Top 100 A Chance Quotes

#1. I never thought I'd get a chance to do what I'm doing. It's such a dream.

Maya Rudolph

A Chance Quotes #1725682
#2. I never sympathise with the accused unless there's a chance the accused is not guilty, but I certainly don't ever sympathise with the criminal.

Clint Eastwood

A Chance Quotes #1775477
#3. Detroit was kind of a random thing where it was like a chance to be in a rock 'n' roll movie.

Edward Furlong

A Chance Quotes #1775400
#4. When we stand up for what we believe in - for what's right - there is always a chance that we risk the very things we fight for: our safety, our lives, our freedom. But if we stand down, the risk is definite.

Kelseyleigh Reber

A Chance Quotes #1773896
#5. Baseball serves as a good model for democracy in action: Every player is equally important and each has a chance to be a hero.

Edward Abbey

A Chance Quotes #1772488
#6. Someone said it better than that; be true unto yourself. Self, right? No-one else. If everyone was true unto his or her self there might even be a chance of something better for us all.

Bryan Islip

A Chance Quotes #1769524
#7. When you work to please others you can't succeed, but the things you do to satisfy yourself stand a chance of catching someone's interest.

Marcel Proust

A Chance Quotes #1769261
#8. One of the things I've learned in my life is that sometimes you've got to take a chance.

Nicholas Sparks

A Chance Quotes #1769162
#9. Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great?

Jimmy Johnson

A Chance Quotes #1768891
#10. When a dad admits he is wrong or asks for help, he allows the child to see him- or herself as adequate even when she or he is also wrong. It encourages children to make suggestions and, therefore, to discover their creativity because they have a chance of making a contribution.

Warren Farrell

A Chance Quotes #1768491
#11. I think working on Shakespeare was a big part of my time at drama school. I'm so glad that I got to know Shakespeare and got a chance to play great parts in Shakespeare, because it really teaches you - or taught me, anyway - everything.

Andre Holland

A Chance Quotes #1767739
#12. Let us give Nature a chance; she knows her business better than we do.

Michel De Montaigne

A Chance Quotes #1767250
#13. Mitch and I have known each other for such a long time, and we're both so pleased to be given this opportunity at this point in our lives to play characters that we've never really had a chance to play before. It's a great gift. Plus we're wise enough to appreciate it.

Susan Sullivan

A Chance Quotes #1767098
#14. I loved the idea of doing a love story with people over the age of 60 and a film that will hopefully give so many of the audience a chance to see themselves on the screen.

Shirley Maclaine

A Chance Quotes #1766865
#15. I know how it fees to plead. I know how it feels to wish someone would give you a chance to help them.

Sarah Noffke

A Chance Quotes #1765839
#16. The truth can be hard to take, but we have an obligation to look and see what's going on, and, if we don't like it, a chance to stop going along with it. This important film provides precisely that insight and that opportunity.

Bill Maher

A Chance Quotes #1765246
#17. If a train is coming at you, closing your eyes won't save you ... but if you look right at it, you at least have a chance to jump.

Andrew Vachss

A Chance Quotes #1763502
#18. My life has been shaped by the decision two people made over 24 years ago. They decided to adopt a child. They got me, and I got a chance at the kind of life all children deserve.

Karen Fowler

A Chance Quotes #1763262
#19. Sometimes the slightest things change the directions of our lives, the merest breath of a circumstance, a random moment that connects like a meteorite striking the earth. Lives have swiveled and changed direction on the strength of a chance remark.

Bryce Courtenay

A Chance Quotes #1762545
#20. Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.

Oprah Winfrey

A Chance Quotes #1761547
#21. Nobody owes anybody a living, but everybody is entitled to a chance.

Jack Dempsey

A Chance Quotes #1761201
#22. When a chance for real happiness comes by, grab it with both hands and devour it. If it lasts five minutes or five lifetimes, it's still worth it.

Malorie Blackman

A Chance Quotes #1760297
#23. Take a chance on faith. Not religion, but faith.
Not hope, but faith.
I don't believe in hope. Hope is a beggar.
Hope walks through the fire and Faith leaps over it.

Jim Carrey

A Chance Quotes #1759140
#24. Young guys should focus on maintaining their football position. Coaches always say the lowest guy wins. I'm a taller guy and a bigger guy, but because I'm always in a great football position is why I think I'm able to get away from guys still. It gives me a chance to recover.

