Top 100 Youth You Quotes

#1. You can get your money and you put it in the bank, or you can put it in the youth. You can put it in our future.

Youth You Quotes #99894
#2. Hip-hop is the fountain of youth. You just don't grow up if you were there. My son's 20. I'm on the same channel he's on. We wear the same clothes, we feel the same thing. It's a weird, weird generation we're in right now.


Youth You Quotes #210696
#3. There's a feeling of immortality you have in youth. You just don't see the dangers around you, or, if you do, maybe you're even excited by them.

Michelle Forbes

Youth You Quotes #330694
#4. You," she said. She grabbed my wrist and pressed two fingers onto me as if taking my pulse and I stopped breathing. "I know you. I remember you from my youth. You contain multitudes. There is a crush of experience coursing by you. And you want to take every experience on the pulse.

Stephanie Danler

Youth You Quotes #441235
#5. Your work, coming from a fluid source, can be traced to the naked song of your youth. You spoke then of holding hands with God. Remember, through everything, you have always held that hand, grip it hard, Robert, and don't let go.

(letter to Robert Mapplethorpe, 1970)

Patti Smith

Youth You Quotes #784510
#6. Don't be fooled by youth. You're old enough to know what experience is good for.

Julie Berry

Youth You Quotes #907315
#7. I understand that in your youth you contrived a few outrages of your own."
"In my youth?" sputtered Navarth. "I have contrived outrages all my life!

Jack Vance

Youth You Quotes #995606
#8. Matt, you are suffering from a disease of youth - you expect moral problems to have nice, neat, black-and-white answers.

Robert A. Heinlein

Youth You Quotes #1026724
#9. They envy your youth. You two are like exotic creatures from the land of the young.'
I've never understood all that these-are-the-best-years-of-your-life crap. If this is as good as it gets then I might as well quit now. Let me get to the shimmery oasis of adulthood.

Leanne Hall

Youth You Quotes #1120614
#10. And you are more than the mistakes of your youth. You are more than the label you've been assigned by people who might love you, but don't really know who you are anymore.

Penny Reid

Youth You Quotes #1361826
#11. Yoga is the fountain of youth. You're only as young as your spine is flexible.

Bob Harper

Youth You Quotes #1445969
#12. When you have lived longer in this world and outlived the enthusiastic and pleasing illusions of youth, you will find your love and pity for the race increase tenfold, your admiration and attachment to a particular party or opinion fall away altogether.

Joseph Henry Shorthouse

Youth You Quotes #1450629
#13. There are lessons to life That the lovers got to learn There are corners out there You know they're waitin' somewhere And you've got to be prepared to turn There are callouses that come That the lovers got to earn In the years of your youth You can't be fire proof You know you've got to get burned.

Harry Chapin

Youth You Quotes #1485237
#14. All stereotypes turn out to be true. This is a horrifying thing about life. All those things you fought against as a youth: you begin to realize they're stereotypes because they're true.

David Cronenberg

Youth You Quotes #1601995
#15. Chance, you've gone past something you couldn't afford to go past; your time, your youth, you've passed it. It's all you had and you've had it.

Tennessee Williams

Youth You Quotes #1644429
#16. I think there's a level of ignorance, when, in the callowness of youth, you imagine that you are inventing the world for the first time. You imagine that your parents don't know what it feels like to fall in love.

Mira Nair

Youth You Quotes #1667769
#17. I think, Charlie, you have talent. I do. But I don't think you'll get far until you examine yourself and study.Until you let yourself be your subject. That's the exquisiteness of youth: you are allowed the luxury of vanity, of self-examination. Take it! Don't be ashamed of yourself.

Kathleen Glasgow

Youth You Quotes #1675459
#18. Enjoy your youth. You'll never be younger than you are at this very moment.

Backseat Goodbye

Youth You Quotes #1686264
#19. All your youth you want to have your greatness taken for granted; when you find it taken for granted, you are unnerved.

Elizabeth Bowen

Youth You Quotes #1697762
#20. In youth, you want someone to build a life with. After fifty, you just want someone who can handle salt.

Rodney Ross

Youth You Quotes #1788821
#21. A profession is like a great snake that wraps itself around you. Once you are enwrapped, you are in a slow fight for the rest of your life, and the lightness of youth leaves you.

