Top 100 Friend Will Quotes

#1. As a general thing anyone who is not your friend will advise neutrality while anyone who is your friend will ask you to join him, weapon in hand.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Friend Will Quotes #33955
#2. A man that knows how to be a friend will always find a friend when he needs one.

David Mark Brown

Friend Will Quotes #104456
#3. Someone you considered a friend will kick you to the curb because you stop hanging out so much with the fellas to be with your girlfriend. Prioritize your relationships and you will discover who your real friends are.

T.D. Jakes

Friend Will Quotes #128002
#4. A best friend will stand beside you when other will not.

Santonu Kumar Dhar

Friend Will Quotes #129089
#5. A friend will help you if someone knocks you down. A best friend will pick up a bat and say, Stay down. I got this.

Darynda Jones

Friend Will Quotes #144059
#6. You'll reach into your wallet to brandish a photograph of a new puppy, and a friend will say, 'Oh, no - not pictures.'

Caroline Knapp

Friend Will Quotes #146664
#7. A good friend will bail you out of jail.
A best friend will be sitting next to you
Saying, 'Damn. We fucked up.

Cheyenne McCray

Friend Will Quotes #148880
#8. Strangers will show you the way

But a true friend will escort you,

to your destination.

1st November, 2006

Tushar Mangl

Friend Will Quotes #158715
#9. Brave and generous friend, will you let me ask you one last question? I am very ignorant, and it troubles me - just a little.

Charles Dickens

Friend Will Quotes #159669
#10. I've been thinking. You'd better be my bridesmaid, since you gave me the idea that led to this whole farce. It's a horrible job, I'm sure, so you deserve it. Plus, you're my friend. Will you do it?

Jayne Bauling

Friend Will Quotes #161301
#11. A good friend will help you up when you fall. A best friend will laugh and try to trip you again.
- I'm not sure

Tamora Pierce

Friend Will Quotes #169691
#12. Your true friend is the one who will never walk away in your time of need.
Regardless of the situation, time or location, your true friend will stand by you

Ellen J. Barrier

Friend Will Quotes #208674
#13. Ye know what me Sean used to say, God rest his soul? He said, 'A friend will help ye move, Katie, but a really good friend will help ye move a body.

Kevin Hearne

Friend Will Quotes #216300
#14. A good friend will find time on his calendar, a great friend never checks.

Jeffrey Fry

Friend Will Quotes #219277
#15. A book, unlike any other friend, will wait, not only upon the hour but upon the mood.

Myrtle Reed

Friend Will Quotes #219696
#16. Conversation with a friend will only bear good fruit of knowledge when both think only of the matter under consideration and forget that they are friends.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friend Will Quotes #293262
#17. A friend will tell you she saw your old boyfriend - and he's a priest.

Erma Bombeck

Friend Will Quotes #321404
#18. But every well has a bottom and finally your friend will come to the end of what he has to tell you:

W. Somerset Maugham

Friend Will Quotes #423227
#19. I thought [when I was 16] my days were just going to be spent hanging out on a beach and my girlfriend was going to be Miss Teen USA and my best friend will be a dolphin.

Aasif Mandvi

Friend Will Quotes #453365
#20. An enemy will agree, but a friend will argue - Russian Proverb

Rachel Van Dyken

Friend Will Quotes #462684
#21. A man who is afraid of death will be afraid of life also, because life brings death. If you are afraid of the enemy and you close your door, the friend will also be prohibited.


Friend Will Quotes #521889
#22. A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'!

Kate Angell

Friend Will Quotes #602462
#23. Either be a true friend or a mere stranger: a true friend will delight to do good
a mere stranger will do no harm.

Benjamin Whichcote

Friend Will Quotes #604412
#24. Thus it will always happen that he who is not your friend will demand your neutrality, whilst he who is your friend will entreat you to declare yourself with arms.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Friend Will Quotes #609165
#25. I haven't seen much but the one thing life has taught me so far is at least one out of every ten friend will not be jealous of your success.

Nikhil Kushwaha

Friend Will Quotes #630515
#26. Time, the cradle of hope ... Wisdom walks before it, opportunity with it, and repentance behind it: he that has made it his friend will have little to fear from his enemies, but he that has made it his enemy will have little to hope from his friends.

Charles Caleb Colton

Friend Will Quotes #650023
#27. A real friend will not visit you in prosperity unless he is invited, but when you are in adversity he will call without invitation.

