Top 100 Believe Her Quotes

#1. I have now lost my barrier between me and death; God grant I may live to be as well prepared for it, as I confidently believe her to have been! If the way to Heaven be through piety, truth, justice and charity, she is there.

Jonathan Swift

Believe Her Quotes #1745
#2. I believe her exact words were "Rip them balls right off that cock-sucker and shove 'em up his ass", followed by, "then that shit-for-brains wouldn't be fucking no more skank hoes on your watch again!" So you can see that I toned it down a bit.

Diane Rose Duffy

Believe Her Quotes #146891
#3. Shhhhhh, shhhhhh, says the sea, but I don't believe her.

Maggie Stiefvater

Believe Her Quotes #164783
#4. Evaded her, and she sensed they did not believe her

Stephen Baxter

Believe Her Quotes #210384
#5. Hope lies to mortals And most believe her, But man's deceiver Was never mine.

A.E. Housman

Believe Her Quotes #210662
#6. I was at a party in London when I met Bond producer Barbara Broccoli. She introduced herself, and I didn't believe her name. So I just replied: 'Yeah, and I'm Cathy Carrot.' I think maybe I got off on the wrong foot!

Catherine Bach

Believe Her Quotes #238148
#7. [On Jane Austen:] To believe her limited in range because she was harmonious in method is as sensible as to imagine that when the Atlantic Ocean is as smooth as a mill-pond it shrinks to the size of a mill-pond.

Rebecca West

Believe Her Quotes #283247
#8. You're not my type.
I've heard this before and I don't believe her. Hell, I'm everyone's type! Eventually.

K.A. Tucker

Believe Her Quotes #333669
#9. She says he says, but she could be lying to me, and he could be lying to her, so I can't believe her, even if I could believe her.

shit got to be real



Believe Her Quotes #336129
#10. Seriously", Macey snapped. "go. Kiss. A baby"
"can you believe her?" Preston asked, coking his head towards macey." everytime she sees me, all she does is call me baby and talk about kissing."
Macey looked like she wanted to kill him. But I kind of wanted to laugh.

Ally Carter

Believe Her Quotes #361679
#11. back even though I am about to die. "She said she loved you." I don't believe her, but I smile and kiss her forehead.

Pierce Brown

Believe Her Quotes #399033
#12. Sometimes she teased me that she'd eventually catch up to me in age and be my older sibling. Looking at her now, with that determined glint in her eyes and the confidence in her voice, I could almost believe her

Rick Riordan

Believe Her Quotes #416712
#13. Perhaps Nesta will take up the blood-drinking habit, too. I certainly believe her threat to rip out my throat. Maybe she'll enjoy the taste.

Sarah J. Maas

Believe Her Quotes #422728
#14. Maybe it's time to let him go. Find someone who truly appreciates you. That person is out there."
I wanted to believe her. I really did.

Summer Felix

Believe Her Quotes #460505
#15. I told her about the man, not my daddy, she said, He was only making you into a real girl. I didn't understand. But I made myself believe her. I was a real girl now. But what was I before?

Ellen Hopkins

Believe Her Quotes #480171
#16. My mother always said to me, 'Right makes might.' At last, I can believe her.

Paula Coughlin

Believe Her Quotes #498863
#17. During part of her childhood, Elizabeth was illegitimate. In 1534, Parliament ruled that it was treason to believe her illegitimate. In 1536, it was treason to believe her legitimate. Signals were changed again in 1543, and again in 1553. After that you could believe anything.

Will Cuppy

Believe Her Quotes #532272
#18. She once promised me that nothing bad would ever happen, and then I grew up and everything went wrong, but I believe her this time because the worst thing that can happen is that nothing will happen at all.

Adam Silvera

Believe Her Quotes #671587
#19. She [Madame Duvall] seems desirious to repair the wrongs she has done, yet wishes the world to believe her blameless.

Fanny Burney

Believe Her Quotes #676762
#20. I cannot believe her when she says
I am beautiful. She cannot want me,
not the way I want her. My want
is an Empire State Building
I monster-climb with her
clutched in my fist. They make old,
flickering horror movies
about the way I look at her mouth.

