Top 100 It All Started Quotes
#1. Whispers of death crawled through her brain like insects swarming a feast. Murmurs of pain and torture sent shivers of dread down her spine. Gathering her courage, Alaina turned to face him.
"It all started with the attic . . .
Gina Salamon
#3. It all started in Michigan. My dad got a job in Michigan, so we all moved up there from St. Louis. I kind of hung out in the summer and had nothing to do, so I sort of got into acting. And then I was going to Grand Blanc High, doing the acting thing and hoping it would pan out.
Evan Peters
#4. For me it all started with two turntables and a mixer.
Paul Oakenfold
#5. Elmcrest CC, in Cedar Rapids, is where it all started when I was growing up. The tree-lined course has a very demanding layout that requires you to be accurate off the tee and avoid a number of well-placed water hazards on some of the holes.
Zach Johnson
#6. It all started with one of those days--one of those muggy, first-of-the-summer-vacation days when everyone older and everyone younger knew what to do, but everyone in between was lost.
Kate Willis
#7. When I think about my career and how it all started, it really started with me getting to a point where I understood how to write songs that resonated with people.
Corey Smith
#8. I started selling corn dogs, ended up in the music industry. That's how it all started.
Ryan Tedder
#9. So I went and did an audition and became the biggest radio actor in Sydney, and that's how it all started.
Rod Taylor
#10. It all started when my dog began getting free roll over minutes.
Jay London
#11. When I had my first boy it all started and that male energy seemed to keep me awake but since my daughter, who's incredibly serene, I can't seem to stop sleeping because she's asleep all the time. It's a pattern.
Sadie Frost
#12. I wanted draw the cartoon characters, and then it all started to make sense as I was watching these classics come back to the theater like Lady and the Tramp and so forth. If you want to animated the dog, you have to know where the ribcage is and the hip bone and all that.
Andreas Deja
#13. If you want to know where I come by the passionate commitment I have to bringing people together without regard to race, it all started with my grandfather.
William J. Clinton
#15. It all started to come together when I realized that boxing was how I was going to succeed in life.
Muhammad Ali
#16. It's pretty interesting how it all started out. After The Voice, I got introduced to some of my publishing people. We were out in Los Angeles and they said to give them a call when the show was all said and done and they'd get me into the writing world.
Curtis Grimes
#17. It all started off with stirring speeches, Greek columns, the thrill of something new. Now all that's left is a presidency adrift, surviving on slogans that already seem tired, grasping at a moment that has already passed, like a ship trying to sail on yesterday's wind.
Paul Ryan
#18. I always been a lover of music and it all started with me trying to make dubplates and I couldn't afford to hire people to do dubplates, so I started doing them myself.
#19. I warn you, I've been challenged before. That's how it all started, you know? Hoyte tried to kill me the same way. In case you haven't heard, Hoyte is dead. I did him slow and left him displayed. So if you're looking for entertainment, I can guarantee you'll get it.
Michael J. Sullivan
#20. I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started.
Ferguson Jenkins
#21. It all started in December when it grew cold, i drove in feeling icy and numb...but as i saw the moon rising above the smoke it made me feel alive & enlightening up my Soul...
#22. Every actor looks all his life for a part that will combine his talents with his personality ... 'The Odd Couple' was mine. That was the plutonium I needed. It all started happening after that.
Walter Matthau
#23. Initially I started writing because I felt like I didn't fit in. I just moved to a new school and I felt quite lonely. I think that's where it all started for me.
Elena Tonra
#24. My father was a truck driver. That's where it all started, and academically I was a disaster at school. My cousin got his name on the honour board; I, at Melbourne High School, I carved mine on the desk.
Lindsay Fox
#26. Just remember, it all started with a mouse.
Walt Disney
#27. Cycling, cycling forever bear, wolf, caribou. When had it all started, where will it end? We are all part of one, from such simple beginnings and yet all so different. Yet one. One and again.
Kathryn Lasky
#28. When it all started, record companies - and there were many of them, and this was a good thing - were run by people who loved records, people like Ahmet Ertegun, who ran Atlantic Records, who were record collectors. They got in it because they loved music.
