Top 100 Hair And Beauty Quotes

#1. Try not to laugh. To the girl with golden hair and beauty with no compare. Wait for me at midnight. Sit at your window, in your lovely pink chair and wait, my sweet. I'll find you there. C

J.B. Hartnett

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1393125
#2. Beauty is about perception, not about make-up. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on make-up, or dress yourself, or do you hair with any sort of fun or joy if you're doing it from a position of correction.

Kevyn Aucoin

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1214148
#3. His polish-black hair was so silky that my first impulse was to stroke it. That's what beauty does to us. Our first thought is that of the child. Touch it. Make it mine. But the child grows up and learns what happens when you reach for those bright balloons bursting with colour.

Bonnie Hearn Hill

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1219905
#4. The thing that surprised me the most is just how much money women that weren't rich were paying for their hair. When you're in a beauty parlor in Harlem next to abandoned buildings and somebody's paying five grand for a weave, that's a bit much.

Chris Rock

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1200147
#5. She was so beautiful and seemed so unaware of it. The wisps of blonde hair danced around her pink-tinted cheeks just as he had captured them in his painting. But even more devastating than her physical beauty were the glimpses he had seen of her heart and soul. God help him.

Melanie Dickerson

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1189538
#6. She would allow her hair to be loose, and she then would appear to me out of the corner of my eye as some blinding Valkyrie, some effulgent flood of a thing, beauty without no boundaries, burning at the edges of itself.

Jesse Ball

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1165909
#7. The odors of perfume were fanned out on the summer air by the whirling vents of the grottoes where the women hid like undersea creatures, under electric cones, their hair curled into wild whorls and peaks, their eyes shrewd and glassy, animal and sly, their mouths painted a neon red.

Ray Bradbury

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1145350
#8. If only-if only, Hastings, you would part your hair in the middle instead of at the side! What a difference it would make to the symmetry of your appearance. And your moustache. If you must have a moustache, let it be a real moustache-a thing of beauty such as mine.

Agatha Christie

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1139825
#9. Minute diamonds of moisture from the mist hung, too, upon Tess's eyelashes, and drops upon her hair, like seed pearls. When the day grew quite strong and commonplace these dried off her; moreover, Tess then lost her strange and ethereal beauty;

Thomas Hardy

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1136318
#10. People have the wrong idea about the hijab,: said Zuhra with a toss of her glossy hair. I wear it because I respect myself. And when the beauty is hidden the more important things rise to the surface.

Jennifer Steil

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1130157
#11. She has no idea how pretty she is - or what kind of problems her beauty will cause for her at a place like Blackcliff. The wind pulls at her hair again, and I catch her scent - like fruit and sugar.

Sabaa Tahir

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1128573
#12. Be like Grace: Wear large, dark glasses and a filmy scarf over your hair next time you go out in public. People will totally wonder who the mysterious beauty is, standing in line behind them at Blockbuster.

Meg Cabot

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1114612
#13. It was a woman
as pale and luminescent as a ghost, with swirling white hair. Ezra startled, dropping his pencil into the water. Her face snapped toward him. Her eyes were too large, clear green, and had horizontal, slit-shaped pupils, reminiscent of an octopus.

Elizabeth Fama

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1099114
#14. He sat there looking at her smiling and laughing, watching her hair fall over her eyes and she setting it back behind her ear, He turned away bowed his head down and smiled himself looking back at the sky.

Akshay Vasu

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1090963
#15. I'm normally fairly busy rushing from job to job, so have little time in the mornings for my beauty regime. However, this usually means my hair and makeup is done for me when I get there, which is great!

Poppy Delevingne

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1078956
#16. In his mind she lay at his lap with his fingers gliding thru her straight beautiful hair. He smiles and says your beauty lights up everything around you.


Hair And Beauty Quotes #1061017
#17. Everyone will say I'm insane, but I don't care, Rose. Is it insane to marry the girl I love? A girl with golden brown hair, with gifts of beauty and goodness and storytelling?

Melanie Dickerson

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1048914
#18. Natural Hair is an Exquisite Crown. It's a wonder and fascination to many. But to the confident Black girl or Black woman who's rockin' it, they know what they've been born and blessed with. A head full of unique, healthy beauty. NATURAL BEAUTY.

Stephanie Lahart

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1040344
#19. The wildlings seemed to think Ygritte a great beauty because of her hair; red hair was rare among the free folk, and those who had it were said to be kissed by fire, which was supposed to be lucky.

