Top 100 Karen Kingsbury Quotes

#1. As I watched bookstores close, I began to wonder how that felt for the owners. Owning a bookstore was their dream and now they're struggling and seeing those dreams fall apart.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #48811
#2. God had heard her cry and He's reached down from heaven and given them a miracle.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #49985
#3. Neither of them was guaranteed their next breath. So why borrow worry from tomorrow?

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #65347
#4. God grows fragrant flowers of hope in the ashes of loss.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #76651
#5. The eagle had two natural enemies: storms and serpents. He embraced the storm, waiting on the rock for the right thermal current and then using that to carry him higher. While other birds were taking cover, the eagle was soaring. An eagle would never fight against the storms of life.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #84169
#6. More tears rushed from the depths of her tortured soul ... The losses piled up.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #126088
#7. The last song by Lady Antebellum was "Just a Kiss." The lyrics talked about how they only needed a kiss - nothing more - because this love might be the kind that lasted forever.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #137063
#8. It would almost be easier to never see her again tan to look into her eyes and know she'd left her love for him somewhere in the past.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #137317
#9. I want to be adored, appreciated. I want a guy who'll fight for me.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #146195
#10. Real love understands about love and sacrifice and is willing to live accordingly.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #178813
#11. Nothing could be gained by worrying and dreading the future, borrowing tomorrow's pain for today.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #195809
#12. But our purpose is to serve and love others and to shine brightly for God. No matter what." The

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #195935
#13. Lasting peace is only found through a lifesaving relationship wit Jesus Christ ... knowing Christ means that all the world might be falling apart just outside your front door, maybe just inside it - yet that inner peace, that inner knowing, remains unshaken.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #213500
#14. Open her heart to me, please, God. After the mess I've made of things, I can't do this on my own.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #216245
#15. Don't worry about tomorrow - tomorrow would worry about itself.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #312469
#16. You're gifted to do something.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #323142
#17. Abby's eyes fell on a wooden sign hanging near the foot of his bed:I'm only passing through ... this world is not my home.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #328997
#18. It's never too late with truth. It stands outside time.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #362291
#19. Nothing about tomorrow was promised to them; Jamie understood that. But as long as God gave them the gift of today, she would cherish it with all her heart.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #370711
#20. We never want to tell someone we love them unless we really mean it." "Because love is forever and always.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #394976
#21. Believers need to be visible,

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #410328
#22. The only thing you need is faith in Christ and dedication to each other. If you have that ... everything else will fall in place.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #431522
#23. Sometimes when Katy prayed, she could almost hear God's answer - the quiet, still resonance of a Scripture deep in her heart or silent words of wisdom spoken by her parents or the Flanigans.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #466240
#24. Don't blink, young people. Enjoy every minute.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #493002
#25. Hey." She gave him a sheepish smile. "How do you know me so well?" "I pay attention." He touched the side of her face again. "Love does that.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #515503
#26. My grace is sufficient for you, my daughter. I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #518698
#27. One day the dark clouds of this time would lift, because morning always came. No matter how long and dark the night.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #543247
#28. Back in his dating days, a man didn't go to a woman's house if she lived alone. He might pick her up at the front porch, but he wouldn't go inside. Propriety ruled.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #546887
#29. The Flanigan family had a love that could laugh through anything, a love that knew no color barriers or resentment.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #681440
#30. If God wanted her to guard her heart, then that meant He wanted her to be careful.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #724286
#31. Real friends ... don't give you heroin and cocaine." He took a step closer. "And they don't stand by and do nothing if they think one of their buddies is doing drugs.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #734864
#32. Like a constant assurance Bailey carried with her, God remained. All things might change. Love could come and go and friendships could fade. But God stayed. It was the truth that kept her company on the loneliest nights.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #781499
#33. God is at work, even in our storms.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #859996
#34. The more bad choices you make, the less bad your choices seem.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #895038
#35. smitten beyond words, and speechless in the presence of the girl he was falling for.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #935375
#36. Love never had enough time, but what time was left, he would savor. Every single second.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #942645
#37. There will always be naysayers. The key is to listen to God's calling. If you're doing that, then everyone else's opinion amount to little more than hot air.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #951859
#38. All of it was proof that God would always have the last word when it came to life-and-death situations.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #965570
#39. God, please now my future see, make it clear where I should be. Open windows, close the doors, not my will, my God, but Yours.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #977118
#40. Her heart was talking now...

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #984886
#41. Dear God, You've opened this door and now it's my time to walk through it.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1065787
#42. didn't hesitate. They rode down

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1091795
#43. Never be passive. Victories happen when you take charge of a game. You can't win by playing not to lose.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1092855
#44. Real love ... true love ... the kind that could last a lifetime would require a guy who loved God more than life, a guy who could lead her

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1120209
#45. Secular writers can tell a story about the physical, the emotional, and the intellectual parts of a character. But no matter how well they tell the story, they miss a facet that is innately part of all of us - the spiritual.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1123974
#46. I told you... I've changed. God changed me.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1127817
#47. It was one thing to pray for a Christmas miracle, to believe in one. It was something else entirely to see it happen before their eyes.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1132580
#48. But you need more than love, Em. Sometimes you need common ground.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1141458
#49. Innocence was something that grew in the heart and shone through the eyes.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1143019
#50. Fame destroys the people who believe it.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1144499
#51. Hold fast to your faith. Temptation is a given; look for the way out! It is possible to fall!

