Top 100 Being Decent Quotes

#1. Katie had a grandmother who was a man-eater and a father who was a lothario. What chance did she have of being decent and honest and kind? She'd kissed two girls and one boy in the space of a few weeks, so these things were clearly genetic.

Jenny Downham

Being Decent Quotes #258160
#2. I think people can be very nice and charming without being decent human beings.

Claire Hennessy

Being Decent Quotes #299376
#3. It's such a shame that people are so much more worried about being right than being decent.

Jack Hunter

Being Decent Quotes #1704673
#4. Being decent is the only thing that matters in a terrible world like this.

Joe Meno

Being Decent Quotes #170115
#5. I don't think any decent human being enjoys recruiting.

Al McGuire

Being Decent Quotes #1451884
#6. I would assume that there is a greater amount of joy for you in being able to write and help produce your own stuff and make a decent living, but not get rich versus always doing the other stuff that you don't write, and make more money.

Julie Delpy

Being Decent Quotes #1076257
#7. So there's much more to life than one's intelligence score. To be a decent human being. To have some character.

Edward Zigler

Being Decent Quotes #1421762
#8. I was just like, "I want to make a decent 2-D movie." I was so worried that, instead of being a decent 2-D movie, it would have been a bad 3-D one.

J.J. Abrams

Being Decent Quotes #1411397
#9. Everyone should know
there's no such thing as a decent human being. It's just an illusion. And when it's gone, it's really gone.

Courtney Summers

Being Decent Quotes #1409248
#10. Thinking that being a good, decent, respectable person will mean that others will see you as weak, vulnerable, and easy to manipulate.

Paulo Coelho

Being Decent Quotes #1366995
#11. After fifty-five years of dedicating his life and work to the story of ethical systems, Sol Weintraub had come to a single, unshakable conclusion: any allegiance to a deity or concept or universal principal which put obedience above decent behavior toward an innocent human being was evil.

Dan Simmons

Being Decent Quotes #1354928
#12. You can be a rich scumbag just as easily as a poor scumbag, or you can be a decent human being either way. Money's got nothing to do with it. It's nice to have, but it's not what makes you who you are.

Tana French

Being Decent Quotes #1348746
#13. I don't think any of us know how we would react until we were put in a situation where we have to do something bad or do something good. I think I'd like to believe I'd act like a decent human being, but I'm realistic to know I don't know.

Philip Kerr

Being Decent Quotes #1327276
#14. One of the great problems with Americans is that - being a decent people - they assume that everyone else is equally decent.

Meir Kahane

Being Decent Quotes #1315519
#15. An awful lot of fantasy, and even some great fantasy, falls into the mistake of assuming that a good man will be a good king, that all that is necessary is to be a decent human being and when you're king everything will go swimmingly.

George R R Martin

Being Decent Quotes #1289206
#16. Just recently I worked with Van Morrison and I came to realize that money can't make a decent human being out of you.

Jim Sullivan

Being Decent Quotes #1216400
#17. A good conversation is the only human equivalent: the realizing that decent points are being made and understood, that irony is in play, and elaboration, and that a dull and obvious remark would be almost physically hurtful.

Christopher Hitchens

Being Decent Quotes #1214994
#18. If he is a half-decent human being, he will find himself the object of crushes. If he is a cocky bastard, even more so.

Piper Kerman

Being Decent Quotes #1200636
#19. He eyed in the far corner of the room the carton of books they'd schlepped across the pond(ocean) They were both fearful of being stuck without a decent book, and who knew they would find everything from Virgil to Synge on the shelves of a fishing lodge?

Jan Karon

Being Decent Quotes #1198924
#20. Inside of every being there is a constant war being raged. The part that tell us to do what is right and what is decent and the part of us that is self-serving. The part that wants what it wants regardless of who is hurt getting it.

Kinley MacGregor

Being Decent Quotes #1189293
#21. Forget being a decent man, Terence. Go for castability. Could you even play a decent man in a movie?