George R R Martin

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1038671
#20. I love the old Hollywood glam look: platinum blonde hair, the perfect red lip. It's very Marilyn Monroe and shows a pure feminine beauty.

Christina Aguilera

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1021156
#21. Today is a black day. Tomorrow it may be white. You may look beautiful one day, and not the next. It is not only a matter of other people's perceptions, it's about our own perceptions. We constantly change. Every day our hair grows, our nails grow, we grow older. Everything ends.

Chloe Thurlow

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1005441
#22. Between the innocence of boyhood and the dignity of manhood, we find a delightful creature called a boy ... A boy is truth with dirt on its face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Alan Beck

Hair And Beauty Quotes #945739
#23. The morning sun danced on her hair, transforming the brown to gold and reddish glints. An errant sunbeam angled over her face, dusting her long lashes with light, accentuating the perfection of her nose, her cheekbones, and the beauty of her complexion.

Karen Ranney

Hair And Beauty Quotes #920004
#24. Long hair will make thee look dreafully to thine enemies, and manly to thy
friends: it is, in peace, an ornament; in war, a strong helmet; it ...
deadens the leaden thump of a bullet: in winter, it is a warm nightcap; in summer,
a cooling fan of feathers.

Thomas Dekker

Hair And Beauty Quotes #909986
#25. My favourite beauty look is definitely '70s beauty - sun kissed skin, wavy hair and defined eyes.

Erin Heatherton

Hair And Beauty Quotes #903924
#26. Curled on my side, I snuggled deeper into the pile of furs lying under me. From the darkness, something growled softly and silenced the bird as a large warm hand soothed my hair. I sank back into my slumber.

M.J. Haag

Hair And Beauty Quotes #882609
#27. Fair maid, white and red,
Comb me smooth, and stroke my head;
And every hair a sheave shall be,
And every sheave a golden tree.

George Peele

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1418249
#28. And yes, even in the poor lighting, I could see that she was beautiful - in a deadly way - and that struck me too. Her pictures hadn't done her justice. Long, dark hair framed a face filled with the sort of hard-edged beauty a man might easily dash his heart against.

Richelle Mead

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1636200
#29. Cameron Diaz is probably my biggest beauty mentor of my friends. She knows how to do her own hair and makeup; she's really good at it.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1618959
#30. It is only necessary to behold the least fact or phenomenon, however familiar, from a point a hair's breadth aside from our habitual path or routine, to be overcome, enchanted by its beauty and significance ... To perceive freshly, with fresh senses is to be inspired.

Henry David Thoreau

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1612111
#31. She was a pretty girl, with a pointed face and blue-black hair. But she was an untidy, a dusty sort of girl, and you felt that in a few years something might go wrong; she might get swollen ankles or grow a mustache.

Mavis Gallant

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1606466
#32. I loved Belle in 'Beauty and the Beast.' I just wanted to be her. I'm a brunette, so I think I kind of cling to all those princesses that have brown hair. I just wanted to be them.

Kara Lindsay

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1605432
#33. In the outer realm, settlers didn't care about supple skin or glossy pink hair. Practical skills were the real beauty in those colonies, and for once, she would be stunning.

Melissa Landers

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1603675
#34. She emerged from the shadows like an apparition, and he was taken aback by her beauty. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected to chance upon such a vision of loveliness in those harsh and unforgiving mountains. Her beautiful face, long black hair, and slender figure enchanted him.

Alan Kinross

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1566191
#35. He sighed and bowed deeply. Sundari. I was standing here thinking nothing could be more beautiful than this sunset tonight, but I was mistaken. You standing here in the setting sun with your hair and skin aglow is almost more than a man can ... fully appreciate.

Colleen Houck

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1535146

Jenny Holzer

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1481315
#37. I think if I wasn't a singer I'd probably do make-up and beauty and hair and something creative like styling; I really enjoy it.

Jessie J.

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1467452
#38. Your product choices and styling techniques will determine whether you love or hate your hair.

Nicole Harmon

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1441461
#39. My bathroom is filled with hair and makeup stuff and I play with it all the time. What the real lesson is, is that you can own your own sense of beauty. It doesn't have to be something you get from somewhere else.

Tracee Ellis Ross

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1438248
#40. In particular I want to talk about natural black hair, and how it's not just hair. I mean, I'm interested in hair in sort of a very aesthetic way, just the beauty of hair, but also in a political way: what it says, what it means.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Hair And Beauty Quotes #882401
#41. She should have cut off her damn hair ages ago, but the long, dark locks were her one claim to beauty and she was vain enough to enjoy the compliments.

