Top 100 Gospel Love Quotes

#1. I then wrought at my trade as a tailor; carefully attended meetings for worship and discipline; and found an enlargement of gospel love in my mind, and therein a concern to visit Friends in some of the back settlements of Pennsylvania and Virginia.

John Woolman

Gospel Love Quotes #1148368
#2. The reason I love Luis Palau is because this is a guy who is completely all about evangelism and reaching people and the lost with the gospel.

Stephen Baldwin

Gospel Love Quotes #1450919
#3. I enjoy listening to contemporary rock on the college stations while I'm taking long walks, love gospel and soul music, am fascinated by hip-hop and rap as the new kind of urban 'beat' poetry and, come to think of it, find something interesting about just any kind of music.

Oscar Hijuelos

Gospel Love Quotes #1493729
#4. The way I see it you can never learn enough about the Bible. You can never learn all the answers. I love the way the instructors present it and break it down to you. It's helped me greatly in preaching the gospel.

Frank Minis Johnson

Gospel Love Quotes #1449887
#5. I'm not really a country singer, although I did make a couple albums and love its simple, straight-from-the-heart approach, but I have always sung a lot of jazz, show tunes, pop tunes, gospel and blues.

Dinah Shore

Gospel Love Quotes #1445780
#6. I'm an old-fashioned girl. And I love gospel. I like things that lift me up, inspire me.

Whitney Houston

Gospel Love Quotes #1443971
#7. Almsgiving, according to the Gospel, is not mere philanthropy; rather it is a concrete expression of charity, a theological virtue that demands interior conversion to love of God and neighbor, in imitation of Jesus Christ, who, dying on the cross, gave his entire self for us.

Pope Benedict XVI

Gospel Love Quotes #1427973
#8. The music I love to sing would have to be gospel - it just uplifts me, it takes me to a really good place.

Jacob Lusk

Gospel Love Quotes #1416005
#9. It is not the balance in your check book that makes life count. It is the investment one makes in the lives of others.

John Paul Warren

Gospel Love Quotes #1415100
#10. Instead of attacking people, we need to love people. It lights a fire under me because it's a reminder of why we need the Gospel. Our hearts are so corrupt.

Trip Lee

Gospel Love Quotes #1357233
#11. Not seeing the divine glory of Christ in the gospel is blameworthy. It is not an innocent blindness, but a culpable love of darkness. "They

John Piper

Gospel Love Quotes #1344561
#12. Through the grace shown to us in the gospel, there is something distinctly Christlike about a mother's love for her child.

Gloria Furman

Gospel Love Quotes #1308146
#13. While the point of Christianity is not first to make society a better place, the call to do that is an implication of the gospel simply because the gospel sends us into the world to serve in love.

Matt Perman

Gospel Love Quotes #1302823
#14. To have peace and love in a marriage is a gift that is next to the knowledge of the gospel.

Martin Luther

Gospel Love Quotes #1270093
#15. People love gospel music. It's calming. It's soothing. It gets right to the point of whatever you're dealing with.

Yolanda Adams

Gospel Love Quotes #1252451
#16. I love good rock'n'roll, blues and jazz, gospel, and a little reggae.

Jerry Hall

Gospel Love Quotes #1234374
#17. The one and only Gospel waits to be proclaimed by everyone together, in love and reciprocal esteem.

Pope Benedict XVI

Gospel Love Quotes #1180275
#18. My refusal to follow my husband's God-given leadership hurts the gospel, hurts the name of Christ, and repels unbelievers from finding the real love and real life that is only available in Jesus.

April Cassidy

Gospel Love Quotes #1168677
#19. Loved once for ever loved: how surely sounds This gospel to me since I learned to list Truth from thy lips, mine own evangelist. What thought presumes to set now any bounds To Love whose being informs us and surrounds?

John Barlas

Gospel Love Quotes #1151506
#20. Success and failure, ultimately, have little to do with living the gospel. Jesus just stood with the outcasts until they were welcomed or until he was crucified - whichever came first.

Gregory J. Boyle

Gospel Love Quotes #1126865
#21. The Gospel does not abrogate God's law, but it makes men love it with all of their hearts.