Lorrie Moore

Being Decent Quotes #1161766
#22. The world's been turned upside down. The most decent people are being sent to concentration camps, prisons and lonely cells, while the lowest of the low rule over young and old, rich and poor.

Anne Frank

Being Decent Quotes #1156153
#23. And I have been able to establish this sort of decent reputation as being a decent character actor.

Vincent D'Onofrio

Being Decent Quotes #1149617
#24. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage but He is building a palace. He intends to come & live in it Himself

C.S. Lewis

Being Decent Quotes #1117343
#25. It is perhaps one's own fault, to see oneself drifting, rotting, in dishonour and horrible futility, and all the while knowing that somewhere within one there is the possibility of a decent human being.

George Orwell

Being Decent Quotes #1091641
#26. He'll protect me until his dying breath. He's too good. Too good for me, that's for fucking sure. I finally meet a decent, hardworking, adorable man with a chivalrous streak a mile long to boot and he ends up being my adopted brother. And a werewolf, but nobody's perfect.


Being Decent Quotes #1089185
#27. If being a decent soul is being maternal, then fine. I'll call it human.

Mary Beard

Being Decent Quotes #1085758
#28. The measure of a decent human being is how he or she treats the defenseless.

Bill O'Reilly

Being Decent Quotes #1820565
#29. Because we both know the tide's turning. The decent people in this country are sick to death of being held hostage by mad liberals in Brussels, and the sooner we take control over our own future, our own borders -

Mick Herron

Being Decent Quotes #1582293
#30. I really don't care with whom you sleep. I just care what kind of a decent human being you are.

Betty White

Being Decent Quotes #1810478
#31. I've done things I'm not proud of and I'm trying really hard to make up for those things by being a decent guy. And decent guys don't act the way I've been acting around you, so I'm going to stop.

Sabrina Sol

Being Decent Quotes #1750380
#32. Yes, men are pigs. Except your brother, of course. He's actually a decent human being. Almost a woman.
-Jillian's mother

Gena Showalter

Being Decent Quotes #1732062
#33. Any decent society must generate a feeling of community. Community offsets
loneliness. It gives people a vitally necessary sense of belonging. Yet today
the institutions on which community depends are crumbling in all the
techno-societies. The result is a spreading plague of loneliness.

Alvin Toffler

Being Decent Quotes #1726167
#34. Why do decent young men and women become bullies? Why do soldiers dream of being heroes but end up abusing prisoners and shooting civilians? Why do politicians become corrupt? Why do cops beat suspects senseless and break the laws they're meant to protect?

Louise Penny

Being Decent Quotes #1725289
#35. There is no law that says a man who earned a hundred million dollars in his first half-dozen years on the job has to be a decent human being, but Mike Eisner is that and more.

Joseph Barbera

Being Decent Quotes #1720306
#36. I always think of books as being like people. Even the dull ones are worthy of decent respect, but you don't have to seek them out and spend time with them.

Orson Scott Card

Being Decent Quotes #1674563
#37. I was surprised by how much I like being a father; surprised at what a decent father I am, because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to dump my selfishness.

Michael Zaslow

Being Decent Quotes #1656370
#38. A decent, educated man cannot afford the luxury of vanity without being exceedingly exacting with himself and without occasionally despising himself to the point of hatred.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Being Decent Quotes #1640346
#39. Rahul Gandhi is very idealistic and a very decent human being. He has real concerns for the downtrodden.

N. R. Narayana Murthy

Being Decent Quotes #1633431
#40. We would screw up our children. It was inevitable. Julie had taught me that you never get the child you want or expect. You get the child you get and you try your best to make sure they turn out to be a decent human being. That was all that mattered. An

Ilona Andrews

Being Decent Quotes #1602929
#41. Obama ran as sane and decent, as though we were electing a mood, and not necessarily a set of policies. Unfortunately, Obama has governed the same way - and misread the mood, which is all there is, really, because being crazy and stupid is all we're really good at politically any more.