Jamie Grey

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1408474
#42. Eyes like amber cast in sun, skin and hair of firelit gold. Formed to war, courage as none, beauty to behold.' You are Reginleit the Radiant.

Kresley Cole

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1377811
#43. All of them are the same type; girls with overprocessed hair and too much makeup and way too much access to Daddy's credit cards. Girls who, if you took away the designer labels, hair dye and cover-up, wouldn't be more than average-looking, but with all that stuff look too plastic to be pretty.

Hannah Harrington

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1357204
#44. The new acts' major influences were movies and their curvy queens Brigitte Bardot and Marilyn Monroe. With their big blonde hair, ample breasts, and highly fertile hips, these bombshells inspired women everywhere to exxagerate their own voluptuousness.

Dita Von Teese

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1353164
#45. It was as if you could see into the sky, through it's layers and into it's core. Layers of stars, translucent blanket upon blanket. The beauty was overwhelming. The wind blew her hair, and she willed herself to stop, to breathe, to feel.

Deborah Rodriguez

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1337268
#46. Next to my green eyes, my blond hair is definitely my best feature. So, out of obligation to all the blondes before me (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, the many Barbies I have loved and tortured), I tend to spend hours getting it right. You know, so as not to let down the team.

Sarah Strohmeyer

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1284653
#47. I love glamour and artificial beauty. I love the idea of artifice and dressing up and makeup and hair.

Dita Von Teese

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1270421
#48. But it was something else, too, that I wanted to extend: the taut and pleasant silence in the car, the stale heat raising vapours of leather. The warped image of myself in the side mirrors, so I caught only the quantity of hair, the freckled skin of my shoulder. I took on the shape of a girl.

Emma Cline

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1265022
#49. Her dark hair was scattered and its beauty stung his eyes like smoke and ate into his heart.

Boris Pasternak

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1249784
#50. I consider myself someone who takes a lot of beauty risks, and I've realized what I liar I am. I change my hair a lot, from blue to blonde to bald, but I'm trying to branch out a little more with makeup.


Hair And Beauty Quotes #1246536
#51. Conformity has been a devastating thing. Its ill effects continue right to this day. Customers still look at the woman in the next chair and say, 'I'll have what she has.' That's all right for ordering at a restaurant - but not in a beauty parlor.

Virginia Graham

Hair And Beauty Quotes #1225069
#52. The girl with a moustache" they called me every now and then
"It's about time you wax your arms" those who "cared" said
I faced the fears of the dreaded thread on my face
To succumb every other week to the world's ways

Sanhita Baruah

Hair And Beauty Quotes #107201
#53. Who says that fictions only and false hair
Become a verse? Is there in truth no beauty?
Is all good structure in a winding stair?

George Herbert

Hair And Beauty Quotes #314682
#54. Adele's look is meticulously thought through and completely of her own traits. She has such a powerful beauty, such an emotional voice, and the kohl, the hair, everything feels organically molded to her personality.

Xavier Dolan

Hair And Beauty Quotes #279599
#55. People can graduate from beauty school and know everything about white hair and nothing about African-American hair.

Tracie Thoms

Hair And Beauty Quotes #277382
#56. In the light of the crappy little lamp, all I was looking at was a frizzy mop of blonde hair and a bare back with one big angry red patch on it, but Jesus fucking God she was beautiful, and if you don't understand that, I'm sorry for you.

John Barnes

Hair And Beauty Quotes #238883
#57. I went hunting wild
After the wildest beauty in the world
Which lies not calm in eyes, or braided hair
But mocks the steady running of the hour
And if it grieves, grieves richlier than here

Wilfred Owen

Hair And Beauty Quotes #238844
#58. Even her beauty had sharp edges. Her long ebony hair was cut like a razor blade. Her face was strong and fine.But her eyes. A milky green, they betrayed an air of vulnerability she seemed desperate to hide.

Laura Oliva

Hair And Beauty Quotes #221430
#59. I've seen knives pierce the chest,
Children dying in the road
Crawling things hooked and baited,
Rapists bound and then castrated,
Villains singed in public square.
Yet none these sights did make me cringe
Like when my Love cut all her hair.

Roman Payne

Hair And Beauty Quotes #200227
#60. The foliage has been losing its freshness through the month of August, and here and there a yellow leaf shows itself like the first gray hair amidst the locks of a beauty who has seen one season too many.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Hair And Beauty Quotes #194594
#61. People don't associate red hair, pale skin, and freckles with beauty.