Clementine Von Radics

Believe Her Quotes #684541
#21. He liked the way she talked. There was something in her eyes too. He saw it the first time when she had said, 'I've seen you before many times, and I always remembered you.' Josiah could not remember ever seeing her before, but there was something in her hazel brown eyes that made him believe her.

Leslie Marmon Silko

Believe Her Quotes #744334
#22. Becky Renee Apple - can you believe her mom named her that and then had all of her sweaters monogramed with 'BRA'?

P.C. Cast

Believe Her Quotes #752725
#23. My wife assures me she didn't sleep with Tiger Woods, but how can I believe her?

Tim Piper

Believe Her Quotes #788333
#24. His shadow slipped over hers again, and she could almost feel his eyes studying her. "You're different," his voice whispered. "I can't decide if that's a good thing."
'It is', she transmitted, surprised at how much she wanted him to believe her.
He walked away without another word.

Shannon Messenger

Believe Her Quotes #806128
#25. Mae West: "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." Wish I could believe her.
So many possibilities in life and so little time!

Judith Somborac

Believe Her Quotes #807524
#26. But my mom says the best revenge is living well, and I believe her.

Emery Lord

Believe Her Quotes #857230
#27. It's not whether she tells everyone," Huma said. "It's whether they believe her." "It's the truth." "Oh, my daughter," Huma said, and smiled. "Don't tell me you don't know how little that actually means.

John Scalzi

Believe Her Quotes #866161
#28. Holy crap, my heart was arrogant to believe her spotless track record could stay that way.

Jennifer Harrison

Believe Her Quotes #871183
#29. I believe in America. I believe in her purpose and her promise. I believe her best days have not yet been lived. I believe her greatest deeds are reserved for the generations to come.

Rick Perry

Believe Her Quotes #954038
#30. In Greek mythology, Cassandra was given the gift of prophecy, except - due to her rejection of Apollo's affections - nobody would ever believe her warnings.

Kara Swisher

Believe Her Quotes #958135
#31. "Then what do you see?" asked Irene, who perceived at once that for her not to believe him was at least as bad as for him not to believe her.

George MacDonald

Believe Her Quotes #1000674
#32. That poor innocent snake was far more terrified of Nana then she ever was of the snake. Cricket could barely believe her eyes, but when that shotgun went off with a boom so did the snake. Up until yesterday, Cricket had never seen a snake fly!

Darwun St. James

Believe Her Quotes #1019162
#33. I was talking to my mom one time, like, "Gosh, I'm 30." And she's like, "In your thirties you're even stronger than in your twenties." I didn't believe her, but I have played better in my thirties.

Serena Williams

Believe Her Quotes #1027924
#34. Surely, things will get better," she said. I wanted to know just one thing. Who the hell was "Shirley," and why should I believe her?

Jane Curtin

Believe Her Quotes #1042451
#35. Terrible was ... He was a miracle in a world without miracles, and she couldn't believe her luck. And there was nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, that she wouldn't do to keep him in her life. Because without him it wouldn't be a life at all.

Stacia Kane

Believe Her Quotes #1158554
#36. What did you do to her?"
There were a thousand things he'd done.
I didn't believe her.
I didn't trust her.
I didn't show her how much I loved her.
I didn't protect her.
He settled on: "I made a mistake.

Sarah MacLean

Believe Her Quotes #1166425
#37. My mother used to tell me, "Things always look worse at night." For the most part, I believe her. But some of the troubles that keep me from sleeping look just as bad in the morning.

Carolyn Custis James

Believe Her Quotes #1233349
#38. I've been watching a lot of Joni Mitchell YouTube clips and I can't believe her transformation from this folk singer in Canada.

Zooey Deschanel

Believe Her Quotes #1267304
#39. I hear something in her words that's right, but it's hard to believe her right now.

Veronica Roth

Believe Her Quotes #1307131
#40. If a novelist tells you something she knows or thinks, and you believe her, that is not because either of you think she is God, but because she is doing her work - as a novelist.

A.S. Byatt

Believe Her Quotes #1336916
#41. Cricket could barely believe her eyes... but when that shotgun went off with a boom, so did the snake. Up until yesterday, Cricket has never seen a snake fly!

Darwun St. James

Believe Her Quotes #1379176
#42. Don't believe her.

