Top 84 Desert Water Quotes

#1. Saving the world was merely a hobby. My *vocation* has been that of
inspector of desert water holes.

Edward Abbey

Desert Water Quotes #1194106
#2. Old Hollywood is just like a desert water in Africa. Hang around long enough and every kind of animal in the world will drift in for refreshments.

Will Rogers

Desert Water Quotes #1492093
#3. You build a city in the desert, water it with false hopes and false idols, and eventually this is what happens. The desert reclaims it, turns it arid, leaves it barren. Human tumbleweeds drift across its streets, predators hide in the rocks.

Michael Connelly

Desert Water Quotes #1820864
#4. In the empire of desert, water is the king and shadow is the queen.

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Desert Water Quotes #477426
#5. To get even near humility, even for a moment, is like a drink of cold water to a man in a desert.

C.S. Lewis

Desert Water Quotes #1252351
#6. Before I lived in America, my husband and I did a Californian road trip. We took a month, starting off in L.A. I love the landscapes of California: one moment you're in the desert, the next you're up in the Napa Valley or by the water in Big Bear.

Ashley Jensen

Desert Water Quotes #846078
#7. It was a machine-gun orgasm, dark chocolate, spring water in the desert, a hallelujah chorus and the cavelry coming to the rescue all at once.

Christopher Moore

Desert Water Quotes #1236192
#8. The average yard is both an ecological and agricultural desert. The prime offender is short-mown grass, which offers no habitat and nothing for people except a place to sit, yet sucks down far more water and chemicals than a comparable amount of farmland.

Toby Hemenway

Desert Water Quotes #1231308
#9. Water was how the desert would bring everyone together. The antelope's daily prayer, weighing the mortal need of water with the mortal danger of obtaining it.

Mike Bond

Desert Water Quotes #1223489
#10. In the desert, the two primary elements are stone and water. Stone comes in abundance, exposed by weathering and a lack of vegetation. It is a canvas. Water crosses this stone with such rarity and ferocity that it tells all of its secrets in the shapes left behind.

Craig Childs

Desert Water Quotes #1222025
#11. So I'm explaining intrinsic value to my 4 year old daughter - who loves toy cats - and ask her, if she was really thirsty in the desert, whether she would like a bottle of water, or a toy cat, and she tells me that she would like a bottle of water in the shape of a toy cat.

Stefan Molyneux

Desert Water Quotes #1218521
#12. For many miles on either side of the river's oozy bed is a pale desert of gigantic water-lilies. They sigh one unto the other in that solitude, and stretch towards the heaven their long and ghastly necks, and nod to and fro their everlasting heads.

Edgar Allan Poe

Desert Water Quotes #1186780
#13. But what I wanted back had never really been there. He was a temporary illusion, a mirage of water after walking in the desert. I had made him up. And he could have killed me. You've got to stop the ride sometimes. Stop it and get off.

Deb Caletti

Desert Water Quotes #1103756
#14. I had a dream about you. We were in a canoe, and we were paddling across the desert. You said you were thirsty, and I pointed to the sand that surrounded us and said, "No, I will not urinate in your mouth." At that point I woke up, because I realized I really had to pee - and get a drink of water.

Dora J. Arod

Desert Water Quotes #1089289
#15. My father once said, 'If you're in the desert and you're dying of thirst, are you going to drink a glass of blood or are you going to drink a glass of water?' I think what he was trying to say, interesting coming from my blood father, is sometimes there are people in your family that can be toxic.

Nicolas Cage

Desert Water Quotes #1075696
#16. A beautiful morning is not a guarantee for a beautiful afternoon! Just like a man of desert appreciates water, value well whatever beauty you have now!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Desert Water Quotes #1073777
#17. The water-lily, in the midst of waters, opens its leaves and expands its petals, at the first pattering of the shower, and rejoices in the rain-drops with a quicker sympathy than the packed shrubs in the sandy desert.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Desert Water Quotes #1012078
#18. Comics speak, without qualm or sophistication, to the innermost ears of the wishful self. The response is like that of a thirsty traveler who suddenly finds water in the desert - he drinks to satiation.

William Moulton Marston

Desert Water Quotes #990815
#19. Water is gold in the desert.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Desert Water Quotes #955061
#20. I eyed her like a thirsty traveler in the desert looks at a pail of water.

