Top 100 His First Love Quotes

#1. My dad was a musician, and that was his first love, and I think probably, to be really honest, it was my first love as well.

Kim Basinger

His First Love Quotes #74526
#2. He wanted to tell her that he'd learned a man could come to love again without betraying his first love.

C.S. Harris

His First Love Quotes #278049
#3. A man always remembers his first love with special tenderness, but after that he begins to bunch them.

H.L. Mencken

His First Love Quotes #450345
#4. Man is lucky when he gets a girl for whom he is his first love
a girl is lucky when she gets a man for whom whom she is her last love ...


His First Love Quotes #479831
#5. We blacks were the first people embracing Obama, long before the people at expensive fundraisers were supporting him. We gave him his first love, 96 percent of blacks voted for him in 2008. Yet today we are the number one in unemployment, with 16 percent of American blacks out of work.

Jesse Jackson

His First Love Quotes #697163
#6. She wasn't his first date
She wasn't his first kiss
She wasn't his first Video-chat
She wasn't his first breakup
But she was last all above
She was his first love

Subhasis Das

His First Love Quotes #1116474
#7. She had been his first love, so maybe, in a way, she had the rightful claim to his heart. Maybe it was like how when you stepped out of the grocery store line to grab bread, no one could really be mad when you returned to your spot. It wasn't cutting if you had been there before.

Brit Bennett

His First Love Quotes #1284039
#8. Was it hardness, was it selfishness, that she should ask me to risk my life for her own glorification? Such thoughts may come to middle age; but never to ardent three-and-twenty in the fever of his first love.

Arthur Conan Doyle

His First Love Quotes #1428713
#9. Everyman is thoroughly happy twice in his life, just after he has met his first love, and just after he has left his last one.

H.L. Mencken

His First Love Quotes #1445684
#10. Tia was his first love, but Dawn was Tia's.

Yo Loni

His First Love Quotes #1848631
#11. I love the predictions of a man right before his first child is born," Flowers said. "They're like little snowflakes. Right before the sun comes blazing out the clouds and melts those happy dreams away.

Michael Chabon

His First Love Quotes #7897
#12. His face contained for me all possibilities of fierceness and sweetness, pride and submissiveness, violence, self-containment. I never saw more in it than I had when I saw it first, because I saw everything then. The whole thing in him that I was going to love, and never catch or explain.

Alice Munro

His First Love Quotes #8981
#13. I love Neil Patrick Harris. I've always been a big fan of his - he was my first TV crush.

Christine Lakin

His First Love Quotes #16001
#14. It is impossible that one who has turned to the world and feels its anxieties, and engages his heart in the wish to please men, can fulfill that first and great commandment of the Master, 'You shall love God with all your heart and with all your strength' (Mt. 22:37).

Gregory Of Nyssa

His First Love Quotes #29874
#15. An obstreperous urge seized him. he desperately wanted to hold on to her, to support his slipping heart, and when it slipped away, he realized she had gone away, incarcerating herself in his thought with her smile and unblemished innocence.

Faraaz Kazi

His First Love Quotes #33309
#16. If you would conquer Love, he must be fought
At his first onslaught; sprinkle but a drop
Of water, the new-kindled flame expires.


His First Love Quotes #41823
#17. Thomas loved me. He needed me. Maybe I wasn't the first woman he'd loved, and maybe the kind of love a Maddox man felt lasted forever, but I needed him, too. I wasn't the first, but I would be the last. That didn't make me the second prize. It made me his forever.

Jamie McGuire

His First Love Quotes #49094
#18. Okay, time to play doctor."
Her entire body quivered, sending "yes please" vibes to her brain. Luckily her mouth intercepted them. "Sure, if I can be the doctor."
His mouth curved. "I'm willing to take turns, but me first.

Jill Shalvis

His First Love Quotes #51538
#19. Langston has been in love. Twice. His first big romance ended so badly that he had to leave

Rachel Cohn

His First Love Quotes #51863
#20. Twombly, frankly, was an acquired taste. I was not in love with Twombly the first time I saw one of his paintings.

Eli Broad

His First Love Quotes #77294
#21. Every man's first declaration of love is bathos
the zenith of his passion connoting perhaps the nadir of his intelligence.