Herbert V. Prochnow

Friend Will Quotes #656610
#28. Your noble friend will not accept pretension but will gently and very firmly confront you with your own blindness. Such friendship is creative and critical; it is willing to negotiate awkward and uneven territories of contradiction and woundedness.

John O'Donohue

Friend Will Quotes #671281
#29. A true friend will never lead you to do something hurtful towards yourself or others but will help out with good things towards you

Timothy Pina

Friend Will Quotes #671971
#30. Well, on some level, it's similar to the psychological phenomenon of helplessness, where the will to try is lost. You get to the point where you just assume that your spontaneous call to a friend will go to voicemail or an assistant, and you decide not to bother.

Zack Love

Friend Will Quotes #780315
#31. As sure as water's wet and days are long and a friend will always disappoint you in the end.

Neil Gaiman

Friend Will Quotes #818152
#32. Oh! Your poverty, ye men, and your sordidness of soul! As much as ye give to your friend, will I give even to my foe, and will not have become poorer thereby.
There is comradeship: may there be friendship!

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friend Will Quotes #842424
#33. A true friend will never stand in your allotted beam of light. They will get out of the way so you can grow, but they'll stay nearby in case you need what they can offer.

Toni Sorenson

Friend Will Quotes #854681
#34. A friend will fight for the truth, not distort it for their personal gain.

Shannon L. Alder

Friend Will Quotes #922358
#35. My friend will always ask nicely what's for desert.
My best friend is already in the fridge eating my mum's hidden chocolate stash

Friends Of The National Zoo

Friend Will Quotes #949489
#36. And it will always happen that he who is not your friend will invite you to neutrality, while he who is your friend will call on you to declare yourself openly in arms.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Friend Will Quotes #1005612
#37. An old friend will help you move. A good friend will help you move a dead body.

Jim Hayes

Friend Will Quotes #1035778
#38. A true friend will tell you the truth to your face - not behind your back.

Sasha Azevedo

Friend Will Quotes #1064885
#39. How can I love you and not be afraid? You're my life, Eve, my heart. You're asking, you're wondering if I ever worry, if I ever fear, that one day Peabody or Feeney, your commander - a cop who's become a friend - will knock on my door? Of course I do.

J.D. Robb

Friend Will Quotes #1069644
#40. A true friend will go with the instagram filter that flatters you.

Whitney Cummings

Friend Will Quotes #1128846
#41. When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'.

Groucho Marx

Friend Will Quotes #1150557
#42. Yes, Brooke, sometimes friends can get you into trouble. But a good friend will always come and to your rescue.

Gretchen Preston

Friend Will Quotes #1174265
#43. A good friend will help you plant your tulips. A great friend will help you plant a gun on the unarmed intruder you just shot.

Brian P. Cleary

Friend Will Quotes #1195387
#44. Since my fried left me,I've got nothing to do but walking.I walk to forget.I walk,I escape,I get further.My friend will not come back,now I am a marathon man.

Shel Silverstein

Friend Will Quotes #1213955
#45. Your friend will pay deeply for what he's done here tonight," Chance snarled once he wiped off most of the blood. "You can tell him to run as far and as fast as he can, I'll get him. Just let him know that once this is all over, it's just gonna be you and me and a world full of corpses.

Kayla Krantz

Friend Will Quotes #1222628
#46. I have play'd the fool, the gross fool, to believe The bosom of a friend will hold a secret Mine own could not contain.

Philip Massinger

Friend Will Quotes #1229924
#47. A good friend will bail you out when you land in jail, but a very good friend will be sitting beside you in that jail cell.

Maya Banks

Friend Will Quotes #1232450
#48. A true friend will never do match-making if they dont like the person that makes their friend Happy


Friend Will Quotes #1285879
#49. A good friend will always stab you in the front.

Oscar Wilde

Friend Will Quotes #1297193
#50. The Friend asks no return but that his Friend will religiously accept and wear and not disgrace his apotheosis of him. They cherish each other's hopes. They are kind to each other's dreams.

Henry David Thoreau

Friend Will Quotes #1304485
#51. I've been known to turn up drunk at triathlons and do very well. I'm more of a heat-of-the-moment type of guy. A friend will tell me about something coming up, maybe that weekend, and usually not an abundance of thought goes into my doing it.

Ryan Kwanten

Friend Will Quotes #1306029
#52. A good friend will help you move, but a true friend will help you move a body.

Steven J. Daniels

Friend Will Quotes #1348649
#53. When you're feeling lonely
and no one is around
Remember to look inside yourself
and a best friend will be found

Stephen Cosgrove

Friend Will Quotes #1401442
#54. Those that will always help a friend, will always have a friend.

