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Quotes By Famous Authors: [G]

Grant Show

At home, we live on the beach, and it's like every day is a date.

Gabi Kreslehner

When you love something, you keep it to yourself. Then no one can take it from you.

George Szell

Conductors must give unmistakable and suggestive signals to the orchestra - not choreography to the audience.

Gale Martin

Never divulge your cologne. Next thing you know, all the women around you will be wearing your special scent. And it won't be special anymore.

Greg Holden

You know those ducks in that lagoon right near Central Park south?That little lake?By any chance you happen to know where they go?The ducks,When it ...

Guo Guangchang

I feel that doing business is just like practising Buddhism. Money is not your only purpose. Your purpose is to make things better for other ...

Georgia Saratsioti

I had a dream about you. We were actors in a horror movie and I was hunting you down with a knife. When I finally ...

Gregg Dunnett

Darwin Award. That's not a real award, it's a joke. They give them to people who die doing something so stupid that it counts as ...

George H. Scithers

To be a writer, you must write. To be a published writer you must finish what you write and then get what you've written in ...

Gabriela Popa

Virtue would go far if vanity did not keep it company.

Gareth Stedman Jones

I believe in God, not for God's sake, but for my sake.

Gary Rydstrom

Sound comes to us over time. You don't get a snapshot of sound. Therefore, what you notice with sound, the essential building block, is change.

Greg Hicks

It's a walk of remembrance, a commemorative event for the victims of the twin towers, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania, ... We must reflect on the tragedy ...

Glen Matten

SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS When it comes to diet, nutrition and health, don't believe everything you read. Far too much reporting is partial and misleading, and ...

Graham Shiels

"When in your life were you the most challenged?" I love to hear stories of adversity and how people overcome them.

Grant Mudford

I think one of the shortcomings of reality, of real experience, is most people's inability to examine something carefully and thoughtfully without moving around or ...

Goodman Ace

You know, my father died of cancer when I was a teenager. He had it before it became popular.

Gideon Levy

A whistle in the dark is still a whistle.

Graeme Lofts

Dig, gentlemen, dig, but not deeper than six inches, for there is more gold in the first six inches than there is lower down'.

Gianfranco Fini

With the same firmness with which I say that Iran represents a danger I tell Israel that you cannot and must not think of launching ...

Gail White

Why do I go outside at one a.m.and search the stars as though I'd numbered them?

Gary Davis

Exceed not thy actions, but limit not thy mind.

Gentry Lee

It's a shame that we humans are never able to pull in the same direction ... [n]ot even when confronted by infinity.

Gina Robinson

Men were just plain ridiculous with how little time it took them to get handsome.

Geoff Edgers

Brian kept forcing them to go back out on tour.

George Preston Marshall

The fact that we have in our head coach, Lone Star Dietz, an Indian, together with several Indian players, has not, as may be suspected, ...

George Saoulidis

There's something about the texture of books that appeals to people. The shiny, glossy surfaces of the reading devices nowadays just don't evoke anything similar. ...

Gail Faith Edwards

Our survival as spiritual beings depends upon our ability to open our wild hearts in love and resonance with all of nature.

Gary Henning

Health of your relationship with your loved ones. Your inward and outward health

Gelett Burgess

Seek one woman whom thou canst trust, and to her who lovest thee best, tell thy secrets. She will deliver thee from the hands of ...

Gene Green

Every citizen's vote should count in America, not just the votes of partisan insiders in the Electoral College. The Electoral College was necessary when communications ...

Gene Hackman

I'm disappointed that success hasn't been a Himalayan feeling.

Geoff Davis

This campaign was special because we always kept the challenger mentality we had from the start. We managed to keep the against-all-odds, can-do spirit that ...

Gregory Hamilton

What I like most about the process of literary creation is gathering mundane facts and concepts, then clothing them with the ornate jewels and fine ...

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