Top 100 Y N Quotes

#1. It says that Moon Child's power ends here. She is the only one who can never set foot in this place. She cannot penetrate to the center of A U R Y N, because she cannot cast off her own self.

Michael Ende

Y N Quotes #1802686
#2. The other day I was playing Scrabble. I saw that I could close the space in D-E- -Y. I had an N and an F. Which do you think I chose? What was the word I made?

Amy Hempel

Y N Quotes #1460755
#3. The tattoo is just setting below his hp bone.
H e l l i s e m p t y
a n d a l l t h e d e v i l s a r e h e r e
I kiss my way across the words.
Kissing away the devils.
Kissing away the pain.

Tahereh Mafi

Y N Quotes #1460987
#4. One day, when I was still living at home, a friend told 'Texas' Jean Valli about me. She was originally from Syracuse, N.Y., and lived in New Jersey but sang country. One night, she had me come up on stage where she was performing. I sang 'My Mother's Eyes,' and she was knocked out.

Frankie Valli

Y N Quotes #1399561
#5. I applied to a few conservatories. I was sure that I wouldn't get in, and I didn't plan to go to N.Y. But then I got into Juilliard.

Susanna Phillips

Y N Quotes #1394328
#6. In 2008, Milton Sheppard opened the Waiter Training School in the Bronx, N.Y., charging $175 for courses, but the business soon ran out of money. He now operates a clown college in the same space.

David Sax

Y N Quotes #1369424
#7. There's a guy, Anatole Broyard, of the N. Y. Times Book Review, who's still chasing Kerouac's corpse with a stiletto.

Allen Ginsberg

Y N Quotes #1356510
#8. My own style depends on my location. Hippie-chic in Costa Rica, tailored and clean in N.Y.C., and great jeans and comfy tops with fun sneakers in L.A.

Perrey Reeves

Y N Quotes #1341501
#9. Jeff Bezos was one of those best and brightest who came to N.Y. to work in finance. He didn't need to know anything about retail bookselling to start Amazon.

Jose Ferreira

Y N Quotes #1304877
#10. Part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich."
(Trump, Donald, R-N.Y., billionaire real estate mogul; reality show hot air buffoon; ABC News with Ashleigh Banfield; 3/17/2011.)

Donald Trump

Y N Quotes #1302520
#11. I grew up mostly in Schenectady, N.Y. From an early age, building and creating things was a real passion for me.

Colin Angle

Y N Quotes #1296023
#12. I love N.Y.C.! I can't think of any individual that hates New York.

Theophilus London

Y N Quotes #1285210
#13. She may hide it, but Clinton is a policy nerd. Ask about microfinance, and she'll talk your ear off. Mention early childhood interventions, and she will gush about obscure details of a home visitation experiment in Elmira, N.Y., that dramatically improved child outcomes.

Nicholas Kristof

Y N Quotes #1270055
#14. I Guess there is a Limited Gap in this Republic of Bananas due to the DeKay N Y is Le Vice such an alarming Exchange when you Express your Benetton? Ask Tommy, he'll figure!

Natasha Tsakos

Y N Quotes #1248892
#15. My hair journey involved a lot of trying to figure out how to deal with my hair as a bi-racial girl in a white community living in Long Island, N.Y., where no one had a clue what to do with it.

Soledad O'Brien

Y N Quotes #1221648
#16. I've seen a fair bit of the States and the rest of the world, and I'm convinced that there's nowhere I'd be happier, there's nowhere I'm missing out on because I'm in N.Y.

Garth Ennis

Y N Quotes #1220554
#17. When I get some down time on the weekends, I love gallery hopping with friends, in particular checking out Gagosian Galleries - between the three in N.Y.C., there's always a great show on or something cool to see.

Jessica Hart

Y N Quotes #1159971
#18. I have all my ex-girlfriends lumped into one big girlfriend I called M.A.N.D.Y.: My, Another Neurotic Disappointment? Yes.

