Top 58 You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes

#1. Sam was your brother, and Trick was your friend, but what they did had nothing to do with you. You don't have to choose. Just because me and your dad couldn't live together, didn't mean you had to stop loving one of us, did it? Doesn't work like that. Love doesn't work like that.

C.J. Flood

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #271085
#2. Certainly the soda companies, the junk food companies fought hard against this and today's agreement doesn't mean the battle is over, we still have to pass this bill.

Don Williams

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #14625
#3. I know that's the sort of thing people say and I really hate it when people say the sort of things people say. I always think, 'You don't mean that, you just think it sounds good.

Russell Brand

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #15025
#4. I regret the times I've been mean to people ... It's fine to pick on people who can defend themselves and deserve it. Some people don't deserve to be picked on who I picked on, so I don't do it anymore.

Don Imus

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #15475
#5. I would describe myself as a guy that's very normal but has the tendency to rib people, but never in a mean-spirited way.

Don Rickles

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #16007
#6. Some song ideas absolutely require a kind of rigid discipline, and others require absolute chaotic abandon. The form is only valid if you know how to un-form it. I don't mean to sound like an intellectual here!

John Lydon

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #17866
#7. I don't trust the ocean, either; it would kill me as soon as not. It doesn't mean I'm afraid of it.

Maggie Stiefvater

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #18107
#8. There are short parts that I as an actor am very right for. Or I just like the part. Or you need someone like me for the movie. By that I don't mean at the box office, I mean in the execution of the material.

Jack Nicholson

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #18139
#9. I am indeed completely nuts, but that doesn't mean I don't care about how I look. Sometimes, I admit, I will privilege appearance over comfort.

Russell Smith

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #18928
#10. I failed math twice, never fully grasping probability theory. I mean, first off, who cares if you pick a black ball or a white ball out of the bag? And second, if you're bent over about the color, don't leave it to chance. Look in the damn bag and pick the color you want.

Janet Evanovich

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #21614
#11. Well, I mean, you have an emotion, you want to express it. You don't just look in the camera and do it. You want to hide from the embarrassment of your brother saying you're not allowed to come into my town.

Anthony Quinn

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #22193
#12. Very little of what America does is actually bad, and I don't think it ever does anything anywhere that is intentionally bad. I mean, sometimes we make mistakes and bad judgments and kind of back the wrong regimes and things, but by and large what America does is really good.

Bill Bryson

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #22632
#13. The rule is: don't use commas like a stupid person. I mean it.

Lynne Truss

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #22718
#14. Just because I don't think we'd be good together doesn't mean we have to be apart ...

David Levithan

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #23461
#15. I mean," Minnie continued, "I don't have a problem with anyone who has a disability and wants to find a cure. But I'm good." "Don't you get it?" Flexis argued, "I'm giving you the chance to be normal!" "Your definition of normal severely contradicts mine," Minnie quietly said. Victor's

Burgandi Rakoska

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #23741
#16. When you lose the title, that doesn't mean you lose the contract to what you had. Just like when you win the title, it doesn't mean you win brains, PhDs and MAs.

Don King

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #14109
#17. Revolution ain't nothing but an extent of evolution; Evolution is a fact of nature. So when old folks tell me that they don't understand hip hop and the music is too loud, well I guess it means you're not supposed to be in there.

Dick Gregory

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #432623
#18. Money and riches don't mean nothing to me. I don't care nothing about being no rich individual. I'm not living for glory or for fame; all this is doomed for destruction. You got it today, tomorrow it's gone. I got bigger things on my mind than that. I got Islam on my mind.

Muhammad Ali

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #476358
#19. Why wouldn't I be able to look at you? You're not my woman and I don't even have feelings for you. You really mean nothing to me now.

Jung Woo

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #626818
#20. Don't want to reach for me, do you?
I mean nothing to you, the little things give you away

Linkin Park

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #932887
#21. Riley Carlson: So I guess I know what you wanted to tell me. I mean, you made it pretty clear that you don't want to go out with an average girl.
Marc Hudson: That's right, I don't. I want to go out with YOU. There's nothing average about you, Riley.

Megan Stine

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #941840
#22. What would Jeeves do that for?"
"It struck me as rummy, too." ...
"I mean to say, it's nothing to Jeeves what sort of a face you have!"
"No!" said Cyril. He spoke a little coldly, I fancied. I don't know why. "Well, I'll be popping. Toodle-oo!

P.G. Wodehouse

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1028184
#23. Why? I mean, how could you know? I don't understand."

"Nothing to understand. There is no great mystery in friendship. You brought yourself here, just as I brought myself here to wait for you. I don't even mind that you've kept me waiting.

Ari Berk

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1100783
#24. -it's the d-isomer of a compound, the name of which won't mean anything to you-
-oh, yeah? how do you know it won't mean nothing to me?
-you're right. don't mean a dam thing to me

Patricia Cornwell

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1523901
#25. Josh, do you know what my favorite thing is? she asked. I mean, my very favorite thing?
I'm not sure.
It's when the whole family comes for a holiday and you kids just sit around and laugh together. You don't have any idea what that feels like for me. There's nothing I look forward to more.

Josh Hanagarne

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1567458
#26. Eventually,we would mean nothing to each other and become strangers again. What I want you to do, either become someone to me or stay nothing at all because when we go strangers to each other, I don't wanna see another me by your side waiting to be nothing..


You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1602334
#27. I'm a man. I don't do conversation well, but I do my best to show you every day what you mean to me. If I'm not doin' that right, you need to tell me. I'll do better. But don't fuckin' question how I feel about you. I feel nothing unless I'm with you. You give me life.

