Top 100 Dogs Are Dogs Quotes

#1. Dogs are dogs, you sometimes think that they are not but they are. And they always are here there and everywhere.

Gertrude Stein

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #209789
#2. A thing cannot be delivered enough times:
this is the rule of dogs for whom there are no fool's errands.
To loop out and come back is good all alone.
It's gravy to carry a ball or a bone.

Kay Ryan

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #8464
#3. Along with the evidence of common sense, researchers have proven scientifically that humans are all one people. We're a lot like dogs in that regard. If a Great Dane interacts (can we say interact?) with a Chihuahua, you get a dog.

Bill Nye

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #13519
#4. Dogs, being wordless, can only be mirrors of their humans. It's not their fault that their people are fatally flawed.

Lauren Groff

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #27979
#5. Tofu hot dogs are actually scarier than real hot dogs. It's like wanting the worst possible meat product without even the thrill of it actually being meat.

Douglas Coupland

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #32813
#6. A strongly accentuated zoophilism, such as an inordinate love of horses or dogs, throws the emotional nature out of balance; and those who are possessed by it are not likely to care very much for people.

W.E. Woodward

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #59375
#7. Men are like dogs, Stacy was fond of saying. And she usually went on to add that, like dogs, they all took up too much space on the bed, and they always went for the crotch.

Lisa Kleypas

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #68743
#8. Dogs have such short life spans, it's like a concentrated version of a human life. When they get older, they become much more like our mothers. They wait for us, watch out for us, are completely fascinated by everything we do.

Caroline Knapp

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #68856
#9. The big guys, the big dogs, are going to own everything from the White House to the courthouse.

Brian Schweitzer

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #69930
#10. The sages do not act from (any wish to be) benevolent; they deal with the people as the dogs of grass are dealt with.


Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #81329
#11. I think 'Tap Dogs' has lasted so long because people have a natural interest in tap dancing. This form of dancing can't be dated, it's such an intriguing form of dance because the feet are also an an instrument.

Adam Garcia

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #102573
#12. In 'We Were the Mulvaneys,' animals are almost as important as people. I wanted to show the tenderness in our relationships with cats, dogs, and horses. Especially cats.

Joyce Carol Oates

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #103951
#13. Boys are just dogs

Scylar Tyberius

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #113971
#14. Dogs are just wolves in sheep's clothing.

Stanley Coren

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #127864
#15. Staunch and faithful lovers that they are, they give back a hundred fold every sign of love that one ever gives them.

Edith Wharton

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #148962
#16. I believe ghosts are like dogs and they just sort of do things arbitrarily.

Charles Barkley

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #155412
#17. Cat love is genuine, because it's 10 percent devotion and 90 percent frustration and betrayal. - 67 REASONS WHY CATS ARE BETTER THAN DOGS

Jack Shepard

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #183095
#18. What dogs? These are my children, little people with fur who make my heart open a little wider.

Oprah Winfrey

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #186632
#19. After we bring food home from the grocery store...Dogs must think we are the greatest hunters ever!

Ann Taylor

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #223686
#20. Of course, there are questions that plague all of us. How did we get here? What happens when we die? Is there a heaven? Am I on the list? Who let the dogs out?

Bill Maher

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #244800
#21. Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge.

Jerry Seinfeld

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #258910
#22. Journalists are like dogs, when ever anything moves they begin to bark.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #259039
#23. There are talking dogs all over the place, unbelievably boring they are, on and on and on about sex and shit and smells, and smells and shit and sex, and do you love me, do you love me, do you love me.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #286487
#24. In America, millions of dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters every year become the food for our food (twice as many such animals are euthanized as are adopted).

Jonathan Safran Foer

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #319712
#25. Novels are about men and women and children and dogs, not politics.

John Cheever

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #323604
#26. I think a great deal of those dogs," she said proudly. "They are over a hundred years old, and they have sat on either side of this fireplace ever since my brother Aaron brought them from London fifty years ago. Spofford Avenue was called after my brother Aaron." "A

L.M. Montgomery

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #343638
#27. What really helps motivate me to walk are my dogs, who are my best pals. They keep you honest about walking because when it's time to go, you can't disappoint those little faces.

Wendie Malick

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #346549
#28. I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.