Anthony D. Williams

Friend Will Quotes #1439050
#55. A true friend will see you through when others see that you are through.

Laurence J. Peter

Friend Will Quotes #1448993
#56. The body comes and goes. This life, my friend, will come and go. It is a fleeting moment, an impulse in an eternal reality.

Frederick Lenz

Friend Will Quotes #1486421
#57. Ants do no bend their ways to empty barns, so no friend will visit the place of departed wealth.
[Lat., Horrea formicae tendunt ad inania nunquam
Nullus ad amissas ibit amicus opes.]


Friend Will Quotes #1496440
#58. An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

Gautama Buddha

Friend Will Quotes #1511718
#59. A good friend will warn me if danger is in my path. I cannot see with my eyes, so I must use my other senses and the white cane to help me navigate safely. But, help from a sighted friend is always appreciated.

Gretchen Preston

Friend Will Quotes #1553655
#60. But the man of independent feeling, except he be thus your friend, will not unlikely resent your compassion, while the beggar will accept it chiefly as a pledge for something more to be got from you; and so it will tend to keep him in beggary.

George MacDonald

Friend Will Quotes #1557602
#61. None of us are perfect, so a true friend will never look for defects in you as a person, it won't even cross their mind. Your happiness will be their main concern.

Ron Baratono

Friend Will Quotes #1581363
#62. You know when I told you the joke about how a friend will help you move, but a real friend will help you move a body? I was only kidding.

Brad Thor

Friend Will Quotes #1671237
#63. Soon all of this shite-hole will know I am the Greatest Swordsman in the world. You, my friend, will sadly not live to see that day. Such is the fate of stepping-stones.

Michael R. Fletcher

Friend Will Quotes #1683394
#64. A true friend will be there to congratulate you when you win an Academy Award and will also be there to hold your hair back when you're puking your guts out in the bathroom stall two minutes later! So keep your eyes peeled for the hair-holding kind.

Jordan Christy

Friend Will Quotes #1684514
#65. Repression is the only lasting philosophy. The dark deference of fear and slavery, my friend, will keep the dogs obedient to the whip, as long as this roof shuts out the sky.

Charles Dickens

Friend Will Quotes #1690964
#66. Women have it good when it comes to masturbation. Guys, we just have our hands. For the rest of our lives, that's it. Sometimes your friend will go, 'Ever try your left hand? It's like a whole different person.' Yeah, a retarded person.

Jay Mohr

Friend Will Quotes #1731234
#67. I think my favorite thing is when people send me Instagram photos of people's yearbooks, and one guy will put "Are you calling me a liar?," and his friend will have "I ain't calling you a truther." And those are people's actual yearbook quotes. That's so amazing.

Drake Bell

Friend Will Quotes #1749633
#68. Who cannot open an honest mind No friend will he be of mine.


Friend Will Quotes #1752649
#69. Your friend will argue with you.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Friend Will Quotes #1767582
#70. The best friend will probably acquire the best wife, because a good marriage is founded on the talent for friendship.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friend Will Quotes #1777284
charmingly useful, if any friend should happen to ask if you have ever studied Logic. Mind you bring all seven words into your answer, and you friend will go away deeply impressed
'a sadder and a wiser

Lewis Carroll

Friend Will Quotes #1800246
#72. anyone will ride in a limo but a true friend will ride the bus when the limo breaks down

Oprah Winfrey

Friend Will Quotes #1831653
#73. A friend's loyalty lasts longer than their memory. Over the course of a long friendship, you might fight with your friend, even get angry with them. But a true friend will forget that anger after a while, because their loyalty to their friend outweighs the memory of the disagreement.

Matthew Reilly

Friend Will Quotes #1838071
#74. No, it was you losing the little golden sun killed me, Shadow, killed me dead as sure as water's wet and days are long and a friend will always disappoint you in the end." Shadow

Neil Gaiman

Friend Will Quotes #1842161
#75. A Brother may not be a Friend, but a Friend will always be a Brother.

Benjamin Franklin

Friend Will Quotes #1861705
#76. What madness it is for a man to starve himself to enrich his heir, and so turn a friend into an enemy! For his joy at your death will be proportioned to what you leave him.

Seneca The Younger

Friend Will Quotes #453
#77. I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. I will love you always. Because when we are reborn, I will fall in love with you again and again and again.
- Faye Hall, from an untitled script

Faye Hall

Friend Will Quotes #3379
#78. There will never be another Mariano Rivera. He was a friend and a champion of a teammate. He really cared about the game of baseball, the way it was played, and whatever it took to win that night.