Lauren Oliver

Believe Her Quotes #1501165
#43. My momma says we don't need a man to do our chores for us, 'cause we are smart and capable and I believe her even though Sara's mom says men were born to be our slaves, we just have to know how to manage them.

Gena Showalter

Believe Her Quotes #1543678
#44. Mat, a very wise woman once told me that time would heal my wounds, that time smoothed everything over. I didn't believe her. Only

Robert Jordan

Believe Her Quotes #1565076
#45. Behind us the door creaks open, and I turn around, expecting Raven, just as a voice cuts through the air: 'Don't believe her.'

The whole world closes around me, like an eyelid: For a moment, everything goes dark.

Lauren Oliver

Believe Her Quotes #1664890
#46. Luce, sitting near the back, all of this new to her, likes to believe her children are nothing like a pair of copperheads amid a field of sweet brown mice.

Charles Frazier

Believe Her Quotes #1722088
#47. Someone special once told me to dare to dream. For without dreams, we have nothing to look forward to. I'm starting to believe her.

S.L. Scott

Believe Her Quotes #1838264
#48. When my love swears that she is made of truth,
I do believe her, though I know she lies.

William Shakespeare

Believe Her Quotes #1870428
#49. Someday I hope Americans will not believe that anyone had to spend his or her days fighting for limited government because everyone they know wants maximum freedom and minimum statism.

Grover Norquist

Believe Her Quotes #2143
#50. He leaned close to her and took a deep breath, unsettling her. "You smell of lavender. I wouldna believe a shepherdess would smell so fine."

"I bathed in a tub full of lavender this morning, just for you, so it seems, as I knew you would appreciate the effort.

Terry Spear

Believe Her Quotes #9139
#51. Remember how Margaret Thatcher came to believe that abroad was more important than at home? Didn't do her much good.

Simon Hoggart

Believe Her Quotes #11981
#52. When I got the episode where Spider-Man meets Aunt May (voiced by Misty Lee), it was another one of those things where I was like, "I can't believe I have a scene with Aunt May. That's just amazing to me." And they drew her a lot younger and hotter then the Aunt May that I remember.

Clark Gregg

Believe Her Quotes #13264
#53. It's not a hard-and-fast rule, but I believe that one of the key factors in being a good sister wife is having the ability to see the needs of another sister wife and considering her needs more important than your own.

Meri Brown

Believe Her Quotes #13384
#54. I can't believe you're going to sacrifice your archery mojo for MacReive." Lucia would forfeit her fantastical skill with a bow if she was unchaste. "Who am I going to hang out with when your a talentless nobody?

Kresley Cole

Believe Her Quotes #15137
#55. But you have so much in common. You're both from strange little backwater planets. You both have odd powers. You're male and she's female. What more do you need? Believe me, buddy, if I were you, I'd go right up there and ask her if she wants to ride on my rancor.

Dave Wolverton

Believe Her Quotes #15989
#56. - and there, on the table under her bedroom window, lies the voice that has set her dreaming again. Fragments of a life lived a long, long time ago. Across a hundred years the woman's voice speaks to her - so clearly that she cannot believe it is not possible to pick up her pen and answer.

Ahdaf Soueif

Believe Her Quotes #19958
#57. I believed in a return to Nature once. But how can we return to Nature when we have never been with her? Today, I believe that we must discover Nature. After many conquests we shall attain simplicity. It is our heritage.

E. M. Forster

Believe Her Quotes #29255
#58. I do not much believe in education. Each person ought to be his or her own model, however frightful that may be.

Albert Einstein

Believe Her Quotes #37155
#59. I believe that a woman who loses interest in her Bible has not been equipped to love it as she should. The God of the bible is too lovely to abandon for lesser pursuits.

Jen Wilkin

Believe Her Quotes #42568
#60. For the record? I have never been her baby. In fact, I reject the notion of coming out of her body. I prefer to believe I was hatched, or perhaps purchased.

Jen Lancaster

Believe Her Quotes #44610
#61. You believe me, don't you? You really do. Why do you believe me? Did Anechka do something to you? Now I owe you; and I may look little, but I know how to fight. I learned by fighting with Hargis. I'll kick her ass if she hurts you, Lane; just tell me - what did she do?
Blayne Giano O'hicidhe

Wynter Wilkins

Believe Her Quotes #47213
#62. She has man's brain
a brain that a man should have were he much gifted
and woman's heart. The good God fashioned her for a purpose, believe me when He made that so good combination.