Rita Rudner

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #380385
#29. I love them, they are so nice and selfish. Dogs are TOO good and unselfish. They make me feel uncomfortable. But cats are gloriously human.

L.M. Montgomery

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #431631
#30. Dogs may be divided into two classes: those who are merely afraid of cattle and those who can't abide them.

Elspeth Huxley

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #444597
#31. All these sounds, the crowing of cocks, the baying of dogs, and the hum of insects at noon, are the evidence of nature's health orsound state.

Henry David Thoreau

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #485798
#32. Dogs are never in a bad mood over something you said at breakfast. Dogs never sniff at the husks of old conversations, or conduct autopsies on weekends gone wrong. An unexamined life may not be worth living, but the overexamined life is hell. We talk too much.

Abigail Thomas

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #501605
#33. Dog sighs are some form of distilled truth. What does he know? What do dogs know? Ed sighs like he knows the truth about me and he loves me anyway.

Charles Yu

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #501949
#34. Cats are more interesting, let's face it. Dogs are loveable and a bit boring.

Angela Kinsey

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #549345
#35. Hacks are killing our national literary culture. America treats best-sellers like literary lions and literary lions worse than stray dogs.

David B. Lentz

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #575194
#36. No matter where they are or who they're with, dogs are incapable of being anything but themselves. Show me a dog that puts on airs or laughs politely at an unfunny joke and I'll show you a human in a dog costume, possibly one owned and licensed by the Walt Disney Company.

Meghan Daum

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #585477
#37. Questers of the truth, that's who dogs are; seekers after the invisible scent of another being's authentic core.

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #594690
#38. What with our hooks, snares, nets, and dogs, we are at war with all living creatures, and nothing comes amiss but that which is either too cheap or too common; and all this is to gratify a fantastical palate.

Seneca The Younger

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #612807
#39. There is no evidence that dogs have the kind of complex emotional lives and value systems that we do. It's one reason why we love them so much, in fact. They are neither "good" nor "bad." They don't hold grudges, act in petty ways, or seek revenge. They read our moods, but not our minds.

Jon Katz

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #633692
#40. I think women are natural caretakers. They take care of everybody. They take care of their husbands and their kids and their dogs, and don't spend a lot of time just getting back and taking time out.

Reese Witherspoon

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #678595
#41. prisoners come across to us. They seem nervous and fearful, though most of them are big fellows with beards - they look like meek, scolded, St. Bernard dogs. They slink about

Erich Maria Remarque

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #682385
#42. Sawyer laughs and wraps a ginormous arm around my shoulder. "Gidge, dogs are all well and good, and it's true that men like them, but he'd rather have a kitty. Your kitty.

S.E. Hall

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #682424
#43. Dogs are obsessed with being happy.

James Thurber

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #700024
#44. People leave imprints on our lives, shaping who we become in much the same way that a symbol is pressed into the page of a book to tell you who it comes from. Dogs, however, leave paw prints on our lives and our souls, which are as unique as fingerprints in every way.

Ashly Lorenzana

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #726983
#45. People love dogs. This is, I hope, the least surprising sentence you will read in this book. I myself have had long discussions with my dog friends, and by that I mean my friends who are dogs.

Bill Nye

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #728226
#46. I like to call myself an "equal opportunist," as I love both dogs and cats, but over the last couple years, both Howard and I have become champions for cats. They are so independent and loving and playful and bring such happiness to our lives.

Beth Ostrosky Stern

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #742830
#47. Lap-dogs and blood-hounds enjoy the greatest respect at court; house-dogs and no dogs at all are not even considered.

Franz Grillparzer

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #779946
#48. I have two dogs. If I had retarded children, I'd be a hero. And yet, the dogs are pretty much the same thing.

Bill Maher

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #787071
#49. Heaven and earth do not act from (the impulse of) any wish to be benevolent; they deal with all things as the dogs of grass are dealt with.


Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #792680
#50. Do dogs feel for humans something akin to religious ecstasy? What other strong or subtle emotions are felt by animals that do not communicate with us?

Carl Sagan

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #803913
#51. Love is more real than sex. Two dogs meeting in the street will have sex, but Love is only from God. Love creates Life and Love is the secret element that holds the universe together. It is because of, and within Love, that we are all One.

