Top 100 Can It Be Quotes
#1. To be fated to lose. To know destiny itself the architect of my torment. Can it be true? Is to be Loki to be without hope? And if so...to whom can a god appeal for mercy?
Robert Rodi
#2. Chance does not speak essentially through words nor can it be seen in their convolution. It is the eruption of language, its sudden appearance. It's not a night twinkle with stars, an illuminated sleep, nor a drowsy vigil. It is the very edge of consciousness.
Michel Foucault
#3. If you have nothing of the spirit of prayer, nothing of the love of the brotherhood, nothing of mortifying the spirit of the world, nothing of growth in grace, of cordial, habitual, persevering obedience to the Divine commands, how can it be that you have been brought nigh by the blood of Christ?
Gardiner Spring
#4. The human spirit cannot be seen; neither can it be denied.
Toni Sorenson
#5. We have to abandon the idea that schooling is something restricted to youth. How can it be, in a world where half the things a man knows at 20 are no longer true at 40 - and half the things he knows at 40 hadn't been discovered when he was 20?
Arthur C. Clarke
#6. How can it be all right?" "Everything happens for a reason. It was meant to be this way; this day, this reason, this cause, this way.
Shelly Crane
#7. We're Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be?
Charlie Sheen
#8. This body is dying. I can feel it rotting all around me. How can anything that is going to die be real? How can it be truly beautiful?
Peter S. Beagle
#9. How can it be hard and easy at the same time?" asked Omar.
"It's like a really tall wall," said Anja. "It might be hard to climb, but there's no flying crocodiles to fight off while you do it.
Dan Wells
#10. One day my wife went and saw the accountant and said she's pulling the plug. She said you guys are done. I said, how bad can it be? 10 grand? She said you're not even close. It came out to almost $50,000 in alcohol for two months.
Zakk Wylde
#11. For you, in my respect, are all the world.
Then how can it be said I am alone
When all the world is here to look on me?
William Shakespeare
#12. I look in the mirror and say to myself, Can it be you once played Romeo?
Bela Lugosi
#13. Can imagination act Perpendicular to fact? Can it be a kite that flies Till the Earth , umbrella-wise, Folds and drops away from sight?
Philip Jose Farmer
#14. If God wants something done, can it be done? I am personally convinced that no goal God has for my life is impossible, uncertain, nor can it be blocked.
Neil T. Anderson
#15. I called the doctor on the telephone, Said doctor, doctor, please, I got this feeling, rocking and reeling, Tell me, what can it be? Is it some new disease? - The Sylvers
Stephen King
#16. I'm thinking of being a professional mourner. How hard can it be? Tear at your hair, sing a dirge or two, take the rest of the week off.
Christopher Moore
#17. Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse. No more can it be dismissed as science fiction; we are already feeling the effects.
Desmond Tutu
#18. True love cannot be found where it does not exist, nor can it be denied where it does
Torquato Tasso
#19. How can it be that a set of shoulders, the rhythm of a stride, the shadow of a strand of hair falling on a forehead can cause the tides of the heart to ebb and to flow?
Ahdaf Soueif
#20. If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send 150 lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, & talk by the hour? That 150 lawyers should do business together ought not to be expected.
Thomas Jefferson
#21. Well then," said I, "if God does not forsake me, of what ill consequence can it be, or what matters it, though the world should all forsake me, seeing on the other hand, if I had all the world, and should lose the favour and blessing of God, there would be no comparison in the loss?
Daniel Defoe
#22. What I've always taken away from his words is the sense that we all have something that confines us, that seeks to define us, label us, belittling us in the process, shortchanging our potential. Can it be that that is our sanctuary, our refuge, our way to liberty?
#23. Each moment of zazen is equally wholeness of practice, equally wholeness of realization. This is not only practice while sitting, it is like a hammer striking emptiness: before and after, its exquisite peal permeates everywhere. How can it be limited to this moment?
#24. How can it be expressed in anything but itself?