J. Gresham Machen

Gospel Love Quotes #1122596
#22. We are the people of life, because God, in His unconditional love, has given us the Gospel of Life, and we are called to act accordingly.

Pope John Paul II

Gospel Love Quotes #1079878
#23. Hearsay, even from the people I love, doesn't equate to gospel truth.

Katie McGarry

Gospel Love Quotes #1046459
#24. Catherine de Hueck Doherty observes in The Gospel Without Compromise: The Gospel can be summed up by saying that it is the tremendous, tender, compassionate, gentle, extraordinary, explosive, revolutionary revelation of Christ's love.

Brennan Manning

Gospel Love Quotes #1044550
#25. The love of Christ to sinners is the very essence and marrow of the Gospel.

J.C. Ryle

Gospel Love Quotes #1026707
#26. Assured of your salvation by the unique grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is the heartbeat of the gospel, joyful liberation from fear of the Final Outcome, a summons to self-acceptance, and freedom for a life of compassion toward others.

Brennan Manning

Gospel Love Quotes #1022069
#27. If you will respond to the invitation to share your beliefs and feelings about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, a spirit of love and a spirit of courage will be your constant companion.

L. Tom Perry

Gospel Love Quotes #1652552
#28. I am able to separate the mythological aspects of my religion from the practical ones. Jesus, his sacrifice, the Gospels? Those are true to me. Angels, demons, burning bushes, Revelations? Primitive people trying to express the ineffable. I don't need to be a biblical literalist to love my God.

Thomm Quackenbush

Gospel Love Quotes #1876093
#29. I had been feeling that it was more important for me to understand how much Jesus loved me than it was for me to figure out how to love Him.

Jared C. Wilson

Gospel Love Quotes #1871927
#30. As to his gospel, Jesus Christ came into the world as the image of the invisible God to communicate to us that not only did we not need to be afraid of God, but that God is more for us than we are ourselves or one another. God's love is infinite, and unstoppable, and will win!

Richard Rohr

Gospel Love Quotes #1851121
#31. The gospel breathes the spirit of love. Love is the fulfilling of its precepts, the pledge of its joys, and the evidence of its power.

Gardiner Spring

Gospel Love Quotes #1832469
#32. Only in the gospel do you get the verdict before the performance. I love you. Now love me. I love you. Now you can love me.

Matt Papa

Gospel Love Quotes #1819815
#33. In a world characterized by loneliness and despair, we can reach out in love to those around us. Or, as St. Francis once said, we can "preach the gospel all the time; if necessary, use words."

Phil Callaway

Gospel Love Quotes #1809893
#34. [Forster] quotes approvingly from this discussion, from The Magic Flute [by Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson]
"Lord Buddha was your gospel true?"
"True and False."
"What was true in it?"
"Selflessness and Love."
"What false?"
"Flight from Life.

Zadie Smith

Gospel Love Quotes #1806866
#35. We believers do need to be challenged to a life of committed discipleship, but that challenge needs to be based on the gospel, not on duty or guilt. Duty or guilt may motivate us for awhile, but only a sense of Christ's love for us will motivate us for a lifetime.

Jerry Bridges

Gospel Love Quotes #1730410
#36. To believe in the truth of Christ is to be introduced to another form of hatred, and that is not sharing Him.

Criss Jami

Gospel Love Quotes #1727162
#37. When you love the Lord, you long to glorify Him and see the nations fall at His feet in worship. When you love your neighbor as yourself, you share the gospel with him and seek to meet his needs in every way you can, which includes seeing him fall at Jesus' feet in thanksgiving for salvation.

David Sills

Gospel Love Quotes #1723945
#38. I know these two weeks have been God walking right into my life like he has flesh and Kool-Aid coloured hair. The gospel according to Bodee Lennox. His safety. His protection. And love.

Courtney C. Stevens

Gospel Love Quotes #1687486
#39. Music is very powerful and can make you feel whatever it is. If you listen to gospel, you're going to feel thankful, and you're going to want to call up people that you hate and tell them that you love them. When you listen to sexual music, it gets you in the mood.

R. Kelly

Gospel Love Quotes #1672383
#40. Let us remain with Christ - abiding in Christ - and let us always try to be one with him. Let us follow him; let us imitate him in his movement of love, in his going forth to meet humanity. Let us go forth and open doors. Let us have the audacity to mark out new paths for proclaiming the Gospel.

