Top 100 Be Authentic Quotes

#1. Be authentic to yourself, but if you must cheat, cheat yourself out of the lies the world created.

Robert M. Drake

Be Authentic Quotes #12862
#2. We should be authentic: the 'real deal'. Neither a clone nor mimic be.

Fennel Hudson

Be Authentic Quotes #54223
#3. So often we wait for the climate and conditions in life to be perfect before we feel safe enough to step forward, trust, and be our authentic selves. What we don't realize is that in order to create the ideal climate we are waiting for, we must be authentic first.

Sonia Choquette

Be Authentic Quotes #70697
#4. To be authentic is literally to be your own author, to discover your own native energies and desires, and then to find your own way of acting on them.

Warren G. Bennis

Be Authentic Quotes #144567
#5. Prayer is a spontaneous feeling. Remember this story when you pray. Let your prayer be a spontaneous phenomenon. If even your prayer cannot be spontaneous, then what will be? If even with God you have to be ready-made, then where will you be authentic and true and natural? Say


Be Authentic Quotes #158225
#6. Know yourself. Be authentic. Have courage.

Murad S. Shah

Be Authentic Quotes #171179
#7. Tantra says be real, be authentic to yourself. Your happiness is not bad; it is good. It is not sin! Only sadness is sin, only to be miserable is sin. To be happy is virtue because a happy person will not create unhappiness for others. Only a happy person can be a ground for others' happiness.


Be Authentic Quotes #173712
#8. Jesus often calls us to risk. He asks us to be vulnerable, to be authentic, so others can see Him in and through us.

Mary E. DeMuth

Be Authentic Quotes #182115
#9. Think less. Take action. Be authentic.

Claire Shipman

Be Authentic Quotes #195806
#10. Let God make you fully you. Rejoice in your God-given temperament and use it for God's purposes. This point cannot be emphasized enough. We must be authentic. If we try to be someone we are not, people will see it instantly.

Adam S. McHugh

Be Authentic Quotes #203384
#11. I think the real risk comes in being willing to try to be authentic.

Dan Wieden

Be Authentic Quotes #211505
#12. Be authentic, not a copycat.

Debasish Mridha

Be Authentic Quotes #231095
#13. It costs personal fear to be authentic but the reward is integrity, and by that I mean a soul fully integrated, no difference between his act and his actual person.

Donald Miller

Be Authentic Quotes #301643
#14. To be authentic is to be at peace with your imperfections.

Simon Sinek

Be Authentic Quotes #309052
#15. If you have to choose between character and reputation. Choose character every single time. Then you can be authentic and straight. Nothing to lose.

Parashar Pandya

Be Authentic Quotes #309251
#16. It is not enough to merely be authentic in sharing yourself; to succeed in dating you need to consider how you will be interpreted as well.

John Gray

Be Authentic Quotes #320190
#17. Begin Practicing the Intention to be Authentic & Peaceful with Everyone

Wayne Dyer

Be Authentic Quotes #327114
#18. The reality is that no one can be authentic by trying to be like someone else. There is no doubt you can learn from their experiences, but there is no way you can be successful trying to be like them. People trust you when you are genuine and authentic, not an imitation.

Bill George

Be Authentic Quotes #338962
#19. It costs a lot to be authentic. And one can't be stingy with these things because you are more authentic the more you resemble what you've dreamed of being.

Pedro Almodovar

Be Authentic Quotes #383593
#20. If we're going to be authentic in our leadership, we will have to be willing to serve, and we have to be willing to suffer.

James M. Kouzes

Be Authentic Quotes #415453
#21. At the core, coaching authenticity is complicated - some might say impossible. Telling someone to be authentic sounds pretty low calorie, especially to a founder plowing through a list of product and operational goals. But it's important.

Scott Weiss

Be Authentic Quotes #421598
#22. Listen carefully, be transparent, be responsive, be authentic, tell great stories-the qualities that would make you the hotshot at a party-and they'll make your organization a likeable one on social networks.

Dave Kerpen

Be Authentic Quotes #456373
#23. Our "in tune with my feelings" era believes that to be true to myself, to be authentic, means I need to act on my feelings. But the opposite is true. In fact, true authenticity means I maintain a trust through thick and thin.

Paul E. Miller

Be Authentic Quotes #461214
#24. To be authentic literally means to be your own author.

Dan Millman

Be Authentic Quotes #495037
#25. Be authentic to your dreams. Be authentic to your own idea about yourself. Grind away at your own minds and bodies until you become your own invention. Be Mad Scientists.

Warren Ellis

Be Authentic Quotes #513067
#26. Then I realized that secrecy is actually to the detriment of my own peace of mind and self, and that I could still sustain my belief in privacy and be authentic and transparent at the same time. It was a pretty revelatory moment, and there's been a liberating force that's come from it.