Faraaz Kazi

Desert Water Quotes #919436
#21. The buckets emptied quickly, and men from different squads took turns bringing water from the gully that lay towards the city, where, in the feeble shade of emaciated mulberries, a muddy stream lived out its last days in the diabolical heat.

Mikhail Bulgakov

Desert Water Quotes #908785
#22. She had a vision of the two of them trapped on a tiny raft surrounded by miles of open water. It would be a kind of test, like surviving on a desert island
but that's what a marriage was, wasn't it? They would have to help each other or die.

Stewart O'Nan

Desert Water Quotes #870103
#23. Her only weak part, they figured, was a fear of the desert, perhaps a fear of drying in the scorching sun, perhaps a lack of water to drink.

J.M.K. Walkow

Desert Water Quotes #855426
#24. They say a man lost in the desert must take such water as he is offered, no matter who it comes from. I

Joe Abercrombie

Desert Water Quotes #1820509
#25. [h]ope, like a desert aloe. Hope, stubborn and bitter to the taste. That hides water. That bears the drought. An ugly plant with the power to heal.

Sofia Samatar

Desert Water Quotes #1611796
#26. The sea is a desert of waves,
A wilderness of water.

Langston Hughes

Desert Water Quotes #1818471
#27. People want leadership, Mr. President, and in the absence of genuine leadership, they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They want leadership. They're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand.

Michael J. Fox

Desert Water Quotes #1806775
#28. God, she was beautiful - my first image of the Orient - a woman such as only the desert poet knew how to praise: her face was the sun, her hair the protecting shadow, her eyes fountains of cool water, her body the most slender of palm-trees and her smile a mirage.

Amin Maalouf

Desert Water Quotes #1802039
#29. Like a fountain of refreshing water in the dusty, dry desert streets, a heart God fills with His love ministers life and health.

Elizabeth George

Desert Water Quotes #1793990
#30. A man lost in the desert must take such water as he is offered, no matter who it comes from.

Joe Abercrombie

Desert Water Quotes #1765691
#31. Long ago Mars was an oasis of running water.Today the Martiansurfaceis a sterile,barren desert. Here on Earth, who knows what climactic knobs we unwittingly turn,which might one day render Earth as dry and lifeless as Mars. (From the cover of Old Poison by Joan Francis)

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Desert Water Quotes #1756224
#32. The Bible's picture of a godly leader also describes the godly home: "A shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock" (Isaiah 32:2). May that be true of your home.

Billy Graham

Desert Water Quotes #1744934
#33. At present, [in the desert] an exasperating clarity reigns. The sky has become less visible than water in a jar. Black peaks, spines of granite, a twisted tree are sculpted in this atmosphere basted with reflections. All that remains: a countryside of imperishable contours.

Mohammed Dib

Desert Water Quotes #1679349
#34. So this was betrayal. It was like being left alone in the desert at dusk without water or warmth. It left your mouth dry and will broken. It sapped your tears and made you hollow.

Anna Godbersen

Desert Water Quotes #1657202
#35. Is there any difference between a happy and a lucky man? A happy is someone who finds an oasis with drinking water in a desert. A lucky man will always find water.

Eraldo Banovac

Desert Water Quotes #1310431
#36. Any desert land that will grow big sage will produce more fortunes thatn most gold mines -- if you can only get the water.

Peter B. Kyne

Desert Water Quotes #1575802
#37. If you cut down the forest, you know what happens: The whole of Asia turns into a desert. Without water, you're talking civil unrest, war, mud slides - the whole bloody lot.

Mark Shand

Desert Water Quotes #1515855
#38. The wise camel is not swayed by desert mirages; instead, it trudges on, in search for true water.

Ridley Pearson

Desert Water Quotes #1499004
#39. If you can't stand a little sacrifice and you can't stand a trip across the desert with limited water, we're never going to straighten this country out.

Ross Perot

Desert Water Quotes #1491002
#40. Anticipation is the heart of wisdom. If you are going to cross a desert, you anticipate that you will be thirsty, and you take water.

Mark Helprin

Desert Water Quotes #1433987
#41. For the briefest of moments he looked like someone who'd been staggering through the Mojave Desert, half-dead from sun, and had seen a glimmer of water up ahead only to have it turn out to be a mirage.

Cassandra Clare

Desert Water Quotes #1399079
#42. In the desert, the only god is a well.

Vera Nazarian

Desert Water Quotes #1396917
#43. Never thank anybody for anything, except a drink of water in the desert - and then make it brief.

