Top 100 I Am Capable Quotes

#1. Greatness demands that I understand that I am not nearly as big as I thought myself to be, but that I am capable of becoming far bigger than I ever imagined myself to be.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

I Am Capable Quotes #16010
#2. You're not going to see a new Bernard Hopkins. I'm too old for that crap. I think what you will see is something different that I know I am capable of doing.

Bernard Hopkins

I Am Capable Quotes #48614
#3. I have to force myself to get angry. But I want to show the world that there's another side to me, that I am capable of deep, deep anger and fury. They better watch out for how I'm treated.

Stan Lee

I Am Capable Quotes #106746
#4. Who I am, and what I am capable of doing has always managed to surprise me.

Jodi Picoult

I Am Capable Quotes #125953
#5. If my training goes well and according to plan I feel that I am capable of a top 8 finish in Athens. It will be a very difficult and technical course which will be to my advantage.

Jonathan Brown

I Am Capable Quotes #138318
#6. I am capable of choosing my battles, if that's what it takes to win the war.

Marissa Meyer

I Am Capable Quotes #143288
#7. Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness in the other world as I possibly can, with all the power, might, vigor, and vehemence, yea violence, I am capable of.

Jonathan Edwards

I Am Capable Quotes #169637
#8. Whereas by desiring someone who would not desire her, she could allow this fire to burn and feel: how alive I am! I am capable of desire.

Anais Nin

I Am Capable Quotes #228883
#9. Hello, out there, Heinz, in case you read this.
I was really very fond of you, to the extend that I am capable of being fond of anybody.
Give the Blarney Stone a kiss for me.
What were you doing in Hitler's bunker - looking for your motorcycle and your best friend?

Kurt Vonnegut

I Am Capable Quotes #256655
#10. I don't have the slightest idea what my future holds, but what I do know is that I am capable of figuring it out, and I'm okay being me while I do that. I have earned the right to trust myself. And this feels like freedom to me. My

Lucetta Zaytoun

I Am Capable Quotes #332364
#11. I am capable of what every other human is capable of. This is one of the great lessons of war and life.

Gavin De Becker

I Am Capable Quotes #333493
#12. THE Superintendent said to me: "I only keep you out of regard for your worthy father; but for that you would have been sent flying long ago." I replied to him: "You flatter me too much, your Excellency, in assuming that I am capable of flying.

Anton Chekhov

I Am Capable Quotes #335634
#13. Buddy, you have no idea what I am capable of. Now, put the rifle down on the ground. Step back and walk away. Then leave this place and do not ever come back. If you do that, I will let you live.

James J. Caterino

I Am Capable Quotes #369744
#14. If I were asked to give the best idea of which I am capable, it would be that we should get out of the junk business and then start laying up treasures in heaven.

Sterling W. Sill

I Am Capable Quotes #383801
#15. Because I am a mother, I am capable of being shocked: as I never was when I was not one.

Margaret Atwood

I Am Capable Quotes #398769
#16. Judo taught me that I am capable of anything ... I can mentally push past anything and be victorious.

Ronda Rousey

I Am Capable Quotes #429613
#17. You don't even know me, or what I am capable of, boy.

S.R. Crawford

I Am Capable Quotes #432362
#18. I am capable of opening my own door," I said, getting out of the car. "Why do today's women think it's important to open a door themselves?" he said sharply.

Deborah Harkness

I Am Capable Quotes #454999
#19. At Ucross I learned that I am capable of focusing deeply for long periods of time. I love to write. I don't think I would have said that before this trip.

Edan Lepucki

I Am Capable Quotes #457968
#20. I urge our people everywhere, with all of the persuasiveness of which I am capable, to live worthy to hold a temple recommend, to secure one and regard it as a precious asset, and to make a greater effort to go to the House of the Lord and partake of the spirit and the blessings to be had therein.