Pope Francis

Gospel Love Quotes #1017561
#41. Friends and family are vitally important for an individual who is struggling to return to the gospel path. Those around such a person must refrain from judging. They must do all they can to show love.

M. Russell Ballard

Gospel Love Quotes #1636739
#42. The gospel frees us from demanding our own way, because nothing we desire to obtain is worth sinning against such love and kindness.

Elyse M. Fitzpatrick

Gospel Love Quotes #1634703
#43. The gospel of God and the love of God are expressed finally and fully in God's gift of himself for our everlasting pleasure. "In your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

John Piper

Gospel Love Quotes #1627861
#44. Marx and Freud are the two great destroyers of Christian civilization, the first replacing the gospel of love by the gospel of hate, the other undermining the essential concept of human responsibility.

Malcolm Muggeridge

Gospel Love Quotes #1615264
#45. When we live the love of the Gospel out loud, a revolution will occur,

Natalie Grant

Gospel Love Quotes #1615074
#46. Rock and roll came in and changed my life and changed the whole music scene forever, and then I grew to love R&B and Motown and all black music, gospel music. But I never dismiss any form of music. I listen to everything.

Elton John

Gospel Love Quotes #1601348
#47. When the people in a church dwell together in the unity of the gospel and together pursue the building up of one another in love, they are providing fertile soil for the roots of deep joy. But

Matt Chandler

Gospel Love Quotes #1578552
#48. Religion poses a danger of creating division or intolerance between groups of people. However, the gospel of Jesus lead us to three things: humble service, reconciling behavior that is neither patronizing nor self-righteous, and a love toward people who hold different beliefs than we do.

Timothy Keller

Gospel Love Quotes #1557034
#49. The gospel makes us extrospective, turning our gaze upward to God in faith and outward to our neighbor in love.

Michael S. Horton

Gospel Love Quotes #1548061
#50. The only people who get better are people who know that, if they never get better, God will love them anyway.

Steve Brown

Gospel Love Quotes #1512374
#51. The gospel is one of harmony, unity, and agreement. It must be presented in love, and with glad tidings, by those who are calm.

Marvin J. Ashton

Gospel Love Quotes #1508375
#52. If the Gospel of Jesus is relational, that is, if our brokenness will be fixed not by our understanding of theology but by God telling us who we are, then this would require a kind of intimacy of which only Heaven knows.

Donald Miller

Gospel Love Quotes #199744
#53. I know of nothing that brings greater joy to the human heart than laboring at home or abroad for the salvation of the souls of men. I know of nothing which gives us a greater love of all that is good, than teaching this Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Heber J. Grant

Gospel Love Quotes #552805
#54. The true gospel of Jesus Christ never led to bigotry. It never led to self-righteousn ess. It never led to arrogance. The true gospel of Jesus Christ leads to brotherhood, to friendship, to appreciation of others, to respect and kindness and love

Gordon B. Hinckley

Gospel Love Quotes #492949
#55. Now comes the really amazing part. What is offered to the world, to everyone who hears the gospel, is not a love or saving achievement designed for all and therefore especially for no one; but rather, what is offered is the absolute fullness of all that Christ achieved for his elect.

John Piper

Gospel Love Quotes #460198
#56. How Religion Works: If I obey, then God will love and accept me. The Gospel: I'm loved and accepted, therefore I wish to obey.

Timothy Keller

Gospel Love Quotes #421344
#57. Acting for me was the gospel, the love of the spoken word.

Jeanne Moreau

Gospel Love Quotes #404138
#58. In a few years all our restless and angry hearts will be quiet in death, but those who come after us will live in the world which our sins have blighted or which our love of right has redeemed.

Walter Rauschenbusch

Gospel Love Quotes #387977
#59. For Foucauld and the Little Brothers, life in the desert was not a flight from the world but rather a school of love and prayer to learn to enter more deeply into humanity. Their goal was to shout the gospel not so much with their mouths as with their lives.

Brennan Manning

Gospel Love Quotes #371268
#60. Those who love the Gospel will love to be stirred by its truth all over again.

