Top 4 Graham Shiels Quotes

#1. The Alzheimer's Association is what I am passionate about. My grandfather had it. My mom has it. It's a horrible disease, and with our aging population, it's a growing problem. It's terrible to lose your brain and your power to be conscious or in the moment.

Graham Shiels

Graham Shiels Quotes #217173
#2. I don't have children - yet! But I can imagine a love so potent that you would give your life for them. To give your life over to something else outside of you, that's love.

Graham Shiels

Graham Shiels Quotes #371471
#3. Seeing babies and little children smile or even just be inquisitive about a bottle cap isnpires me. Watching a great performance, particularly live or in the moment. My favorite actor at the moment is the three-time Tony Award-winning Mark Rylance. Makes me work to be better.

Graham Shiels

Graham Shiels Quotes #895988
#4. "When in your life were you the most challenged?" I love to hear stories of adversity and how people overcome them.

Graham Shiels

Graham Shiels Quotes #929794

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