Alanis Morissette

Be Authentic Quotes #527824
#27. I certainly want people to like my writing, but I know that if I write with the intention of trying to please people, the writing will not be good because it will not be authentic. So, ironically, I have to be willing to write something strange or unlovable in order to write anything truly good.

Amity Gaige

Be Authentic Quotes #528210
#28. So release yourself from that. Don't be strategic or coy. Strategic and coy are for jackasses. Be brave. Be authentic. Practice saying the word 'love' to the people you love so when it matters the most to say it, you will.

Cheryl Strayed

Be Authentic Quotes #529692
#29. I like men with quick wit, good conversation and a great sense of humour. I love banter. I want a man to like me for me - I want him to be authentic.

Emma Watson

Be Authentic Quotes #620438
#30. If you are just yourself, that's when people start gravitating towards you because nobody else can be you except you. Be authentic, don't give up, and start today.

Tyler Oakley

Be Authentic Quotes #630798
#31. I always felt that if I was going to do a movie, I wanted it to be authentic.


Be Authentic Quotes #665298
#32. Your words may be heard but your attitude will be felt. Your attitude reveals your character so never try to deceive anyone with mere words. Word/Talk is cheap but character is key. It costs nothing to be authentic. Learn to be a man or woman of substance!

Kemi Sogunle

Be Authentic Quotes #673829
#33. Think of it more as publishing instead of marketing.Be authentic as a publisher and create content that helps you connect to everyone else ... because they're already connected.

Mitch Joel

Be Authentic Quotes #674265
#34. The most effective strategy for successful living is really no strategy at all. It is, rather, to be real, to be honest, to be authentic, to be you.

Ralph Marston

Be Authentic Quotes #685762
#35. The filmmaking process taught me that I need to be authentic - in my scripts and in real life.

John Grooters

Be Authentic Quotes #708264
#36. I think it's important to be authentic but also be able to have fun and not be overly controlling or insecure. Dating is just one of those things where it's kind of when you know, you know. I have been really busy with my career and sometimes I find it hard to juggle the two.

Nolan Gerard Funk

Be Authentic Quotes #717236
#37. Once I grew up and realised 'What am I doing?' I started re-listening to the music I was playing and I realised there was so much finesse - it was dynamic and simple but I wanted to be authentic to the original songs.

Eric Hernandez

Be Authentic Quotes #772720
#38. There is a certain kind of respect for authenticity today that there wasn't back in the days when they did 'Cleopatra,' where everything looked like a giant motel. People want to have it be authentic in the look, and authentic in the way people behave.

John Milius

Be Authentic Quotes #780448
#39. included: no religious doctrine or practice can be authentic if it does not lead to practical compassion.

Karen Armstrong

Be Authentic Quotes #797730
#40. Anyone who really loves you wants you to be authentic. And anyone who doesn't want you to be authentic doesn't really love you.

Nathaniel Branden

Be Authentic Quotes #805977
#41. Help me to change the world is an invitation to be authentic, to follow your heart, to be free of superstitions and lies. And I'm not asking you to try to change the world. Don't try: just do it.

Miguel Angel Ruiz

Be Authentic Quotes #807641
#42. The most rewarding aspect of parenting is seeing my children be authentic. The most rewarding thing for me is to see them do anything that they're proud of.

Jamie Lee Curtis

Be Authentic Quotes #818885
#43. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self.

Mahatma Gandhi

Be Authentic Quotes #831602
#44. [When making movies I] set out to be authentic to [myself] and to put it down the way [I] feel it and know it and interpret it. And then others sometimes key into it and get it.

Oliver Stone

Be Authentic Quotes #853952
#45. It takes a lot of bravery to be authentic and honest and to take that social mask off in order to connect with another human being. So much of what makes us who we are is smoothed away online. And what truly connects us is the wrinkles, not the smoothness.

Taylor Schilling

Be Authentic Quotes #862932
#46. Very often, people embarking on such guesswork make the vulgar assumption that the lower the motives, the more likely they are to be authentic.

Christopher Hitchens

Be Authentic Quotes #877932
#47. Be authentic. Don't try to be someone you aren't. You'll hate yourself for it & the effort to maintain the facade will exhaust you. BE REAL! Many won't like the real you but that's better than having people adore the person that isn't you at all

Larry Winget

Be Authentic Quotes #890645
#48. Don't be afraid to be authentic, show up in the world as you truly are.
Be as you mean to be, but be light with it. Love it, give it, share it, laugh at it, walk everywhere with it.
Be in the world but not OF it.

Jay Woodman

Be Authentic Quotes #930287
#49. The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.