E. M. Forster
#25. The so-called law of induction cannot possibly be a law of logic, since it is obviously a proposition with a sense.
Nor, therefore, can it be an a priori law.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
#26. The path to Heaven is narrow, rough and full of wearisome and trying ascents, nor can it be trodden without great toil; and therefore wrong is their way, gross their error, and assured their ruin who, after the testimony of so many thousands of saints, will not learn where to settle their footing.
Robert Southwell
#27. All producers encourage you, whatever it is, to make it more-so. If you've got a joke, can it be funnier? If you've got an action sequence, can it be more exciting? That's the nature of being a producer.
Walter Hill
#28. Criticism is not religion, and by no process can it be substituted for it. It is not the critic's eye, but the child's heart, that most truly discerns the countenance that looks out from the pages of the gospel.
John Campbell Shairp
#29. Can it be that even as one grows to fit the space one lives in, one cannot grow until there's space to grow?
Rita Dove
#30. The finger pointing at the moon remains a finger and under no circumstances can it be changed into the moon itself.
D.T. Suzuki
#31. No great idea in its beginning can ever be within the law. How can it be within the law? The law is stationary. The law is fixed. The law is a chariot wheel which binds us all regardless of conditions or place or time.
Emma Goldman
#32. Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way, a road is made.
Lu Xun
#33. Can it be entirely accidental that the most famous fictional spy of them all, James Bond, Number 007, deadly marksman, intriguer, the ultimate man behind the curtain, sexual athlete and ruthless patriot, is also a Scot, as was the author, whose wish-fulfilment he was?
Linda Colley
#34. Ye Gods and Little Fishes," said Sir Henry, "can it be? George, it's my own particular, one and only four starred Pussy. The super Pussy of all old Pussies...
Agatha Christie
#35. The summer that I was ten - Can it be there was only one summer that I was ten? It must have been a long one then.
May Swenson
#36. It is understood that inside even the most innocent of beings slumbers a beast. This beast, with proper coaxing can be released. But can it be controlled?
Inger Iversen
#37. If a revolution is not accessible, tangible, and replicable, how on earth can it be a revolution?
Malcolm Gladwell
#38. How can it be that the most wonderous and sacred human space - the womb - has become a place of unutterable violence?
Pope Benedict XVI
#39. Can it be of less consequence that the meaning of a Constitution should be fixed and known, than a meaning of a law should be so?
James Madison
#40. In peace prepare for war, in war prepare for peace. The art of war is of vital importance to the state. It is matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence under no circumstances can it be neglected.
Sun Tzu
#41. Europe sees itself as a liberal-minded society. It has no desire to be, nor can it be, a Christian club.
Walter Kasper
#42. The cup which my Saviour giveth me, can it be anything but a cup of salvation?
Alexander MacLaren
#43. Can it be that action is active resignation? Something is trying to develop; it moves ever so slightly, and there comes your man of action and bashes in the hothouse windows.
Gunter Grass
#44. I was just looking at moving to Cambridge, and a house I was looking at cost a million dollars. Because somehow, that's what a house costs. And I was thinking, "How can it be?" And I was thinking, "What am I doing? Am I going to be Niall Ferguson, that horrible man?
Jamaica Kincaid
Terry Pratchett
#46. As a Christian, I believe that we are all created in the image of God. I believe that God loves the whole world ... The life of no human being is cheap in the eyes of God, nor can it be in our own eyes.
Billy Graham
#47. Can it be That modesty may more betray our sense Than woman's lightness? Having waste ground enough, Shall we desire to raze the sanctuary And pitch our evils there?
William Shakespeare
#48. When can it be said that one has entered into spirituality? Spirituality begins from the moment one gets the slight impression 'I am somewhat different from this [the body?]' And when dehadhyas, the belief of 'I am the body, the relative self', goes away; that is when spirituality is complete.