Gordon B. Hinckley

I Am Capable Quotes #474571
#21. I feel like I have a lot more freedom to make these decisions to kind of sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I have a really good sense of who I am now and what I am capable of and because of that, I have the confidence to go after things like a 7-day 545-mile bike ride and know I can do it.

Cristina Goyanes

I Am Capable Quotes #578204
#22. I am capable of holding the quote-unquote 'title' of leading man. Leading man just means people want to see you and assume that you can hold a film, carry a movie.

Kevin Hart

I Am Capable Quotes #587782
#23. I am capable of much more. I guess every artist feels that way. If you are satisfied, you begin to stagnate. I want to grow as an actress every day. There are so many things you can learn, and you can improve upon your skills and abilities every day.

Madhuri Dixit

I Am Capable Quotes #622739
#24. Sometimes it seems to me that I am capable of absolutely nothing, but that nature through me can accomplish a great deal.

Emil Nolde

I Am Capable Quotes #629324
#25. I am competing with what I am capable of.

Michael Jordan

I Am Capable Quotes #647353
#26. Who, cher monsieur, will sleep on the floor for us? Whether I am capable of it myself? Look, I'd like to be and I shall be. Yes, we shall all be capable of it one day, and that will be salvation.

Albert Camus

I Am Capable Quotes #679420
#27. Individualism? Narcissism? Of course. It is my strongest tendency, the only intentional constancy [fidelity] I am capable of ... Besides, I am lying; I scatter myself too much for that.

Claude Cahun

I Am Capable Quotes #689970
#28. You have not only a very large portion of my affection and esteem, but all that I am capable of feeling ...

Michael Kelahan

I Am Capable Quotes #710178
#29. I don't want to prove to anyone or prove to myself. I'd rather just enjoy and show myself that I am capable of doing it and actually going through the process.

Elvis Stojko

I Am Capable Quotes #794012
#30. If I see myself only in terms of myself, I am always going to be wrong. To fully understand who I am and what I am capable of, I need to always see myself in terms of a community.

John Hunter

I Am Capable Quotes #821721
#31. I would rather have this life of combat than the moral calm and mournful stupor of these last years. God give me struggle, enemies, howling crowds, all the combot of which I am capable.

Romain Rolland

I Am Capable Quotes #838593
#32. I am confident, I am capable, and I will not wait to be rescued by a woodsman or a hunter.

Jackson Pearce

I Am Capable Quotes #853759
#33. I have a certain sensibility that I bring to my writing that comes from knowing two things: what I as a reader like to read, and what as a writer I am capable of. I know my own limits. I know there are things I cannot do.

Paullina Simons

I Am Capable Quotes #860703
#34. I reject the notion I am capable of doing anything 'not well' ~ Ethan

Chloe Neill

I Am Capable Quotes #866274
#35. I just love the whole art form of acting, of being in front of a camera and playing different things. Not that I would ever say I'm the greatest actor in the world, but I am capable of playing different kinds of roles that emotionally I could get into.

Andrew Dice Clay

I Am Capable Quotes #874413
#36. Now I am capable of youth, but not capable of few years - that is the pitiful thing.

Helen Westley

I Am Capable Quotes #942874
#37. That you honestly believe I am capable of hurting innocent people for no reason."
"You're not?" I asked, hope softening my voice.
"Oh, no, I'm more than capable. I just didn't realize you
knew that.

Darynda Jones

I Am Capable Quotes #951469
#38. Analogies fail, but I am capable of behaving like an eight-armed cephalopod while protesting the innocence of my two hands on the table.

Jeanette Winterson

I Am Capable Quotes #979164
#39. Ask youself: "Am I loving as deeply as I am capable of loving?"

Frederick Lenz

I Am Capable Quotes #1012432
#40. I can entertain no doubt, after the most deliberate study and dispassionate judgment of which I am capable, that the view which most naturalists entertain, and which I formerly entertained - namely, that each species has been independently created - is erroneous.