Dana Gould

Y N Quotes #1052298
#19. I see N.Y. hip-hop like I see N.Y. streets. N.Y. streets are grimy; it's a grind. N.Y. rappers are hustlers - whatever sound is in, we can adapt to that; there's nothing wrong with that.


Y N Quotes #1041012
#20. Stories ain't about the feller what wrote 'em, even if he pertends they are. They don' even hev t'be true to be right! Stories are 'bout what they make you feel. If'n they make you feel good, an' make y'all wanta be brave, an' good, an' do what's right, thet's the important thing!

Mercedes Lackey

Y N Quotes #1033862
#21. There is nothing outside of the text.
[Fr., Il n'y a pas de hors-texte.]

Jacques Derrida

Y N Quotes #976118
#22. My wife and I live in Brooklyn, N.Y., not too far from where my Long Island childhood happened.

Darin Strauss

Y N Quotes #959477
#23. I find N.Y. very inspiring; there is an amazing energy and flow of creativity in N.Y. like nowhere else.

Charlotte Ronson

Y N Quotes #959057
#24. I studied acting at Boston University. I was in the theater department there. Somewhere in there I decided that wasn't what I was going to do and I went to the B.F.A. film program at N.Y.U.

Charlie Kaufman

Y N Quotes #932008
#25. 'Maneater' is about N.Y.C. in the '80s. It's about greed, avarice, and spoiled riches.

John Oates

Y N Quotes #917229
#26. I loved doing 'Rock of Ages' in N.Y. and that, but its such a large scale, and so many things go into it.

Tom Lenk

Y N Quotes #907780
#27. Il n'y a pas d'autre univers qu'un univers humain, l'univers de la subjectivite humaine. There is no other universe except the human universe, the universe of human subjectivity.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Y N Quotes #1722357
#28. What's a flange?" asked Marcia.
A what?"
A flange. It says here attatch piece Y to the long, upright D, taking care to align holes P and Q with the corrosponding holes N and O in the left-hand flange. I can't see a wrethed flange anywhere.

Angie Sage

Y N Quotes #1878993
#29. I actually taught perceptual psychology at N.Y.U. when I was younger. I was interested in the aesthetic impulse in lower primates. But what really interested me in Dian Fossey was that she made a difference - she saved the gorillas.

Arne Glimcher

Y N Quotes #1865248
#30. The mayor of New York is the chief executive of the city. It is a complex organization and it requires the requisite skills to understand how to be the leader of the people and manage the government of N.Y.

Joseph J. Lhota

Y N Quotes #1850376
#31. Some of the most vivid writing in America is on the walls of restrooms. The men's room in the Albany, N.Y. railroad station, for instance, should be preserved as a national shrine: there is more wit there than in any Broadway hit!

Truman Capote

Y N Quotes #1840484
#32. After Andy Warhol died, it left a dark cloud over N.Y.C. nightlife.

Theophilus London

Y N Quotes #1816859
#33. If I'm in N.Y.C., I love walking around during the summer. It's hot, but I love it. I enjoy seeing everyone out. New York is such a fun place. The energy is so amazing here during the summer.

Behati Prinsloo

Y N Quotes #1796091
#34. In 'Property,' none of the characters are based on any real people, but the house is very much the house that I moved into in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

Elizabeth McCracken

Y N Quotes #1767789
#35. I grew up in Bedford, N.Y., and it was close enough to Jones Beach on Long Island that every summer my mother would pack the car for the day, and we would drive to the beach!

Marissa Jaret Winokur

Y N Quotes #1764498
#36. The majority of the high schools and the public schools in N.Y.C. don't even have band programs. Hip-hop in a lot of ways is an outgrowth of a lack of instruments and a desire to play music, so we can't really fault the kids for that.

