Top 65 India.Arie Quotes

#1. I cant control everything, and I dont need to


India.Arie Quotes #18747
#2. I say everything and I do whatever I want to do. I'm just me. The polished version of me, I suppose, because I have on clothes and makeup. But emotionally, I am very on the surface.


India.Arie Quotes #28917
#3. Life is a journey, not a destination; there are no mistakes, just chances we've taken.


India.Arie Quotes #29286
#4. In the quest for fortune and fame ... don't forget about the simple things.


India.Arie Quotes #51479
#5. I'm still afraid of things, obviously - we're human. But I like that feeling of being afraid.


India.Arie Quotes #85033
#6. I'm not the average girl from your video and I ain't built like a supermodel but I learned to love myself unconditionally because I am a queen


India.Arie Quotes #103700
#7. I decided that instead of apologizing for having a lot to say, I wanted to create a format where people would come to hear me sing and speak.


India.Arie Quotes #106235
#8. If you give me half a chance. I'll prove this to you. I will be patient, kind, faithful and true.


India.Arie Quotes #117804
#9. When I look in the mirror and the only one there is me
Every freckle on my face is where it's suppose to be
And I know my creator didn't make no mistakes on me
My feet, my thighs, my Lips, my eyes, I'm loving what I see


India.Arie Quotes #126708
#10. The thing that makes me feel most alive is knowing that there's something that I have to do that I'm afraid of.


India.Arie Quotes #141564
#11. My body is beautiful and sacred, and I'm going to celebrate it.


India.Arie Quotes #198194
#12. I'm a Libra, I always have two sides of everything.


India.Arie Quotes #199237
#13. There are rules but there's really no wrong way.


India.Arie Quotes #267190
#14. Go on and love yourself, cause everything's gonna be alright.


India.Arie Quotes #284892
#15. Because of what I've chosen to do for my work in the world, almost every time that there's something that I'm afraid to do that I need to do, I have to do it in front of other people. It makes me feel exposed.


India.Arie Quotes #338394
#16. I will be patient, kind, faithful and true
To a man who loves music a man who loves art
Respect's the spirit world and thinks with his heart


India.Arie Quotes #368783
#17. There is no substitute for the Truth, either it is or it isn't.


India.Arie Quotes #370450
#18. Things that I'm afraid to do are always about being afraid of being exposed. Every time, that's what it's always about.


India.Arie Quotes #379622
#19. I'm African American, I'm a lot of other things, a musician and an artist. But that woman part holds the most pain for me. And therefore, obviously, the most lessons.


India.Arie Quotes #408396
#20. I like when a teenager comes and talks to me on the street. I've been through a lot and I have a lot to share.


India.Arie Quotes #409561
#21. There's another style of meditation that I've been doing since my mid-twenties. Tapping into your higher self to get a glimpse of yourself from the outside and get insight into what's going on in your life. I learned that from my godfather in my mid-twenties.


India.Arie Quotes #454162
#22. By all of your beauty I am so inspired. Your love has baptized me by fire.


India.Arie Quotes #486677
#23. The only thing constant in the world is change, that's why today I take life as it comes


India.Arie Quotes #494967
#24. I am not my hair. I am not this skin. I am not your expectations no. I am not my hair. I am not this skin. I am the SOUL that lives within


India.Arie Quotes #515236
#25. Success is clarity of my intention ... and reaching that intention while being true to myself and with joy.


India.Arie Quotes #542295
#26. The thing that makes me most vulnerable is romantic relationship.


India.Arie Quotes #616663
#27. In the music industry it's just you're either Black or white, and this is the box you get put in.


India.Arie Quotes #644277
#28. It seems nobody really talks about what we do with our emotional pain. Only the ascendant perhaps, who have learned how to fully meditate or do yoga or whatever through their emotional pain.


India.Arie Quotes #654624
#29. Eating is not one of the things that I do now to deal with pain, because I don't ever want to do that. But I isolate myself, that's what I do.


India.Arie Quotes #662951
#30. The truth, it needs no proof. Either it is or it isn't.


India.Arie Quotes #667269
#31. What tried to demolish me, I allowed to polish me.


India.Arie Quotes #708468
#32. If he ever left me, I wouldn't even be sad; no, 'cause there's a blessing in every lesson, and I'm glad that I knew him at all.


India.Arie Quotes #750531
#33. Your real job in this world is to be you.