William John Locke

His First Love Quotes #80631
#22. Listen to me, Ember. I couldn't hurt you. I can't." Hayden settled his eyes on me. They were softer than I'd ever seen. "I love you - I've loved you since the first time I saw you.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

His First Love Quotes #95775
#23. I wasn't always in love with Colton Calloway; I was in love with his younger brother, Kyle, first. Kyle was my first one true love, my first in every way.

Jasinda Wilder

His First Love Quotes #99360
#24. God's grace comes first. His love is prevenient to our response;his forgiveness awakens our repentance.

James Runcie

His First Love Quotes #100023
#25. It was in looking up at him her aspect had caught its lustre - the light repeated in her eyes beamed first out of his.

Charlotte Bronte

His First Love Quotes #125114
#26. I am light and stardust in his hands.

Sierra Abrams

His First Love Quotes #135845
#27. He was my light, my heart, my beautiful scalawag. And I was - I am - his GG.

James Patterson

His First Love Quotes #139350
#28. He was aware he did not love her. He had married her because he liked her haughtiness, her seriousness, her strength, and also because of some vanity on his part, but as she kissed him for the first time he was sure there would be obstacle to their inventing true love.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

His First Love Quotes #140880
#29. I define myself by helping others. This is what I do.
Those people who want me to abandon my husband are asking me to put myself first and to judge him. The poor man has been judged unfairly by others. Why would I abandon him in his greatest need?

Deirdre-Elizabeth Parker

His First Love Quotes #163205
#30. A woman findeth in her last lover much of her first love; but a man seeth his next-to-the-last love, alway.

Gelett Burgess

His First Love Quotes #174260
#31. one. Children of God! it is thus Jesus would have us to pray to the Father in heaven. O let His Name, and Kingdom, and Will, have the first place in our love;

Andrew Murray

His First Love Quotes #178260
#32. I realize we're not promised tomorrow. Believe me, I realize that. But if God blesses me and lets me stay, I love my life so much, it is such a good life. I am eager to throw myself at His feet, but I don't want to get on the first busload that is going.

Barbara Mandrell

His First Love Quotes #192147
#33. I joke with my kids, who love history, that I'll be the only governor to be elected twice in his first term.

Scott Walker

His First Love Quotes #199052
#34. They [his readers, whom he asks to be his friends] will find that I have always loved truth so passionately that I have often resorted to lying as a way of first introducing it into minds which were ignorant of its charms (Casanova, p.34, Vol 1 Preface).

Giacomo Casanova

His First Love Quotes #199960
#35. He hadn't lost Grace. Because she'd never been his to lose in the first place.

Alexandra Potter

His First Love Quotes #200533
#36. Our first priority in ministry must be love. Love for His Word, love for His people, and love for His appearing.

Sinclair B. Ferguson

His First Love Quotes #202357
#37. With the awakening of his emotions, his first perception was a sense of futility, a dull ache at the utter grayness of his life.

F Scott Fitzgerald

His First Love Quotes #209037
#38. She touched something deep in his soul. He didn't believe in love at first sight, but the thought of hurting her made his chest ache.

Jodie B. Cooper

His First Love Quotes #215218
#39. Hey, Max," I whispered. "I love you, too."
The smile that lit up his face was brighter than the neon lights radiating from the London Eye. But mine felt even brighter.
Like my future.

Cassidy Calloway

His First Love Quotes #224843
#40. What am I?" he asked. "I am Edmund Herondale, and, my lady, I am always and forever at your service. If you will have me." He smiled, and the smile was slow and devastating. In the dark narrow street long past midnight, his eyes were high summer.

Cassandra Clare

His First Love Quotes #253458
#41. She was few inches taller than him and when for the first time her promising eyes met with his, he knew it would be more than friendship. He was too young to name that feeling then. But love...above all relationships knows no age.

Viraj J. Mahajan

His First Love Quotes #255982
#42. We may be sure that it is the love of God only that can make us come out of self. If His powerful hand did not sustain us, we should not know how to take the first step in that direction.

Francois Fenelon

His First Love Quotes #262669
#43. And then his lips were on mine and we were in it, pulling away from the past and rushing fast into the future.