Bram Stoker

Believe Her Quotes #51743
#63. She has been through hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles. - E. CORONA Two

Darynda Jones

Believe Her Quotes #53054
#64. Believe me, when a woman loves a man, you do not win her heart by crossing swords with him.

Alexandre Dumas

Believe Her Quotes #56086
#65. Ignorance and arrogance are the artist's and entrepreneur's indispensable allies. She must be clueless enough to have no
idea how difficult her enterprise is going to be and cocky enough to believe she can pull it off anyway.

Steven Pressfield

Believe Her Quotes #64682
#66. If he sees you unclothed, I will have to kill him," he spoke in her ear. She didn't know if she should believe him or not, but she took no chances. "Tell him to leave, then," she said calmly but sternly.

Madison Thorne Grey

Believe Her Quotes #66883
#67. Everyone in America (according to my generalizations) is a potential millionaire waiting for his or her big break. I was astonished lately to realize that Americans are definitely believing in and planning for the future, despite the fact that they elected Ronald Reagan twice.

Roseanne Barr

Believe Her Quotes #70667
#68. In 'Honeymoon in Vegas,' after Nicolas Cage tells his fiancee that he's given her away to pay for his gambling debts, she gets into a tizzy as if she were a 6-year-old. I couldn't believe it.

Allison Anders

Believe Her Quotes #71012
#69. And if they don't believe us, I can give them the ghost eyes, you can go all big and threatening, Farmer can do his cracknob simpleton, and my lady can don her nobleness. We'll do all right.

Tamora Pierce

Believe Her Quotes #76474
#70. The psycho-babble lavished on her by her mother in a prior life found her, whispering of trauma and coping, how this was not her fault and blaming herself at all was useless. She would eventually try to believe this, as soon as she was behind her locked bedroom door.

Thomm Quackenbush

Believe Her Quotes #81556
#71. She said I could have a seat on the couch if I wanted to, but I told her I didn't believe in leather, so I stood.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Believe Her Quotes #83092
#72. The Greeks described her eyes as 'oxlike'. Believe it or not, that was a compliment. It meant she had large, soft brown eyes that you could get lost in. I guess the Greeks spent a lot of time staring at oxen.

Rick Riordan

Believe Her Quotes #87902
#73. When my mother took her turn to sit in a gown at her graduation, she thought she only had two career options: nursing and teaching. She raised me and my sister to believe that we could do anything, and we believed her.

Sheryl Sandberg

Believe Her Quotes #88003
#74. Some are so uncharitable as to think all women bad, and others are so credulous as to believe they are all good. All will grant her corporeal frame more wonderful and more beautiful than man's. And can we think God would put a worse soul into a better body?

Owen Feltham

Believe Her Quotes #88636
#75. - I believe in us. - He kissed her again, swayed with her. - You're the one I can dance with.

Nora Roberts

Believe Her Quotes #90713
#76. I first heard music while in the womb. My mom tells me she played Tubular Bells with the headphones against her stomach all the time. A bit disturbing as I believe that is the theme to The Exorcist. Maybe she thought she was having Satan's baby.

Venetian Snares

Believe Her Quotes #92083
#77. I don't believe him for a second, but I'm not telling Daisy that Dylan lied because I know what it's like to want a girl that much. To get dragged in the dirt behind her hoping you won't lose your grip.

Cath Crowley

Believe Her Quotes #92400
#78. I don't have anything to hide. And for the record, I am not against plastic surgery. I believe that any woman that wants to do anything or fix anything that bothers her - if she's doing it for herself - I'm all for it.

NeNe Leakes

Believe Her Quotes #95551
#79. I believe I met a girl in the rain, who had lost her mother's earrings. And I killed her. Now I stand here in a time I know nothing about. I watched the death of kings far greater than any man living now. And I am still here.

Rebecca Maizel

Believe Her Quotes #95769
#80. He looked like every hero in every fairy tale I'd ever dreamed come to life. And, God, I wanted to believe in heroes again. But sometimes, I supposed, a girl just had to be her own hero.