Alistair Begg

Gospel Love Quotes #354125
#61. gospel grief." It works like this: if Christ had to die for my sins, then no matter what their effect on others or me, the greatest effect was on Christ, and I mourn the fact that I have sinned against such love.

R. W. Glenn

Gospel Love Quotes #308408
#62. It is a doctrine of satan that men are no longer terrified by the law and have replaced it with a gospel of love and grace ONLY!

Martin Luther

Gospel Love Quotes #305570
#63. There is nothing so great or so goodly in creation, but that it is a mean symbol of the gospel of Christ, and of the things He has prepared for them that love Him.

John Ruskin

Gospel Love Quotes #208045
#64. At the heart of the gospel is a God who deliberately surrenders to the wild, irresistable power of love.

Philip Yancey

Gospel Love Quotes #200418
#65. Children should be able to see the Gospel modeled in the way their father loves their mother with a sacrificial love ...

Alistair Begg

Gospel Love Quotes #578827
#66. By striving to prove how much they deserve God's love, legalists miss the whole point of the gospel, that it is a gift from God to people who don't deserve it. The solution to sin is not to impose an ever-stricter code of behavior. It is to know God.

Philip Yancey

Gospel Love Quotes #198057
#67. The gospel declares, because of Christ's finished work for you, you already have all the approval, all the security, all the love, all the worth, and all the rescue you long for and that you desperately look for in a thousand places, all of which are infinitely smaller than Jesus.

Tullian Tchividjian

Gospel Love Quotes #150630
#68. God will save whomever He chooses to save. The Christian should proselytize not because he thinks he can change everybody; he should proselytize because the Gospel being shared is the ultimate act of love: because he thinks he can love everybody.

Criss Jami

Gospel Love Quotes #130749
#69. The goal of the gospel is to produce a type of people consumed with passion for God an love for others.

J.D. Greear

Gospel Love Quotes #119900
#70. Spreading the Gospel means that we are the first to proclaim and live the reconciliation, forgiveness, peace, unity, and love that the Holy Spirit gives us.

Pope Francis

Gospel Love Quotes #106516
#71. I feel about John ['s gospel] like I feel about my wife; I love her very much, but I wouldn't claim to understand her.
(Following Jesus, p. 27.)

N. T. Wright

Gospel Love Quotes #100039
#72. I'm embracing new technology to record my songs, and it's a wonderful way to interact with people who love Whitesnake and help spread the gospel of the 'Snake, and I'm having fun doing it.

David Coverdale

Gospel Love Quotes #92064
#73. Marriage is not mainly about being or staying in love. It's mainly about telling the truth with our lives. It's about portraying something true about Jesus Christ and the way He relates to his people. It is about showing in real life the glory of the gospel.

John Piper

Gospel Love Quotes #89328
#74. The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.

Timothy Keller

Gospel Love Quotes #84176
#75. O that we would so love the gospel and have so much compassion for lost people that tribulation and distress and persecution and famine and nakedness and danger and sword and gun and terrorist would turn us not into fearful complainers, but bold heralds of good news.

John Piper

Gospel Love Quotes #49938
#76. It is only a matter of time till the reality of the rest of the world comes home. And all the while we are called by Christ to go to them, love them, sacrifice for them, bring the gospel to them. The Great Commission is not child's play. It is costly. Very costly.

John Piper

Gospel Love Quotes #24935
#77. We must help young women immerse themselves in a selfless work, perhaps receiving little public praise or attention. Instead, they must feel the Lord's great love for them and their efforts through the influence of the Holy Ghost.

Neill F. Marriott

Gospel Love Quotes #801268
#78. The power of God has never left His Word; it is just that we have prevented it from reaching its intended destination. The more we "feast" and partake of the Word of God, the "fatter" we get; and without releasing it to our neighbors, the more slothful and content we become.

E'yen A. Gardner

Gospel Love Quotes #945167
#79. If there's one thing I love, its people who wear their failures on their sleeve. And go on to teach the unspoken/spoken gospel of what not to do. And who still maintain that it CAN be done, and aren't going around preaching defeat to those who are still eager to try.