Wynton Marsalis

Y N Quotes #1761545
#37. Just watching the people on the streets of N.Y. is inspiring; there are so many styles and unique points of view. Fashion is very much inspired by the streets, has always been, and I'm sure it will continue to do so.

Charlotte Ronson

Y N Quotes #1756249
#38. I would love to live stream them all, so if you're in New York and you come along, you can watch Tropfest N.Y., and six weeks later you are watching Tropfest Arabia or Tropfest Australia live stream, and so they are all connected.

John Polson

Y N Quotes #1754949
#39. Punk rock really came out of N.Y. as a philosophy before the groups were ever recorded. I had a kind-of intellectual interest in the idea of creating a new scene that could be a grassroots thing.

Greg Ginn

Y N Quotes #1730480
#40. I grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., and I'm a great believer that you can't have too conservative a President nor too liberal a Supreme Court. So I'm a walking contradiction. I believe that you should try to really protect people's rights in every way, and also, people should be allowed to do what they do.

Jerry Della Femina

Y N Quotes #886808
#41. Softly sang as I drifted into dreams: F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z A,

Ian Hutton

Y N Quotes #1666666
#42. I am much more wired to be an athlete than anything else. I understand the 'hard work = payoff' equation in sports. I run marathons and I box. And that's my Puerto Rican flag hanging in Freddie Roach's Wild Card Boxing gym. I gave it to him. My last N.Y.C. marathon time I ran in three hours flat.

Kirk Acevedo

Y N Quotes #1650336
#43. I came to N.Y.C. in 1988 and got very involved with Act Up. I also started making movies, including two very gay shorts, 'Vaudeville' and 'Lady.' It was the height of the AIDS epidemic, and New York City was both dying and very alive at the same time.

Ira Sachs

Y N Quotes #1632460
#44. When a single author uploading his own books to Amazon can earn more money than a large N.Y. publisher exploiting both print and e-rights, there's something amiss.

J.A. Konrath

Y N Quotes #1630305
#45. I've been driving in the city for years because, as a stand-up in N.Y.C., you can perform at more comedy clubs a night if you have a car. Getting from club to club by subway is too slow at night and too expensive by cab. So, many comics live far out from Manhattan and drive in every night.

Judah Friedlander

Y N Quotes #1616295
#46. Tips for a long life - Keep Sweet, Keep Friendly, Keep Loving, if ye would ... keep Y O U N G

Edgar Cayce

Y N Quotes #1608015
#47. The Flying Saucers Are Real. New York, N.Y.: Fawcett Publication, Inc., 1950.

Leonard H. Stringfield

Y N Quotes #1557146
#48. People drive everywhere in L.A., so you get very little human interaction ... but N.Y. and Chicago are like London ... L.A. lacks the social interaction.


Y N Quotes #1543168
#49. The N.Y.C. tech scene is vibrant, and Betabeat will be a great vehicle to cover it in depth.

Jared Kushner

Y N Quotes #1536638
#50. My work since the late '80s specifically questioned what was presented as the 'natural' order of things in the history of post-war-N.Y. painting.

Deborah Kass

Y N Quotes #1515822
#51. My father grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., with my grandparents. In Norwegian my name is pronounced 'Yoo' but my father used to call me 'Joe.'

Jo Nesbo

Y N Quotes #1513460
#52. I like the normal things of life: I like the Mets, and the Celtics, and the N.Y. Rangers. I like to watch C-Span; I love Costco.

Robert Morse

Y N Quotes #361826
#53. N OthI n g can s urPas s the m y SteR y of s tilLnes s

E. E. Cummings

Y N Quotes #508523
#54. I've lived in N.Y. and L.A. for many years, but I still gravitate to New Orleans - it's so unique and so European. There's nothing else like it in the country. It has its own music, its own food, its own style and its own way of life.