Charlie Pierce

Being Decent Quotes #1452842
#42. If you do not regard the great confessions and catechisms of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as being biblical in their teaching on justification, then you should probably do the decent thing and become a Catholic.


Being Decent Quotes #1579792
#43. A decent person does not alienate children from a parent, no matter how angry they are at the parent for the divorce. It's unfair to the children, and it's unfair to the other human being

Dennis Prager

Being Decent Quotes #1574222
#44. What kind of country has this become? Decent people can't do anything without being watched.

Dan Groat

Being Decent Quotes #1562289
#45. Sorry, Will, bad habit of mine. You have to stress hot in the city these days. Some places have absolutely no idea how to make a decent long black.' And there she was being all uppity slutty again.

Jenn J. McLeod

Being Decent Quotes #1562176
#46. It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for a bird to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.

C.S. Lewis

Being Decent Quotes #1520601
#47. If we cannot be decent, let us endeavor to be graceful. If we can't be moral, at least we can avoid being vulgar.

Langdon Elwyn Mitchell

Being Decent Quotes #1489270
#48. If you give anybody the chance, they can always make a decent human being out of themselves. It's the people that don't have a chance, that we look down at like they're monsters or they're animals or that they want something different than the rest of us.

Ice Cube

Being Decent Quotes #1471211
#49. I've never felt a strong urge to rush into Hollywood, so I bided my time and waited till I had a decent body of work to show people, the icing on the cake being 'Salmon Fishing' and 'Parade's End.'

Tom Mison

Being Decent Quotes #1469628
#50. Even if you do not feel it now, there is pleasure to be had from being a decent person.

Jojo Moyes

Being Decent Quotes #1468508
#51. I've always felt that there's a very thin membrane between madness and alcoholism, and/or destitution and being an OK American guy in a comfortable heated apartment with meatballs and a decent Sauvignon Blanc in the fridge.

August Kleinzahler

Being Decent Quotes #1461809
#52. Teddy found himself thinking what a decent human being his father had been, the best of all the family really. The grief caught him unawares.

Kate Atkinson

Being Decent Quotes #1457241
#53. I think the challenge is, in fashion everybody wants to get rich and famous and it's easy to get rich and famous by being a bad person. But the challenge is to achieve your goals-whatever they are-while staying a decent human being. That's where it came from.

Katharine Hamnett

Being Decent Quotes #204272
#54. I couldn't make sense of things. But then I began the process of civilising myself and trying to become a decent human being. I'm still working on it.

Jimmy Nail

Being Decent Quotes #615772
#55. If someone mistakes your kindness for weakness, that's their fault - not yours. And it's OK to be a decent human being in this life.

Jeremy Piven

Being Decent Quotes #587979
#56. It took me 35 years of being involved at a decent level of football to become manager at a great club like Celtic.

Gordon Strachan

Being Decent Quotes #563582
#57. Be respected as being new, and probably a decent change or a help for the human race or whatever, instead of keep carrying the same old burdens around with you.

Jimi Hendrix

Being Decent Quotes #488469
#58. I apologize for being obvious, but every time I watch the curtain come down on even a halfway decent production of a Shakespeare play I feel a little sorrowful that I'll never know the man, or any man of such warm intelligence.

Ian McEwan

Being Decent Quotes #398686
#59. It is sometimes easier to head an institute for the study of child guidance than it is to turn one brat into a decent human being.

Joseph Wood Krutch

Being Decent Quotes #339414
#60. I proposed abolishing boxing because it was bad for the brain, but boxers were generally so decent that I loved being around the gyms.

George Vecsey

Being Decent Quotes #322585
#61. USAGE, n. The First Person of the literary Trinity, the Second and Third being Custom and Conventionality. Imbued with a decent reverence for this Holy Triad an industrious writer may hope to produce books that will live as long as the fashion.