David Crosby
#29. Jazz came out of New Orleans, and that was the forerunner of everything. You mix jazz with European rhythms, and that's rock n' roll, really. You can make the argument that it all started on the streets of New Orleans with the jazz funerals.
The Edge
#30. Well, it all started when I figured out that the janitor at my high school was the Angel of Death ...
Matt Ruff
#31. Her imagination painted Georgie twenty years later, sitting in leg irons before some Broken psychiatrist. Well, you see, it all started with bubbles ...
Ilona Andrews
#32. I wanted to be heard, not seen. That's how it all started.
Miranda Lambert
#33. I know the exact date that I began writing Twilight, because it was also the first day of swim lessons for my kids. So I can say with certainty that it all started on June 2, 2003.
Stephenie Meyer
#34. I always wanted to play music, and always loved it. I saw a band come to school, when I was in elementary school, and wanted to play drums. I started playing drums at 11, and that's where it all started.
Patty Schemel
#35. I think whenever anyone asked me why I wanted to be a hockey player, that's where it all started, watching the Winnipeg Jets play as a young kid.
Jonathan Toews
#36. I really wanted to be born a woman. It all started there. A South American woman. And I'm upset that I was born a white Jewish male. I've been angry since.
Fisher Stevens
#38. Ever since I was a little kid, I've felt comfortable in a suit. It all started when my mom bought me a three-piece Pierre Cardin suit. I wore that thing everywhere. Eventually I realized I was going to be the kid who got beat up in school, but I kept wearing it.
Paul Feig
#39. From there, I tried out for a community theatre play, joined an improv group ... it all started opening up.
Kevin James
#40. The fall of the Berlin Wall makes for nice pictures. But it all started in the shipyards.
Lech Walesa
#41. Well before I was rapping. I was just a regular kid in school. I just liked to chill my friends and play games and stuff like that. One day at school my friends were freestyling at the lunch table and thats where it all started.
Soulja Boy
#42. They say it all started out with a big bang. But, what I wonder is, was it a big bang or did it just seem big because there wasn't anything else drown it out at the time?
Karl Pilkington
#43. I was very ambitious. It all started because my first boyfriend dumped me when I was 14. I'd always wanted to be a model and thought, 'Right, he's going to see me everywhere.' I was relentless in my pursuit of modeling. It was revenge.
Jane March
#44. Honestly, I guess if you looked at my CV, I've been doing independent movies since I started. I think that I kind of took a few steps back from Hollywood as soon as it all started to come my way because I wasn't quite ready for the attention.
Josh Hartnett
#46. Six months later I was in Paris. I was 16, and it all started to happen.
Eva Herzigova
#47. When I was 14 and living in London, I'd go around Hampton Court Palace with its marvelous atmosphere, through the gateway where Ann Boleyn walked, the haunted gallery down which Katherine Howard ran. It all set me going. It all started from there.
Jean Plaidy
#48. It all started when I got injured early in my second season. This turned out to be as difficult emotionally as physically.
Magic Johnson
#49. After a while, it all started to fade. No more pain, no more unwanted thoughts and no sound. Just darkness. I welcomed it. I was done.
Ani San
#50. You can't seperate modern jazz from rock or from rhythm and blues - you can't seperate it. Because that's where it all started, and that's where it all come from - that's where I learned to keep rhythm - in church.
Art Blakey
#51. You see, at young age I had known how bitter taste like and it all started with a cup of brewed coffee.
#52. U.S. Speedskating has been riddled with problems since when I started my career, and we were always able to look past that. When it came down to performing on the ice, regardless of funding issues, we were always able to make it happen. And that's what it's all about.
Apolo Ohno
#53. I would love to have a varied career, like Hugh Jackman. He started in musical theater, then established himself in film, but he still does a lot of stage work. And he does it all beautifully.
Samantha Barks
#54. Her daughter had given her a puff of a marijuana cigarette once, but after all the hot pads on the counter started walking toward her, she got scared and never tried it again. So dope was out.
Fannie Flagg
#55. I was 14 years old when I started rapping and I was terrible. I fell in love with it though and when that happens with me I become super passionate and go all the way with it.