Dada Bhagwan
#49. The serious student of the Bible cannot dismiss homosexual behavior simply as an alternate lifestyle. Nor can it be argued that homosexuals were "born this way" or that such behavior is an illness.
Billy Graham
#50. Is not art a tool we employ to peel the kitsch off life? Layer by layer art strips life bare. The more abstract it gets, the more transparent the air is. Can it be that the farther it is removed from life, the clearer art becomes?
Robert Musil
#51. I'm really scared now, from choosing, from thinking and from taking risks and going out of the comfort zone. But what can it be done??
Time goes and goes, it eats people and it gives new people life...
Deyth Banger
#52. If we say a little it is easy to add, but having said too much it is hard to withdraw and never can it be done so quickly as to hinder the harm of our success.
Saint Francis De Sales
#53. It is beyond the power of any man to make a revolution. Neither can it be brought about on any appointed date. It is brought about by special environments, social and economic. The function of an organised party is to utilise any such opportunity offered by these circumstances.
Bhagat Singh
#54. Numerous animals have lost their lives at my hands, but only one human. I hear Gale saying, How different can it be, really?
Suzanne Collins
#55. Can it be I am the only Jew residing in Danville, Kentuchy, looking for matzoh in the Safeway and the A & P?
Maxine Kumin
#56. They aren't common, but enormously interesting. How can it be that you've been together that long and you're still intensely in love with them?
Arthur Aron
#57. America's educational dilemma doesn't make sense to even the casual observer. How can it be that the world's only superpower has so much trouble educating its youth? Why is it that providing all American children with a solid, first-rate education is so hard for this mighty nation?
Karin Chenoweth
#58. We have not known a single great scientist who could not discourse freely and interestingly with a child. Can it be that haters of clarity have nothing to say, have observed nothing, have no clear picture of even their own fields?
John Steinbeck
#59. I therefore believe that the politics of the left and centre of this country are frozen in an out-of-date mould which is bad for the political and economic health of Britain and increasingly inhibiting for those who live within the mould. Can it be broken?
Roy Jenkins
#60. A genuine work of art, can never be false, nor can it be discredited through the lapse of time, for it does not present an opinion but the thing itself.
Arthur Schopenhauer
#61. What can it be about low temperatures
that sharpens the edges of objects?
Ian McEwan
#62. How can it be that there is such a colossal gap between what we think we know about grief and mourning and what we actually find out when it comes to us?
Jim Beaver
#63. Can it be that we, too, are ready to embrace the foul concepts of atheism? Somebody is tampering with America's soul, I leave it to you who that somebody is.
Robert Byrd
#64. God's wrath was not just withdrawn. It was spent. Full atonement can it be? Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Kevin DeYoung
#65. Knowledge forbidden?
Suspicious, reasonless. Why should their Lord
Envy them that? Can it be a sin to know?
Can it be death?
John Milton
#66. How can it be, after all this concentrated effort and separation, how can it be that I still resemble, so very closely, my own detestable mother?
Gabrielle Hamilton
#67. How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality?
Albert Einstein
#68. Success comes from doing what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, how can it be called success?
David Maister
#69. Nature abhors a hero. For one thing, he violates the law of conservation of energy. For another, how can it be the survival of the fittest when the fittest keeps putting himself in situations where he is most likely to be creamed?
Solomon Short
#70. How can it be a spy satellite if they announce on television that it's a spy satellite?
George Carlin
#71. Pardon all runners,
All speechless, alien winds,
All mad waters.
Pardon their impulses,
Their wild attitudes,
Their young flights, their reticence.
When a message has no clothes on
How can it be spoken.
Thomas Merton
#72. How can it be wrong? Love picks the right path, not the one of least resistance.
Debra Anastasia
#73. There is universal substance which is divine substance because where else can it be?
Jack Kerouac
#74. Above anything, welcome silence, for it brings fruits that no tongue can speak of, neither can it be explained.
