Top 98 Have Always Loved You Quotes

#1. How much do you love me?"
She drew in a breath and let it out. "Too much."
"Too much is just enough for this man."
"And do you love me?" she whispered.
"I have always loved you. Always. You know that.

Delilah Marvelle

Have Always Loved You Quotes #274342
#2. They all have always loved you, Will Herondale, for you cannot hide what is good about yourself, however hard you try.

Cassandra Clare

Have Always Loved You Quotes #140602
#3. Sweetheart," Bill said formally, "I have always loved you, and I will be proud to die in your service. When I'm gone, say a prayer for me in a real church.

Charlaine Harris

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1613758
#4. I have always loved you, princess" Robin Goodfellow promised, his green eyes shining in the darkness. "I always will. And I'll take whatever you can give me.

Julie Kagawa

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1263935
#5. I love you,' Marius whispered suddenly, passionately as a mortal man might. 'I have always loved you. I wish that I could believe in anything other than love at this moment; but I can't.

Anne Rice

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1251641
#6. You're not asleep, and you're not dead. I'm here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away. When I told you that I didn't want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy.

Stephenie Meyer

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1239864
#7. I have always loved you ... Since the first day I saw you, and even more with each day. The loving of you threatens to undo me now.

Lisa Tawn Bergren

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1189700
#8. This is real, and I didn't leave you alone. I have always loved you, and I will love you until the end of time. Now, wake up and live.

Tammy Blackwell

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1156226
#9. My heart belongs to you,' He promised.
'Would you have loved me when I was a girl?'
'I have always loved you. Even before I met you I loved the idea of you.

Isobelle Carmody

Have Always Loved You Quotes #885196
#10. Be happy, Caro, because that's what you deserve.
I love you, I have always loved you, and where I go after this world, I will always love you.
Sempre e per sempre.

Jane Harvey-Berrick

Have Always Loved You Quotes #872156
#11. I probably have never done it right, but I have always loved you, Keelyn Foster.

Jay Crownover

Have Always Loved You Quotes #805578
#12. This time he could no longer hold back his tears. And with them came words that he'd never been able to say to her his entire life. I love you, Helena. I have always loved you. Wake up and let me prove it to you.

Sherry Thomas

Have Always Loved You Quotes #630926
#13. I love you, Silvia. I have always loved you. I loved you before forever began and I'll love you still after forever ends.

Melodie Ramone

Have Always Loved You Quotes #587837
#14. I have always loved you.

John Landis

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1091763
#15. I have always liked coming home and sharing what has happened that day with my loved ones. I like comparing notes. I know other people do, too. I think there is a human instinct to tell stories, no matter who you are or where you live.

Sarah Kay

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1135683
#16. You have the ability to write melodies and to put lyrics that mean something: to speak about life and what people are going through in their every day ups and downs, the good times and the bad times. Country music has always talked about life, I think; that's what I've always loved about it.

Jimi Westbrook

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1136322
#17. And the greatest lesson that mom ever taught me though was this one. She told me there would be times in your life when you have to choose between being loved and being respected. Now she said to always pick being respected.

Chris Christie

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1176235
#18. It felt great to be loved. Children... Children are a hazard to your life... As they'd got older they had become more expensive. But it was worth it. If she didn't have her children her life would be empty. And even though your children leave your nest, they always have one foot tethered to you.

Cindy Vine

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1204696
#19. I loved you yesterday i love you still I always have i always will.


Have Always Loved You Quotes #1230926
#20. When something that occupies a giant space in your life comes to an end, then you have to go through a mourning period. I loved 'The Shield.' It was one of the hardest and one of the greatest experiences of my life. But having said that, I'm always thinking about what's next.

Michael Chiklis

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1250885
#21. Your goodness to me has been overwhelming. How tender you are, though I am often as tough as gristle. How patiently you have loved me since you made up your mind to love me always.