Brandon Spikes

A Chance Quotes #1758651
#25. Most people are generally reasonable and can rally around an idea that wasn't their own as long as they know they've had a chance to weigh in.

Patrick Lencioni

A Chance Quotes #1758372
#26. Why trade a chance at real happiness for a misery I already knew?

A.S. King

A Chance Quotes #1757758
#27. We don't do drugs, drink or use profanity. Instead we instill morals and values in my boys by raising them with a love of God and a love and respect for themselves and all people. I believe they will have a chance.

Anita Baker

A Chance Quotes #1757689
#28. Isn't that what we come into politics for? To say to people: 'You can do it, too - there is a chance to serve your community. There is a chance to shape it co-operatively and democratically, without fear or favour.' And that is what I tried to do.

Joan Kirner

A Chance Quotes #1757377
#29. Owl explained about the Necessary Dorsal Muscles. He had explained this to Pooh and Christopher Robin once before and had been waiting for a chance to do it again, because it is a thing you can easily explain twice before anybody knows what you are talking about.

A.A. Milne

A Chance Quotes #1756695
#30. We've backed off in good faith to try and give you a chance to straighten this problem out. But I am going to beg with you for a minute. I'm going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.

James Mattis

A Chance Quotes #1756538
#31. This is a hurried age we're living in. If you've got anything to say, say it quickly, get to the point and stop, and give the other man a chance to talk.

Dale Carnegie

A Chance Quotes #1756454
#32. For me it's even more interesting, because my character comes out of the shadow. It's a chance to really act emotionally, because the situation is an extreme one.

Ian McDiarmid

A Chance Quotes #1756091
#33. Nobody has yet proven that taking a chance and doing something unique that an audience isn't used to is a bad idea. What the theater lacks is that kind of courage.

Harold Prince

A Chance Quotes #1755756
#34. With frantic Dean I was rushing through the world without a chance to see it.

Jack Kerouac

A Chance Quotes #1755408
#35. My experience with horses is that they never throw away a chance to go lame.

Mark Twain

A Chance Quotes #1755057
#36. What the White House is trying to do is racialize all politics and they're especially trying to tell the African-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that's just a complete lie,

Ben Stein

A Chance Quotes #1753850
#37. I have always said that a conference was held for one reason only, to give everybody a chance to get sore at everybody else. Sometimes it takes two or three conferences to scare up a war, but generally one will do it.

Will Rogers

A Chance Quotes #1752982
#38. The past is what imprisons us. There are some things in this world that can never be undone. But they can be faced. They can be forgiven. And if we hold on to that, then there is a chance for us. A chance that someday. . .we will be free.

John Burley

A Chance Quotes #1752861
#39. An open mind leaves a chance for someone to drop a worthwhile thought in it.

Mark Twain

A Chance Quotes #1752543
#40. I grew up not far from where Motown was founded, maybe 300 miles from Detroit and I've always liked - I used to like the way they made records. I still do, I just haven't had a chance to hear as much. They used to entertain me.

Rick Danko

A Chance Quotes #1751992
#41. Forgive means to give a chance to reform, so be a forgiver

Azhar Sabri

A Chance Quotes #1751561
#42. I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.

Bill Gates

A Chance Quotes #1749351
#43. You are learning too much, remembering too much, trying to hard relax a little bit, give life a chance to flow its own way, unassisted by your mind and effort. Stop directing the river's flow!


A Chance Quotes #1749232
#44. From beginning to end I worried that Ang Lee wouldn't be satisfied with my work. So I worked as hard as I could to earn his trust, because you only get a chance like this once.

Zhang Ziyi

A Chance Quotes #1748828
#45. Besides, a new decade is a chance to find oneself at the beginning of things. Oh, life! What a sweet little Etch A Sketch of time you are!

Sloane Crosley

A Chance Quotes #1748474
#46. I don't go to a psychiatrist. I don't go to a gym. I run away from my accountant, I run away from my dentist. They are all supposed to help you, but I like to stay in bed, where I have a chance to reflect, like Rossellini.

Marlene Dumas

A Chance Quotes #1747376
#47. Never take your loved ones for granted. You might lose them in a split of second and never got a chance to say good-bye.

Abdulazeez Henry Musa

A Chance Quotes #1747286
#48. There's always a chance, a goal to make something different and get it right, finally.

Stephen Malkmus

A Chance Quotes #1746799
#49. People are so busy chasing happiness- if they would slow down and turn around, they would give it a chance to catch up with them.

