Top 100 Collections Of Quotes
#1. Every advance [in Science] will most likely tell us as much about ourselves as it will about the universe we inhabit. We are all collections of chemicals made in the cataclysmic explosions of stars; we are stardust, or nuclear waste, depending on your perspective.
Michael Brooks
#2. Where a love of natural beauty has been cultivated, all nature becomes a stupendous gallery, as much superior in form and in coloring to the choicest collections of human art, as the heavens are broader and loftier than the Louvre or the Vatican.
Horace Mann
#3. I love collections of things, but always in moderation.
Sandy Gallin
#4. Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position.
Douglas McGregor
#5. I used to go to the comic store all the time. I was into comic cards, which are essentially baseball cards for comic book heroes. They have these cool stats on the back. I had collections of these things. I still have a lot of my collection at home.
Brett Dalton
#6. It is the tragedy of other people that they are merely showcases for the very perishable collections of one's own mind.
Marcel Proust
#7. But I'd worked in IT long enough to know: Hope is a terrible survival trait. My methods were data collection, comparisons of probabilities, and collections of "what if.
#8. as the most stupendous objects in nature are but vast collections of minute particles, so the slightest and least considered trifles make up the sum of human happiness or misery.
Charles Dickens
#9. The universe is incredibly wondrous, incredibly beautiful, and it fills me with a sense that there is some underlying explanation that we have yet to fully understand. If someone wants to place the word 'God' on those collections of words, it's OK with me.
Brian Greene
#10. Most of those who make collections of verse or epigram are like men eating cherries or oysters: they choose out the best at first, and end by eating all.
Nicolas Chamfort
#11. The painter ... will find [photography] a rapid way of making collections of studies he could otherwise obtain only with much time and trouble and, whatever his talents might be, in a far less perfect manner.
Paul Delaroche
#12. Our bodies are these collections of appetites that veer out of control and habits that drag us down paths we don't want to travel.
John Ortberg
#13. Fearless faith results from holding on to Christ as our treasure. Gospel courage comes from gospel preciousness. If we truly believed that our reward in heaven far surpasses all the comfort and convenience and collections of the world, we, too, would be willing to consider them all as loss.
Matt Chandler
#14. MIDI made a natural transition to the PC. The MIDI messages that make up a musical composition can be saved as MIDI files, which are collections of MIDI messages with timing information.
Charles Petzold
#15. Just as a chariot is verbalized, in dependence on collections of parts, so conventionally a sentient being, is set up depending on the mental and physical aggregates
Gautama Buddha
#16. We are collections of things that we find and experience and value and keep inside ourselves, sometimes knowingly, sometimes unknowingly, and that collection of things is what we finally become.
Gregory David Roberts
#17. How dispensable are most people in our lives, collections of matter filling empty space until they're recycled.
Teddy Wayne
#18. I have collections of quirky things from places I've been to, like a set of Russian dolls.
Emma Watson
#19. These small shows were decidedly a success. The exhibitions were not too large to be seen easily. It was not an effort, as larger collections of pictures usually are.
Childe Hassam
#20. There are endless planes of attention, endless realities and endless mind states. They're like collections of atoms and protons and neutrons, nuclei. They just go on forever. They're plasma, they're fluid ... they're alive.
Frederick Lenz
#21. I would love to have faith. When you take God out of the universe, there is no-one taking care us - we are just parcels of meat, collections of atoms - we have a little flowering on Earth, and then we're gone.
Michel Faber
#22. I was born in the era of the novel. I've written many, as well as collections of poetry, and essays for mouthing off. I've written to inches, word-counts, page-counts, even the sonnet and the screenplay (which I call a plot poem). I write narrative. That's it. I just want to tell it.
Julianna Baggott
#23. Great collections of books are subject to certain accidents besides the damp, the worms, and the rats; one not less common is that of the borrowers, not to say a word of the purloiners
Isaac D'Israeli
#24. It is hard for many people to give up the religion in which they were born; to admit that their fathers were utterly mistaken, and that the sacred records of their country are but collections of myths and fables.
Robert Green Ingersoll
#25. My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts.