Sienna McQuillen

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #810866
#52. Dogs are great assets to candidates, and the feeling seems to be engendered that if a dog loves the candidate, he can't be all that bad.

Dick Gregory

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #818825
#53. It's not the breed that makes a good companion. All dogs are great companions.

Cesar Millan

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #854467
#54. It don't care whether I'm good enough. It don't care whether I snore or not. It don't care which God I pray to. There are only three things with that kind of unconditional acceptance: Dogs, donuts, and money.

Danny DeVito

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #867118
#55. Did you know that there are over three hundred words for love in canine?

Gabrielle Zevin

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #879853
#56. Andy once clipped a magazine article about how black dogs are always the last to be adopted at shelters and, therefore, more likely to be put down. Which is totally Dog Racism, if you ask me.

Stephanie Perkins

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #904202
#57. Pets reflect you like mirrors. When you are happy, you can see your dog smiling and when you are sad, your cat cries.

Munia Khan

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #918958
#58. There are two things that won't last long in this world, and that's dogs chasing cars and pros putting for pars.

Lee Trevino

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #945853
#59. Shelter dogs are the most loving, wonderful, sweet pets in the world. They understand being rescued, loved, and protected. The hubs and I have 2 rescued 11-yr-old Pomeranians, who adore us.

Faith Hunter

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #958623
#60. To a space alien or a German Shepherd dog, the two humans would be indistinguishable, just as attractive and unattractive space aliens and German Shepherd dogs are difficult for you to tell apart.

David Eagleman

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #975853
#61. Dogs and other animals we bring into our homes serve as one of our most important links to Mother Nature. We may not think about it consciously, but they are our lifelines to a part of ourselves that we are at the brink of losing altogether.

Cesar Millan

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1020004
#62. Look - guys are dogs. Women have known this since the beginning of time. Guys don't want to be chased; they chase. So if you're going to catch one, you have to know how to make him chase you.

Tammara Webber

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1030749
#63. Cats are to dogs what modern people are to the people we used to have. Cats are slimmer, cleaner, more attractive, disloyal, and lazy. It's easy to understand why the cat has eclipsed the dog as modern America's favorite poet. People like poets to possess the same qualities they do.

P. J. O'Rourke

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1069562
#64. I have two dogs myself and they are always around when I write, so they tend to creep in there.

Arthur Bradford

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1073745
#65. The first thing I do each morning is get out of bed and give my dog, Audrey, a hug. She's a Jack Russell. I think having an animal is a wonderful thing, particularly dogs. They are great levelers, there's no nonsense with them, and they just want simple affection.

Donatella Versace

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1084521
#66. When dogs are actually looking at you, they're essentially hugging you with their eyes.

Brian Hare

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1087771
#67. Fox-terriers are born with about four times as much original sin in them as other dogs are, and it will take years and years of patient effort on the part of us Christians to bring about any appreciable reformation in the rowdiness of the fox-terrier nature.

Jerome K. Jerome

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1090825
#68. When I first heard about Beverly Hills Chihuahua, I thought, no. This, this is ridiculous. And then you read the script and you close the script and you go, "They aren't going to be able to do that with real dogs. How are they going to do that?" You're going to see the strings. But they did.

George Lopez

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1099974
#69. So the saying goes, there are two dogs barking over your shoulder, fear or determination. Which one wins? The one you feed. Never feed the dog who's afraid.

Katy Evans

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1107546
#70. While cats can be infuriating, little old women in fur coats, they make me laugh. Of course, dogs, horses and my highly social chickens are dear to me, too.

Rita Mae Brown

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1130072
#71. Hard it is to suffer through stupid people. They make you feel sorry for them, and if your sorrow is as great as your hurt, you will allow them to go free of punishment, for their eyes are the eyes of dogs that have done wrong and know it, and are afraid.

Richard Llewellyn

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1138747
#72. Therapy dogs visit people in nursing homes, hospitals, and wherever else they are needed. They cheer people up who are sad or lonesome and just need a furry friend to hug.

Martha McKiever

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1165007
#73. A leaky faucet, a barking dog-those are things you tolerate.

Candace Gingrich-Jones

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1165372
#74. If you call a cat, he may not come. Which doesn't happen with dogs. They're different types of animals. Cats are very sexy I think too in the way they move.