Shirley Manson

Hair And Beauty Quotes #162542
#62. My toes are a total wreck, my fingernails worse, and god knows my hair could use a registered nurse.

Jack Bunbury

Hair And Beauty Quotes #139013
#63. And yonder sits a maiden, The fairest of the fair, With gold in her garment glittering, And she combs her golden hair.

Heinrich Heine

Hair And Beauty Quotes #119471
#64. Hallelujah"
"Your faith was strong but you needed proof.
You saw her bathing on the roof.
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you.
She tied you to a kitchen chair,
she broke your throne, and she cut your hair.
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah ...

Leonard Cohen

Hair And Beauty Quotes #107259
#65. I thought to be feminine was to give in to straight culture, or the beauty standard, but in my heart I had a flair for fashion and style. They were passions I kept secret because I didn't understand I could love clothes and hair and makeup and still like girls.

Beth Ditto

Hair And Beauty Quotes #324894
#66. I'm more attracted to glamour than natural beauty. The young Marilyn Monroe was a pretty girl in a sea of pretty girls. Then she had her hair bleached, fake eyelashes, and that's when she became extraordinary. It's that idea of what you're not born with, you can create.

Dita Von Teese

Hair And Beauty Quotes #93834
#67. I brushed it until it shone and looked somewhat like it used to look,
only far thinner, and less glorious.

V.C. Andrews

Hair And Beauty Quotes #77805
#68. His features were lost in masses of shaggy hair that hung on his shoulders; and his eyes, too, were like a ghostly Catherine's, with all their beauty annihilated.

Emily Bronte

Hair And Beauty Quotes #70001
#69. For too long, and despite what people told me, I had fallen for what the culture said about beauty, youth, features, heights, weights, hair textures, upper arms.

Anne Lamott

Hair And Beauty Quotes #69472
#70. Keeping her wild-honey-and-chamomile-soaked hair from falling into her oatmeal-and-yogurt face mask

Emma McLaughlin

Hair And Beauty Quotes #60595
#71. So, twice a week, I go to a beauty salon and have my hair blown dry. It's cheaper by far than psychoanalysis, and much more uplifting.

Nora Ephron

Hair And Beauty Quotes #50134
#72. As a society, we need to get lots more flexible about what constitutes beauty. It isn't a particular hair color or a particular body type; it's the woman who grew the hair and lives in the body. Keeping this in mind can only make things better. (341)

Victoria Moran

Hair And Beauty Quotes #34491
#73. Abstinence sows sand all over The ruddy limbs and flaming hair, But desire gratified Plants fruits of life and beauty there.

William Blake

Hair And Beauty Quotes #15837
#74. He must have been handsome when he was alive and was handsome still, although made monstrous by his pallor and her awareness of what he was. His mouth looked soft, his cheekbones as sharp as blades, and his jaw curved, giving him an off-kilter beauty. His black hair a mad forest of dirty curls.

Holly Black

Hair And Beauty Quotes #8803
#75. It's how you look at beauty. Is it only an outward appearance with hair and makeup and a hot body, or is it something deeper than that?

Hilary Swank

Hair And Beauty Quotes #6054
#76. Some of us teach ourselves and our children to love the superficial outer; our looks, hair, skin, clothes rather than the greater beauty that resides within whereas it is that inner beauty that really defines you and who you truly are

Rassool Jibraeel Snyman

Hair And Beauty Quotes #4298
#77. I know that I've got big ears and a big forehead and that my hair sticks up. But I'm happy with myself. I'm not necessarily trying to win a beauty pageant here.

Clay Aiken

Hair And Beauty Quotes #541440
#78. The morning sun on her white hair and pale face made her seem almost translucent. She'd been a beautiful woman in her day, with wide eyes, high cheekbones, and a long, thin nose. Sometimes you could still catch sight of that beauty, and it was like looking through enchanted glass.

Sarah Addison Allen

Hair And Beauty Quotes #793474
#79. Riley's smile saturated her entire face with beauty. This was the sister Maisy had left all those years ago. The sister with the full laugh and the face of an angel who was unaware of her beauty. Gone was the sister who pulled her hair back into a baseball cap.

Patti Callahan Henry

Hair And Beauty Quotes #769327
#80. Because I was really white and because a cruel fairy stepmother, who was understandably jealous of my beauty, had turned me into a too-big Negro girl, with nappy black hair, broad feet and a space between her teeth that would hold a number-two pencil.

Maya Angelou

Hair And Beauty Quotes #759105
#81. Women are walking around on the streets. From her calf and the hem of her skirt to her hip, from her hair to the high heels on her feet, a young woman is freedom. Especially when you look at her from afar.