Ambrose Bierce

Being Decent Quotes #282524
#62. I'm not sure if I've learned anything from show business. Life in general has taught me if you're kind to people, everything gets easier. Being a decent person really smoothes the way for you and everyone else.

Alan Arkin

Being Decent Quotes #269308
#63. I love the bicycle. I always have. I can think of no sincere, decent human being, male or female, young or old, saintly or sinful, who can resist the bicycle.

William, Saroyan

Being Decent Quotes #229528
#64. We're terrible at so many things - remembering important dates, college, making friends - but the one thing we've always been halfway decent at is being together.

Krista Ritchie

Being Decent Quotes #218272
#65. I mean ... if you're raised as a decent human being, killing somebody is against every moral thing you've ever been taught. And so, generally, in combat it's 'krauts,' the 'gooks,' the 'yanks' - whatever you want to do to try and make it so that it's not a human being.

Karl Marlantes

Being Decent Quotes #618329
#66. For being a young guy, I'm articulate and can hold a decent conversation with somebody. But I've been able to do that since I was young. I don't think that has to do too much with schooling, it has more to do with the people I was raised around, my parents. I have respect for adults.

Larry Fitzgerald

Being Decent Quotes #140358
#67. A decent human being is ashamed at being somebody's boss!

Arno Hintjens

Being Decent Quotes #131692
#68. When the true criminals are running around free, the only honorable place for a decent human being is in prisons.

Henry David Thoreau

Being Decent Quotes #126691
#69. He decided he'd rather die as a fundamentally decent human being than live as the sort of asshole who'd tear out someone's liver to get into an escape pod.

John Scalzi

Being Decent Quotes #115365
#70. My best business decision is always to have been unembarrassed about negotiating a decent deal. Not being coy or shy about money is second nature to me.

Anne Robinson

Being Decent Quotes #99797
#71. I was always pretty decent at fast stick work or doing stuff that seems impressive that's not really; I was pretty tasteful and had good ideas musically. But I had a terrible sense of tempo, which is like being a blind painter.

Damien Chazelle

Being Decent Quotes #57232
#72. For all men being originally equals, no one by birth could have the right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others forever, and tho' himself might deserve some decent degree of honours of his cotemporaries, yet his descendants might be far too unworthy to inherit them.

Thomas Paine

Being Decent Quotes #44991
#73. You're going to think I'm being corny, but this is how I really feel: I hope my family and my friends will be able to say that I was an honest, kind and fairly decent man.

John Wayne

Being Decent Quotes #38920
#74. We all want things we can't have. Being a decent human being is accepting that.

John Fowles

Being Decent Quotes #25724
#75. Americans should know that Iranians are just as decent, human and rational as other human beings. Sadly, the mainstream media in the U.S. regularly fails to recognize and reflect this.

Mohammad Marandi

Being Decent Quotes #19759
#76. She was being nice, and Oscar was always reminding me that most people are fundamentally decent and that it doesn't pay to think badly of them.

Sarah Moore Fitzgerald

Being Decent Quotes #18657
#77. Helping others is a question of being genuine and projecting that genuineness to others. This way of being doesn't have to have a title or a name particularly. It is just being ultimately decent.

Chogyam Trungpa

Being Decent Quotes #857503
#78. I said I thought I liked Dean's idea of a succession of lives - I can't make out from him whether he really believes that or not - and Ilse said that might be all very well if you were sure of being born again as a decent person, but how about it if you weren't?

L.M. Montgomery

Being Decent Quotes #1048016
#79. The humor is essentially dark for a cartoon and sophisticated. But at the same time, being a cartoon gives the writers more freedom than in a normal sitcom. It always pushes the line that, despite human failings, the Simpsons are really decent people.

Dan Castellaneta

Being Decent Quotes #1034374
#80. I do not need the written code of a spiritual belief to act like a decent human being.

Jim Butcher

Being Decent Quotes #1005129
#81. As long as I can sing halfway decent, I'd rather sing than act. There's nothing like being in good voice, feeling good, having good numbers to do and having a fine orchestra.