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1145608
#52. But the Beast was a good person ... the Prince looked on the outside the way the Beast was on the inside. Sometimes people couldn't see the inside of the person unless they like the outside of a person. Because they hadn't learned to hear the music yet.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1149522
#53. I developed a deep sadness for celebrities, a pity that they often are caught in a plastic world that runs too hard and too fast, and that many times that world means destroyed relationships with everyone they know and love.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1170700
#54. Please God ... lead me to that kind of love. Until then, help me to know that You are enough.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1177868
#55. Her eyes held an endless kind of love for him.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1178832
#56. People fell. They sinned and made mistakes and acted out crazy decisions that went against everything they knew to be true. And even then there was room for redemption.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1183613
#57. Christmas miracles happen to those who believe

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1211630
#58. Though her life hadn't turned out anything like she'd planned, she knew that in the darkest times God was always working. Always.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1240654
#59. This was how Christians had fallen under the umbrella of being judgmental and narrow-minded. The idea that one sin could be singled out as the worst, the area God disliked most.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1281578
#60. The truth was this: Love is a decision.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1288427
#61. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1304886
#62. Honesty was the glue in any relationship.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1311906
#63. He would help her give her heart to the right guy ... all in His perfect timing.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1313384
#64. Love well, laugh often and live well for Christ.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1317451
#65. When love was perfect, it would always cast out fear.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1318379
#66. Like that their dreams were set. They promised to push each other, to never settle for anything but the place where their hearts led.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1321164
#67. It's easy to step back and see something through the lens of personal bias.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1347505
#68. And the eyes are the lamp of the body.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1348420
#69. Life only comes at us one day at a time. That's where we need to let God meet us.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1381038
#70. at his office while he was in Los Angeles. David was certain

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1384455
#71. He knew something he hadn't known before ... He not only missed her. He still loved her.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1397348
#72. Because love was a light that wouldn't allow darkness to reign in his soul.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1425671
#73. It is. But it's like so many stories where God is the author. His fingerprints mark every chapter.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1438195
#74. No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1449634
#75. A tsunami of heartbreak consumed the landscape of her heart, wiping out all she has known or assumed or believed to be real over the last eleven years.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1451688
#76. Despite all the ways she'd messed up in life, she must've somehow gained God's favor anyway.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1473099
#77. It's not how we fall that defines us as Christians. It's how we get up again.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1475062
#78. Though it was the worst season in her life, something wonderful came of it. She found a relationship with Jesus.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1493913
#79. I need you, Bailey. Only you.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1500481
#80. She would lay her pen down and do what she should've done a year ago. Let God be the Author.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1523579
#81. This last year ... I learned something about family. Like it's not about blood alone. It's being connected ... it's growing up together and loving each other. It's believing in the same God and knowing you'd do anything for the person across from you at dinner.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1579333
#82. But God's ways are better than man

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1596318
#83. Love is not possible without sacrifice, and sacrifice is not possible without love.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1625533
#84. No one wants to hear about your faith. They must see it.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1626085
#85. Perfect is God's job. He's perfect enough for all of us. You need Him and I need Him. If you haven't made peace with that, then it's time. Today.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1626803
#86. As long as he was breathing, God's greatest task for him was not yet finished. His highest purpose in life was still unfulfilled ... God still had plans for him.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1637066
#87. I can spend 10 to 15 minutes with someone, and they can tell me what they're going through. I may never have gone through that, but I get it on a really deep level.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1638801
#88. Christmas is a time to mark our progress through this earthly journey. Because of Christmas, this we know: Christ was born for us. He is love, and the plans he has for us always surpass our own.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1662519
#89. And like that, the decades disappeared and the memory of that night came to life again. The way John had known it would. He didn't fight it, didn't work to stay in the here and now. If he was going to go back, then he wanted to relive it. All of it.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1684273
#90. God always hears us when we pray, isn't that right?

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1696787
#91. That was her favorite part, the moments of laughter and silliness. In some way, these times made their marriage strong, kept her more in love with Connor Evans every year. If they could play together this way, they would always be okay.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1712688
#92. My family and my faith are everything to me.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1732578
#93. AS C.S. Lewis once said, for Joe life here on earth was only the title and cover page. And now he has begun the greatest story of all, one that no one on earth has ever read in which ever chapter is better than the last.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1745102
#94. Well -" Emily sounded wonderful, full of life and love and purpose - "let's just say it could be raining every day and neither of us would notice.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1748017
#95. Wrinkles was her big gray cat. Sierra named him Wrinkles because when he was a little baby he had a wrinkly face. He slept in Sierra's room, but not always on the bed. Mommy said that was 'cause Wrinkles had an attitude. Most cats had attitudes, actually.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1756617
#96. And looked from Bo to the others. When you believe in something, you put your whole heart into it.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1782556
#97. Yes, God knew the number of a man's days. But sometimes that number was small because the enemy had cut it short.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1782740
#98. Every single person. Regardless of their sin struggle.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1842049
#99. He called it The Bridge because that was how felt about books. They connected the past and the present, the present and the future. Books brought people together and gave them a path to worlds they would not otherwise experience.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1868633
#100. We could figure out God's plan, then He wouldn't be God.

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury Quotes #1878006

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