Mark Helprin

Youth You Quotes #10670
#22. You'd better make friends with Time, because sooner or later it will catch up with you.

Eleanor Brownn

Youth You Quotes #13532
#23. Young things like you don't need any ornaments but those you wear to-night: youth, health, intelligence, and modesty.

Louisa May Alcott

Youth You Quotes #14463
#24. You dont have to know a soul to know what I know
to expect what I'm expecting
to feel yourself alive and dying in your chest every minute of the livelong day
When you're young you wanta cry, when you're old you wanta die. But that's too deep for you now, Ti mon Pousse

Jack Kerouac

Youth You Quotes #16723
#25. Youth moves out, leaving no forwarding address. No matter how you try, you can't reach that person again or that place.

Rita Mae Brown

Youth You Quotes #16937
#26. Don't worry if you fall, sweet girl. Youth is made for bruises.

Shannon Celebi

Youth You Quotes #21323
#27. Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to.

Bill Vaughan

Youth You Quotes #22466
#28. That's how life works. You know it when you know it.
They're nineteen and in love. Alone except for each other. Jobless and homeless, looking for something, somewhere, anywhere here.
They're on a sixteen-line highway.
Driving west.

James Frey

Youth You Quotes #24421
#29. She looked out the window; in her eyes was the light that you see only in children arriving at a new place, or in young people still open to new influences, still curious about the world because they have not yet been scarred by life.

Orhan Pamuk

Youth You Quotes #26796
#30. Once upon a long ago time I was a girl with hopeful halos in my eyes - not unlike you - not a typical beauty but beautiful nonetheless, as all young girls tend to be in their prime, even if they don't tend to know it.

Shannon Celebi

Youth You Quotes #28469
#31. You don't know yet what money is. Money is power, when you have lived as long as I have. I know, I know. If youth but knew. But what does Shakespeare say? Put money in thy purse.

James Joyce

Youth You Quotes #32548
#32. Does it strike you, Mr. Keller, that we live every day in the science fiction of our youth?

Robert Charles Wilson

Youth You Quotes #32912
#33. It's such a stupid question, in my opinion. I mean, how do you know what you're going to do till you do it? The answer is, you don't. I think I am, but how do I know? I swear it's a stupid question.

J.D. Salinger

Youth You Quotes #33326
#34. Youth is a frame of mind. If you get out there and enjoy it, you can have it at any time of your life.

Kenny Rogers

Youth You Quotes #35059
#35. Your Grandpa was a boxer in his youth. Sexiest thing I'd ever seen, let me tell you. He wore these short little shorts, and was always dripping in sweat. There goes my appetite.

Gena Showalter

Youth You Quotes #38927
#36. It is easy, when you are young, to believe that what you desire is no less than what you deserve, to assume that if you want something badly enough, it is your God-given right to have it.

Jon Krakauer

Youth You Quotes #39063
#37. Bebop and hip-hop, in so many ways, they're connected. A lot of rappers remind me so much of bebop guys in terms of improvisation, beats and rhymes. My dream is to see hip-hop incorporated in education. You've got the youth of the world in the palm of your hand.

Quincy Jones

Youth You Quotes #39190
#38. When you enter heaven you shall find Him there bearing the dew of His youth; and through eternity the Lord Jesus shall still remain the perennial spring of joy, and life, and glory to His people.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Youth You Quotes #42396
#39. Youth is seen as everything. You don't know anything when you're young. It's great being older, just having a more balanced perspective. I wake up and realise that what seemed to be important last year no longer is. I'm increasingly grateful for every day.

Val Kilmer

Youth You Quotes #48051
#40. I know I'm representing a group - black, Latin, whatever you want to put me with - and I want to show that they are beautiful the way they are. I think that's really important for our youth to see.

Joan Smalls

Youth You Quotes #48130
#41. Youth covets; let not this covetousness seduce you.

Friedrich Schiller

Youth You Quotes #57299
#42. I spent most of my youth hauling sides of beef and pork to my father's shop. Carrying you is far more enjoyable."
"How sweet," Annabelle mumbled sickly, her eyes closed. "Every woman dreams of being told that she's preferable to a dead cow.