Antonio Banderas

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1178923
#75. A good man will take care of his horses and dogs, not only while they are young, but also when they are old and past service.


Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1180843
#76. Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

Roger A. Caras

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1228274
#77. When the hares have all been caught, the hunting dogs are cooked.


Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1234350
#78. A part of me is always envious of people who live in the present and are sustained by a sense of spontaneity. Even dogs have that capacity: they're always wanting to participate in something, and I don't often have that element in me.

Peter Shaffer

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1248454
#79. A lot of the situations that we put ourselves in are similar to a cat in a yard full of dogs. We rarely ask ourselves how we got here, (which doesn't help with the question of how we get out of here), all of which rarely keeps us from finding ourselves in the next yard asking the same questions.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1251025
#80. My saddle horses are my friends. My dogs are my friends.

Wilford Brimley

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1252533
#81. I like dogs considerably more than I like humans. That doesn't make me antihuman; there are plenty of humans I'm very fond of. But generally speaking, if I simultaneously meet a new human and a new dog, I'm going to like the dog more. I'm certainly going to trust the dog more.

David Rosenfelt

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1254798
#82. [Some dogs] develop blood feuds with other dogs that are so serious that the only silver lining is a dog's inability to build nuclear weapons in the backyard. -- Patricia McConnell, A Tale of Two Species

Patricia McConnell

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1272700
#83. Humans are not put to sleep for failing to provide leadership for their dogs, countless dogs have lost their lives for the want of it.

Suzanne Clothier

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1291846
#84. Dogs are gonna take over the world. It's a known fact for those who believe it, kinda like the Bible.

Green Day

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1312446
#85. Cats are impossible to work with. They're just very difficult because you can't really train them. They're not really interested in whatever you want them to do. Dogs want to please you; cats only want to please themselves.

Oscar Isaac

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1323356
#86. Soon you'll be ashes, or bones. A mere name, at most - and even that is just a sound, an echo. The things we want in life are empty, stale, and trivial. Dogs snarling at each other. Quarreling children - laughing and then bursting into tears a moment later.


Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1340907
#87. Pigs are smarter than dogs, and both are smarter than Congress.

Elayne Boosler

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1354354
#88. We may have pets, but when it comes to unconditional love, they are the masters.

Donald L. Hicks

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1386128
#89. Dogs are like kids. Cats are like roommates.

Oliver Gaspirtz

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1402769
#90. Quite a few of the dogs that come back from Afghanistan or Iraq or police dogs that are involved in violent confrontations where there's gunfire can in fact exhibit the symptoms and suffer from PTSD.

Robert Crais

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1410670
#91. How do we know that we have a right to kill creatures that we are so little above, as dogs, for our curiosity or even for some use to us?

Alexander Pope

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1413083
#92. I'm not looking for anything. I think all men are dogs, I honestly do. Every man starts barking sooner or later.

Octavia St. Laurent

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1413588
#93. Animals store their fears and at times OUR fears in the body and manifest physical illnesses like we do. Like us, these fears may have occurred in infancy and are still carried in the adult body.

Colleen M. Flanagan

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1418359
#94. But, I do think, on a very simplistic level, that we can project onto dogs because they are so innocent. They don't come with a lot of baggage.

Kevin Kline

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1440519
#95. My maternal desires are fully satisfied with my dogs.

Elisabetta Canalis

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1465066
#96. Again and again we are confronted with the reality - some might say the problem - of sharing our space with other living things, be they dogs, trees, fish or penguins.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1465808
#97. What are dogs thinking?" the grand conclusion was this: they're thinking about what we're thinking. The dog-human relationship was not one-sided. With their high degree of social and emotional intelligence, dogs reciprocated our feelings toward them. They truly are First Friend.

Gregory Berns

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1473991
#98. I don't care about the fact that a dogs place is not in a bed - the closer they are to me, the more beautiful it is.

Bill Kaulitz

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1477363
#99. My tears are like a whole pack of dogs on leashes; no matter how I try to tug them back, they just keep barreling forward.

Holly Schindler

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1489676
#100. In the land of badass, you've just been trumped. If Dark-Hunters had inmates, these would be they. Known as the Dogs of War because that's what they thrive on, they're cold-blooded and intolerant. Congratulations, bud, these are your new protectors. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Dogs Are Dogs Quotes #1500721

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