Jan Karon

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1266761
#22. If you know you're loved, deep down know it, something deep and precious inside you will always be safe. If you don't have that love - or don't know that you do - then you're vulnerable. Unshielded. Exposed to all the hardness and horror of the world.

Claudia Gray

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1285916
#23. If you ever have to choose between loving two people, always pick the second. If you really loved the first, you wouldn't have fallen in love with the second.

Johnny Depp

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1317571
#24. I have always loved the competitive forces in this business. You know I certainly have meetings where I spur people on by saying, "Hey, we can do better than this. How come we are not out ahead on that?" Thats what keeps my job one of the most interesting in the world.

Bill Gates

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1021250
#25. Home is where you will always have a place, where you will always feel loved, and you will never be alone.

Janette Oke

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1364300
#26. He might have loved something else more, that's all. Look, love and respect don't always go hand in hand. You can have one without the other. But if you want my advice, you should always have both.

Karina Halle

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1131235
#27. It just means that when you screw up," Remi added, "you don't lose your place in the family. You might get a reaming, might be punished, but you'll always have a home where you're loved and where you feel safe.

Nalini Singh

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1118635
#28. I have always loved science fiction. One of my favorite shows is 'Star Trek.' I like the trips, where it drops my mind off, because they give you a premise and all of a sudden, you say, 'Oh!' and I'm fascinated by it.

Leslie Nielsen

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1106553
#29. You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don't have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success - none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here.

Ram Dass

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1056877
#30. Even when no one loves you, there is always someone to love, someone who needs to be loved. Always. You just have to look outside yourself.

Anne Gracie

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1054791
#31. Have you always loved yourself this much?"
"I had an awkward year in 'ninety-nine, but I got over it quick.

K.A. Tucker

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1046074
#32. My parents were lovely. They've always been supportive. When you love your child, you don't know what to do with someone who wants to do what no one else does successfully. If I had someone younger I loved, I'd be worried for them too if I didn't have guidance to give them.

Lana Del Rey

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1042666
#33. What I have always loved best about the history of the world is that it is true. That all the extraordinary things we read were no less real than you and I are today.

E.H. Gombrich

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1039793
#34. I always say, you never know how much your parents loved you until you have a child to love.

Jennifer Hudson

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1036233
#35. I've always loved you." A shudder worked through him, and he pulled her closer. "I've always wanted you. They don't have a word for how much I need you. Everything good I am, everything good I've ever done ... it's all you. You make me a king. Without you, I'm just another psychotic thug.

Kit Rocha

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1863071
#36. If something inspires you, try and hold on to that inspiration because if you lose that inspiration, what do you have left? If music is your inspiration and it brings you together with friends, family or loved ones and that's the core of it, then always have it. Always draw from it.

Charlie Benante

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1677369
#37. I'm of the opinion that it is always a kind and appropriate decision to get in touch with someone who's lost a loved one to remind them that you're thinking of them and have fond memories of the deceased.

Mallory Ortberg

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1860653
#38. Mortals have always exaggerated the difference between hate and love. Both come from the heart. You can never hate strongly unless you have loved strongly.

Christopher Pike

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1857214
#39. I've always loved fantasy. I think it's a great way to look at issues that we have in our own lives with a little bit of the pressure off, you know.

Alice Englert

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1848489
#40. i have known you
since the beginning
of time

the one
i have loved always
in spirit.

only just discovered
in person.

Sanober Khan

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1824963
#41. Everybody has a language or code that they use with their wife or their girlfriend or boyfriend or what have you. It's a language aside from the language they have with strangers. I've always been maybe an abuser of alliteration, but I've always loved it and I like how those words sound together.

Ben Gibbard

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1800164
#42. Was there anyone before you?" "You might have thought so at the time." "I feel like no one's ever loved me before." "I'm sure they did their best, but you always belonged to me." Monica Faulkner, Jonathan Drazen - Resist

C.D. Reiss

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1760971
#43. You have to see this," he said.

