Top 100 Sherry Thomas Quotes

#1. What is it?" she mumbled.
"Something that will make my kisses taste like chocolate.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #17118
#2. She felt as if she'd been hugging puppies all day.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #25520
#3. I like money very well. It is the means to independence and authority.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #55935
#4. There was no idiocy bigger than that committed by a man who believed himself the cleverest creature under the sun.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #56385
#5. Humans, herself included, held no
interest for her except as living machines, mind-bogglingly intricate, beautiful systems that
somehow housed individuals not quite worthy of the miracle of their physical bodies.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #106126
#6. The hero is a secret agent? Well, who gives a crap about the rest of his case once he has met the heroine. Time for moody angst!

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #131324
#7. You can live forever for me.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #142626
#8. This is the story of a girl who fooled a thousand boys, a boy who fooled an entire country, a partnership that would change the fate of realms, and a power to challenge the greatest tyrant the world had ever known. Expect magic.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #147955
#9. It was the beginning of the end.
Or perhaps, it was only the end of something that was never meant to begin.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #155199
#10. Now he could work her likeness into any story of his choosing. Now he could fight dragons for her. And now he could kiss her again.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #175437
#11. We are all going to die soon. Do you really wish to waste time being angry at me?"
"Yes. I remain an unrepentant optimist. If i see that I am about to die, or you, I will forgive you. But not until then, you bastard.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #175560
#12. Did you ever find yourself considering matters from the Chinese point of view?'
'It would be strange if I never did, wouldn't it? Everyone should be able to consider matters form someone else's perspective.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #196161
#13. I had this daft idea to come and bury the past. Except the past is not quite dead.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #215514
#14. Fortune favors the brave."
Another moment of silence. And then, Iolanthe found herself shouting at the top of her lungs, her voice nearly drowned by the bellow of all the rebels present, "And the brave make their own fortune!

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #222561
#15. She'd never thought of herself quite that way. She was more an idiosyncratic ignorer of established boundaries than a glutton for the new and the uncharted. But perhaps they were one and the same, each one implying the other.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #230378
#16. If all I have to do is remain awake to be considered romantic, than I can promise you a great deal of romance in our marriage.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #243963
#17. Some lovers were fortunate enough to grow old together. They'd grown old apart. She did not think him any less handsome. She only wished that she'd been there when the first line on his face had appeared, so that she could have stroked and kissed and cherished it.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #273810
#18. If God doesn't want people to lie, he shouldn't have given the best liars such earnest and innocent faces.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #274122
#19. For what is the Void but the beginning of Light? What is Light but the end of Fear? And what am I, but Light given from? What am I, but the beginning of Eternity?

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #288007
#20. Was it possible - was it at all possible that she could come out of her most desperate choice with a man as clever as Odysseus who looked like Achilles and made love like Paris ... ?

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #301426
#21. Every story must have such a terrible moment, or it wouldn't be interesting.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #317504
#22. He did not look like an archangel - if archangels looked as he did, there would be no women of virtue left in Paradise.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #320789
#23. I only speak the truth. I quite despise myself for these desires that run amok. But run amok they do. I daresay for the rest of my life I will dream of being fondled by you.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #330645
#24. There existed something in this world that bound a mage tighter than a blood oath: love. Love was the ultimate chain, the ultimate whip, and the ultimate slave driver.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #382641
#25. Love will make you weak and indecisive, remember?" she murmured.
What a fool he had been. For a journey like theirs, love was the only thing that would make him strong enough.
"Don't ever listen to an idiot like me," he answered.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #386892
#26. Alas, would that it were as easy to appease the heart as it is to satisfy the stomach.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #392265
#27. Love was not blind, but it might mimic a deteriorating case of cataracts.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #417515
#28. I will have you know that I have the brightest mind and the keenest wit. Why, people are often astounded by the perspicacity of my discourse and the subtlety of my insight!" He

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #432173
#29. The buttons on her back gave way as if before a Mongol horde.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #442393
#30. You don't know how to converse. Sometimes I think the spaces between the
stars are filled with your silence.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #452626
#31. You have been all my moments of grace.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #487164
#32. Then she spied the cauldeon, sitting upright at the very bottom of the crater, filled with the most beautiful exiler she'd ever seen, like distilled starlight.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #502376
#33. Why allow all the old memories to have supremacy? Make new ones, memories of such luster and beauty that, should the old ones come back, they would be pallid and impotent in comparison.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #514570
#34. Her jaw dropped. She grabbed him by the shoulders. "I think I have formed an attachment to you. You know, what the English call a desire to have symphonic concerts with someone at all hours of the day?"
He smiled. "And I love you too, darling."
-Lizzy and Will

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #517266
#35. That was how he would go on tormenting her, after his physical departure from her life. A baroque plan, byzantine even, a plan that both pleased and shamed him.
He awaited only the night, this one grotesque, terrible night.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #530006
#36. It doesn't matter where I am; I'm yours.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #556434
#37. At her incendiary words, he drove deeper - far deeper - into her, unable to help himself.

