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Quotes By Famous Authors: [M]

Melinda George

I allow myself one day to indulge in self-pity and thereafter Icontinue to be grateful for what life has given me, really!That's all part of ...

Matthew Callan

It is a thought that has propelled me forward for so long it is no longer a thought, really. It's closer to a callous, something ...

Mikky Ekko

Everybody's able to pour into each other creatively, and pop into the studio and pop out. It feels like a community. As an artistic community ...

Mick Miller

I don't like people who take drugs ... customs men for example.

Michelle Rempel

Our Government's top priority remains jobs and economic growth. Today's announcement demonstrates our commitment to ensuring the continued success of western Canadian businesses and entrepreneurs ...

Michael Glawogger

Mostly I take photographs in times of research. Whores' Glory was shot in 30 days, 10 days for each segment, but the research for each ...

Mary Austin

If you find holes in my book that you could drive a car through, do not be too sure they were not left there for ...

Mishka Shubaly

Acedia is sorrow so complete that the flesh pervails completely over the spirit. You don't just turn your back on the world, you turn your ...

Michael Angelakos

I've told people that I don't see myself living very long. That really upsets them, but I'm just being honest.

Melissa McShane

It's because you're a different person, every time you re-read a book, and you learn things your earlier self wouldn't have noticed or wouldn't have ...

Marie Jenney Howe

Besides, when I look around me at the men, I feel that God never meant us women to be too particular.

Marianne Schneider Corey

One of the great gifts of our profession is that the process of doing what we do allows us to become better human beings.

M.W. Russell

I do not ask of you any more than you are able to give my lady. Be it just a moment in time that fate ...

Miles J. Unger

Driven, passionate, mercurial, irascible" [the character of Michelangelo]

Michael L. Rosenzweig

Today, however, we know that writing, at least science writing, is partly a skill. And skills can be improved. The pain can be reduced.

M. Kay Kleven

Never stop learning and never give up!

Mohit K. Misra

What Albert Einstein termed optical delusion,The Indians termed Maya or Illusion.

Mike Sauve

Don't feel sorry for Ed Gourd Graves. Take a broad general view of things and realize that everybody loses everything, and that no man's loneliness ...

Matthew W. Grant

Remember, in life, you can't have your cake, eat it too, and then expect a side plate of brownies. Make your choices and live with ...

Matt Bellamy

Hi, I am Matt Bellamy and I am in a band called Muse and we play Music

Marco Walder

You will never reach your destiny until you are able to grab the best out of yourself.

Madalyn Murray O'Hair

Religion is a crutch, and only the crippled need crutches.

Marta Acosta

Inside every man is a teenage boy, and we're -all- crazy in love with Shulky.

Marion Dudley Cran

Nature with her wonders blinds and binds one still. There is no escape. I love her utterly through all time and times. All over the ...

Mandy Kirkby

We plant, we nurture, we grow and we give, different flowers for different moments in time, but all for the same purpose: to say that ...

Molly McLain

I don't have to tell you how pointless it is to dwell on the past, sweet pea.

Meghan Markle

When I get ready to go out, it's half hour and we're out of the door. I don't want to waste time getting ready: I ...

Mary Lou Quinlan

She inhaled a worry. She exhaled a prayer.

Maisey Yates

Fear was a dumbass state to live in. - From IMAGINE ME AND YOU

Mollie Gregory

What we failed to say yesterday, no one will know tomorrow.

Michelangelo Signorile

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which finally passed in the Senate late last year, is a throwback to the 1990s, when ENDA was first introduced; ...

Marjorie Dorner

There is no explaining why you love the people who belonged to you. No explaining why you couldn't be objective about them, or indifferent to ...


Life is a knife and it stabs

Michael Goldenberg

London 'Harry Potter' premieres are very special events: There is this sense of love and ownership and pride, and it's just palpable. It's a very ...

Mary Wroth

What still doth waste, and wasting as this light, Are my sad days unto eternal night.

Martin McGuinness

The British government needs to bring its system in Ireland under control.

Malik Rose

I don't worry much but I'm starting to worry a little.

Mahela Jayawardene

People are already worrying about the ball moving around and all that jazz.

Maggie Brown

Dear "J"For the deepest love I have ever knownThrough the pain my soul's enriched and I have grown

M. F. Husain

I only give expression to the instincts from my soul.

Moon Bloodgood

Girls know when they're attractive.

Miranda Stork

It is NOT crap, it is 'unedited awesomeness'. FACT.

Michael Laws

It's wrong for kids to be angry about something inanimate.

Michael Dolan

Your body is a beautiful manifestation powered by spirit.

Megan Abbott

She hadn't learned, no one had taught her ... that the things you want, you never get them. And if you do, they're not what ...

Marjorie Hillis

Certainly, affairs should not even be thought of before you are thirty.

M. Esther Lovejoy

The sheep learn to know the shepherd's voice in the ordinary days of life so that in a time of crisis it can be immediately ...

Montgomery Clift

I have the same problem as Marilyn. We attract people the way honey does bees, but they're generally the wrong kind of people. People who ...

Mildred Ramsey

An ordinary supervisor is a boss. A Super Supervisor is a leader. People avoid bosses, they follow leaders.

Mike Van Hoozer

Learn from the past, prepare for the future, and perform in the moment. (Moments: Making Your Life Count For What Matters Most, Mike Van Hoozer)

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