Isaac Of Nineveh
#75. Seventeen years after the Cold War, how can it be in the Unites States' national security interest for the President of Russia to have only a few minutes to decide whether to fire his nuclear weapons or lose them in response to what could be a false warning?
Sam Nunn
#76. I am going to tell you what nature behaves like. If you will simply admit that maybe she does behave like this, you will find her a delightful, entrancing thing. Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, 'But how can it be like that?' ... Nobody knows how it can be like that.
Richard P. Feynman
#77. A soul doesn't have a body, so how can it be watching us?
Han Kang
#78. How can it be said that the weakness of the human will is aided so as to enable it to aspire effectually to the choice of good, when the fact is, that it must be wholly transformed and renewed?
John Calvin
#79. Just look educated. How hard can it be? Off you go." It
Katarina Bivald
#80. A nation has no conscience. How can it be aroused? A eunuch in bed with a doll is not disturbed.
Will D. Campbell
#81. All the things you would do gladly, oh without enthusiasm, but gladly, all the things there seems no reason for your not doing, and that you do not do! Can it be we are not free? It might be worth looking into.
Samuel Beckett
#82. Some people would ask: 'You are not the one who does the painting, or shot the work, how can it be your work?' But I was the one who chose which site we should use, and which assistant helps me to do the painting, or the shot.
Liu Bolin
#83. I think it is safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics. Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, "But how can it be like that?" because you will go "down the drain" into a blind alley from which nobody has yet escaped. - Nobel physicist Richard Feynman
Robert Lanza
#84. Self-defense is a part of the law of nature;
nor can it be denied the community,
even against the king himself.
William Barclay
#85. You must not grieve that the world is glimpsed through veils. How else can it be seen?
Suji Kwock Kim
#86. *Brian talking about baby Alex* - Just give him his bottle and sit watching metal videos with him until he goes back to sleep, right? How hard can it be?
Cherrie Lynn
#87. Metaphysics, in my understanding, is the unity of knowledge and the meaning and orientation this unity gives to life. If this unity is the unity of knowledge, how can it be all that subjective? It is a faith grounded in knowledge.
Fazlur Rahman
#88. Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, 'But how can it be like that?' because you will get 'down the drain,' into a blind alley from which nobody has yet escaped. Nobody knows how it can be like that.
Richard P. Feynman
#89. Can it be, husband, you still fear the mist's fading, never mind the promise I made you?
Kazuo Ishiguro
#90. What of the rest? Is it the fault of the rest of feeble mankind that they could not endure what the mighty endured? Is it the fault of the weak soul that it is unable to contain such terrible gifts? Can it be that you indeed came only to the chosen ones and for the chosen ones?
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
#91. Before this moment I'd lived as a mind. Body, heart, soul, intellect, so we care ourselves into parts. But the whole of us, what can it be?
Denis Johnson
#92. An illusion threatens no one with harm. Neither can it be dispelled by armed force.
Janny Wurts
#93. How can it be so unclear to her when it's like the fingers on my hand to me?
Gayle Forman
#94. Surely Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the marketplace. It may not be purchased of the merchants, for can it be weighed out in the balance for gold.
Oscar Wilde
#95. Those who embrace belief in Christ Jesus are bound together in Him, in a real yet incomplete way, in his Body, the Church. Faith is never a solitary activity, nor can it be simply private. Faith in Christ always draws us into a community and has a public dimension.
Vincent Nichols
#96. How can it be "mutually beneficial" to sell at world market prices the raw materials that cost the underdeveloped countries immeasurable sweat and suffering.
Che Guevara
#98. You know I need a dream Like I need my breath We need to take the life Before we get the death You know I need your love Like I need the light Yes I need the chance Can it be tonight?
Harry Chapin
#99. Representation, then, is not - nor can it be - neutral; it is an act - indeed the founding act - of power in our culture.
Craig Owens
#100. Can it be that what provides for us is the very thing that poisons us? Who hasn't considered this terrible possibility?
Richard Russo
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