Charles Darwin
#26. Family traditions are more than arguments with the dead, more than collections of family letters you try to decipher. A tradition is also a channel of memory through which fierce and unrequited longings surge, longings that define and shape a whole life.
Michael Ignatieff
#27. What I would love to see is art that explicitly addresses not personal intimacies but anonymous intimacies: the vast collections of facts about you and me that now exist in giant server banks.
Russell Smith
#28. The deposits Lewy observed have been widely thought to be linked to the underlying issues resulting in the disease itself. The collections of abnormal proteins were named in his honor and are now called Lewy Bodies[
Michael S. Okun
#29. It seems to me that organized creeds are collections of words around a wish. I feel no need for such. I know that nothing is destructible; things merely change forms. When the consciousness we know as life ceases, I know that I shall still be part and parcel of the world.
-Zora Neale Hurston
Zora Neale Hurston
#30. I have a lot of different collections of cards at home. It's hard to say my favorite deck, but there is a deck called the medicine cards, and it's Native American animal cards.
Valerie June
#31. Why don't I like crowds? I suppose the worst possible thing I could say is that I don't like people, and that crowds are just collections of people. That seems like a very nihilistic way to look at the world.
Chuck Klosterman
#32. In other words, that works of history are mere collections of facts. It is fiction alone that can show us the true nature of human beings
Daisaku Ikeda
#33. I lived in Calcutta for five months in 1999. While I was there, I read many journals, diaries, collections of letters and histories.
Susanna Moore
#34. I love reference books, especially collections of memorable quotations, world almanacs, and atlases. Facts to me are like candy or popcorn, small, tasty delights, and I like to gorge on them now and then.
Walter Kirn
#35. Our vast collections of knowledge and experience are just part of ego's display, part of the grandiose quality of ego. We display them to the world and, in so doing, reassure ourselves that we exist, safe and secure, as "spiritual" people.
Chogyam Trungpa
#36. The humor section is the last place an author wants to be. They put your stuff next to collections of Cathy cartoons.
David Sedaris
#37. Most of my early records were not cohesive at all, just collections of demos recorded in different years. 'Odelay' was the first time I actually got to go in the studio and record a piece of music in a continuous linear fashion, although that was written over a year.
#38. Most of us have collections of sayings we live by ... Whenever words fly up at me from the printed page as I read, I intercept them instantly, knowing they are for me. I turn them over carefully in my mind and cling to them hard.
Ray Stannard Baker
#39. Our albums just tend to be collections of songs really, because we all write in the group, all four of us.
John Deacon
#40. When social forces press for the rejection of age-old Truth, then those who reject it will seek meaning in their own truth. These truths will rarely be Truth at all; they will be only collections of personal preferences and prejudices.
Dean Koontz
#41. Just the idea that we, these little collections of atoms and molecules, are part of the world, but a part that can look at the rest of the world and figure it out in a self-referential way, is kind of breathtaking.
Sean M. Carroll
#42. For me, decorating perfection means eclectic styles and collections of beautiful things like pottery, pillboxes and match strikers.
Jane Green
#43. The whole philosophy of modern times is to dissolve distinctions between individuals and deal with them as large collections of people. It's essentially self-interested on the part of authority.
Tom Stoppard
#44. Women are outside the law; they make nothing, they say yes or no to some collections of whereases.
Christina Stead
#45. That's what novels are: They're amalgams of archetypes, collections of random traits one observes in other people through life, blended into fresh characters.
Michael Callahan
#46. For pleasure you can read the games collections of Andersson and Chigorin, but for benefit you should study Tarrasch, Keres and Bronstein.
Mikhail Tal
#47. Real myths are often strange and startlingly unfamiliar, and don't always give up their meanings easily; you have to tease them out, and for me, that's one of the pleasures of reading older collections of lore.
Elizabeth Hand
#48. I dislike the word mythology because of its secondary definition meaning "something untrue." Myth is a Greek word that simply means "story," and mythologies are collections of ancient stories explaining the order of the universe or a society's ideals and customs.