Norma Jeanne Karlsson

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1610107
#28. It's just to talk. Nothing more. It's not like I'm hitting on you. Finch: Unless you want me to. Hit on you, I mean. Me: No. Finch: "No" you don't want me to come over? Or "no" you don't want me hitting on you?

Jennifer Niven

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1612884
#29. A dirty player is somebody who ultimately is trying to hurt somebody. There's a huge difference. There's no gray in that. Like, you have no conscience, no nothing, no guilt. I don't have that mean streak in me. I don't play angry. It's not anger.

Ndamukong Suh

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1693007
#30. I mean, if no one knows for sure what God's like, then why don't you just believe the people who think he's all rainbows and sunshine and loves you no matter what?

J.C. Lillis

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #8580
#31. When I was younger, I felt very much like, 'Oh, I have to be a certain way, I have to look a certain way.' You really, really don't. That's the way women are treated differently than men. I mean, I've had actors argue with me about this.

Anne Hathaway

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #721
#32. I'm just a little bit tired If you know what I mean Don't want to be in a crowd When I can be in a dream.

Jim Steinman

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1275
#33. I don't buy into that pressure to be glamorous all the time. It's impossible, I mean, you get a pimple in the morning, you wake up with bags under your eyes, you see if you can use it in your work, maybe incorporate it into your character.

Halle Berry

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #1877
#34. The fact that I don't have any particular need for religion doesn't mean that I have a need to cast religion aside the way some of my colleagues do.

Brian Greene

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #2811
#35. Father or stepfather - those are just titles to me. They don't mean anything.

Oliver Hudson

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #2892
#36. You mean on YouTube?" "No, I mean I was watching the game when you got laid out. Hardest hit I've ever seen. I don't know how you survived it, Amos, I really don't." "Why'd

David Baldacci

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #2980
#37. 'Evil Dead' was such a big movie in my life. It's one of the few that I really remember when I watched it for the first time. I mean, I don't remember when I first saw 'The Empire Strikes Back,' and it's one of my favourite movies.

Fede Alvarez

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #3371
#38. I mean, there's a hell of a lot of grounds for protest, but you don't do it through music.

Chico Hamilton

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #4389
#39. Because I'm dangerous. I don't mean to be but I am. I'm dangerous to be around, dangerous to everybody. I cause harm. I might even harm you. And I couldn't bear that.

Tim Bowler

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #5235
#40. I don't mean to take the bow off the end of your rain, but you gotta be smart about your first boyfriend.

C. Kennedy

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #5319
#41. Don't be 'practical' in politics. To be practical in that sense means that you have schooled yourself to think along the lines, and in the grooves that those who rob you would desire you to think.

James Connolly

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #6557
#42. I say I don't sleep with married men, but what I mean is that I don't sleep with happily married men.

Britt Ekland

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #7027
#43. The happening and the telling are very different things. This doesn't mean that the story isn't true, only that I honestly don't know anymore if I really remember it or only remember how to tell it.

Karen Joy Fowler

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #7039
#44. I don't get why arabs are so pissed off at us. I mean they have enough oil for all of them to drive a hummer at what, maybe 1.50 a gallon?

Zach Braff

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #8264
#45. Just 'cause she's farting through silk doesn't mean she can shit on people who don't have any money.

Katherine Pancol

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #8
#46. Not for a million - years. I mean, I like the INXS boys, but I found the process very degrading, really. Reality television has eaten away at our standards of excellence. I don't like this whole culture, which has evolved, of TV being the king.

Brian May

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #8655
#47. But you can't feel bad every second, I wanted to tell her. Laughing doesn't make bad things worse any more than crying makes them better. It doesn't mean you don't care, or that you've forgotten. It just means you're human.

Ransom Riggs

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #8862
#48. I like the construction of sentences and the juxtaposition of words-not just how they sound or what they mean, but even what they look like.

Don DeLillo

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #9088
#49. When people say, 'I don't see you enough,' well just because you don't see me don't mean I don't exist, or just 'cause you haven't heard me don't mean I haven't been making noise. But if I keep making noise, you'll pick up.

Mos Def

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #9155
#50. Women don't have a say in my house. But, just between us, don't do what you did during supper last time in front of her again." "You mean when I threw my fork at that rat?" "No. I mean when you hit it, even in the dark.

Andrzej Sapkowski

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #9157
#51. Be truthful, say what you mean and mean what you say, don't ignore the given circumstances.

Lauren Graham

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #9391
#52. What I look for in a voice is for it to be unique. I don't really care if a singer sings well. Really, it's about emotion, or being able to sing the lyrics and actually mean it. A lot of singers sing good notes but forget about what words they use.


You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #9723
#53. What is most heartbreaking to me is the young women who don't report [being raped] because they were drinking, and they feel like it was their fault that they were drinking. I mean, that is so common.

Claire McCaskill

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #9791
#54. I don't really have that much contact with Americans. I mean, I see the oddest things on the Internet, I suppose. And I've got a couple of American friends, but they are Anglophiles anyway because they've decided to come live here.

Robert Webb

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #11311
#55. I know people who've gone to jail. It don't mean you stop loving them! They deservin' love just as much in there, and maybe they needin' it more.

Alicia Keys

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #11416
#56. I think it would be best if you came down from there before I explained that."
"I think I'll stay right where I am, thank you," I said. "And you, you stay where you are, or I'll ... I don't know what I'll do, but it will really hurt. You, I mean.

Molly Harper

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #12537
#57. I mean, I'm an uncle of seven or eight, and I don't mind it at all! Kids are great. Kids are the best six-hour experience you can have!

Chris O'Dowd

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #13135
#58. When I'm writing a book, I don't have any responsibility to anyone. I'm solitary. I'm writing on my own. I write by hand. And I write every day. I mean, it's part of my daily discipline.

Patti Smith

You Don't Mean Nothing To Me Quotes #13777

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