For the rest of my life, the men I loved or would love - it was always this way: *You must read/see/listen to/ think about this*.

And I would. Read or watch or listen or think. It was one way of becoming the person I wanted to be.

Suzanne Scanlon

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1757708
#44. But you are not afraid." "There are so many worse things than death," he said. "Not to be loved or not to be able to love: that is worse. And to go down fighting as a Shadowhunter should, there is no dishonor in that. An honorable death - I have always wanted that." A

Cassandra Clare

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1714379
#45. I've always loved plastics and rubber, and it's such a specifically unique material that you have to have the manufacturing abilities to make it.

Jeremy Scott

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1706615
#46. I have loved you every moment of every day, and I will love you until I cease to be. Bird, man, or king, I love you, and I will always love you.

Amy Harmon

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1684962
#47. I loved history in my school days, and I have always been a voracious reader. But in India, you end up doing MBA, engineering or medicine.

Amish Tripathi

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1391096
#48. When loved ones die, people always say, "Don't be sad. I'm sure they would have wanted you to be happy." I'm sure that's true. But let's be realistic here, people also want to be missed. It is every person's nightmare to leave the world behind as if they had never been there at all.

Esther Earl

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1647796
#49. I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good.

Garance Dore

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1628705
#50. And when I was young, did I ever tell you, I always wanted to get inside
a book and never come out again? I loved reading so much I wanted
to be a part of it, and there were some books I could have stayed in
for ever.

Peter Ackroyd

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1557957
#51. I have always loved Reese Witherspoon and Amy Adams as role models - I read all their interviews and agree with the fundamentals of how they manage the limelight and also how they look and carry themselves. A huge part of beauty is how you carry yourself and how you deal with certain situations.

Brittany Snow

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1489095
#52. I know this: there is no sense to grief. There is no pattern or shape or texture, and there are no books or stories which can lessen the pain at losing a person you have loved, and will always love. There are no rules, with loss.

Susan Fletcher

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1452492
#53. I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out of time.

Maya Angelou

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1441914
#54. Leo, I have another secret. I've fallen in love with you."
"I've always loved you.

Tom Rob Smith

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1440562
#55. I have to say I enjoy physical comedy and I've always loved to kind of take risks. I don't like worrying too much about how I look or how I come across, so that can sometimes ... You know, I like to play those kinds of deluded but fun characters.

Amy Poehler

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1411824
#56. Be always faithful to me, as I always desire to keep you in peace; and if there have been wiser kings, none has ever loved you more than I have.

Elizabeth I

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1406672
#57. A lot of people say if you can't love yourself, then you can't love others. It's always different, but I definitely have loved a lot in my life.

Melanie Martinez

Have Always Loved You Quotes #194763
#58. Always have a book to read, instead of indulging in vain conversation. Strive to learn English ... Remember this, that you cannot commit some loved sin in private, and perform the work of the ministry in public, with facility and acceptance.

Christmas Evans

Have Always Loved You Quotes #370153
#59. It was always fun for me, I loved baseball so darn much. By the hours I practiced, you'd have to say I was working a lot of hours, but it was pretty near tireless fun for me. I'd rather swing a bat than do anything else in the world.

Ted Williams

Have Always Loved You Quotes #343952
#60. You know I have loved him always.
But we are very poor.
Who, being loved, is poor? Oh, no one. I hate my riches. They are a burden ...

Oscar Wilde

Have Always Loved You Quotes #341168
#61. It is always a fool's mistake, Didier once said to me, to be alone with someone you shouldn't have loved.

Gregory David Roberts

Have Always Loved You Quotes #256446
#62. There's something to be said for going right into people's living rooms. I think actors have always loved that medium - you're right in there with people in their homes. A lot of very audacious work is being done on television.

Sigourney Weaver

Have Always Loved You Quotes #244519
#63. I loved 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.' I read it later as an adult, but I loved 'We Have Always Lived in a Castle.' And that brings you around to 'The Lottery.' You can't pretend - it's a lottery in which you draw a name and people die. That's a short story, but it's such an incredible short story.

