Top 65 Blue Colors Quotes

#1. He tasted like midnight and wind, and shades of rich brown and light blue. Colors that made her feel safe and guarded.

Stephanie Garber

Blue Colors Quotes #1347674
#2. I dreamt that I could paint you with words, but there were no colors bright enough, black or white enough, blue or green enough ... they didn't mean enough

Mos Def

Blue Colors Quotes #1386211
#3. I wouldn't call myself a synaesthete in the sense that Nabokov was. But I'll talk about a sound as being cold blue or dark brown. For descriptive purposes, yes, I often see colors when I'm listening to music and think, 'Oh, there's not enough sort of yellowy stuff in here, or not enough white.'

Brian Eno

Blue Colors Quotes #1402263
#4. Colors. Would it be green or blue today? Maybe white - my favorite. A dark voice in the back of my mind offered no color at all as an alternative. I smothered that voice. The days of no color were simply too hard to bear. I needed color today.

Julie Hockley

Blue Colors Quotes #1382889
#5. If a university's colors were blue and pink, they could be the Fighting Sunsets.

Jarod Kintz

Blue Colors Quotes #1364582
#6. ...and so many colors
I will have seen...
the menacing greys
and pine greens
the soft pink and purples
of spring
and summer blue
and so many others
without you.

Sanober Khan

Blue Colors Quotes #1352597
#7. Her eyes drank in the colors of home - the soft gray of an arctic gull's wing. The clear blue heart of an ice floe.

Jennifer Donnelly

Blue Colors Quotes #1348767
#8. On the old highway maps of America, the main routes were red and the back roads blue. Now even the colors are changing.

William Least Heat-Moon

Blue Colors Quotes #1331518
#9. We made love like green is blue. That's because we were only half into it, though for the record I was the blue and she was the disinterested yellow.

Dark Jar Tin Zoo

Blue Colors Quotes #1255610
#10. October 31st dawned damp and cold, but by nine in the morning the misty rain had dissipated, and blue sky broke through. By eleven the sun had dried the leaves to crisp colors, and the world smelled of apples and burning wood smoke and candles and pumpkin innards.

Chet Williamson

Blue Colors Quotes #1203693
#11. One full wall was given over to Father's stamp albums, fat leather volumes whose colors indicated the reign of each monarch: black for Queen Victoria, red for Edward the Seventh, green for George the Fifth, and blue for our present monarch, George the Sixth.

Alan Bradley

Blue Colors Quotes #1146259
#12. Erland turned his eyes to the window and the figure that stood before it with arms crossed, staring into the anamorphic slurry of colors caught together in the burying of the sun as night fell like a jar of blue-black paint.

Luke Taylor

Blue Colors Quotes #1122801
#13. Colter was so particular about the colors she used in decorating that she sometimes mixed her own. For the interior of Bright Angel Lodge she made a special shade of blue, and she was so insistent that the painters mix the shade exactly as she wanted it that they dubbed it "Mary Jane Blue.

Virginia L. Grattan

Blue Colors Quotes #1122615
#14. It wasn't a pretty sunset. The colors were as expected: violet clouds, bright orange and pink underneath, against the pale blue sky. But the clouds were high cirrus, wispy, and crossed with the contrails of F-16s, a colorful glowing mess. I said, It looks like God barfed a rainbow.

Jennifer Echols

Blue Colors Quotes #1122559
#15. You were red,
and you liked me because I was blue,
but you touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky,
and you decided purple just wasn't for you.


Blue Colors Quotes #1067346
#16. I felt a little lost between the blue and white of the sky and the monotony of the colors around me- the sticky black of the tar, the dull black of all the clothes, and the shiny black of the hearse.

Albert Camus

Blue Colors Quotes #1045275
#17. Oozing Street was oddly cheerful, with flower boxes hanging from windowsills and houses painted bright colors; even the slaughterhouse that anchored it was an inviting robin's-egg blue, and I resisted an odd impulse to go inside and ask for a tour.

Ransom Riggs

Blue Colors Quotes #1036968
#18. All the colors
Of the rainbow
Hidden 'neath my skin
Hearts have colors
Don't we all know?
Red runs through our veins
Feel the fire burning up
Inspire me with blood
Of blue and green
I have hope
Inside is not a heart
But a kaleidoscope

Sara Bareilles

Blue Colors Quotes #924352
#19. Santa knows Physics: Of all colors, Red Light penetrates fog best. That's why Benny the Blue-nosed reindeer never got the gig.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Blue Colors Quotes #1410401
#20. Red, electric blue - the only color I don't wear is green, which I still don't wear. I wear certain color greens, but I have such yellow skin so I always like to wear bold colors.

Jackee Harry

Blue Colors Quotes #1464101
#21. Once a woman told me that colored flowers would seem more bright if you added a few white flowers to give the colors definition. Every petal of blue lupin is edged with white, so that a field of lupins is more blue than you can imagine.

