Top 80 Computer Program Quotes

#1. A speaking, a crisis, people's lives in tatters, the future of the colony in doubt. And I cry in relief because an overblown computer program is speaking to me again,

Orson Scott Card

Computer Program Quotes #179586
#2. Stories where the author has known very little, but run a computer program that tells him how to construct a planet, and looked up specific things about rocketry and so on, really suck.

Frederik Pohl

Computer Program Quotes #119910
#3. Investment success cannot be captured in a mathematical equation or a computer program.

Seth Klarman

Computer Program Quotes #1856395
#4. In a chemistry class there was a guy sitting in front of me doing what looked like a jigsaw puzzle or some really weird kind of thing. He told me he was writing a computer program.

Jon Postel

Computer Program Quotes #1850204
#5. Personally, I rather look forward to a computer program winning the world chess championship. Humanity needs a lesson in humility.

Richard Dawkins

Computer Program Quotes #1823836
#6. The secret of DNA's success is that it carries information like that of a computer program, but far more advanced. Since experience shows that intelligence is the only presently acting cause of information, we can infer that intelligence is the best explanation for the information in DNA.

Jonathan Wells

Computer Program Quotes #1681060
#7. I have to tell him that the sheep we're looking for is a woman who runs a pet store," Creek said. "I think telling him his younger brother's been resurrected as a computer program might be a little much for one day." Archie

John Scalzi

Computer Program Quotes #1635068
#8. The Vedic viewpoint presents a type of linguistic realism in which reality is the 'text' which is being processed by the observer. Reality can also be modified by adding text to it similar to how a programmer programs a computer by inputting a computer program.

Ashish Dalela

Computer Program Quotes #1527500
#9. I think the brain is essentially a computer and consciousness is like a computer program. It will cease to run when the computer is turned off. Theoretically, it could be re-created on a neural network, but that would be very difficult, as it would require all one's memories.

Stephen Hawking

Computer Program Quotes #1526930
#10. Every new computer program is basically doing some task that a person used to do. But the computer usually does it faster, more accurately, for less money, and without any health insurance costs.

Douglas Rushkoff

Computer Program Quotes #1426482
#11. Isn't that a computer program? Sadie asked. I wanted

Rick Riordan

Computer Program Quotes #1332809
#12. What Jacob and Monod had discovered, in essence, was that each gene acts like a single line in a computer program.

Gary F. Marcus

Computer Program Quotes #1315330
#13. I think music will be created algorhythmically, all the things that we do will be boiled down to a little computer program.

Cliff Martinez

Computer Program Quotes #1246682
#14. A war that operates in every human mind below the subconscious level, like a computer program, constantly running in the background, guiding us to some eventuality." Kate

A.G. Riddle

Computer Program Quotes #1222692
#15. All my vocals were recorded at home, which was great for me. You can actually have a studio in a computer program called ProTools. I did half the record with ProTools.

David Coverdale

Computer Program Quotes #1020112
#16. A computer program can modify itself but it cannot violate its own instructions - it can at best change some parts of itself by *obeying* its own instructions.

Douglas Hofstadter

Computer Program Quotes #983051
#17. The critical thing in developing software is not the program, it's the design. It is translating understanding of user needs into something that can be realized as a computer program.

Mitch Kapor

Computer Program Quotes #996435
#18. A single human brain has about a hundred million nerve cells ... and a computer program that throws light on the mind/brain problem will have to incorporate the deepest insights of biologists, nerve scientists, psychologists, physiologists, linguists, social scientists, and even philosophers.

Tony Hoare

Computer Program Quotes #206157
#19. Did you ever think that if you told me where Bill's hiding his computer program, I would give you anything you asked for?
- Eric, club dead.

Charlaine Harris

Computer Program Quotes #219903
#20. Family life is not a computer program that runs on its own; it needs continual input from everyone.

Neil Kurshan

Computer Program Quotes #253194
#21. In the same sense that every thermal differential wants to equalize itself, and every computer program wants to become a collection of ad-hoc patches, every Cause wants to be a cult. It's

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Computer Program Quotes #269131
#22. The mind is an evolved computer program.

Eric Baum

Computer Program Quotes #285913
#23. The reason that no computer program can ever be a mind is simply that a computer program is only syntactical, and minds are more than syntactical. Minds are semantical, in the sense that they have more than a formal structure, they have a content.

John Searle

Computer Program Quotes #499625
#24. We shall have a race of men who are strong on telemetry and space communications but who cannot read anything but a blueprint or write anything but a computer program.

John Kenneth Galbraith

Computer Program Quotes #733883
#25. DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.

Bill Gates

Computer Program Quotes #766574
#26. This proposal would mean our Universe is entirely deterministic, our lives the result of a gigantic computer program that we live within and form part of.

James Tagg

Computer Program Quotes #778555
#27. A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do.

Arthur Bloch

Computer Program Quotes #786269
#28. A computer program is a message from a man to a machine. The rigidly marshaled syntax and the scrupulous definitions all exist to make intention clear to the dumb engine.