Renee Carlino

His First Love Quotes #263477
#44. The whole world yearns after freedom, yet each creature is in love with his chains; this is the first paradox and inextricable knot of our nature.

Sri Aurobindo

His First Love Quotes #268912
#45. I always used to love singing. The first song I knew all the words to was 'Girl of My Best Friend' by Elvis. My dad introduced me to his music, and when I got given a karaoke machine by my granddad, my cousin and I recorded a load of Elvis tracks. I wish I still had them so I could have a listen.

One Direction

His First Love Quotes #273751
#46. Some lovers were fortunate enough to grow old together. They'd grown old apart. She did not think him any less handsome. She only wished that she'd been there when the first line on his face had appeared, so that she could have stroked and kissed and cherished it.

Sherry Thomas

His First Love Quotes #273810
#47. It is well known that a man, when wooing a lady to be his wife, must first win over the females she most confides in - her friends, of course, and her sister, if she has one.

Anna Godbersen

His First Love Quotes #283496
#48. She was the wish of his life. He didn't know how else to say it. He didn't even know that he could really explain, just that every time he saw her he felt his bones might break under the weight of his wanting. His longing for her.

C.J. Carlyon

His First Love Quotes #283970
#49. They do love their pretty colors," grumbled Tolya. "Don't give me any ideas," I whispered. "Maybe I'll decide my personal guard should wear bright yellow pantaloons." For the first time, I saw an expression very much like fear cross his face.

Leigh Bardugo

His First Love Quotes #291575
#50. Thus ended the first and adventurous part of his existence.
What followed was so different that, but for the reality of sorrow which remained with him, this strange part must have resembled a dream.

Joseph Conrad

His First Love Quotes #308874
#51. Is it too soon to tell you I love you? If it's too soon, I won't say it."
His heart swelled to bursting. "I love you."
She pinched his ass.
"I wanted to say it first," she said.
"Fine, I take it back."
"Don't you dare.

Olivia Cunning

His First Love Quotes #328847
#52. He says, "I have loved you since the first moment I saw you. I wanted you then, and when I thought you didn't want me, I turned my love into hate."
"Ethan ... " Before I say another word his mouth comes down over mine and he kisses me.

Marianne Curley

His First Love Quotes #337050
#53. Blinded as they are to their true character by self-love, every man is his own first and chiefest flatterer, prepared, therefore, to welcome the flatterer from the outside, who only comes confirming the verdict of the flatterer within.


His First Love Quotes #346444
#54. If I stopped loving Him, I would cease to believe in His love. If I loved God, then I would believe in His love for me. It's not enough to need it. We have to love first, and I don't know how. But I need it, how I need it.

Graham Greene

His First Love Quotes #355546
#55. Jake's pulse quickened when he realized that for the first time in his life, he was looking straight into the honest eyes of love.

Loree Lough

His First Love Quotes #361958
#56. My mother says men are different from us. She says we want to be in love, but only with the one we want; a man needs to be in love, but he will love the first woman to tie a string to his heart. - Egwene, speaking to Elayne

Robert Jordan

His First Love Quotes #374925
#57. The love of a wife to her husband may begin from the supply of her necessities, but afterwards she may love him also for the sweetness of his person; so the soul first loves Christ for salvation but when she is brought to Him and finds what sweetness there is in Him then she loves Him for Himself.

Richard Sibbes

His First Love Quotes #375207
#58. Engineers are funny animals. If you tell an engineer about a problem, any problem, his first instinct is to measure it. Tell an engineer you don't love him anymore and he'll ask for a graph of your love over time so that he can understand exactly how big the problem is and when it started.

Phil Lapsley

His First Love Quotes #378039
#59. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I think he's right. When you kiss someone, it's the first taste of his mouth that will make or break your heart.

Justin Chin

His First Love Quotes #380753
#60. God would first, by this inspiration of his Spirit, have wrought in our hearts that holy love without which none can enter into glory.

John Wesley

His First Love Quotes #383312
#61. When she remembered a summer it would be this one. When she remembered love it would be his.

C.J. Carlyon

His First Love Quotes #387273
#62. He remembered well, with the curious patient memory of the celibate, the first casual caresses her dress, her breath, her fingers had given him ... He remembered well her eyes, the touch of her hand and his delirium ...