Lisa Kleypas

Youth You Quotes #58681
#43. Youth calls to age across the tired years: 'What have you found,' he cries, 'what have you sought? 'What have you found,' age answers through his tears, 'What have you sought.

Dylan Thomas

Youth You Quotes #61540
#44. But it's like time is sort of ... balanced. We're young for such a small fraction of our lives, and yet our youth seems to stretch on forever. Then we're old for years and years, but time flies by fastest then. So it all comes out equal in the end, don't you see.

Anne Tyler

Youth You Quotes #66683
#45. Learning acquired in youth arrests the evil of old age; and if you understand that old age has wisdom for its food, you will so conduct yourself in youth that your old age will not lack for nourishment.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Youth You Quotes #69975
#46. The past is the past, but if you're overanalyzing or trying to repeat it, you're gonna get stuck. I just had a wonderful youth, and I loved everything about it, so I really try and hang on to it.

Chris Evans

Youth You Quotes #73029
#47. You wanted to believe that getting older, growing up, would change everything, transform you into the amazing person you were meant to be. But what if it didn't? What if you had to stay you forever?

Jean Thompson

Youth You Quotes #74451
#48. I used to worry about you, Zoyd, but I see I can rest easy now the Vaseline of youth has been cleared from your life's lens by the mild detergent solution of time, in its passing. . .

Thomas Pynchon

Youth You Quotes #77600
#49. Ah, child and youth, if you knew the bliss which resides in the taste of knowledge, and the evil and ugliness that lies in ignorance, how well you are advised to not complain of the pain and labor of learning.

Christine De Pizan

Youth You Quotes #81488
#50. At the age of four, you were an artist. And at seven, you were a poet.

Seth Godin

Youth You Quotes #83070
#51. In life you'll face difficulties that postpone some of your dreams. Regardless, life goes fast by reminding us youth is finite and old age is stable. So you mustn't stop dreaming and running while your strength is yet tough.

Darmie Orem

Youth You Quotes #83168
#52. A huge part of youth is how you behave: I'm always looking for fun and anything that makes me feel alive - that in itself keeps me feeling young.

Martine McCutcheon

Youth You Quotes #83626
#53. 18 Let your o fountain be blessed, and s rejoice in t the wife of your youth, 19 a lovely u deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts v fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated [4] always in her love.


Youth You Quotes #86777
#54. It doesn't matter how many times you leave, it will always hurt to come back and remember what you once had and who you once were. Then it will hurt just as much to leave again, and so it goes over and over again.
Once you've started to leave, you will run your whole life.

Charlotte Eriksson

Youth You Quotes #88173
#55. Let me tell you something that I learned from my youth, from a sage called the Road Runner. You can walk off a cliff and the air will hold you. Only, don't look down.

Erin Bow

Youth You Quotes #94345
#56. You are bound to go up and down, just as I did in my youth, but do keep your clarity of mind, and if fools or sages dare to criticise don't blame yourself too much.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Youth You Quotes #102345
#57. I was sent to a school with bosses for teachers- no Twain, only cane; check your dick you harry, no Dickens either, No Tom Sawyers no David Copperfields only Webster, master it for grammar, the Wren with a dash of Martini-Drink deep.

Aporva Kala

Youth You Quotes #110802
#58. The one undeniable benefit of having spent some time in the closet is that it nurtures a talent that you can fall back on any time: lying convincingly. Sometimes I worried that queer kids in the twenty-first century coming out at twelve, or even younger, would never develop that valuable skill.

Bob Smith

Youth You Quotes #118180
#59. Rock and rollers can get you the youth buzz, and younger people are fanatical readers.

James Ellroy

Youth You Quotes #118868
#60. You know what I miss the most about my youth? My gullibility. It's nice believing in everything and everyone. It makes you feel secure, but be strong and depend more on yourself and you'll be ready for disappointments. That's the best advice I can offer you.

V.C. Andrews

Youth You Quotes #125172
#61. It's not whiteness itself that sets Them against Us, but the worship of whiteness. Same goes if you swap whiteness out for other things
fancy possessions for sure, pedigree, maybe youth too ... we beat Them (and spare ourselves a lot of tedium and terror) by declining to worship.