Gene Fowler

Desert Water Quotes #1364239
#44. Just as water is the only thing that can relieve thirst in the desert, the provision of God's Word is the only thing that can satisfy our spiritual thirst.

Jim George

Desert Water Quotes #1349745
#45. Desert strategies are useful: In times of drought, pull your resources inward; when water is scarce, find moisture in seeds; to stay strong and supple, send a taproot down deep; run when required, hide when necessary; when hot go underground; do not fear darkness, it's where one comes alive.

Terry Tempest Williams

Desert Water Quotes #233707
#46. The next time that boy pursues you, he better do it like a dying man looking for water in a desert. When it's the right guy, you'll know, because he'll cherish you.

Karen Kingsbury

Desert Water Quotes #452390
#47. I open my eyes to see Ry staring at me, and my desert soul erupts with turquoise water, floods and cascades and waterfalls rushing in around my rocky parts, pushing and reshaping and filling every hidden dark spot.

Kiersten White

Desert Water Quotes #443223
#48. If you want water, do not go to desert...

Alen Sargsyan

Desert Water Quotes #423861
#49. Capt. Renault: What on Earth brought you to Casablanca? Rick Blaine: My health, I came to Casablanca for the waters. Capt. Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert! Rick Blaine: I was misinformed.

Humphrey Bogart

Desert Water Quotes #394958
#50. Grace is goodness and respect given freely and unconditionally. A sense of divine love and protection bestowed on us when we need strength and renewal. Grace helps us know we are not alone and believe we are cared for and cherished. Grace is a drink of clear, clean water in the desert.

Sue Thoele

Desert Water Quotes #374946
#51. Periods in the wilderness or desert were not lost time. You might find life, wildflowers, fossils, sources of water. I wish there were shortcuts to wisdom and self-knowledge: cuter abysses or three-day spa wilderness experiences. Sadly, it doesn't work that way. I so resent this.

Anne Lamott

Desert Water Quotes #348591
#52. I can't believe this," I muttered, cradling the skein of water up close to my chest. "Two weeks in the desert all on account of some assassin who doesn't know how to look out for snakes."
"If you hadn't killed that snake," Naji said calmly, "I would have killed you."
" Oh, shut up.

Cassandra Rose Clarke

Desert Water Quotes #300400
#53. Any action, like any act of magic, is in some sense an act of faith ... I've seen the desert bloom, the flower that emerges from the barest hint of water, and I know the power of life will rise, stubborn and persistent to be renewed. May our actions be the wind that brings the rain.


Desert Water Quotes #286740
#54. In the desert you celebrate nothing but water.

Michael Ondaatje

Desert Water Quotes #253752
#55. Now, there is some concern about the fact that, given we are in the middle of a desert, there is no actual water at the waterfront. And that is a definite drawback, I agree.

Joseph Fink

Desert Water Quotes #552188
#56. My mum's from Broome, so I'm a saltwater person - Aboriginal people are either freshwater, saltwater or desert mob. So I always feel much more comfortable in close proximity to the beach, even if I'm not necessarily in the water.

Shari Sebbens

Desert Water Quotes #216451
#57. Look at you, you madman! Screaming you are thirsty and dying in a desert,
when all around you there is nothing but water!


Desert Water Quotes #204576
#58. His eyes looked at my body as if it were a drink of water on a desert dune.
"I don't know much," I confessed, my voice barely audible.
"Don't worry. I know a lot.

Charlaine Harris

Desert Water Quotes #172073
#59. Life could not change the sun or water the desert, so it changed itself.

John Steinbeck

Desert Water Quotes #64315
#60. Without water the desert is nothing but a grave ...

Mildred Cable

Desert Water Quotes #50283
#61. Children are touched by heaven - their every breath, every laugh, every touch a sip of water to the desert wanderer. I could not have known this as a child, but I know it as a mother, a truth I learned as my own heart grew, bent, danced, and broke for each of my children

Nadia Hashimi

Desert Water Quotes #18669
#62. Those few members who desert the cause are abandoning an oasis to search for water in the desert.

Neal A. Maxwell

Desert Water Quotes #13215
#63. He made the country down in Illinois, and He made the Missouri", the little girl continued. "I guess somebody else made the country in these parts. It's not nearly so well done. They forgot the water and the trees.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Desert Water Quotes #6978
#64. I felt clean, all the bone-beaked loneliness birds banished, their rocky nests turned to river stones. Cool, clear water bubbled over them, streams in the desert.