James Joyce

His First Love Quotes #393972
#63. Yes, God wants you to do signs and wonders. But the love of God manifested through you is what people really need. So you first must see His face. You must become so close to His very heartbeat that you can feel what others feel.

Heidi Baker

His First Love Quotes #395616
#64. He can't recognize when his own body needs to go to the toilet, but he notices the first night in fifty years his wife is not sleeping beside him."
Rupa shakes her head.
"I don't quite understand it, but that is a powerful love.

Shilpi Somaya Gowda

His First Love Quotes #403877
#65. After his first training session in heaven, George Best, from the favourite right wing, turned the head of God who was filling in at left back. I would love him to save me a place in his team, George Best that is, not God.

Eric Cantona

His First Love Quotes #404201
#66. Dustfinger still clearly remembered the feeling of being in love for the first time. How vulnerable his heart had suddenly been! Such a trembling, quivering thing, happy and miserably unhappy at once.

Cornelia Funke

His First Love Quotes #416209
#67. As always, the first instant he sees her, he can feel his heart shut down, the way you do in those first moment after impact, or, he supposes, when you're drowning. Love or panic. The two have always been fairly indistinguishable to him.

Jonathan Tropper

His First Love Quotes #417957
#68. Though his father had told him stories about it happening, until that fateful afternoon, Gavin Blake had believed that love at first site didn't exist.

Gail McHugh

His First Love Quotes #422714
#69. We enjoy hearing about God's greatness and his love for us, but we also need to think about his commandments - even if they are uncomfortable at first,

Children's Bible Hour

His First Love Quotes #454739
#70. I leaned my face into his palm and he looked at me like it was the first time he ever saw me. I felt my heart burst. I wanted him to kiss me. I didn't care about what he owned, or what issues he had. I knew if we kissed, it would change us both. Even worse, I wanted to say I loved him.

Mercy Cortez

His First Love Quotes #455344
#71. For the first time in his life he understood why the Bible called sex "knowing". Everything was different. Now he knew Dante. He'd known Dante. And wonder of wonders, Dante had known him right back.

Damon Suede

His First Love Quotes #455433
#72. Hey, where are you going?" His voice, confused yet curious, called after me. "Hey. Why didn't your mother name you Maybe, or We'll see, or What's-Your-Number? That way, we could call our first born Absolutely.

Linda Kage

His First Love Quotes #457166
#73. A person's life purpose is nothing more than to rediscover, through the detours of art or love or passionate work, those one or two images in the presence of which his heart first opened.

Albert Camus

His First Love Quotes #458225
#74. He kept wandering all his life until the day he met her. For the first time, he felt he should stop and never look back again. Everything else seemed worthless. Such was her magic.

Akshay Vasu

His First Love Quotes #460855
#75. They assembled together and dedicated these as the first-fruits of their love to Apollo in his Delphic temple, inscribing there those maxims which are on every tongue- 'know thyselP and 'Nothing overmuch.'


His First Love Quotes #467630
#76. The Female Orgasm. The Big O. That elusive, reclusive Loch Ness of the labia. Does it prove the existence of God, or just His twisted sense of humor?

Kirstie Collins Brote

His First Love Quotes #472057
#77. The only times she ever felt at peace now were at his concerts. Then she could sit quietly, watching him, and sate her heart. In his music was where he lived and revived, and where she'd first loved him. And she knew, always, always when she was there, that he played for her.

Vivien Shotwell

His First Love Quotes #476329
#78. I love it when he cocks an eyebrow whenever I say something he finds clever or amusing.
I love listening to his boots clomp across my bedroom ceiling.
I love that the accent over his first name is called an acute accent, and that he has a cute accent.

Stephanie Perkins

His First Love Quotes #478101
#79. Until Jesus Christ is the obsession of your heart, you'll always be looking to mere men to meet your needs that only Him can fill. Only when you make Jesus Christ your first love,will you be ready for a love story that reflects His glory.

Leslie Ludy

His First Love Quotes #481090
#80. He moved to her earlobe and breathed, "First, I will blow, then I will lick, last I will bite." Blake took his time blowing an elaborate pattern on her stomach, and Livia was pretty sure he'd spelled the word torture.