#56. But it wasn't long before the old familiar discontent started creeping up on me. I suppose it was always there, somewhere in the background. All I've done, my whole life, is keep it temporarily at bay.
Sara Gruen
#57. Probably the most fun I've ever had, actually, acting. Because it was the perfect extension of the stuff that I'd started to do on Late Night With David Letterman, and when I look back on all my work, it was probably the best possible incarnation of Chris Elliott, of me.
Chris Elliott
#58. I took acres of fertile ignorance up to that place. And they started to pour preconceptions all over it. Like forty tons of cement. No thanks. I got out before it hardened. I did a year, passed
William McIlvanney
#59. I'd seen too many shrines in South Central and thought it was worth asking where the first bullet came from that started all this violence.
Antoine Fuqua
#60. It wasn't until 'Thor' that I started lifting weights. It was all pretty new to me.
Chris Hemsworth
#61. He started to look at me in a manner I recognized: it was the way I looked at a new book, one I had never read before, one that surprised me with all it had to say.
Alice Hoffman
#62. You should have felt the buzz the moment all five of us got together in the same room for the first time again. We all started laughin' - it was like the five years had never passed. We knew we'd made the right move.
Steven Tyler
#63. The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues.
Terry Pratchett
#64. It started with blogs; now, through social media, anyone who is active on the internet creates a digital projection of themselves for public consumption. We are all stars, all heroes in our own online productions. What does this do for our authenticity? It destroys it.
Ned Vizzini
#65. Why we started the agency to begin with is to tell stories, and the tools that we're using are constantly changing. Every tool will be right for a different sort of situation, but in the end, it's going to be about your view, your voice, and how you put that all together.
Ron Haviv
#66. When I was younger I used to think that band-aids did all the work. I mean after all, it binds your wound together and makes everything better back to the way it was. But then I became an adult and started to fall in love,fvi and I realize that band-aids are so overrated lol.
Onee'sha Ford
#67. When it comes to getting more women into parliament, politicians have at least started to take active measures. The British Labour Party introduced all-female shortlists in 1997.
Noreena Hertz
#68. The hippie movement politicized my generation. When it ended, we all started looking back at our own history, looking, in my case, for motives of rebellion.
Vivienne Westwood
#69. You see, it started when my friends and I were all hanging out in my room one day. There are four of us that all hang out together, mostly because we are all into the same stuff.
Sam Grasdin
#70. It ought to be remembered by all [that] the Games more than 2,000 years ago started as a means of bringing peace between the Greek city-states. And in those days, even if a war was going on, they called off the war in order to hold the Games. I wish we were still as civilized.
Ronald Reagan
#71. I left school and couldn't find acting work, so I started going to clubs where you could do stand-up. I've always improvised, and stand-up was this great release. All of a sudden, it was just me and the audience.
Robin Williams
#72. Before I met Mr. Shoaff, I used to ask, "How much does it cost?" But he taught me to ask, "What is it worth?" When I started to base my life on value instead of price, all kinds of things began to happen.
Jim Rohn
#73. Finn is God: So much for Earth Day. I totally screwed things up and started celebrating the wrong planet. Now I have to collect all these stupid trademarked dog figurines that I distributed all of the yard. At least it's better than last year's mistake when I had butt statues everywhere.
Jessica Park
#74. I started at the very highest level so the upper end is something I know very well. I know it instinctively. But all the years I was designing, it frustrated me that I could reach so few women.
Vera Wang
#75. I was chomping at the bit to get my career started - so after I took all the theater courses at Brooklyn College I enrolled in a two year program at AMDA in the city (The American Musical Dramatic Academy) I was there for 6 months and loved it.
Didi Conn
#76. I'm not a girl who started getting into music and using my femininity to get attention. When I was getting into it, it was all pure skill.
#77. Everything we (the Grateful Dead) ever did was a demonstration of the value of cross-fertilization, It was unconscious at first, but when we started looking at each other, we had all these different influences ... Bobby Weir used to call it electric Dixieland.
Phil Lesh
#78. My fellow Americans, people all over the world, we need to solve the climate crisis, it's not a political issue, it's a moral issue. We have everything we need to get started, with the possible exception of the will to act, that's a renewable resource, let's renew it.
