Top 15 8 Month Old Quotes

#1. Also, toddler judgment is horrible. They don't have any. Put a twelve-month-old on a bed, and they will immediately try and crawl off headfirst like a lemming on a mindless migration mission. But the toddler mission is never mindless. They have two goals: find poison and find something to destroy.

Jim Gaffigan

8 Month Old Quotes #468588
#2. When I first started dating my husband, I had this weird fascination with the circus and clowns and old carnival things and sideshow freaks and all that. About a month after we started dating, he bought me this amazing black-and-white photo book on the circus in the 1930s, and I started sobbing.

Christina Hendricks

8 Month Old Quotes #469860
#3. Everything has to be at once for six-month-old puppies, six-year-old children, and reformers of any age.

H. Beam Piper

8 Month Old Quotes #486257
#4. I'd spent my whole career dealing with badasses taking care of my nine-month-old boy should be a lark.

C.I. Dennis

8 Month Old Quotes #505336
#5. I wrote 'Lakeside View Apartment Suites' with Roman in my arms. He was about a month old. I was playing left-handed and finally handed him over. On the demo of it, you can hear him crying in the next room.

John Darnielle

8 Month Old Quotes #695376
#6. It occurred to me that never again would he be seven years, one month and six days old, so we had better catch these moments while we can.

Bill Bryson

8 Month Old Quotes #712650
#7. But if you have so much fun, then why don't you get together more than once a month?'

She looked at me like a wise old owl and winked. 'Do something too often and it stops being special.

Beth Hoffman

8 Month Old Quotes #1091069
#8. Writers always say, 'I always knew I wanted to be a writer; when I was a three-month-old foetus a pen formed in my hand and I began to scratch my first story on the inside of my mother's womb.' I started later, in my early twenties.

Harlan Coben

8 Month Old Quotes #1128752
#9. When your co-stars are 9-month-old babies, you fall in love. You start thinking, When am I going to have my own?

Vin Diesel

8 Month Old Quotes #1138800
#10. In a way, being an opera singer is like being a very romantic sixteen-year-old who falls in love with great passion and conviction every month.

Renee Fleming

8 Month Old Quotes #1313453
#11. We've all been around middle-aged people who have the boundaries of an eighteen-month-old. They have tantrums or sulk when others set limits on them, or they simply fold and comply with others just to keep the peace.

Henry Cloud

8 Month Old Quotes #1349189
#12. Look at airport security now. What started out as definite racial profiling is now where the computer picks a name. That's why you get a seven-month-old getting a pat down. [Imitates a security officer.] "Check the diapers. They're full."

Robin Williams

8 Month Old Quotes #1381465
#13. Have you ever seen a six-month-old or a three-year-old who's not curious and self-directed? I haven't. That's how we are out of the box.

Daniel H. Pink

8 Month Old Quotes #1420409
#14. I would not exchange my freedom from old superstition, if I were to be burned at the stake next month, for all the peace and quiet of orthodoxy, if I must take the orthodoxy with peace and quiet.

Harriet Martineau

8 Month Old Quotes #1518296
#15. I try to squeeze in a workout whenever I can, even if it's doing squats with my 7-month-old in the kitchen or jumping on the trampoline with my 5-year-old.

Jennie Finch

8 Month Old Quotes #1747152

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