Debra Anastasia

His First Love Quotes #492157
#81. Love is a flicker. It's that hidden desire. It's the words you're afraid to say. It's stolen glances. It's the passive-aggressive hints. It's the mixed signal. It's the first brush against his hand. It's the first time you daydream about her.

Nessie Q.

His First Love Quotes #497517
#82. His heart felt dangerously full, for the first time in years. That dried-up battered organ, suddenly flush with love. It could kill him.

Maile Meloy

His First Love Quotes #503091
#83. If he wanted to hear about love, the first verse was his to sing.

Tom Rob Smith

His First Love Quotes #507704
#84. We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love

Madame De Stael

His First Love Quotes #516920
#85. Depend upon it, a man never experiences such pleasure or grief after fourteen years as he does before, unless in some cases, in his first lovemaking, when the sensation is new to him

Charles Kingsley

His First Love Quotes #527573
#86. In order to form a habit of conversing with GOD continually, and referring all we do to Him, we must at first apply to Him with some diligence: but that after a little care we should find His love inwardly excite us to it without any difficulty.

Brother Lawrence

His First Love Quotes #529631
#87. The touch of his fingertips on my back is like a great cellist brushing the strings of his instrument, or a watchmaker turning a tiny screw invisible to the naked eye. The feeling is erotic, magical, and I just want to go home and go to bed.

Chloe Thurlow

His First Love Quotes #531008
#88. Elena smiled and he had to smile back, at first just a quirk of the lip, and then a full smile. She was ... Damn it, she was everything. Witty, enchanting, brave, smart ... and beautiful. And he knew that his eyes were saying all that and that she wasn't turning away.


His First Love Quotes #544948
#89. Megan, I love you,. I will always love you."
I swallowed hard.
"Scared?" He asked.
"Yeah. How about you?"
"Even more than the first time," He said. "I know what it feels like to lose you."
Then he bent his head and kissed me.

Elizabeth Chandler

His First Love Quotes #547253
#90. Whoever entered the political realm had first to be ready to risk his life, and too great a love for life obstructed freedom, was a sure sign of slavishness. Courage therefore became the political virtue par excellence.


His First Love Quotes #555437
#91. Oh, gallant was the first love, and glittering and fine;
The second love was water, in a clear white cup;
The third love was his, and the fourth was mine;
And after that, I always get them all mixed up.

Dorothy Parker

His First Love Quotes #555978
#92. A father must lead his children; but first he must learn to follow. He must laugh with them but remember the ache of childhood tears. He must hold the past with one hand and reach to the future with the other so there can be no generation gap in family love.

June Masters Bacher

His First Love Quotes #560597
#93. First you must learn to control your self. The rest follows. Blessed is he who knows himself and commands himself, for the world is his and love and happiness and peace walk with him wherever he goes.

Robert A. Heinlein

His First Love Quotes #570421
#94. Remaining poor in spirit, combined with a first love passion for Jesus are the keys God created to anchor us to the center of His work.

Bill Johnson

His First Love Quotes #571188
#95. Christopher loved her with the passion of youth, of imagination, of poetry, of all the fresh beginnings of wonder and worship that have been since love first lit his torch and made in the darkness a great light.

Elizabeth Von Arnim

His First Love Quotes #573717
#96. And there, tucked in his soul, was the love he felt for Sabella since the moment he had seen her.

Lora Leigh

His First Love Quotes #576010
#97. When you see a person for the first time, you're not seeing him, but seeing yourself and your whole life in his mirror.

Debasish Mridha

His First Love Quotes #577718
#98. He was full of love - for himself, first, and his prowess - such a fine power at his age. Then, he felt a degree of love for her -

Norman Mailer

His First Love Quotes #582105
#99. The tent in which she first met him had smelled of blood, of the death she did not understand, and still she had thought of it all as a game. She had promised him the world. His flesh in the flesh of his enemies. And much too late had she realized what he had sown in her. Love. Worst of all poisons.

Cornelia Funke

His First Love Quotes #583869
#100. I remember the first time I heard a co-worker refer to himself as a foodie. It immediately irritated me. Was he implying that he appreciated food more than other people? That his love of eating was somehow more evolved than mine? Don't all people love the thing we can't live without?

Jessi Klein

His First Love Quotes #587440

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