Mia Sheridan

Believe Her Quotes #95825
#81. When a man dies, his wife is burned alive with him, but if the wife dies before her husband, the man does not suffer the same fate. If a man dies before marriage, he is given a posthumous wife. The women passionately want to be burned because they believe they will enter paradise.


Believe Her Quotes #99592
#82. I can't believe Sadie's going to let me have the last word. Our experience together must've really taught her something. Ow, she just hit me. Never mind.

Rick Riordan

Believe Her Quotes #101692
#83. Okay. That's fair. Abso-tive-ly fair. Let's say the tables were turned. If I were about to walk off a cliff, what would you do?"
Evie pursed her lips. "Push?"
"I don't believe that."
"You would on the way down.

Libba Bray

Believe Her Quotes #105561
#84. I firmly believe that every boy needs his mom to love him and every girl needs her dad to pay attention to her.

Amy Poehler

Believe Her Quotes #116293
#85. But her mother was one of those weakest of women who can never forget the beauty they once possessed, or quite believe they have lost it, remaining, even after the very traces of it have vanished, as greedy as ever of admiration.

George MacDonald

Believe Her Quotes #120517
#86. Eventually, Malta Kano withdrew her hand from mine and took several deep breaths. Then she nodded several times. "Mr. Okada," she said, "I believe that you are entering a phase of your life in which many different things will occur. The disappearance of your cat is only the beginning.

Haruki Murakami

Believe Her Quotes #125667
#87. I believe that true identity is found ... in creative activity springing from within. It is found, paradoxically, when one loses oneself. Woman can best refind herself in some kind of creative activity of her own.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Believe Her Quotes #126597
#88. Lilia did not believe in miracles outside of history books, but she was beginning to believe in her own power, and that was a more frightening thing to believe in.

Kameron Hurley

Believe Her Quotes #129586
#89. For that's what a woman, a mother wants - to teach her children to take an interest in life. She knows it's safer for them to be interested in other people's happiness than to believe in their own.

Marguerite Duras

Believe Her Quotes #129993
#90. Marston liked to say that Wonder Woman was meant to be "psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who, I believe, should rule the world," but neither he nor Gaines seem to have given much thought to hiring a woman to draw her.

Jill Lepore

Believe Her Quotes #132129
#91. It made her think about how she couldn't believe how big the universe was, but how small it was for her.

Jodi Lynn Anderson

Believe Her Quotes #135175
#92. My character in 'True Grit' would set these goals for herself that seemed near impossible, but to her they were possible. She was never going to believe anything else other than that.

Hailee Steinfeld

Believe Her Quotes #137258
#93. Taking the strong believing women as role models for both men and women, clearly indicates that the Quran acknowledges the woman's ability to be a strong person who can overcome any innate weakens in her.

Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah

Believe Her Quotes #139648
#94. I don't believe in miracles, but if the need is great, a girl might make her own miracle.

Julie Berry

Believe Her Quotes #143652
#95. The others could believe that she was that way because she lost her parents so early, but Peter knew better. She was strong, confident, and never broken.

Alexandra Engellmann

Believe Her Quotes #144357
#96. My mother sang with me in her stomach; I sang with Bobbi Kris in my stomach. I believe the child starts to develop within, and whatever you read, whatever you think, whatever you do affects the child.

Whitney Houston

Believe Her Quotes #146760
#97. Tis the moment where a decision is set to alter the course of her destiny. She walks toward the light where he patiently awaits her arrival.

Truth Devour

Believe Her Quotes #153490
#98. But when he looked her in the eye and spoke quietly to her and only her, it filled an empty place inside her, and even made her eyes misty. It made her believe that she was just as worthy as a wealthy daughter of a nobleman. Or

Melanie Dickerson

Believe Her Quotes #153586
#99. If people see me having dinner with a beautiful woman, they immediately believe that I'm having a love affair with her. Of course that's rubbish. I'm not a playboy!

George Clooney

Believe Her Quotes #156182
#100. You believe in Destiny, don't you?"
"Yes," said Leah quietly.
"Then you have to believe that things happen for a reason, and even if you change something. Destiny will find a way to fulfill her needs." - Jasmine

Jacquelyn Frank

Believe Her Quotes #156937

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