"So," she said, her fingers on his cheek, "now I've made you mine."

He took her fingers in hand and kissed them one by one. "You made me yours long ago, but now you finally claimed me.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #560618
#38. Perhaps unrequited love was like a specter in the house, a presence that brushed at the edge of senses, a heat in the dark, a shadow under the sun.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #602172
#39. You are the beginning of Eternity now, she said silently to Master Haywood. You have arrived at the end of Fear. And I will love you always, for as long as the world endures.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #603041
#40. You are asking me to give up everything for a cause that isn't mine. I don't want to be part of any revolution. I just want to live.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #691862
#41. How do you find the grace to face
the shadows?

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #707808
#42. He took a strand of hair that had fallen loose from her chignon between his fingers. The gesture shocked her, not because his self-control seemed to have snapped, but the exact opposite - it felt like a deliberate choice on his part.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #728948
#43. But you do not need to worry, Cooper. What is mine, I keep.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #735993
#44. Better be unromantic than thoroughly used and still poor.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #740785
#45. How did one deal with such ingrained cowardice? Then I realized that there is no such thing as courage in the absence of cowardice. Courage is also a choice: It's what happens when one refuses to give in to fear.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #743331
#46. He admired her surety. She knew her own worth and did not pretend otherwise for those who judged her on her parentage. But by refusing to tolerate fools and play nice, she'd condemned herself to a solitary path, both in defeat and in victory.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #770871
#47. Trust ran both ways. How could he ask her to trust him when he hardly trusted her?
He would trust her, in her love, in her strength, in her decency and fortitude.
And when the time came, he would find the strength in himself.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #781825
#48. There was no such thing as a marriage with one happy spouse. Both must be or neither.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #811312
#49. Because being in love does not give you any excuse to be less than honorable, Lady

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #845648
#50. Wintervale, by being so open, trusting, and artless his entire life, had made his more cynical friends hang on to their secrets. And in doing so, they had preserved themselves from the Bane.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #855387
#51. Just that I have loved you, even when I was nothing and no one to you, when you didn't know my name and barely knew my face.
- Leo

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #860654
#52. They all three threw up shields at the same time, Titus for Iolanthe, Iolanthe for Titus, and Lady Wintervale for them both.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #867663
#53. a drunk did not expect the bottle to love him back,and she only wished to drink him in whenever she could.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #882646
#54. How ironic that when they'd been married, she'd never thought of growing old with him.
Yet now, years after the annulment, she should think of it with the yearning of an exile, for
the homeland that had long ago evicted her.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #884561
#55. She was proud one moment, covetous the next, and then fearful the moment after that. It would always be like this, wouldn't it, being the wife of a man she loved but couldn't trust, whose true motives were as murky as the bottom of the sea?

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #908218
#56. She wanted to run her hands over him as he whispered the impassioned corollaries of non-Euclidean geometry.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #922998
#57. Or perhaps I've already despaired - and decided that while despair is fine as an occasional indulgence, it can't be served three times a day.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #944819
#58. Despite all her strengths, there was a certain brittleness to her. Sometimes she retreated into
her keep. Sometimes she ran away. But she did not forgive and she did not forget.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #984237
#59. Friendship is untenable for people in our position.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1055157
#60. I live for you, and you alone.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1140275
#61. So . . . you want me to fall in love with you, while you play kissing games with another girl?

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1168545
#62. If she hadn't been at peace, then at least she
wasn't at war with herself.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1193230
#63. A messy business, rescuing princes.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1244897
#64. I see you are still determined to not listen to me about not venturing abroad after lights-out.'
She sat down across from him at the worktable. 'I never listen to you when I know enough to make up my own mind.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1253542
#65. All your
emotions were so intense - your anger like daggers, your unhappiness a poisoned well. Even
your love had such sharp corners and dark alleys.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1263525
#66. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that you used to shatter easily. But
now you've become less brittle.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1264192
#67. I wonder now how we got by when you weren't here."
"I have no doubt the devastation was widespread, the suffering universal."
"Indeed, it was the Dark Ages in the annals of Mrs. Dawlish's house. Ignorance was thick on the ground, and unenlkghtenment befogged all the windows.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1284766
#68. He stopped and looked at her. "Your laughter is the same," he said. "I used to think you all sophisticated and worldly, until you laughed. You still laugh like a little girl getting tickled, all hiccupy and breathless.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1319166
#69. I will keep you safe, he murmured. He meant it. As long as he was safe, she was safe. But how long would he remain safe?