John Steinbeck

Blue Colors Quotes #1473909
#22. When I tell her what I'm thinking and she tells me what she's thinking, our each ideas jumping into the other's head, like coulouring blue crayon on top of yellow that makes green.

Emma Donoghue

Blue Colors Quotes #1504841
#23. Some areas were stuck with only red pins, some with green or blue, some with several colors. "She's been doing voodoo on the world!" Dan said. "No, dummy," Amy said. "Those must be

Rick Riordan

Blue Colors Quotes #1531676
#24. summer sky, full of promise. Few colors could convey such a wide range of emotions just based on shade. Pale blue felt light and serene. Bright blue was bold and striking. The insistent blare of a car horn

Brenda Rothert

Blue Colors Quotes #1632268
#25. Rays were blazing through the atmosphere of the earth, the horizon became bright orange, gradually passing into all the colors of the rainbow: from light blue to dark blue, to violet and then to black. What an indescribable gamut of colors! Just like the paintings of the artist Nicholas Roerich.

Yuri Gagarin

Blue Colors Quotes #1640090
#26. Whenever there is a conflict between pink and blue, let the pink win. Happiness is more important then colors.

Sukant Ratnakar

Blue Colors Quotes #1689969
#27. Your playing is like salt water taffy. You see all the beautiful colors, red, yellow, blue, but they all taste the same.

Marcel Tabuteau

Blue Colors Quotes #1775333
#28. My favorite name for a color is "puce." It's kind of a dried blood color. It's a hideous color. But I love the word. It's so euphonic. But my favorite colors are lavender, purple, periwinkle blue, and white.

Elizabeth Taylor

Blue Colors Quotes #1786403
#29. Will cries out, low, a murmur of blue and green and gold. The syllables of my name float between us. I've never seen my name that way, in those colors, not from any other voice.

Megan Hart

Blue Colors Quotes #1789322
#30. The only colors I could see were the vibrant primary hues of the pinball machine, where a cartoon spacewoman with big conical breasts straddled the earth in a formfitting blue space suit and thigh-high yellow boots. Behind her, a big red dildo-shaped spaceship was just blasting off for the moon.

Sue Grafton

Blue Colors Quotes #1804545
#31. Paint in blue and black ... sometimes gray - the colors of night - occasionally I surprise you with a mustard yellow, but then, I am a poet ...

John Geddes

Blue Colors Quotes #1807065
#32. My body is very shaped, and I like to be simple. I don't like to use so many colors. My best colors are black, white and blue.

Monica Bellucci

Blue Colors Quotes #1864910
#33. As colors are formed by the combination of Red, Green and Blue : Similarly is life which is a combination of Love, Faith and Peace..

Mahesh Shekhar

Blue Colors Quotes #1877207
#34. I saw all races, all colors, blue eyed blonds to black skinned Africans in true brotherhood! In unity! Living as one! Worshiping as one! No segregationists, no liberals; they would not have known how to interpret the meaning of those words

Malcolm X

Blue Colors Quotes #575386
#35. There are not more than five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, and black), yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen.

Sun Tzu

Blue Colors Quotes #5152
#36. Deep in the drilled-in mud of the fields behind me, our bulbs are wrapped in their brittle skins with their messages of color stored inside. Blue iris, yellow crocus, tulips of all colors.

Anna Smaill

Blue Colors Quotes #61877
#37. The sky's gone blue: azure, the ocean bluer: cerulean, the trees are swirls of every hella freaking green on earth and bright thick eggy yellow is spilling over everything.

Jandy Nelson

Blue Colors Quotes #79495
#38. Blue does not go with everything," Will told her. "It does not go with red, for instance."
"I have a red and blue striped waistcoat," Henry interjected, reaching for the peas.
"And if that isn't proof that those two colors should never be seen together under Heaven, I don't know what is.

Cassandra Clare

Blue Colors Quotes #80560
#39. Starry Starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land.

Don McLean

Blue Colors Quotes #95430
#40. She had never known that ice could take on so many shades of blue: sharp lines of indigo like the deepest sea, aquamarine shadows, even the glint of blue-green where the sun struck just so.

Malinda Lo

Blue Colors Quotes #97087
#41. Some people hate lime-green; red has all this emotional baggage. Blue seems to be overall one of the more positive colors, and a little more serious than yellow.

David Carson

Blue Colors Quotes #312503
#42. I invented the colors of the vowels!
A black, E white, I red, O blue, U green
I made rules for the form and movement of each consonant, and, and with instinctive rhythms, I flattered myself that I had created a poetic language accessible, some day, to all the senses.

Arthur Rimbaud

Blue Colors Quotes #334368
#43. It's a grace feather. See how its colors shift from green to blue, like the sea? It means remembrance. It shows that no distance, no amount of water between two people, will make them forget. Someone gave it to say that they remembered you.

Kirsty Logan

Blue Colors Quotes #381405
#44. He was all silver and ashes, not like Will's strong colors of blue and black and gold.