Suzanne Collins

Have Always Loved You Quotes #241939
#64. On stage, it is a tremendous thing to be able to make people laugh. But one of the things that I have always loved is when I am in shows where you can turn the audience upside down and make them cry or move them. That is when things are the most rewarding.

Roger Bart

Have Always Loved You Quotes #234321
#65. Just know that I always have, and always will really love you, Lisa. Baby or no baby. Past or no past. I loved you then and I love you now.

A. Violet End

Have Always Loved You Quotes #209609
#66. And he loved you and your mom, so much. I'll always remind you of that, but I wish you could have met him. -Brandon

Molly McAdams

Have Always Loved You Quotes #200737
#67. I've always been a fan at home. That's the one joke I have with Sam [Champion]. "I've always loved you! I remember wanting to be you in grade school!"

Chris Cuomo

Have Always Loved You Quotes #196727
#68. Queen Paola and I will never forget the ties that have grown between the people and us during the course of the years. Thank you for your confidence, tokens of sympathy and support, sometimes even with a little criticism. We always loved you.

King Albert II

Have Always Loved You Quotes #415952
#69. If you haven't realised by this time that I love you, and always shall love you, and have never loved anybody else, and never shall love anybody else, you're a fathead

P.G. Wodehouse

Have Always Loved You Quotes #190936
#70. I have always loved contemporary dance, but it has always been a bit of a mystery to me. But choreography is very much like what I do when you are putting characters in frame on the page. It's so impressive what they do with their bodies. It's like painting: an abstraction.

Michael Leunig

Have Always Loved You Quotes #178116
#71. I'm happy to have L.A.M.B. participate in the PSP accessories show as I've always loved designing bags and accessories, It's all about creativity at the end of the day, whether you're talking about fashion, technology or music, and that's what my L.A.M.B. bags are about.

Gwen Stefani

Have Always Loved You Quotes #140242
#72. Might have been a time when I loved her too but you take that away and you'll always be the one.


Have Always Loved You Quotes #96743
#73. The ecstasy and completion of absorption in God is so fantastic that you can't possibly have lost anything because all the things you've always loved and always experienced came forth from there and exist there and are always there.

Frederick Lenz

Have Always Loved You Quotes #89034
#74. I have always loved to read, and now that I have penned 10 novels and a few magazine articles, I have fallen seriously in love with writing stories and seeing them go out into the world. It's magical, you know?

Dorothea Benton Frank

Have Always Loved You Quotes #65901
#75. Ain't you been listening? I'm YUSUKE URAMESHI... the same ornery dawg you've always known and loved. So I have a DEMON ANCESTOR! Big Deal! I'm still going To KICK Sensui's sorry butt! -Yusuke

Yoshihiro Togashi

Have Always Loved You Quotes #35147
#76. But aren't lovers always tempted to find another? You humans are lovers, yes? So you have this awful tendency to reject him who first loved you and follow after the intoxicating scents.

Ted Dekker

Have Always Loved You Quotes #31765
#77. Even if you forget everything else I want you to always remember that you are a person of value, and you have a friend who loved you enough to give you his most valued possession.

Bette Greene

Have Always Loved You Quotes #21923
#78. Now you comprehend your first and final lover / in the dark receding planets of his eyes, / and this is the hour when you know moreover / that the god you have loved always / will descend and lie with you in paradise.

Gwendolyn MacEwen

Have Always Loved You Quotes #733973
#79. It's ok to say you've got a weak spot,you don't always have to be on top.
Better to be hated then loved(x3) for what you're not.

Marina And The Diamonds

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1000069
#80. No matter what luxuries you have or don't have, life is always beautiful when you are around your loved ones!

Swapna Rajput

Have Always Loved You Quotes #990498
#81. Have you ever loved somebody?" I ask him.
"Does it always hurt so much?" I ask,
"When does it hurt?" he asks.
"All the time."
"I'm not sure that's love," he says, "You may be sick.