Harold S. Kushner

A Chance Quotes #1746341
#50. You know when I first thought I might have a chance? When I realized that you could go into any bar in the country and insult Lyndon Johnson and nobody would punch you in the nose.

Eugene McCarthy

A Chance Quotes #1744801
#51. From time to time, just about every 'Vanity Fair' writer has a chance to sell rights to an article or a book to Hollywood.

Bryan Burrough

A Chance Quotes #1744515
#52. Life is about choices and chances. You make a choice and take a chance.

Truth Devour

A Chance Quotes #1744059
#53. If you're not scared then you're not taking a chance. If you're not taking a chance then what the hell are you doing anyway?

Ted Mosby

A Chance Quotes #1743588
#54. Animals should be given a chance to express their natural behavior.

Frans De Waal

A Chance Quotes #1742336
#55. Words can't describe how one would feel in that moment after doing a test for something you really want but in your heart you don't think you have a chance of getting.

Aja Naomi King

A Chance Quotes #1741822
#56. Fantasies were safe. It was a break from reality. A chance to act on desires for a short period of time.

Maya Banks

A Chance Quotes #1741368
#57. You cannot refuse to eat just because there's a chance of being choked.

Lisa See

A Chance Quotes #1740958
#58. There, it was over. How was it so easy to disappear from someone else's life? Perhaps it was with the same ease that you enter it. A chance meeting, a few words exchanged, and a relationship begins. A chance falling out, a few words exchanged and that same relationship is over.

Antoine Laurain

A Chance Quotes #1740848
#59. I know you're angry and I know that it'll take work, but I just want you to try. To give getting through my fuck-ups together a chance. I need to know that you can give a shit about me again.

Emily Snow

A Chance Quotes #1740770
#60. After everyone has had a chance to bluster, posture, and pontificate, we are left with one basic question: under any foreseeable circumstance, would it be in our national interest to default on our debt? The answer is unequivocally no.

John Sununu

A Chance Quotes #1740597
#61. Perpetrators who receive the gift of forgiveness are given a chance to change

Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela

A Chance Quotes #1739690
#62. How many people ever get a chance to do something that they really believe in?

Terry Fox

A Chance Quotes #1739286
#63. It was almost as if reality had finally caught up to us, as if up until this point we'd actually had a chance of escaping it.

Rhonda James

A Chance Quotes #1738116
#64. Everything with a breath is able to create and make a change as long as there is a chance, a wish and need for.

Auliq Ice

A Chance Quotes #1737933
#65. I don't get much sauciness, I'm too old for saucy now, but back in the day I think there were a few marriage proposals. And I do use the fact women approach me as a chance to chat them up. They never seem to mind too much.

Roger Lloyd-Pack

A Chance Quotes #1737627
#66. Echo is my life. My life. I lover her. If there's a chance I can make her happy ... If I can save what's between us ... I'll do it, so fucking tell me!

Katie McGarry

A Chance Quotes #1737442
#67. To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect.

Criss Jami

A Chance Quotes #1736908
#68. Karl remembered his great truth, learned in the project: Never pass by a chance to shut up.

Gregory Benford

A Chance Quotes #1735807
#69. I was grateful to be away from all that familiarity, to have a chance to do something anonymously.


A Chance Quotes #1735442
#70. There's a tacit understanding among clubs that a good player shouldn't miss out on the big break of his career or a chance at exponentially improved earnings.

Tim Howard

A Chance Quotes #1734674
#71. The corner of her mouth curled and she said, "It'd be rude to turn down a chance to drink with a cowboy, now wouldn't it?

Hunter Shea

A Chance Quotes #1734365
#72. Someone will care if you just give 'em a chance. There's always people who need you as much as you need them. Don't you forget that. All you got to do is find 'em. And when you do, you find you're happier carin' about someone else than just about yourself all the time.

Ester Wier

A Chance Quotes #1733522
#73. Thank you," she said. Then, as if writing a tiny footnote at the corner of a page, she added, "I might have a chance to see you again, someday.

Haruki Murakami

A Chance Quotes #1733117
#74. If I get a chance to write a comic book or do a voice in an Adult Swim show, I do it. It's much more fulfilling to me and I get to work with people who I'm a fan of.

Bill Hader

A Chance Quotes #1732717
#75. I had a chance at him now. Things were a bit more even. He knew my name, I knew his. He had six years' experience, I had five thousand and ten. That was the kind of odds that you could do something with.

