Top 10 Cesar Hidalgo Quotes

#1. In a physical system, information is the opposite of entropy, as it involves uncommon and highly correlated configurations that are difficult to arrive at.

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #19036
#2. As the parts that made the Bugatti were pulled apart and twisted, the information that was embodied in the Bugatti was largely destroyed. This is another way of saying that the $2.5 million worth of value was stored not in the car's atoms but in the way those atoms were arranged.

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #90333
#3. A society built entirely out of rational individuals who come together on the basis of a social contract for the sake of the satisfaction of their wants cannot form a society that would be viable over any length of time. - FRANCIS FUKUYAMA

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #298607
#4. entropy is always lurking on the borders of information-rich anomalies,

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #467339
#5. In the U.S. there are two types of hipsters: those who know how to program and those who serve coffee.

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #467872
#6. Products augment us, and this is a great reason why we want them.

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #1418553
#7. The allocation of the best jobs, just like that of the best apartments, tends to piggyback social networks.

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #1528127
#8. economy is the collective system by which humans make information grow.

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #1559632
#9. Schooling is certainly not a great proxy for knowhow and knowledge, since it is by definition a measure of the time spent in an establishment, not of the knowledge embodied in a person's brain.

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #1643945
#10. Technologies that change society are technologies that change interactions between people

Cesar Hidalgo

Cesar Hidalgo Quotes #1768488

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