Al Gore
#79. I kind of wanted to tell them that. Like, it's okay, I know I'm weird-looking, take a look, I don't bite. Hey, the truth is, if a Wookiee started going to the school all of a sudden, I'd be curious, I'd probably stare a bit!
R.J. Palacio
#80. Speculation is perfectly all right, but if you stay there you've only founded a superstition. If you test it, you've started a science.
Hal Clement
#81. I'm eternally grateful for the fact that I'm doing what I like best. I thank my stars for it. I wonder why I wasted all that time being fat. I should have lost weight and started acting earlier. But as they say, things happen when they are meant to.
Sonakshi Sinha
#82. If I could set a world record, it would be that I have 150 business partners, all with thriving businesses of their own that started with nothing and I made the difference to make them all billionaires.
Barbara Corcoran
#83. I was raised Catholic and I went to church until I was 16. I went through a phase when I was 15 of being quite fanatically Catholic. I was going to church a lot, receiving communion, saying the Rosary, praying, all that stuff. But when I started scrutinizing it, it just fell apart so quickly.
Robert Crumb
#84. It started last year, during the summer. I went to the doctor and they found out it was kidney stones, so they had surgery done to help get those out and to pass them ... More just kept coming in. So I had all together before the last show ... I had like five surgeries.
Phillip Phillips
#85. You say I started out with practically nothing, but that isn't correct. We all start with all there is, it's how we use it that makes things possible.
Henry Ford
#86. When the show started out, it was like all of a sudden we had to do 35 episodes and we had just a month and a half to write them, and it took me a while to realize that I was in charge.
Mike Judge
#87. It's funny - when I first started as an actor, obviously there were long periods of being idle and all you want to do is work. So if I ever get the compulsion to feel like I should complain or feel like I want to take a break, I just remember how I was before and be very grateful for it.
Neil Jackson
#88. All my early books are written as if I were Indian. In England, I had started writing as if I were English; now I write as if I were American. You take other people's backgrounds and characters; Keats called it negative capability.
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
#89. I started in theatre, and for me, it was all about transformation. You transform into the character that you're playing.
Rainn Wilson
#90. It's all about sound. It's that simple. Wireless is wireless, and it's digital. Hopefully somewhere along the line somebody will add more ones to the zeros. When digital first started, I swear I could hear the gap between the ones and the zeros.
Eddie Van Halen
#91. When I started performing I was like, "Holy hell, how am I going to survive this?" I was giving it my all in 15 minutes but now I had to do it for two hours.
John Leguizamo
#92. It was a bit of fun. But of course like anything that starts as a joke, people started to take it all seriously!
Steven Wilson
#93. Like any director working today, I started out when somebody took a shot at hiring me. It's how we all start out - male, female, white or minority.
Lesli Linka Glatter
#94. Both the nationalists and the communists disapproved of jazz and feared it. They thought it would weaken people's resolve to fight off the invasion. And most Americans know, China did ban all Western music for about 30 years, starting in 1949. This is where it started.
Nicole Mones
#95. In general, her family wasn't very good at talking about important stuff. And of all of them, she was the least good at it. When she tried, it felt like all the chains on all her imagined safes and trunks started rattling
Holly Black
#96. Brett was damned good-looking. She wore a slip-over jersey sweater and a tweed skirt, and her hair was brushed back like a boy's. She started all that. She was built with curves like the hull of a racing yacht, and you missed none of it with that wool jersey.
Ernest Hemingway,
#97. After the '96 Olympics, we all started believing that this is bigger than we thought, and we were willing to do the work. We knew that it was up to us, the players, to make soccer successful.
Brandi Chastain
#98. I started dieting. I dieted, dieted, dieted and tried all the diets and I would lose and then I would go back to normal eating and would put it on and then some.
Suzanne Somers
#99. When I started working in a feminist feminine magazine all my life was about rebelling against male authority, which is authority in general is male, so it was rebelling against everything. Everything that was around me made me angry.
Isabel Allende
#100. Art led the way for me to recover. He got out of prison before me and started traveling all over the world before I did. He showed me by example that it could be done, and I'll always love him for that.
Frank Morgan
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