Brene Brown

Be Authentic Quotes #943805
#50. Jesus doesn't expect followers to be perfect, but he does call them to be authentic.

Kyle Idleman

Be Authentic Quotes #960091
#51. You are here just to be, for no reason. You have no mission except to enjoy life, to be happy. The only thing you need is just to be the real you. Be authentic. Be the presence. Be happiness. Be love. Be joy. Be yourself; that's the main point. That's wisdom.

Miguel Ruiz

Be Authentic Quotes #994282
#52. You have ideas planted in your head, thoughts you never had before, that tell you how you have to act, how you have to dress and who you have to be. I have been trying to push back, to be authentic, to follow my heart, but it can be hard.

Ellen Page

Be Authentic Quotes #1019799
#53. I seek to be authentic and engaging, using my own experiences, being as vulnerable as I ask my clients to be, to enhance the process.

Jayson Blair

Be Authentic Quotes #1082176
#54. I choose to be authentic in everything I do


Be Authentic Quotes #1103693
#55. Well, as I was saying, it costs a lot to be authentic, madam. And one can't be stingy with these things, because you are more authentic the more you resemble what you've dreamed you are. - Agrado from Todo Sobre Mi Madre

Pedro Almodovar

Be Authentic Quotes #1132114
#56. You will never change, unless you are honest with yourself or you are forced to be authentic by someone that was honest with him or herself.

Shannon L. Alder

Be Authentic Quotes #1137097
#57. The greatest challenge the church faces today is to be authentic disciples of Jesus.

Dallas Willard

Be Authentic Quotes #1149249
#58. Don't do things or act out your posture and gestures to impress people, just be yourself and portray the confident 'you' with that high self-esteem. So relax because you are 'you'. Be sincere, be authentic. That will be impressive enough.

Archibald Marwizi

Be Authentic Quotes #1154451
#59. If there is going to be authentic renewal, it will have to happen in families and local church communities.

Rod Dreher

Be Authentic Quotes #1181680
#60. You can't try to be authentic. You either are or you aren't.

Oscar Isaac

Be Authentic Quotes #1212768
#61. I see it as my duty in some way is to be out in the world as an Australian putting forward what I consider to be authentic Australian music.

Nick Cave

Be Authentic Quotes #1238109
#62. Let your inner queen's voice come through loud and clear. Be strong, be authentic, be you, and you'll do her proud.

Queen Latifah

Be Authentic Quotes #1301917
#63. I'd rather be authentic than true.

Kevin Mcpherson Eckhoff

Be Authentic Quotes #1316579
#64. Be real. Be authentic. Be yourself, whatever the emotional cost. Pain goes away, while regret over a life lived trying to be a plastic version of yourself does not.

Vironika Tugaleva

Be Authentic Quotes #1336811
#65. Generally speaking, beliefs arise from an event or character that may or may not be authentic, and rapidly evolve into social movements that are conditioned and shaped by the political, economic and societal circumstances of the group that accepts them.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Be Authentic Quotes #1362658
#66. Always dig through the thoughts underneath the words, and be authentic of being who you are.

Pearl Zhu

Be Authentic Quotes #1385580
#67. Strive to be authentic, not perfect.

Amy Chan

Be Authentic Quotes #1390339
#68. Allow the child to be authentic, to move, to feel the way they move, appreciating them for what they are.

Magda Gerber

Be Authentic Quotes #1432192
#69. Concentrate on values and principles. Be authentic; stand up for what you really believe. Empathize and connect with the people you are talking to, on the basis of identity - their identity and yours. This

George Lakoff

Be Authentic Quotes #1473374
#70. To try to be authentic these days, to ask questions of the people in power - it's difficult. This administration has evolved new techniques to handle people like me. Their strategy, in a word, is simple: ignore them.

Ron Suskind

Be Authentic Quotes #1483395
#71. Don't worry about being good ... . Aspire to be authentic.

Yann Martel

Be Authentic Quotes #1503195
#72. The best way to deal in a transparent world is just be transparent. Let your life be authentic and let people look in. Because if they want to find out, they're gonna find out. And so to me it's given me a greater sense of accountability as a CEO. It's given me a greater opportunity to lead.

Michael Hyatt

Be Authentic Quotes #1515276
#73. I thought I had to live that partying lifestyle in order to be authentic, but in fact if you keep it up too long, all you're going to be is sloppy or dead.

Bonnie Raitt

Be Authentic Quotes #1552563
#74. Awareness is something that is very important. And you say that it looks impossible to become what we really are, to be authentic, to be ourselves again. But I will tell you that it is much more difficult to try to be what we are not.