Bryce Courtenay

Desert Water Quotes #288
#65. I would rather live out on the desert alone, like an old prospector. All I needed was a small water source. What was the point in such loneliness among people. At least if you were by yourself, you had a good reason to be lonely.

Janet Fitch

Desert Water Quotes #717468
#66. My love life since I moved to New York from Chicago has been like a desert. I've had tiny little interactions of love, like finding shallow pools of water to drink from, and then I've moved on, hoping that I've stored enough love and affection and excitement to get me to the next place.

Jami Attenberg

Desert Water Quotes #804853
#67. I wrote about wasting time, which I suppose is a part of the great human journey. We're supposed to wallow, to go through the desert without water for a long time so that when we finally drink it, we'll truly need it and we won't spill a drop. It's about being present.

Walton Goggins

Desert Water Quotes #803491
#68. No one can know the infinite importance of a tiny drop of water better than a thirsty bird or a little ant or a man of desert!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Desert Water Quotes #775335
#69. She's still taking on water. A desert blessing, an ocean curse.

John Green

Desert Water Quotes #770269
#70. That would be a slow and cruel death," said Gebe Meskal quietly. "He may survive a week on such a regime, but so little of a skin is not sufficient water for a man laboring in the desert."

Telemakos said through his teeth, "It is for a child.

Elizabeth Wein

Desert Water Quotes #770265
#71. As for those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert. The thirsty one thinks it to be water, until he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing, but he finds Allah with him, Who will pay him his due (Hell). And Allah is Swift in taking account.


Desert Water Quotes #770158
#72. Part of her soul ... gloried in the sheer bodacious unnaturalness of it. Putting a great blue-green water park smack down in the red desert complete with cactus, trading posts, genuine Navajo Indians, and five kinds of rattlesnakes was theater of the absurd at its most outrageous.

Nevada Barr

Desert Water Quotes #760937
#73. The clock ticks. The two hands are convoys marching through a desert. The black bars on the clock face are green oases. The long hand has marched ahead to find water. The other, painfully stumbles among hot stones in the desert. It will die in the desert.

Virginia Woolf

Desert Water Quotes #744985
#74. Criticism was heavy these days, and that one scrap of praise was like water in the desert.

Kiera Cass

Desert Water Quotes #744008
#75. And Josh wanted to tell her what he knew: that love might look like a shore but turn out to be a desert island, where you roamed alone, talking to yourself, trying to crack open coconuts with your shoe. So thirsty you drank the salt water. So hungry you ate the sand.

Leah Stewart

Desert Water Quotes #819996
#76. The more bitter the desert experience, the sweeter the water of the oasis.
The more I understand myself, the more effectively I can work with others.

Zig Ziglar

Desert Water Quotes #713945
#77. And I knew that I could not bear the thought of never hearing that laughter any more. For me, it was like a spring of fresh water in the desert.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Desert Water Quotes #704629
#78. The desert takes our dreams away from us, and they don't always return ... Those who don't return become a part of the clouds, a part of the animals that hide in the ravines and of the water that comes from the earth. They become part of everything ... They become the Soul of the World.

Paul Coelho

Desert Water Quotes #694388
#79. Have you ever been - well, i mean, have you ever - really wanted someone ? Wanted them like water in the desert - even when you knew all their faults, every single one - and it didnt matter ?

Kate Quinn

Desert Water Quotes #671082
#80. I am the most skeptical of men in one of the most skeptical of professions in a world which regrettably holds out fewer and fewer dreams the older I get. But on the water, fly rod in hand, my dreams never desert me ... I am never without hope.

David Halberstam

Desert Water Quotes #622111
#81. The bare earth, plantless, waterless, is an immense puzzle. In the forests or beside rivers everything speaks to humans. The desert does not speak. I could not comprehend its tongue; its silence ...

Pablo Neruda

Desert Water Quotes #602188
#82. The silken rush of woodland waters and the scoured shapes of the desert - these and countless other treasures we owe to those farsighted enough to have preserved the public lands that make up our inheritance.

T. H. Watkins

Desert Water Quotes #595062
#83. It is said in the desert that possession of water in great amount can inflict a man with fatal carelessness.

Frank Herbert

Desert Water Quotes #588310
#84. The sin of the desert is knowing where the water is and not sharing it.

Richard Paul Evans

Desert Water Quotes #571633

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