn't believe I was standing next to her.

Kelsea Ballerini

Lady Next Quotes #945446
#37. I know patients who bring a dozen roses to the doctor's office. And, boy, the next visit, nobody forgets that. You come in and hey - 'Here's the lady who brought the roses' vs. 'Here's the lung cancer.'

Bernie Siegel

Lady Next Quotes #647251
#38. I've always said that next to Imperial China, the South is the best place in the world to be an old lady.

Florence King

Lady Next Quotes #676238
#39. I believe, my lady, that life is the phantom, and love still more fleeting and elusive - here one minute like a sweet scent you can't quite recognize and gone the next. Best enjoy both while you can.

Dawn Hammill

Lady Next Quotes #746070
#40. During the debate, Bush was asked by a lady to name three mistakes he's made. And Bush responded, this debate, the last debate and the next debate.

Bill Maher

Lady Next Quotes #809610
#41. I met that lovely Detroit lady and thought my time had come But just before I said "I do" I said "I got to run" and started to Pickin em up and layin em down, Pickin em up and layin em down, Pickin em up and layin em down, gettin to the next town Baby.

Maya Angelou

Lady Next Quotes #876769
#42. Goodbye," said Siew Tsin.
"See you next time," said Lady Meng, more accurately.
"Will you remember me when I come again?"
"Of course," said Lady Meng. "I miss you every time.

Zen Cho

Lady Next Quotes #884265
#43. I've taken this year to concentrate fully on the promotion of 'The Lady.' This movie has been so meaningful; until we have premiered in every part of the world and encouraged as many people as possible to shine the spotlight on the Burmese people and Daw Suu, I will not have a next project.

Michelle Yeoh

Lady Next Quotes #886695
#44. I thought it was a really good contrast to have a really sweet, sincere, church girl sitting next to the church lady who seemed kind of, you know, over the top.

Victoria Jackson

Lady Next Quotes #901196
#45. Next time your lady leaves the room, take a dump on the floor! 'Cuz there is nothing more mysterious than a dump on the floor! And it always starts a conversation, am I right? Honey, what happened? You better hold me 'cause I'm afraid.

Dave Attell

Lady Next Quotes #918764

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