Bryan Batt

Y N Quotes #494800
#55. I'm always traveling, so I tend to online shop. My go-to sites are Net-a-Porter and Matches. I recently moved to N.Y.C. and frequently shop at Sur La Table for my kitchen; Flair home collection, Aedes de Venustas for all my favorite home fragrances.

Jourdan Dunn

Y N Quotes #487582
#56. I love Halloween. It reminds me of my happy childhood days as a student at Wampus Elementary School in Armonk, N.Y., when we youngsters used to celebrate Halloween by making decorations out of construction paper and that white paste that you could eat.

Dave Barry

Y N Quotes #476198
#57. Come, come, Cap'n, be just," returned the other. "There's no call to be angry with me in earnest. I'm on'y a chara'ter in a sea story. I don't really exist.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Y N Quotes #464601
#58. Growing up in the south, N.Y.C. always seemed like a destination to visit but not to live in.

Martha Hunt

Y N Quotes #449385
#59. There are but two ways of rising in the world: either by one's own industry or profiting by the foolishness of others.
[Fr., Il n'y a au monde que deux manieres de s'elever, ou par sa propre industrie, ou par l'imbecilite des autres.]

Jean De La Bruyere

Y N Quotes #446312
#60. I began modeling in N.Y. and doing commercials. That led to regional theatre and then Broadway and then movies.

Ian Ziering

Y N Quotes #422738
#61. Courier 12 is the Type-O blood of fonts - works just as good for a 'N.Y. Times' op-ed as a screenplay or a short story.

Andrew Vachss

Y N Quotes #421721
#62. A monoid homomorphism f between monoids M and N obeys the following general law for all values x and y: M.op(f(x), f(y)) == f(N.op(x, y))


Y N Quotes #418049
#63. What N.Y.C. does attract, year in and year out, is the very best general talent from around the world. The absolute smartest, neurons-just-fire-faster, can-bend-spoons-with-their-mind talent.

Jose Ferreira

Y N Quotes #390765
#64. In 1971, after seven years in college, with that magic piece of paper clutched triumphantly in my fist, the best job I was able to get was night watchman on a sewer project in Babylon, N.Y. guarding a hole in the ground to prevent anyone from stealing it. God bless the American educational system!

Spider Robinson

Y N Quotes #378741
#65. 'La Lupe' is my passion project. I've done it as a one-woman show, but I'm raising money to turn it into a film. It's a story of a Cuban singer who became the Queen of Latin Soul, the first woman on the N.Y. salsa scene.

Lauren Velez

Y N Quotes #531474
#66. I'm not a regionalist. Both places have their pros and cons. And the cultural differences are slighter than they are made out to be. L.A. riots, N.Y. shops. Both are good for stress relief.

Kyp Malone

Y N Quotes #352235
#67. In N.Y. you're always around people, but in L.A. you can go days without seeing anyone.

Gillian Zinser

Y N Quotes #352207
#68. I've been told that N.Y. in the spring is pretty special.

Natalie Dormer

Y N Quotes #272231
#69. I live in Tuxedo Park, N.Y. and spend time in the West Village, where my wife Elizabeth Cotnoir, a writer-producer and documentary filmmaker, has an office.

Howard Shore

Y N Quotes #243174
#70. My parents, fleeing a repressive regime in the Dominican Republic, were embraced by this country and taught us to love it in return. After my father served proudly in the U.S. Army, they settled in Buffalo, N.Y., and were able to live the American Dream.

Thomas Perez

Y N Quotes #188389
#71. I'd been DJ-ing in these clubs in N.Y. and I hated everything that was coming out. So I decided I would make it myself. People were making mash-ups or remixes, but I was extra bored, so I actually started remaking these records from scratch.

Mark Ronson

Y N Quotes #185475
#72. I live in N.Y.C. and walk everywhere, so I like stylish shoes that are comfortable.

Vincent Piazza

Y N Quotes #133340
#73. I couldn't get to sleep until four in the morning. Nobody knew. You pick up the morning paper in Chicago, and it says, 'N.Y. at Detroit (n.).' I mean, doesn't a man have a Constitutional right to the box scores?