Charles Darwin

I Am Capable Quotes #1047709
#41. I don't want to find myself at the age of 60 waiting by the telephone for someone else to decide if I am capable of being in what might be a crummy TV production.

Peter Capaldi

I Am Capable Quotes #1090839
#42. The marathon has so many elements to prepare for. I think that is one reason I always want to come back for more. There is always something to change in your preparation and I am still trying to discover what I am capable of. I guess I just love the challenge.

Dathan Ritzenhein

I Am Capable Quotes #1106898
#43. The only thing I want to be able to do is come in and learn the offense, go out there and compete, show what I am capable of doing and try to get better as a football player.

Brian Griese

I Am Capable Quotes #1116371
#44. I don't need anybody to handle my problems, only I am capable of solving them my self.

Britany Lopez

I Am Capable Quotes #1117105
#45. People put me on a box, and I love when people think they know what I am capable of or not capable of. I thrive off of that.


I Am Capable Quotes #1158055
#46. I have rarely talked to anyone about my mother, for I believe that I am capable of killing a person, without hesitation, who happened to make the wrong kind of remark about my mother. So I purposely don't make any opening for some fool to step into.

Malcolm X

I Am Capable Quotes #1205361
#47. I want, by understanding myself, to understand others. I want to be all that I am capable of becoming.

Katherine Mansfield

I Am Capable Quotes #1252186
#48. Many runners worry about who is in the race, or they think about the time they must run to win. I only try to run as fast as I am capable - nothing less.

Henry Rono

I Am Capable Quotes #1257805
#49. I am capable of directing, and I am good at that. In order to have longevity as actors, you have to keep changing it up a bit; you have to bring other talents to the table. I want this to be another feather in my cap instead of replacing what I already have.

Kirsten Nelson

I Am Capable Quotes #1269614
#50. I am capable of affection for those who reflect my own world. How much of my solicitude for other human beings is real and honest, how much is a feigned lacquer painted on by society, I do not know.

Sylvia Plath

I Am Capable Quotes #1273638
#51. I've demonstrated an impressive resilience in the face of valuable life lessons, and the main thing I seem to have learned from this one is that I am capable of learning nothing from almost any experience, no matter how profound.

Tim Kreider

I Am Capable Quotes #1310780
#52. I am capable of being idle.

Alexander McCall Smith

I Am Capable Quotes #1314203
#53. And I kind of feel that I have a responsibility to the people that invest their time and money with me to show up on the set every day and do the best of which I am capable.

John Frankenheimer

I Am Capable Quotes #1352109
#54. Forgiveness, therefore, is key. I can't write the book I want to write, but I can and will write the book I am capable of writing.

Ann Patchett

I Am Capable Quotes #1369680
#55. You know nothing about me, and nothing about the sort of love which I am capable.

Charlotte Bronte

I Am Capable Quotes #1392010
#56. I wonder if I am capable of being somebody's sun, somebody's everything. Am I centered enough now to be the center of somebody else's life?

Elizabeth Gilbert

I Am Capable Quotes #1408759
#57. I am capable of running my own life. I don't need you ... I just want you.

Kelly McClymer

I Am Capable Quotes #1458373
#58. The one thing that I appear to have been given, bearing in mind that I am capable of being very, very scatty and extremely lazy, is the ability to concentrate on something I choose to give my time to.

Daniel Day-Lewis

I Am Capable Quotes #1480018
#59. I would wish it on no one to be me.
Only I am capable of being myself.
To know so much, to have seen so much, and
To say nothing, just about nothing.

Robert Walser

I Am Capable Quotes #1561352
#60. I don't know yet what I am capable of doing, but, by God, I have genius
I know it too well to blush behind it.

Thomas Wolfe

I Am Capable Quotes #1686421
#61. I am capable, confident, intelligent, resilient and in charge. Health and happiness are my birthrights and I accept with gratitude.

Kris Carr

I Am Capable Quotes #1692177
#62. I'm not exactly ambitious as much as I have a very good realization of what I am and what I am capable of.