Miguel Angel Ruiz

Be Authentic Quotes #1569505
#75. I never realized how intimidating it could be to be authentic

Jordon Johnson

Be Authentic Quotes #1581906
#76. The goal isn't to be perfect, but to be authentic!

Iyanla Vanzant

Be Authentic Quotes #1588173
#77. Strive to be authentic all the time. That's sort of my philosophy on life, which applies to acting.

Paul Guilfoyle

Be Authentic Quotes #1602328
#78. You cannot represent cool. You've got to be cool. You've got to be authentic. I think, after all these years, that is how I define cool. It is being authentic. That is powerful.

Henry Winkler

Be Authentic Quotes #1618198
#79. Always aim to be authentic in all that you do or aspire to.

Steven Redhead

Be Authentic Quotes #1639151
#80. I live by the mantra - Be Real. Be Authentic. Be You!

M.H. Johnson

Be Authentic Quotes #1648094
#81. To wit, can authenticity be aware of itself as such and still be authentic? I

Michael Pollan

Be Authentic Quotes #1706371
#82. Edward Markquart, a brilliant homoletician, wrote: People want their preachers to be authentic human beings ... who experience the same feelings and struggles as the laity, who do not hide behind the role of reverend so and so.

Calvin Miller

Be Authentic Quotes #1707707
#83. Authenticity requires us to slow down. Fast times require us to slow down. To be effective, we need to slow down our pace of thought and action and focus on managing our attention. To be authentic leaders we need to act from intention and choice rather than from habit and impulse.

Henna Inam

Be Authentic Quotes #1734789
#84. What seems like weakness to a survivalist is actually a sign of strength to a spiritual warrior who longs to be authentic at all costs.

Jeff Brown

Be Authentic Quotes #1737288
#85. To be authentic is to stop pretending to be what think you are, because you are not.

Miguel Angel Ruiz

Be Authentic Quotes #1738719
#86. In order to be authentic, you have to make decisions based on what you want, rather than how it will be perceived.

Shannon L. Alder

Be Authentic Quotes #1771738
#87. It's easier to be authentic if you don't say you are authentic.

B. Joseph Pine II

Be Authentic Quotes #1799908
#88. If you don't work on yourself, then much of your politics is merely projections. We have to walk our talk and do the inner work that allows the outer work to be authentic and also effective.

Matthew Fox

Be Authentic Quotes #1804552
#89. When we're kind to ourselves, we create a reservoir of compassion that we can extend to others. Our children learn how to be self-compassionate by watching us, and the people around us feel free to be authentic and connected.

Brene Brown

Be Authentic Quotes #1809510
#90. Believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic.

Brene Brown

Be Authentic Quotes #1810663
#91. I try to be authentic - but at the same time I don't really want people prying into my personal life.

Zooey Deschanel

Be Authentic Quotes #1811965
#92. Be authentic and organic. It can't be forced or it won't work. And most importantly, have fun.

Richard Branson

Be Authentic Quotes #1867330
#93. You do not need permission to be you. Just be your authentic, brilliant, one-soul-only self. You are a marvel. Act like it!

Toni Sorenson

Be Authentic Quotes #4119
#94. Happiness will be fleeting if you constantly search for it in places that can be taken away. It's an inside job.

Nikki Rowe

Be Authentic Quotes #31648
#95. Vulnerability gives us freedom, power and connects us to a network of injured souls. It is through the art of being real that we can heal ourself and others.

Shannon L. Alder

Be Authentic Quotes #44299
#96. A good president needs a big comfort zone. He should be able to treat enemies as opportunities, appear authentic in joy and grief, stay cool under the hot lights.

Nancy Gibbs

Be Authentic Quotes #45304
#97. The most important therapeutic capacity is the ability to be present with an open heart and to be grounded in our inner being,in our essence and authentic self, in the meditative quality within, through which we can meet another person. It is to meet that which is already perfect within a person.

Swami Dhyan Giten

Be Authentic Quotes #57553
#98. I wanted to be as authentic as possible because, first of all, Jean Shrimpton is still alive. And, she's interesting enough to be played accurately. I didn't need to add things.

Karen Gillan

Be Authentic Quotes #66981
#99. Sometimes we are looked upon as people who speak only of prohibitions. Nothing could be further from the truth! Authentic Christian discipleship is marked by a sense of wonder. We stand before the God we know and love as a friend, the vastness of his creation, and the beauty of our Christian faith.

Pope Benedict XVI

Be Authentic Quotes #78379
#100. In the sense of worldly advantage, it no longer signified whether people thought of him as having been an authentic man of virtue. There was no more political power or influence
to be gained from maintaining that identity. But to him it still mattered.

Marisa Linton

Be Authentic Quotes #83305

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