Howard Keel

Being Decent Quotes #979026
#82. It is essential to persuade the soldier that those he is being urged to massacre are bandits who do not deserve to live; before killing other good, decent fellows like himself, his gun would fall from his hands.

Andre Gide

Being Decent Quotes #978850
#83. One must think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

May Sarton

Being Decent Quotes #959210
#84. The part of me that actually cares about being a decent person promptly punched my inner researcher in the jaw and stuffed her in a closet at the back of my head, to be retrieved later.

Seanan McGuire

Being Decent Quotes #936689
#85. In life, you have to keep certain parts of yourself in check because you want to be a decent human being. But one of the guilty pleasures of acting is that sometimes you get to let a little something out that you don't in life because it's not right.

Paul Dano

Being Decent Quotes #929894
#86. The things I care about are the most pedestrian things in the world. I care about good ice cream and being a good dad and a decent husband.

Michael Ian Black

Being Decent Quotes #907705
#87. I'm more than ever of the opinion that a decent human existence is possible today only on the fringes of society, where one then runs the risk of starving or being stoned to death. In these circumstances, a sense of humor is a great help.

Hannah Arendt

Being Decent Quotes #890978
#88. Any allegiance to a deity or concept or universal principal which put obedience above decent behavior toward an innocent human being evil.

Dan Simmons

Being Decent Quotes #861687
#89. Everything free and decent in life is being locked away in filthy little cellars by beastly people who don't care.

John Fowles

Being Decent Quotes #1056172
#90. Any decent society has to be built on trust and love and the intelligent use of information and feelings. Education involves being able to practice those things as you struggle to build a decent society that can be nonviolent.

Myles Horton

Being Decent Quotes #794600
#91. Being a decent human being will require effort and energy ...

David Nicholls

Being Decent Quotes #743104
#92. She had all day every day to figure out some decent and satisfying way to live, and yet all she ever seemed to get for all her choices and all her freedom was more miserable. The autobiographer is almost forced to the conclusion that she pitied herself for being so free.

Jonathan Franzen

Being Decent Quotes #722141
#93. Works of art always spring from those who have faced the danger, gone to the very end of an experience, to the point beyond which no human being can go. The further one dares to go, the more decent, the more personal, the more unique a life becomes.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Being Decent Quotes #708593
#94. One must think like a hero to behave like a merely decent human being.

May Sarton

Being Decent Quotes #698118
#95. Instead of being lionized and admired for her genius, instead of being able to earn a decent living as a writer, Andrea Dworkin was misrepresented and demonized.

Catharine MacKinnon

Being Decent Quotes #684937
#96. I get tested for HIV twice a year ... One has to be socially aware. It's part of being a decent human to be tested for STDs. It's just disgusting behaviour when people don't. It's so irresponsible.

Scarlett Johansson

Being Decent Quotes #682916
#97. One may have a right to be unconventional and even eccentric, so long as one is fully competent and a decent person; but one's ideal as a professor should be to conduct oneself as an admirable human being: just, kind, tolerant, competent, committed, and good-humored.

Robert Audi

Being Decent Quotes #661553
#98. In the eighties, when she chiefly flourished, husbands were taken seriously, as the only real obstacles to sin. Beds too, if they had to be mentioned, were approached with caution; and a decent reserve prevented them and husbands ever being spoken of in the same breath.

Elizabeth Von Arnim

Being Decent Quotes #655007
#99. I'm actually a pretty decent human being, and when I'm home I'm straight as an arrow.

Kid Rock

Being Decent Quotes #653332
#100. How is it that you can go from decent human being to complete jackass in zero-point-two seconds? Did they teach you that in The Eye?"
He stopped, and his eyes glided over my lips.
"Actually, I'm just trying to see if I can make you mad enough to kiss me again.

Rachel Hawkins

Being Decent Quotes #650270

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