Henry Rollins

I Am Capable Quotes #1719262
#63. It seems to be unfathomable to people that I just happen to be 49 and look good. I am totally capable of accepting myself.

Sharon Stone

I Am Capable Quotes #36791
#64. What does that make me, when a faery is capable of more humanity than I am?

Elizabeth May

I Am Capable Quotes #48790
#65. I am honestly not sure how capable I am of love. And I'm not sure why.

Gil Scott-Heron

I Am Capable Quotes #85285
#66. One thing that I am proud of: I am really capable of laughing at myself.

Penelope Cruz

I Am Capable Quotes #108695
#67. I know what I'm capable of; I am a soldier now, a warrior. I am someone to fear, not hunt.

Pittacus Lore

I Am Capable Quotes #118525
#68. I am a capable person, and I can handle anything that comes my way

Louise Hay

I Am Capable Quotes #126509
#69. I am a man of passions, capable of and subject to doing more or less foolish things- which I happen to regret, more or less, afterwards.

Vincent Van Gogh

I Am Capable Quotes #127485
#70. I've known who I am as an artist for a long time; 'Idol' has shown me what I'm capable of. I know it's all possible for me now. I can go in any direction I want. I'm forever grateful to them.

Crystal Bowersox

I Am Capable Quotes #152213
#71. You need not treat me like a child, sir. I am perfectly capable of navigating this staircase on my own."
He snorted.
Her nostrils flared. "I promise not to ask you to catch me again, all right? Now stop scowling."
Of course he did no such thing.

Karen Witemeyer

I Am Capable Quotes #155014
#72. We are of a broad, Karamazovian nature
and this is what I am driving at
capable of containing all possible opposites and of contemplating both abysses at once, the abyss above us, an abyss of lofty ideals, and the abyss beneath us, and abyss of the lowest and foulest degradation.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I Am Capable Quotes #158898
#73. I am entirely capable."
"Of what, waddling up to someone and ruthlessly bumping into them?

Gail Carriger

I Am Capable Quotes #211474
#74. I do, have done and always will believe that I am very capable of performing and thriving at any level of the sport.

Jonny Wilkinson

I Am Capable Quotes #245560
#75. I want to mother the world, I thought. I have so much love.
Then - I have no business being a mother. I am a selfish woman.
Then - I can do this. Millions of women have been mothers.
Then - I feel very alone. I do not know what I'm capable of.

Megan Mayhew Bergman

I Am Capable Quotes #248673
#76. No longer do I fear. No longer do I let others define me. I know what I am. What I'm capable of. That I'm a girl ... a woman who will fight to survive.

Sophie Jordan

I Am Capable Quotes #250410
#77. For me, happiness is knowing that I am strong, capable, confident, secure, loving and compassionate; it is knowing that within me is everything I need to handle whatever life sends my way, and that not only will I be okay, I will thrive.

Barb Schmidt

I Am Capable Quotes #268601
#78. For instance, I remember someone asking Sophocles, the poet, whether he was still capable of enjoying a woman. 'Don't talk in that way,' he answered; 'I am only too glad to be free of all that; it is like escaping from bondage to a raging madman.


I Am Capable Quotes #269068
#79. I change my life when I change my thinking.
I am Light. I am Spirit.
I am a wonderful, capable being.
And it is time for me to acknowledge
that I create my own reality with my thoughts.
If I want to change my reality,
then it is time for me to change my mind.

Louise L. Hay

I Am Capable Quotes #298163
#80. BJP is a national party which runs the central government, and if I can take a decision on the future of all these parties, I must be a capable person. I am grateful that everybody is accepting my capability.

Sharad Pawar

I Am Capable Quotes #312396
#81. I am powerful and I am loving.
I have much to give to this world.
I am a person of worth.
I deserve love.
I am a capable person.
My life has meaning.
My life is unfolding perfectly.
There is plenty of time.