Helen Oyeyemi

Youth You Quotes #131516
#62. You know this baseball game of ours comes up from the youth. That means the boys. And after you've been a boy, and grow up to know how to play ball, then you come to the boys you see representing themselves today in our national pastime.

George Herman

Youth You Quotes #136858
#63. Being passionate about something is the most beautiful characteristic you can develop.

Charlotte Eriksson

Youth You Quotes #139873
#64. The idea of a youth-based society that you live in for a certain time and then you no longer live anymore is an interesting idea for a movie, but you need young people that people want to go see.

Joel Silver

Youth You Quotes #141056
#65. When you are in your twenties, if even if you're confused and uncertain about your aims and purposes, you have a strong sense of what life itself is, and of what you in life are, and might become.

Julian Barnes

Youth You Quotes #141898
#66. I think that certainly, whenever you have a new band, the first record always has a certain energy to it before you know what you're doing. I think some of the early Sonic Youth stuff was maybe like that.

Kim Gordon

Youth You Quotes #144861
#67. I've had many, you know, happy ending sleepovers'in my early youth - my period of exploration. I think that's essential. Anyone who hasn't had a gay moment is probably trying to avoid some confrontation with a reality in their life.

Ezra Miller

Youth You Quotes #146409
#68. This is the conundrum of the present regimes in the Arab world. They still want to control youth; they want to be in control as they did in the 1950s and '60s. But that doesn't work anymore. Now with just a Wi-Fi link, you can understand what's happening in the world.

Bassem Youssef

Youth You Quotes #147450
#69. Youth, like a magic bird, has flown away
He sang a little morning-hour in May
Sang to the rose, his love, that too is gone
Whither is more than you or I can say.

Omar Khayyam

Youth You Quotes #151687
#70. Youth, health, wealth and beauty are meant to be fuel, to be burned in pursuit of pleasure, and not fruit to be pickled in anticipation of some future famine. (Hang on a minute and I'll get my sequins out and give you a quick rendition of 'My Way')

Julie Burchill

Youth You Quotes #155688
#71. I love looking at you, hundred-year-old tree, loaded with shoots and boughs as though you were a stripling. Teach me the secret of growing old like you, open to life, to youth, to dreams, as somebody aware that youth and age are merely steps towards eternity.

Helder Camara

Youth You Quotes #155805
#72. Teachers, let me tell you, are born deceivers of the lowest sort, since what they want from life is impossible - time-freed, existential youth forever. It commits them to terrible deceptions and departures from the truth. And literature, being lasting, is their ticket.

Richard Ford

Youth You Quotes #164898
#73. Let memories of your own hometown flow back to you as you read this fascinating story, "A Place called Gouyave," about the author's recollection of the characters, stories and the lessons learnt in his hometown during his youth on the Caribbean island of Grenada.

Collis Decoteau

Youth You Quotes #168088
#74. The fountain of youth resides in our memory. You will never outlive your shadow.

Lorin Morgan-Richards

Youth You Quotes #177192
#75. One antidote for sexual truancy lies in simply teaching youth the wonder, the miracle, the reverence for the creation of life itself. Life is a divine creation. You don't take chances with creation.

Sam Levenson

Youth You Quotes #180343
#76. It was another country. It was a country for the young, a country where you died before you got old.

Maggie Stiefvater

Youth You Quotes #181663
#77. Being sixteen forever sounded good until you really thought about it. Then it didn't seem like such a great prospect.

Cassandra Clare

Youth You Quotes #181938
#78. I think with you, that nothing is of more importance for the public weal, than to form and train up youth in wisdom and virtue. Wise and good men are in my opinion, the strength of the state; more so than riches or arms.

Benjamin Franklin

Youth You Quotes #184800
#79. When your youth goes, your beauty will go with it, and then you will suddenly discover that there are no triumphs left for you, or have to content yourself with those mean triumphs that the memory of your past will make more bitter than defeats.

Oscar Wilde

Youth You Quotes #185161
#80. You are young. So you know everything. You leap into the boat and begin rowing. But, listen to me. Without fanfare, without embarrassment, without doubt,I talk directly to your soul. Listen to me.