Jorge Posada

Friend Will Quotes #6760
#79. Israel is our friend, that we will assist in their security.

Barack Obama

Friend Will Quotes #7671
#80. The strength of a good friendship that goes the distance will be unconditional love.

Brian Houston

Friend Will Quotes #9716
#81. The starting point for building great relationships is making wise decisions about who we allow close to us. We need people who will build us up and take us forward, and good friends will do just that.

Brian Houston

Friend Will Quotes #9948
#82. Your friend Plato holds that commonwealths will only be happy when either philosophers rule or rulers philosophize: how remote happiness must appear when philosophers won't even deign to share their thoughts with kings.

Thomas More

Friend Will Quotes #9981
#83. One may discover a new side to his most intimate friend when for the first time he hears him speak in public. He will be stranger to him as he is more familiar to the audience. The longest intimacy could not foretell how he would behave then

Henry David Thoreau

Friend Will Quotes #11883
#84. Be happy my Friend, time Will not stop.

Jan Jansen

Friend Will Quotes #14002
#85. The answer, The answer, my friend, is not yours to invent or create. It will be decided for you. It is outside you. It is real and objective and firm. One day you will hear it. You don't create it. You don't define it. It comes to you, and sooner or later you conform to it - or bow to it.

John Piper

Friend Will Quotes #17728
#86. The closeness of the India-Afghanistan relationship is not a new phenomenon. It has existed since time immemorial. And as a close friend, ever since India's Independence, we have done and will continue to do whatever is required to be done to see Afghanistan grow and progress as a close friend.

Narendra Modi

Friend Will Quotes #21350
#87. Goodreads sports some of the social awkwardness of middle school. If you are looking for a friend, I promise no matter your background or book preferences I will be your friend.

Red Phoenix

Friend Will Quotes #24032
#88. If your friend wishes to read your 'Plutarch's Lives,' 'Shakespeare,' or 'The Federalist Papers,' tell him gently but firmly, to buy a copy. You will lend him your car or your coat - but your books are as much a part of you as your head or your heart.

Mortimer J. Adler

Friend Will Quotes #24906
#89. I will come to you, my friend, when I no longer need you. Then you will find a palace, not an almshouse.

Henry David Thoreau

Friend Will Quotes #25273
#90. Corban Hayes," he says. "I'm a friend of Will's from the gym." I

Kimberly Belle

Friend Will Quotes #29608
#91. Better a wrong will than a wavering; better a steadfast enemy than an uncertain friend; better a false belief than no belief at all.

George Eliot

Friend Will Quotes #34284
#92. You'll find, my friend, that what you love will take you places you never dreamed you'd go.

Tony Kushner

Friend Will Quotes #36107
#93. If your friend's friend's friend (whom you may not have even met) is obese, a smoker or a zealot of some kind then it is a lot more likely that you will be too.

James H. Fowler

Friend Will Quotes #37280
#94. Give us a man, young or old, high or low, on whom we know we can thoroughly depend, who will stand firm when others fail; the friend faithful and true, the adviser honest and fearless, the adversary just and chivalrous,-in such a one there is a fragment of the Rock of Ages.

Arthur Penrhyn Stanley

Friend Will Quotes #45667
#95. Just friends? Alright friend we won't kiss goodnight, and I won't hold you tight and wish that you were mine just for one night. I will separate my dreams from my eyes, separate my heart from my spine, keep clean the lines between my hands and your innards.

Coco J. Ginger

Friend Will Quotes #48511
#96. My daughter breaks both her wrists jumping off of a swing. Her friend, who is five, told her to jump off of it. I promise nothing will happen, she said. But why did she promise that? she wails later at the hospital.

Jenny Offill

Friend Will Quotes #48636
#97. While a friend expects more and more favors, and seethes with jealousy, these former enemies expected nothing and got everything. A man suddenly spared the guillotine is a grateful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for the man who has pardoned him.

Robert Greene

Friend Will Quotes #49339
#98. An important day in a young person's life is the day on which he becomes convinced that Christ is the only Friend who will not disappoint him, on which he can always count.

Pope John Paul II

Friend Will Quotes #50971
#99. Be sure that Christ is not behind you, but before, calling and drawing you on. This is the liberty, the beautiful liberty of Christ. Claim your glorious privilege in the name of a disciple; be no more a servant, when Christ will own you as a friend.

Horace Bushnell

Friend Will Quotes #55134
#100. People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there.

Mahatma Gandhi

Friend Will Quotes #60410

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