India.Arie Quotes #779527
#34. I have, my whole life, been healing the girl inside, the part of me that struggles about being a female in the world. That's why I write about the things I write about.


India.Arie Quotes #838618
#35. My life is so tumultuous. I dive into everything. I'm feeling all up and down and sleepy and moody and hormonal - it just gets crazy. Just to keep myself balanced, I do things like yoga and meditation.


India.Arie Quotes #844023
#36. Anyway, in my performance style, I'm a singer-songwriter. People can call it neo-soul or R&B or whatever. But at the core, when you see me live, I'm a singer-songwriter.


India.Arie Quotes #864780
#37. Break the Shell": "Child, it's time to break the shell Life's gonna hurt but it's meant to be felt You cannot touch the sky from inside yourself You cannot fly until you break the shell.


India.Arie Quotes #928702
#38. In a world of smoke and ashes, you are milk and honey


India.Arie Quotes #946330
#39. I was very fortunate to have learned the transforming power of music early in life. As an adult I want to share that power by inspiring people to care about their neighbors near and far. Being a UNICEF Ambassador allows me this kind of opportunity.


India.Arie Quotes #951599
#40. It's everything, it's nothing, it's perfect.


India.Arie Quotes #956968
#41. Over the years, I was doing what I loved to do, which is my music. But it was always a bit distorted, because I was doing the music in the way other people around me were telling me it should be done.


India.Arie Quotes #959497
#42. What did not demolish me simply polished me.


India.Arie Quotes #971395
#43. You're only human.
Let's break free of this gravity of judgment
And fly high on the wings of forgiveness.


India.Arie Quotes #974885
#44. Either you're a hater or a lover.


India.Arie Quotes #1014086
#45. The songs that I've written about Africa, and AIDS and HIV and about the power of humanitarian love, those songs, I'm gonna sing them because I know that it's real.


India.Arie Quotes #1024014
#46. The worst disease in the world is hate. And the cure for hate is love.


India.Arie Quotes #1052578
#47. I choose to be authentic in everything I do


India.Arie Quotes #1103693
#48. No matter what anybody says, what matters most is what you think of yourself.


India.Arie Quotes #1182916
#49. I heard a voice that told me I'm essential. How all my fears are limiting my potential. Said it's time to step into the light and use every bit of power i have inside.


India.Arie Quotes #1293772
#50. Because you never know where life is gonna take you, And you can't change where you've been, But today, I have the opportunity to choose ...


India.Arie Quotes #1311728
#51. I'm passionate about the empowerment and healing of girls and women. Where I do the most work in that regard is in my songwriting.


India.Arie Quotes #1355242
#52. It doesn't cost a thing to smile,


India.Arie Quotes #1359467
#53. If you create the game, then you create the rules.


India.Arie Quotes #1409223
#54. I love him in every way a women can love a man, from personal to universal but most of all its unconditional.


India.Arie Quotes #1421906
#55. The difference between living and feeling alive, is using your fear as fuel to fly.


India.Arie Quotes #1448936
#56. Any time someone is passionate about a cause, it's because they want to heal something inside of themselves.


India.Arie Quotes #1532675
#57. There aint no substitute for the truth, either it is or it isnt. You see the truth it needs no proof, either it is or it isnt. And you know the truth by the way you feel.


India.Arie Quotes #1550470
#58. Every mountain needs someone to climb it,
Every ocean needs someone to dive in,
Every dream needs someone to wish it,
Every adventure needs someone to live it


India.Arie Quotes #1632848
#59. It's not fair that people ignore AIDS in Africa because it's Africa. It's not fair.


India.Arie Quotes #1637238
#60. I am light. I am not my age, I am not my race; my soul inside is all light. I am light.


India.Arie Quotes #1686968
#61. Chaos isn't good for your health.


India.Arie Quotes #1694156
#62. I do all the things that singer-songwriters do. I introduce the songs, I have a story to tell about everything all the time - I cannot be on stage and have something on my mind without telling the audience. I'm super emotional and expressive and vulnerable in that moment.


India.Arie Quotes #1707591
#63. Strength, courage & wisdom ... it's been inside of me all along ...


India.Arie Quotes #1756413
#64. Tolerance is the seed, and the gift of pure acceptance is the tree


India.Arie Quotes #1763149
#65. There's hope. It doesn't cost a thing to smile. You don't have to pay to laugh. You better thank God for that.


India.Arie Quotes #1774670

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