Fred Brooks

Computer Program Quotes #301601
#29. The brain is a robot-computer perfectly designed to fabricate any reality we program it to construct.

Timothy Leary

Computer Program Quotes #1392932
#30. If I wake up in the middle of the night and have an idea, I want to go to my computer and be able to do it. So I hired someone at Guitar Center to come over to my house and teach me Logic music program, and I learned it over a couple months.

Rachel Platten

Computer Program Quotes #1343345
#31. Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer ... because it teaches you how to think.

Steve Jobs

Computer Program Quotes #1322991
#32. When I was nine, ten, I was super young, but I installed a program on my computer so I could start producing music.

Martin Garrix

Computer Program Quotes #1311561
#33. I have met bright students in computer science who have never seen the source code of a large program. They may be good at writing small programs, but they can't begin to learn the different skills of writing large ones if they can't see how others have done it.

Richard Stallman

Computer Program Quotes #1235396
#34. A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do

Dennis Ritchie

Computer Program Quotes #1202945
#35. Now the whole point about machines is they are designed not to be random. When you call up a word processing program on your computer, you don't want it to be different every time you call it up. You want it to stay the same.

Rupert Sheldrake

Computer Program Quotes #1199187
#36. The labs were happy that I was brave enough to attempt to program it and the $5 million computer was left entirely to my use. I was their human guinea pig.

Philip Emeagwali

Computer Program Quotes #1154845
#37. Institutions have the pathetic megalomania of the computer whose whole vision of the world is its own program.

Mary Douglas

Computer Program Quotes #1118922
#38. The Tinkering School. More of a lab than a school, this summer program, created by computer scientist Gever Tulley, lets children from seven to seventeen play around with interesting stuff and build cool things.

Daniel H. Pink

Computer Program Quotes #1046147
#39. As I was leaving graduate school in 1974, I was recruited to join a fledgling SETI project at the Hat Creek Observatory in California, mainly because I knew how to program an ancient PDP8/S computer that had been donated to the project.

Jill Tarter

Computer Program Quotes #1026891
#40. I'm not a computer person at all. I only know how to turn them on. I'm not a programmer. I couldn't program my way out of a paper bag.

Rick Smolan

Computer Program Quotes #975508
#41. The way life manages information involves a logical structure that differs fundamentally from mere complex chemistry. Therefore chemistry alone will not explain life's origin, any more than a study of silicon, copper and plastic will explain how a computer can execute a program.

Paul Davies

Computer Program Quotes #965516
#42. The computer industry began with home-brew boxes that everyone had to program for themselves, but that was a huge hassle. The computer revolution didn't explode until the first Macintosh arrived, with its point-and-click simplicity.

Clive Thompson

Computer Program Quotes #1420327
#43. A program designed for inputs from people is usually stressed beyond breaking point by computer-generated inputs.

Dennis Ritchie

Computer Program Quotes #1479792
#44. It's hard to program a computer to make jokes. The brain needs to do something here; the brain needs to come up with something bizarre to make something funny.

Brian Regan

Computer Program Quotes #1489387
#45. When somebody has learned how to program a computer ... You're joining a group of people who can do incredible things. They can make the computer do anything they can imagine.

Tim Berners-Lee

Computer Program Quotes #1561456
#46. Hi there! This is Eddie, your shipboard computer, and I'm feeling just great, guys, and I know I'm just going to get a bundle of kicks out of any program you care to run through me.

Douglas Adams

Computer Program Quotes #1599884
#47. The best computer programmers never write a new program when they can use an old one for a new job.

Gerald M. Weinberg

Computer Program Quotes #1646652
#48. Zero-length arrays are useful only in cases where you have a large structure, which contains a field of dynamic length, and you need to share that structure across program or even computer boundaries.

Robert Love

Computer Program Quotes #1686720
#49. I'm a contract computer scientist by trade, but I'm the founder of something called the Tinkering School. It's a summer program which aims to help kids to learn how to build the things that they think of.

Gever Tulley

Computer Program Quotes #1687212
#50. When we first started with Apple computers, it was my dream that everyone would learn to program, and that was how they'd use their computer.

Steve Wozniak

Computer Program Quotes #1713580
#51. When developers of digital technologies design a program that requires you to interact with a computer as if it were a person, they ask you to accept in some corner of your brain that you might also be conceived of as a program.

Jaron Lanier

Computer Program Quotes #1765466
#52. At some stage in the process, most mainstream pop records are being manipulated and possibly completely rebuilt on a computer, with a visual program.

James Blake

Computer Program Quotes #1795694
#53. The computer may be incompetent in itself
that is, unable to do the work for which it was designed. This kind of incompetence can never be eliminated, because the Peter Principle applies in the plants where computers are designed and manufactured.

Laurence J. Peter

Computer Program Quotes #1814158
#54. The process of preparing programs for a digital computer is especially attractive, not only because it can economically and scientifically rewarding, but also because it can be an aesthetic experience much like composing poetry or music.

Donald Knuth

Computer Program Quotes #1831842
#55. In the U.S. there are two types of hipsters: those who know how to program and those who serve coffee.