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1388407
#70. I often question your actions, but rarely your reasoning. And this isn't one of those rare instances.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1410016
#71. What stupid children they had been, to cause each other such pain and then to hold on to their wounds so fiercely. She

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1450700
#72. He was silent. She hoped she'd injured his feelings - assuming he had feelings to injure in the first place.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1458864
#73. You might be the scariest girl I've ever met," he told her.
"Let's not be dramatic," she said drily. "I'm the only girl you can remember ever meeting.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1469725
#74. Sometimes people change, said a voice inside him.
And sometimes they don't.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1486960
#75. But stupid things have a gravity and a momentum of their own; they crush good thinking and resistance as colonists with guns and cannons overcame spear-throwing natives.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1505620
#76. I won't bite, you know," he said. "I might lick, but I won't bite."
"I don't want you to lick either."
"I will lick only where you like, how is that?

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1509561
#77. His climax began gathering again, rising toward a point of no return. He didn't know if he could restrain himself this time: He was too close, too near to being overwhelmed.
She cried out, trembling exclamations.
He lost all control, his release hot, violent, and endless.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1511454
#78. Rain came down in sheets. It had been a miserable spring. Already he despaired of ever again walking under an unclouded sky.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1532630
#79. To the beginning of the rest of our lives.

- Leo

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1537000
#80. The entire point of life was the ability to make one's own choices. Foreknowledge of anything - especially the circular kind, such as Kashkari's presence at Eton because he'd dreamed of it - was terribly limiting and ran counter to the concept of free will.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1543744
#81. You overestimate the courage of those in power. They are often more interested in holding on to that power than in doing anything worthwhile with it.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1559553
#82. Her Leo, so bright, so beautiful.
And in the end, so catastrophically flawed.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1562345
#83. They say that when an elemental mage called forth flame, she stole a little from every fire in the world. That would make Iolanthe Seabourn quite the thief.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1573522
#84. That the loss of a man, even if he had been the love of her life, was not the end of a woman's existence.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1585963
#85. He was summertime itself, young, luminous, lit from within by rekindled hopes and reawakened dreams. And every beggar along his path - herself included - could expect redoubled generosity and kindness.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1603518
#86. He'd gone into their marriage determined that she would never be alone again. In the end,
she'd made him as alone in the world as she.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1617388
#87. He should not, but he cupped her face and kissed her. Because they were past the point when words were any use. Because he was once again afraid to die. Because he loved her as much as he loved life itself.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1630950
#88. There was a great deal of skill in her smile, a smile meant to make a boy who had done nothing with his life make him feel accomplis and remarkable-vile even.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1674433
#89. As long as I live and breathe, I will be with you.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1676494
#90. Do not undervalue what you are ultimately worth because you are at a momentary disadvantage.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1730626
#91. I beg you to exercise wisdom and restraint and remember that not all opportunities are created equal. Some are nothing but steps leading down toward catastrophe.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1734685
#92. Sometimes limbs must be re-broken to set properly, her heart too needed to shatter anew before it could truly heal.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1740411
#93. I love everything about her, including her talent for breaking my heart.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1753066
#94. Did the
two of you marry again? Please tell me yes. If he is my brother-in-law again, he is less likely
to kill me for what I did."
Bryony looked at her a moment, then leaned in and whispered in her ear. "He won't kill
you. He just wants you committed to an asylum.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1753656
#95. Some hopes were weeds, easy to eradicate with a yank and a pull. Some, however, were vines, fast growing, tenacious, and impossible to clear.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1760485
#96. Nothing," he said. "Just that I have loved you, even when I was nothing and no one to you, when you didn't know my name and barely knew my face.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1800007
#97. I always think I cannot love you more if I tried, but I always do.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1802118
#98. Some things are not meant to be, Leighton Atwood had said the night before. But if they were not meant to be, then why did the forces of destiny keep bringing them together?

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1802869
#99. I love you. I will love you until the end of the world.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1866253
#100. Never mind what a man says; watch what he does.

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas Quotes #1872625

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