Susan Jeffers

I Am Capable Quotes #338218
#82. My secret is that I need God - that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, because I no longer seem to be capable of giving; to help me be kind, as I no longer seem capable of kindness; to help me love, as I seem beyond being able to love.

Douglas Coupland

I Am Capable Quotes #369023
#83. I hunt deer because they aren't capable of higher forms of thinking. All they care about is, 'What am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and can I run fast enough to get away'. They are very much like the French in that way.

Ted Nugent

I Am Capable Quotes #371211
#84. Another thing: despite my youthful appearance, I am quite capable of making decisions.

Lara St. John

I Am Capable Quotes #432037
#85. Empty in this dirt and flat on my back
both hands gripped tightly and widely around my bare neck
the truth of it all is i am very capable of love
it's just that im not capable of letting you go
and it goes, and it goes, and it goes, and it goes

Craig Owens

I Am Capable Quotes #433269
#86. I am perfectly convinced that I have both seen, and heard in a manner which should make unbelief impossible, things called spiritual which cannot be taken by a rational being to be capable of explanation by imposture, coincidence, or mistake.

Augustus De Morgan

I Am Capable Quotes #439643
#87. Unless I am both capable of and willing to reopen the wound every time I write a song, if I choose to not look inside myself to write music, I'm really not worth being called an artist at all.

Lady Gaga

I Am Capable Quotes #521974
#88. I am not afraid of death threats, but I am appalled that so many people are capable of so much wrong spelling and fractured grammar!


I Am Capable Quotes #523800
#89. I prefer to be accused unjustly, for then I have nothing to reproach myself with, and joyfully offer this to the good Lord. Then I humble myself at the thought that I am indeed capable of doing the thing of which I have been accused.

Therese Of Lisieux

I Am Capable Quotes #524565
#90. I know I am not capable of suffering more than I did during those few minutes of suspense in the dark, surrounded by those creeping, bloody-minded tarantulas. I

Mark Twain

I Am Capable Quotes #540888
#91. I am nothing. I was born into this world unloved and unwanted and I will die unloved and unwanted. I'm not even capable of love.

Reilly Castle

I Am Capable Quotes #553498
#92. I don't hate Dane Cook, but I am trying to go after people I think are capable of more.

Andy Kindler

I Am Capable Quotes #636705
#93. The human mind is a brilliant thing. Each person is capable of so much more than they give themselves credit for. I am only one mind amongst billions, though I still wish for my voice to be heard.

Danielle Taylor

I Am Capable Quotes #647881
#94. I love everything about Tyler Durden, his courage and his smarts. His nerve. Tyler is funny and charming and forceful and independent, and men look up to him and expect him to change their world. Tyler is capable and free, and I am not.

Chuck Palahniuk

I Am Capable Quotes #654272
#95. Naturally I am of the deeply felt conviction that it is quite nice, quite lovely to be capable of enthusiam.

Robert Walser

I Am Capable Quotes #656052
#96. I've always been an incredibly physically capable human being. I've always had good control of my body, walk a hundred feet on my hands, jump off rock wall and do a back flip into the sand. That's always been who I am.

Casey Neistat

I Am Capable Quotes #674678
#97. I am not capable of love. - Felix

Donna Galanti

I Am Capable Quotes #693450
#98. It may not be proper for me, perhaps, to let my feelings carry me further am therefore resigned to stop here, if sir, you think my particular reasons following too free, or will give offense to the House, which I would be sorry to be thought capable of intending.

Christopher Gadsden

I Am Capable Quotes #696165
#99. I want to release my soul from its prison cell, to silence the guards who tell me that I am not capable of living. Every voice that ever told me that I cannot achieve has, at this moment, become silenced. This cell is no longer my home.

Leigh Hershkovich

I Am Capable Quotes #714871
#100. I would personally not run down any cinema just because I am not capable of making it. Anurag Kashyap makes a certain kind of cinema; I make a different kind. But when we meet, we are friendly.

Rohit Shetty

I Am Capable Quotes #732706

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