Cassandra Clare

Blue Colors Quotes #414995
#45. It's the colors that will make you stray. They sing to you, the not-blue and the searing light, and no matter how tightly you tie yourself to the inbetween, eventually you will break free.
No one swims only in the shallow water.

Betsy Cornwell

Blue Colors Quotes #423895
#46. I saw the Earth, yes. I saw the colors so magnificent, so vivid, so real. It was hope so large and round, green and blue.

Hafsah Faizal

Blue Colors Quotes #447444
#47. Most blue-based colors help make the smile appear whiter and have the added benefit of making you look younger. Shimmering nude gloss also works well if bright pops of color are not your thing.

Tim Quinn

Blue Colors Quotes #488717
#48. I don't want a rainbow... Rainbows have too many colors and none of them receive the appreciation they deserve... I'd prefer a fading red or a striking golden, a shimmery silver or a sober blue... Ruling the sunset sky alone!

Debalina Haldar

Blue Colors Quotes #507267
#49. The first of all single colors is white ... We shall set down white for the representative of light, without which no color can be seen; yellow for the earth; green for water; blue for air; red for fire; and black for total darkness.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Blue Colors Quotes #533682
#50. They had turned brown or blue and rotted. Brown and blue, the real colors of death. Who made black the color of death? Black was the color of night, and the potential of a cool breeze. Just

Will McIntosh

Blue Colors Quotes #979551
#51. The blue of the sky is one of the most special colors in the world, because the color is deep but see-through both at the same time.

Cynthia Kadohata

Blue Colors Quotes #599035
#52. That in a universe in which everything is blue, the concept of blueness cannot be developed for lack of contrasting colors.

Paul Watzlawick

Blue Colors Quotes #624740
#53. The distinct blue, red, and yellow colors ... though they have not the kind of harmony which is produced by a variety of broken and transparent colors, have the effect of grandeur.

Joshua Reynolds

Blue Colors Quotes #646100
#54. Why feel blue when there's sooooo many other colors you can feel.

Karen Salmansohn

Blue Colors Quotes #654270
#55. Think reds, orange, yellows, greens, purple, blue - the darker and deeper the colors, the better they are for you.

Rick Warren

Blue Colors Quotes #671083
#56. I've only got a handful of memories, and I don't want them wearing away, textures rubbing smooth, colors fading from overexposure. When I take them out, once in a blue moon, I need them bright enough to catch my breath and sharp enough to cut.

Tana French

Blue Colors Quotes #681979
#57. Troy smiled down at her, and her heart jumped into her throat. The lights turned his skin colors. Red, green, blue. Glimpses of every shade of Troy, and they all looked good. The song ended, and the world seemed to stop, just her and Troy, standing in the middle of the floor.

Cindi Madsen

Blue Colors Quotes #698527
#58. The gross elements are earth, water, air and fire, with the fifth being space. Each particle of the body is made up of these five elements, which are manifested in different colors. In their true quality, space is blue light, water is white, earth is yellow, fire is red, and air is green.

Tulku Thondup

Blue Colors Quotes #716780
#59. I was actually hoping the Royals would pick me. It was the main team I wanted to go to. Their colors are Royal blue and that's my favorite color.?

Zack Greinke

Blue Colors Quotes #763745
#60. Wait, I want more green. I hope I did not imply I only wanted your colors. We can't turn a cold shoulder to green, and blue, and purple, for the sake of all ordered things, how can you dismiss purple? Celi, call Nom back and tell him of my need for purple!

Shannon Hale

Blue Colors Quotes #774624
#61. I see it in colors," I said. "A deep blue, fading into golds and reds - like fire on a horizon. Afterlight. It's a sky that wants you to guess if the sun is about to rise or set.

Alexandra Bracken

Blue Colors Quotes #784724
#62. Just look at the Chinese characters used for the names of the days of the week. Color-wise, Monday (Moon) would be yellow. Tuesday (Fire) is red. Wednesday (Water) is blue. Thursday (Wood) is green. Friday (Gold) would be gold, Saturday (Earth) would be light brown. sunday (Sun) would be white.

Nagaru Tanigawa

Blue Colors Quotes #802205
#63. He fell into step beside me and we both got into the Blue Beetle - he got in the red door. I got in the white one, and we peered out over the grey hood[ ... ]

Jim Butcher

Blue Colors Quotes #856775
#64. Outside the windows, everything is getting darker. First the yellow dies from the light, then the green and pink. The world is a blue version of itself, momentarily, before the blue snuffs out, too and it is all night.

Alexandra Kleeman

Blue Colors Quotes #865131
#65. I much prefer playing the bad guys. I think they are always the most interesting characters. I liken it to painting: if you're playing the good guy, you get three colors: red, white and blue. But if you're the bad guy, you get the whole palette.

Ronny Cox

Blue Colors Quotes #912487

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