Cesar Hidalgo

Computer Program Quotes #467872
#56. Every child should learn to program a computer because it will teach you how to think.

Steve Jobs

Computer Program Quotes #11858
#57. It used to be the program's purpose to instruct our computers; it became the computer's purpose to execute our programs.

Edsger Dijkstra

Computer Program Quotes #63562
#58. You see, Earthman, they really are particularly clever hyper-intelligent pandimensional beings. Your planet and people have formed the matrix of an organic computer running a ten-million-year research program ... . Let me tell you the whole story. It'll take a little time.

Douglas Adams

Computer Program Quotes #74651
#59. I think it goes back to my high school days. In computer class, the first assignment was to write a program to print the first 100 Fibonacci numbers. Instead, I wrote a program that would steal passwords of students. My teacher gave me an A.

Kevin Mitnick

Computer Program Quotes #103403
#60. There are several places in Vietnam where they're teaching computer science from second grade in class, so they don't have a gender divide because everybody is expected to program.

Megan Smith

Computer Program Quotes #111979
#61. In the computer field, the moment of truth is a running program; all else is prophecy.

Herbert Simon

Computer Program Quotes #135254
#62. I use a really simple calendar program on my computer.

Jamie Zawinski

Computer Program Quotes #217963
#63. ...the telemetrists began to use a computer to program the computer that designed the program for the computer that programmed the robot-controlling computer.
There was nothing but confusion.

Isaac Asimov

Computer Program Quotes #230535
#64. In computers, every 'new explosion' was set off by a software product that allowed users to program differently.

Alan Kay

Computer Program Quotes #417633
#65. In the early stages of negotiation software, on your smartphone, there may be programs that listen to the pitch of a voice, or that test for stress. You'll just ask the program, 'Was he lying? Was he eager to do business with me?' Maybe the computer will be right sixty per cent of the time.

Tyler Cowen

Computer Program Quotes #432055
#66. If you don't have a job right now, and you have a computer and a basic intelligence level, I guarantee you can get a great job, paying really well, in less than three months. How? Learn to program.

Tucker Max

Computer Program Quotes #445488
#67. I often calculate odds on horse races; the civil service computermen frequently program such requests. But the results are so at variance with expectations that I have concluded either that the data is too meager, or the horses or riders are not honest. Possibly all three.

Robert A. Heinlein

Computer Program Quotes #463317
#68. The program I use is called MED Soundstudio. It's basically a column of numbers that relate to pitch, duration, the type of sound. If I want to play a chord, I have to press keys on a keyboard - like a computer keyboard, on my Amiga - that relate to sharps and flats, note by note.

Max Tundra

Computer Program Quotes #932304
#69. I used to want to be a computer programmer when I was younger. We got an Apple II Plus when I was, like, 11 and I wrote programs and BASIC on that, like I think a lot of people did, but I have no idea how to program in the current languages at all.

Chris Parnell

Computer Program Quotes #474824
#70. We passed a bill in 1997, signed by Democratic Gov. Lawton Chiles, which created a pilot program for a novel experiment called Florida Virtual School. The notion of children using a computer for a classroom and reporting to virtual teachers wasn't exactly mainstream thinking in those days.

Dan Webster

Computer Program Quotes #551977
#71. I have several computer companies. One of them I have a program for wide-format printing. I have a beauty program. So I have several different programs that I own for printing.

Jerry Mathers

Computer Program Quotes #555040
#72. Writing a computer virus program is child's play. Any fool can do it, which is why the silly little twerps who do have nothing to be proud of.

Richard Dawkins

Computer Program Quotes #561719
#73. Anyone with a computer and a design program can create a page layout. But unless you're trained in design, it won't look very good and it won't communicate very well.

John Maeda

Computer Program Quotes #565365
#74. In high school, one of the things I loved doing was this after-school program where you would teach computer skills to some of the maintenance folks at school.

Mike Krieger

Computer Program Quotes #591142
#75. Dr. Karel Culik is an outstanding applied mathematician, a specialist in algebra, logic, computer sciences and mathematical linguistics. In 1965, he visited the linguistics research program at MIT, and we have worked together on several projects since.

Noam Chomsky

Computer Program Quotes #614932
#76. If India is computer, Congress is its default program.

Rahul Gandhi

Computer Program Quotes #622947
#77. The stored-program digital computer has three major attributes: it is fast, it is accurate, and it is stupid. The first two attributes are often used to disguise the third.

P. J. Plauger

Computer Program Quotes #636508
#78. The most important property of a program is whether it accomplishes the intention of its user.

C.A.R. Hoare

Computer Program Quotes #777612
#79. Transparency once meant being able to "open the hood" to see how things worked. Now, with the Macintosh meaning of transparency dominant in the computer culture, it means quite the opposite: being able to use a program without knowing how it works.

Sherry Turkle

Computer Program Quotes #830522
#80. Be grateful. Find something to be grateful for. Don't do too many things that make you feel like you deserve to lose because we do program our own computers. I believe there is a plus and a minus column and if you end up on the minus column, your own conscience will make you lose.

Jim Carrey

Computer Program Quotes #893272

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