Alaric Albertsson
#49. I work in my study, taking the collections of words that people send me and making small adjustments to them, changing something here and there, checking everything is in order and putting a part of myself into the text by introducing just a little bit of difference. ("Substitutions")
Michael Marshall Smith
#50. Don't try to impress God with your works" or "Don't attempt to please God with your merits" or "Don't try to keep the rules and regulations in order to earn your salvation." He looked around at nearly slumbering collections of utterly casual Christians and wondered, "Who's trying?
Martin E. Marty
#51. Organizations are communities of human beings, not collections of human resources
Henry Mintzberg
#52. The Grimm collections were never intended for children. Not because kids were excluded, but because the division we make today of children's literature didn't exist then. The idea of protecting children from tales with violence didn't occur until the earlier part of the 19th century.
Jack Zipes
#53. The Web is a vast collection of completely uncontrolled heterogeneous documents.
Larry Page
#54. All Librarians are members of the Catalogue. That's what you call a coven when it's made up of Librarians instead of witches. Librarians have sorted and alphabetized all the magic that ever thought to put a rabbit and a hat together. Who do you think invented Special Collections?
Catherynne M Valente
#55. It's interesting to see how some of the womenswear designers that we have long worked with at Net-A-Porter are developing menswear collections - Christopher Kane, Jonathan Saunders and Richard Nicoll.
Natalie Massenet
#56. There is so much more fashion coverage online, so women today are really seeing the collections. They're a lot savvier and more aware of the discrepancies between what they see on the runway and what they end up seeing in their local shops.
Lauren Santo Domingo
#57. I've never had a huge collection of records; I've never been a beat digga.
#58. Ephraim found a stack of postcards tied together with a faded green ribbon. He shuffled through them and found they were from every World's Fair from 1915 in San Francisco to 1939 in New York. None of the postcards hed been written on or mailed.
Megan Frazer Blakemore
#59. I mean your borrowers of books - those mutilators of collections, spoilers of the symmetry of shelves, and creators of odd volumes.
Charles Lamb
#60. I find some collections to be more vibrant than others, but the designers who last are those who are able to continue to be creative within the mold they have cast, usually right at the beginning of their careers.
Suzy Menkes
#61. If we give up on having library collections (digital or otherwise) and outsource access to and preservation of knowledge to corporations, we will have neither access nor preservation.
Barbara Fister
#62. My first three books, the collections, were fun to write and a great start but I have matured so much as a writer since then and am extremely proud of the Detective Byone novels- they will be my legacy!
Ricardo M. Fleshman
#63. Mostly it was Mad magazine. And I did read a lot of - I had a subscription when I was little, but I also had access to some old collections, the little paperbacks of the really good stuff.
Alison Bechdel
#64. Hey! Who stole my collection of used bandages?! And they also got away with my nude pictures of Ernest Borgnine!
George Carlin
#65. Since I'm a fan of collections and anthologies, believe that the best writing often shines in shards and galloping stretches, I never find myself lobbying for a writer I enjoy reading regularly to hole up in Heidegger's hut for four or five years to bring forth a mountain.
James Wolcott
#66. The CD, it should be noted, was born out of greed. It was devised to prop up record sales on the expectation of people replenishing their record collections with CDs of albums they had already purchased.
John Mellencamp
#68. I realized the importance of archiving. So I save key pieces from my collections, as well as any red-carpet things that become iconic. I always ask for that stuff back. I'm like, "It's going in my archives."
Jason Wu
#69. There's a lot of work that goes into it - if you think about how many collections a year that Karl Lagerfeld has to do, with Chanel and all the other things he does - you can't do that unless you are working 18 hours a day. It's really a lot of hard, hard work.
Penelope Cruz
#70. I want to continue to strengthen Harvard's fabulous collections in old printed material, but at the same time, I want to help Harvard move into the world of digitized information.
Robert Darnton
#71. It's important for young women and men coming out of the fashion schools to think seriously before starting their own collections.
Anna Wintour
#73. We are not any safer through the bulk collection of all Americans' records.
Ted Cruz
#74. Sometimes I'd go to his house. If I had some cool cards in my pack of Iceberg Updates, we'd compare collections, maybe swap a few.
China Mieville
#75. I don't really know that anybody's proven that a random collection of people doing their own thing actually creates value.