Jonathan Stroud

A Chance Quotes #1731519
#76. Those bad times are important. They give you a chance to practice, listen, take stock, have a life, get your feet back on the ground, and maybe you'll live to tell the story.

Levon Helm

A Chance Quotes #1731252
#77. A chance to collaborate with one of my favorite bands in a completely open and supportive creative environment ... some our best work.

Dave Genn

A Chance Quotes #1730930
#78. I became a better person because of the time I spent with him, knowing him. I never got a chance to tell him that.

Terry McMillan

A Chance Quotes #1729861
#79. I don't think that Prokofiev ever treated me seriously as a composer; he considered only Stravinsky a rival and never missed a chance to take a shot at him. I remember once he started telling me some vile story about Stravinsky. I cut him off.

Dmitri Shostakovich

A Chance Quotes #1729550
#80. I wanted to prove people wrong who didn't think I could play at this level. I also wanted to take care of my family. It was a chance to play against the best players in the world. Mentally and physically I don't think I was ready, but I was ready to take on the challenge.

Jermaine O'Neal

A Chance Quotes #1729391
#81. If people are either mountain people or ocean people then I'm a mountain person. I love the ocean, the few times I get a chance to see it, but I'm a mountain girl.

John Marsden

A Chance Quotes #1729040
#82. The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They're there to stop the other people.

Randy Pausch

A Chance Quotes #1727889
#83. Astrologically, at that age, you experience a Saturn return. It is considered an auspicious time to "reboot" your life. It's a chance to have a clean start and move forward into something very exciting.

Frederick Lenz

A Chance Quotes #1726907
#84. I appreciate failure. Failure means that an attempt was made, and a lesson can be learned. As long as we're alive after the effort, there is a chance for success the next time around.

George Takei

A Chance Quotes #1726849
#85. I don't even know how to speak up for myself, because I don't really have a father who would give me the confidence or advice. And if you're always the new kid, you never get a chance to adapt, so your confidence is just zilch.


A Chance Quotes #1725940
#86. There are golfers everywhere who may never get a chance to play a links course in Scotland, a tree-lined course in America or the sand belts of Australia. Hopefully I can bring some of those elements into their backyards.

Tiger Woods

A Chance Quotes #1725773
#87. Conversation is good - you might not agree with everyone, but at least it gives you a chance to contemplate someone else's ideas.

Brandi Chastain

A Chance Quotes #1689711
#88. There's only so much you can do, but if somebody doesn't give you a chance there is nothing you can do.

Charlize Theron

A Chance Quotes #1687127
#89. 'The Voice' gave me a chance to show people the side of me that is an artist. People didn't know what that would look like or sound like. It allowed people to see that potential.

Judith Hill

A Chance Quotes #1687270
#90. There was not enough of the patient to go around, and specialists pushed forward in line with raw tempers and snapped at their colleagues in front to hurry up and give somebody else a chance.

Joseph Heller

A Chance Quotes #1687784
#91. When anybody could tell, nobody was ever going to give fucking peace a chance.

Janet Fitch

A Chance Quotes #1687877
#92. There's nothing more exciting for an actor than a chance to lose, to be someone who has lost - especially if it's someone who starts off with a veneer of control. To be broken is wonderful.

Lena Headey

A Chance Quotes #1688604
#93. We all kind of grew up together with Art Blakey because we all were young and he gave us a chance to write. We had to write something that was good and to sit up with a great guy like Art Blakey and watch him.

Freddie Hubbard

A Chance Quotes #1688725
#94. Every time someone opens up to me, it just feels like a gift they're giving me, because it's a chance to experience another human being.

Alison Rosen

A Chance Quotes #1688890
#95. It's usually kids that normally don't have a chance to get to meet each other because they're separated by millions of different things.

Brett Dennen

A Chance Quotes #1688938
#96. So, are you a hero, Cole Walker?"
"What is a hero, really?"
"I suppose it's someone that saves people."
"Yeah, I suppose it is."
"So, do you save people?"
"I'm only fifteen. Give me a chance.

Samantha Young

A Chance Quotes #1688979
#97. I never had a chance to play with dolls like other kids. I started working when I was six years old.

Billie Holiday

A Chance Quotes #1688983
#98. Was I the only person who was distracted by this future without a chance?

Charles Bukowski

A Chance Quotes #1694978
#99. You only like guys you don't have a chance with, because you're scared.

Jenny Han

A Chance Quotes #1694518
#100. Every challenge is a chance to become a champion.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

A Chance Quotes #1694930

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