Hwang Sok-yong

Hair And Beauty Quotes #700453
#82. We are often told we can't have brains and beauty, and I really hope that my message is that you can put on that red lip and curl your hair and put on that power dress - you don't have to sacrifice one for the other.

Tyra Banks

Hair And Beauty Quotes #677872
#83. My hair was probably a disaster and my shirt was still damp, but I didn't care. It was funny, I never cared about those things with Oliver. I didn't worry about how I looked. All that mattered was how I felt.

Robin Benway

Hair And Beauty Quotes #665116
#84. Beauty shouldn't be taken too seriously. Life is stressful enough! Hair should be creative and crazy.

Guido Palau

Hair And Beauty Quotes #660907
#85. I've put on makeup just for fun since I was a really little girl. Now I keep a look book for inspiration - with hair, makeup, beauty tips and products to try.

Allison Williams

Hair And Beauty Quotes #646861
#86. Spend lavishly on creams. Wash your hair with henna at the first sign of gray. Never spend one minute thinking about what you do not have. And most importantly, indulge in everything but love.

M.J. Rose

Hair And Beauty Quotes #603605
#87. If you hair is done properly and you're wearing good shoes, you can get anyway with anything.

Iris Apfel

Hair And Beauty Quotes #565024
#88. She smiled and combed my hair with her fingers. That was always her thing. She looked straight into my eyes and said calmly, "Your father was beautiful." She didn't even hesitate. I wanted to ask her what happened to all that beauty.

Benjamin Alire Saenz

Hair And Beauty Quotes #560677
#89. What's important for me is to find the right kind of girls who express a vision of a woman. We like girls who look smart and intelligent with natural beauty - a certain quality of skin and hair. And she doesn't look exactly like a model.

Christophe Lemaitre

Hair And Beauty Quotes #841807
#90. A lot of my hair stylists and my beauty team that I work with are gay so I hang out with gays a lot and I just think they're adorable and hilarious.

Britney Spears

Hair And Beauty Quotes #536995
#91. I am aware that men are in the habit of looking at whatever women happen to be nearby, in the hopes of deriving enjoyment from their physical beauty, their hair, makeup, fragrance, and clothing.

Neal Stephenson

Hair And Beauty Quotes #527391
#92. the remnants of her Georgia drawl always sounded a bit sad. She made him think of an aging Scarlett O'Hara torn from Tara's halls but clinging to her pride and, with the help of a beauty parlor, her flaming hair.

Richard Laymon

Hair And Beauty Quotes #521184
#93. ...Minnesota, Wisconsin, all around there... has the kind of women I liked when I was younger. Pale-skinned and blue-eyed, hair so fair it's almost white, wine-colored lips, and round, full breasts with the veins running through them like a good cheese.

Neil Gaiman

Hair And Beauty Quotes #490102
#94. I believe that true beauty comes from inside you and that always shows through. I have no problem with whatever the next look is, whether it's big blonde hair and blue eyes or green hair and dark eyes. That's fine so long as there isn't just one ideal image.

Alek Wek

Hair And Beauty Quotes #450235
#95. It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from within you - the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. This beauty will never disappear, and it is worth very much to God. Peter 3:3-4


Hair And Beauty Quotes #436332
#96. The media create this wonderful illusion-but the amount of airbrushing that goes into those beauty magazines-the hours of hair and makeup! It's impossible to live up to, because it's not real.

Jennifer Aniston

Hair And Beauty Quotes #413288
#97. A fine head of hair adds beauty to a good face, and terror to an ugly one.

Lycurgus Of Sparta

Hair And Beauty Quotes #386637
#98. That she is beautiful, an impossible kind of beauty, composed of all the wrong elements: white hair, the flawless but deeply lined skin, the freckles of age dotting the hands and face.

Sue Miller

Hair And Beauty Quotes #386104
#99. My mother was a beauty queen in her hey day. That's where I learnt a little about makeup and hair ... I had never picked up or even seen a 'Vogue' before I was 17. I had no idea about fashion, magazines, models or designers. No idea.

Kylie Bax

Hair And Beauty Quotes #366382
#100. I was always cutting my Barbie and Pollyanna dolls' hair. I lined them all up and put a cloth around their necks, like they were at the beauty parlor. Barbie was a real heartbreaker, but then all of a sudden, Barbie was freakin' bald. That was a shocker.

Cyndi Lauper

Hair And Beauty Quotes #353251

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