Njabulo P. Vilakazi

Gospel Love Quotes #939269
#80. Communist propaganda would sometimes include statements such as "we include almost all the commandments of the Gospel in our ideology". The difference is that the Gospel asks all this to be achieved through love, through self-limitation, but socialism only uses coercion. This is one point.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Gospel Love Quotes #928496
#81. There is nothing better - nothing - than knowing that the risen Christ lives right now in heaven, singing over his people - singing over me - with love.

Reggie M. Kidd

Gospel Love Quotes #905124
#82. Before all else, the Gospel invites us to respond to the God of love who saves us, to see God in others and to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others.

Pope Francis

Gospel Love Quotes #896519
#83. The church would betray its own love for God and its fidelity to the gospel if it stopped being ... a defender of the rights of the poor ... a humanizer of every legitimate struggle to achieve a more just society ... that prepares the way for the true reign of God in history.

Oscar Romero

Gospel Love Quotes #895068
#84. One of the greatest blessings we can offer to the world is the power of a Christ-centered home where the gospel is taught, covenants are kept, and love abounds.

Richard G. Scott

Gospel Love Quotes #881054
#85. It will make a weak man mighty. it will make a mighty man fall. It will fill your heart and hands or leave you with nothing at all. It's the eyes for the blind and legs for the lame. It is the love for hate and pride for shame. That's the power of the gospel.

Ben Harper

Gospel Love Quotes #856518
#86. Legalism says God will love us if we change. The gospel says God will change us because He loves us.

Tullian Tchividjian

Gospel Love Quotes #842248
#87. There is a gap between our love for the gospel and our love for godliness. This must change. It's not pietism, legalism, or fundamentalism to take holiness seriously. It's the way of all those who have been called to a holy calling by a holy God.

Kevin DeYoung

Gospel Love Quotes #839491
#88. If my activism, however well-motivated, drives out love, then I have misunderstood Jesus' gospel. I am stuck with law, not the gospel of grace.

Philip Yancey

Gospel Love Quotes #835245
#89. If the Gospel and the Apostles may be credited, no man can be a Christian without charity, and without that faith which works, not by force, but by love.

John Locke

Gospel Love Quotes #965150
#90. May God give us spiritual eyes to see the difference between the man made gospel and Jesus Christ gospel. May He give us spiritual ears to hear His distinctive voice of love clearly. May He give us the heart to embrace His word with a great understanding, especially in this era of end times turmoil.

Euginia Herlihy

Gospel Love Quotes #791567
#91. As children of God, knowing of His great love and His ultimate knowledge of what is best for our eternal welfare, we trust in Him. The first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and faith means trust.

Dallin H. Oaks

Gospel Love Quotes #746734
#92. For love is of God. He is the fountain, author, parent, and commander of love; it is the sum of his law and gospel:

Matthew Henry

Gospel Love Quotes #738295
#93. If there is any truth in Scripture at all, this is true - that those who stubbornly refuse to submit to the gospel, and to love and obey Jesus Christ, incur at the Last Advent an infinite and irreparable loss. They will pass into a night on which no morning dawns.

David Platt

Gospel Love Quotes #727626
#94. The mission of Jesus Christ should reside within all of our hearts: to love one another and to expand his gospel, furthering the Kingdom of God.

Kimberly L. Willis

Gospel Love Quotes #707563
#95. The manliness of Christian love, and the putting away from ourselves of all fear, because we are " perfected in love," is one of the highest lessons that the gospel teaches us, and one of the greatest things which the gospel gives us.

Alexander MacLaren

Gospel Love Quotes #673830
#96. Don't let anyone charge you for what God has freely given.

Paul Ellis

Gospel Love Quotes #669443
#97. Do I take the Gospel message of reconciliation and love into the places where I live and work?

Pope Francis

Gospel Love Quotes #664758
#98. I have decided to denounce communism, though I love the Communists. I don't find it to be right to preach the gospel without denouncing communism.

Richard Wurmbrand

Gospel Love Quotes #664004
#99. For I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38


Gospel Love Quotes #623693
#100. Not being changed by prayer is sort of life standing in the middle of a spring rain without getting wet. It's hard to stand in the center of God's acceptance and love without getting it all over you.

Steve Brown

Gospel Love Quotes #620108

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