Steve Ballmer
#76. I've got a book of poetry by the bed, one of these big collections that goes back to the Greeks and Romans.
Martin Cruz Smith
#77. As music migrates into our iPods, CD collections require less and less room, residing in our heads rather than resounding off the walls. The protracted labor of amassing a personal music library has lost its detective zeal.
James Wolcott
#78. The war drops its question mark. Memos are distributed. The collections must be protected. A small cadre of couriers has begun moving things to country estates. Locks and keys are in greater demand than ever.
Anthony Doerr
#79. I am part of a team organising an Emma Hamilton exhibition for the National Maritime Museum for 2016, and the amount of planning is a revelation - borrowing from museums and collections all over the world.
Kate Williams
#80. Our culture takes us out of the body and sells our loyalty into political systems, into religions, into inanimate objects and machines, collections, so forth and so on. The felt experience of the body is what the psychedelics are handing back to us.
Terence McKenna
#81. Knowledge resides in the user and not in the collection [of information]. It is how the user reacts to a collection of information that matters.
C. West Churchman
#82. We have not been created out of nothing, but from primeval "ur-matter," atoms formed billions of years ago that have for a brief while been gathered into collections that think they are us.
Frank Close
#83. A man who risks his life in shooting big game in order to secure good specimens for natural history collections, or to rid a district of a man-eater or other dangerous neighbor, is a sportsman in the true sense.
Robert Baden-Powell
#84. Sometimes when I speak to groups or I'm interviewed by a journalist, I ask them to imagine their communities without Girl Scouts - to imagine the thousands of food drives and clothing and toy collections that would never take place if not for Girl Scouts.
Anna Maria Chavez
#85. Collections are amusing only in the making; afterwards they are like sporting prints without the sport. The sons of collectors inherit only the corpse of their fathers' satisfied passion.
Marthe Bibesco
#86. The rest of my work, besides sketching and keeping a diary, which was the most troublesome of all, consisted in making geological and zoological collections.
John Hanning Speke
#87. With the traditional six-month lead time on the delivery of international show content, designer collections can be outpaced by the so-called fast fashion chains. H&M, Topshop and Zara, or even Target and J. Crew, would have their versions for sale before the designer looks hit the stores.
Suzy Menkes
#88. I don't really have a domestic inclination. Even my apartment has a semblance of a storage facility. It's just stacks, there are no bookshelves, just books and piles of stamp collections and weird little sewing and knitting projects.
Sufjan Stevens
#89. I like to style myself, as my first job out of university was working at 'Vogue' magazine in NYC, and I grew up attending the collections with my mother, so I have a particular aesthetic, which is classic glamour with a twist.
Carly Steel
#90. The Metropolitan Museum has all of our collections online, all our scholarly publications and catalogues since 1965. We have online features like the timeline of art history.
Thomas P. Campbell
#91. I had a great time investigating the pigments of different mutant fruit flies by following experimental protocols published in Scientific American, and I also remember making my own beetle collection when it was still acceptable to make such collections.
Paul Nurse
#92. I remind myself of Einstein's remark that common sense is nothing but a collection of misconceptions acquired by age 18 ...
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
#93. A collection of books is the best of all universities.
Thomas Carlyle
#94. The Bible is such a gargantuan collection of conflicting values that anyone can prove anything from it.
Robert A. Heinlein
#95. Every decade, we get a stunning collection of dynamic, heartbreaking short stories. In the past, those collections came from Barry Hannah, Mark Richard, and Thom Jones.
Chuck Palahniuk
#96. [On her and husband Michael Dorris:] We both have title collections. I think a title is like a magnet. It begins to draw these scraps of experience or conversation or memory to it. Eventually, it collects a book.
Louise Erdrich
#97. You know, it's sort of common wisdom among New York publishers that short story collections don't make money.
Chad Harbach
#98. You can tell if it's a good collection if people are afraid of it. In ten years, everyone will love it.
Rei Kawakubo
#99. For me, the gallery legitimates the art production and helps build collections. I don't think an artist should do everything by himself forever. I did it for years and then slowly built my circle of trust.
#100. A great product isn't just a collection of features. It's how it all works together.
Tim Cook
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