A.S. King

Have Always Loved You Quotes #978898
#82. And the answer is yes. I have loved you. I always have, and I always will.

Cassandra Clare

Have Always Loved You Quotes #962125
#83. When you dance, it takes a lot of stamina, but it never seemed like work 'cause I was doing something that I so loved doing. It was always a joy. And you know, to have beautiful ballets made specially for you is such an honor. I always said it was better than diamonds.

Patricia McBride

Have Always Loved You Quotes #931000
#84. No matter what you have done in the past, despite all your mistakes, you are still divinely loved and always will be.

Catherine Carrigan

Have Always Loved You Quotes #856079
#85. But at the time of transition, your guides, your guardian angels, people whom you have loved and who have passed on before you, will be there to help you. We have verified this beyond a shadow of a doubt, and I say this as a scientist. There will always be someone to help you with this transition.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Have Always Loved You Quotes #833475
#86. I have loved you from the moment you opened your eyes, and I will continue to love you long after I close mine. I will always be yours Aurora. I don't exist without you.

Nathalie Saade

Have Always Loved You Quotes #822560
#87. I'd have loved to have been a footballer. I was always playing football and I enjoyed it much more than tennis to begin with. It's more fun to play in a team, all the parents are there cheering you on.

Andy Murray

Have Always Loved You Quotes #787149
#88. I love you," she cried softly. "No one else, baby, not like this, not the way I've always loved you."
"How much do you love me?" he asked hoarsely ...
"You already know," she whimpered. "You're everything to me, everything, you always have been, baby ...

Madeline Sheehan

Have Always Loved You Quotes #741727
#89. If you know what you want to do, as I always loved musicals, and then to have been lucky enough to be successful with them, I think that's all you can ask isn't it? I think I don't really think too much about it. I am a bit shy socially, yeah, I admit that.

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Have Always Loved You Quotes #1006470
#90. In our old age my beloved companion said to me quietly one evening, You have always given me wings to fly, and I have loved you for it.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Have Always Loved You Quotes #651747
#91. Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves that you forget, truly forget, how much you have always loved to swim.

Tyler Knott Gregson

Have Always Loved You Quotes #639799
#92. I loved your world, Noah. It was a magical place, where there were stars and love, and there was hope. Hope. I don't think you know how it is not to have that. I stole some of yours. It was beautiful, but there were too many secrets between us, and I always knew I'd have to give it back.

Debbie Howells

Have Always Loved You Quotes #620697
#93. People can see a picture of my body from the neck down and know who it is because of my beauty marks or whatever you call them, moles. I've always had them, and I've always loved them. Obviously you have to be careful with that; I get them checked regularly and make sure that they're healthy.

Gigi Hadid

Have Always Loved You Quotes #608161
#94. How can you say it was all a lie?" I ask, just above a whisper. "Matt was my best friend. I loved him that way always. 'We have to look out for her.' That was the last thing he said to me alone. And then he died. What was I supposed to do, Frank? Tell me?

Sarah Ockler

Have Always Loved You Quotes #604073
#95. How have you always felt?" he wondered.
"Loved." Her eyes opened and met his. "Wanted, happy, excited. A little sad."
He felt himself stiffen. "Why sad?"
"Because it always feels like one lifetime with you just isn't enough.

Airicka Phoenix

Have Always Loved You Quotes #571971
#96. Everyone you have ever loved in your life becomes a part of your soul. They never leave. They're always inside you, and you can bring them out whenever you want.

Nate Kenyon

Have Always Loved You Quotes #517472
#97. I've always loved working on series. The crew feels like a family and it's nice to have a regular gig that you can count on.

Kay Panabaker

Have Always Loved You Quotes #508038
#98. You, whom I have always loved and never found, you whom I expected to see at the end of the rails beyond the horizon -

Ayn Rand

Have Always Loved You Quotes #500852

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