Mary Oliver

Youth You Quotes #188322
#81. She was not too young to be wise, but she was too young to know that wisdom
shouldn't be spoken aloud when you are happy.

Graham Greene

Youth You Quotes #192225
#82. What about young age? You will be miserable all through your 15 years to reach that goal of $10 million. After 50
years, even if you pay a million to get back a week of your time at 35, you will never get that. Your beer will taste very different when you are at 50 from how it tasted at 30.

Ravindra Shukla

Youth You Quotes #195469
#83. If you look not just at the Arab Spring, but at what I call the 'Youth Spring' that has started in Europe, young people are starting to find a voice, and they are not looking to the traditional media to reflect that.

Shane Smith

Youth You Quotes #197742
#84. Hold high the brow serene,
O youth, where now you stand;
Let the bright sheen
Of your grace be seen,
Fair hope of my fatherland!

Jose Rizal

Youth You Quotes #200260
#85. I don't think anything good is happening. I think we're paying the price for it. I think while crime in general is going down, youth crime is going up. I think mental health problems of the youth are going up. You can't show causality. It's a hard stretch.

Edward Zigler

Youth You Quotes #211772
#86. You can cover the wrinkles of age by becoming more cheerful and enthusiastic.

Debasish Mridha

Youth You Quotes #217320
#87. In the eternal youth of Nature, you may renew your own.

John Muir

Youth You Quotes #218364
#88. When it comes to you
it belongs to you
and, when it belongs to you, it is your.
Take care of your challenges

Prakhar Srivastav

Youth You Quotes #222240
#89. If you look for endings you can always find one, but I truly felt as if I had used up the last of my youth, if youth is that finite stage of life when it all feels expeditionary, inexact.

Charles Finch

Youth You Quotes #232772
#90. I think you have to grieve the loss of youth before you can claim the joy on the other side of it.

Marianne Williamson

Youth You Quotes #237997
#91. You stay young as long as you can learn, acquire new habits, and suffer contradictions.

Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

Youth You Quotes #239030
#92. Think ... of the world which you carry within yourself ... and set it above everything that you notice about you. Your inmost happening is worth your whole love, that is what you must somehow work at, and not loose too much time and too much courage in explaining your attitude to people.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Youth You Quotes #243589
#93. If you perform asanas regularly, you will feel more flexible physically and emotionally. Flexibility is the essential difference between the vitality of youth and the lassitude of old age. Here is a yogic expression that we find inspiring: "Infinite flexibility is the secret to immortality.

Deepak Chopra

Youth You Quotes #245150
#94. I don't miss the frustration of youth, the anticipation of love and pain, the paralysis of choices still ahead. The pressure of "What are you going to do?" makes everybody feel like they haven't done anything yet.

Amy Poehler

Youth You Quotes #245494
#95. I grew up in Baltimore and that's why I root for the Orioles. I'm very suspicious of people who move and take on a new team. You should stick with the team of your youth all the way to your grave. That shows a sense of loyalty and devotion.

Frank Deford

Youth You Quotes #246562
#96. No matter what you have gone through in your youth,
it is about who you choose to be in life.
You can define your own destiny.
You can be stronger than a very difficult past
and overcome it.

Angelina Jolie

Youth You Quotes #247136
#97. The whole thrust of science and the medical profession is to try and prevent it from happening, to try to prolong life, to keep you from dying, to keep you from getting older, to rejuvenate you. I mean, that's everybody's wish. The fountain of youth is everybody's sought-after thing.

Woody Allen

Youth You Quotes #250407
#98. The city had seemed grand to him once ... it had once had a certain clarity. When you're young you think it's the clarity that's intoxicating; later you realize you were only ever drunk on your own vision.

Jennifer DuBois

Youth You Quotes #256279
#99. Most good roles are written for young men. We are fixated on youth. So however much people say there is nothing wrong with being bald, the reality is once the hair is gone, you might not get the parts.

Ian Hart

Youth You Quotes #260043
#100. There is no absurdity so palpable but that it may be firmly planted in the human head if you only begin to inculcate it before the age of five, by constantly repeating it with an air of great solemnity.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Youth You Quotes #260235

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