Roger Angell

Y N Quotes #122555
#74. I enjoy theater just for the sheer excitement of it and the immediate response that you get, and how every night the audience is a little bit different; but then, it's expensive to work in N.Y., and stage work is limited, so you're just doing it for the art.

Dorian Missick

Y N Quotes #92589
#75. You can't tell. That's something I'm learning here in N.Y.C: you have no fucking idea what people are really like. They're not even two-faced
they're, like, multiple personalities.

Jennifer Egan

Y N Quotes #75179
#76. Technically, I split my time between N.Y.C. and Boston.

Junot Diaz

Y N Quotes #54099
#77. ze a n d st y le . A q u ic k lo o k sh o w s th a t th is fa b u lo u s g re e n su e d e $300 va lue Miu Miu b e lt is o nly $59 a nd this le a the r G uc c i to te for $199! Forg et


Y N Quotes #704542
#78. I think N.Y.C. definitely had something to do with my figuring out my life path.

T. Cooper

Y N Quotes #824884
#79. Slapped her then I asked her what's my name. She said N-I-C, the president of the N-Y-C.

Nicki Minaj

Y N Quotes #817218
#80. When I was in N.Y. bartending, I was in a billion music videos. I was in Madonna, George Michael, Salt-n-Pepa - it goes on and on.

Pauley Perrette

Y N Quotes #814317
#81. I went to a school in N.Y. that is conceptual and interdisciplinary and modeled after Cal Arts. It is not just painting or sculpture; it was everything mixed together.

Thomas McDonell

Y N Quotes #789547
#82. I screen tested for 'The Tudors' in N.Y. That was my first experience of N.Y., being flown here to screen test with Jonathan Rhys Meyers. So I have very, very fond memories of New York - New York helped give me my first big break.

Natalie Dormer

Y N Quotes #778717
#83. I always dreamed of living in N.Y.C.

Judy Gold

Y N Quotes #764408
#84. When you're in N.Y.C. and they shut down one of the bridges, this is a movie!

Salli Richardson

Y N Quotes #759076
#85. Luckily there were no venomous snakes around Hoosick, N.Y., so I amassed quite a collection of milk snakes, garters, ribbons and ring-necked snakes.

Romulus Whitaker

Y N Quotes #759043
#86. I have lectured at Town Hall N.Y., The Library of Congress, Harvard, Yale, Amherst, Wellesley, Columbia, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana State University, Colorado, Stanford, and scores of other places.

Paul Engle

Y N Quotes #725172
#87. I fell for MUJI socks at their store in N.Y.C.'s JFK airport, and now I get them in bundles.

Vincent Piazza

Y N Quotes #722435
#88. N.Y. hip-hop is ok, but we gotta become brave again; we have to be brave enough and do something new - that's what New York is about ... New.


Y N Quotes #716225
#89. All roads lead to Wall Street, but we feel the effects of Wall Street on every street corner. Certainly in Syracuse, N.Y., where I live.

Dana Spiotta

Y N Quotes #841572
#90. I think when you're on a show that takes place in N.Y.C. but film it in L.A. there is just a vibe that feels wrong.

Merritt Wever

Y N Quotes #698600
#91. I'm loving N.Y., and words can't even describe how happy I am to be here.

Bow Wow

Y N Quotes #692223
#92. I grew up in Cazenovia, N.Y. I'm the second of five children, with three sisters and a brother.

Siobhan Fallon Hogan

Y N Quotes #691287
#93. In N.Y.C., I auditioned for mostly 'quirky friend' roles. Since casting directors in L.A. lacked a preconceived notion of me, I was able to reinvent my type a bit, which was essential in booking the role of Amanda on 'Ugly Betty.' I don't believe I would have auditioned for that role in N.Y.

Becki Newton

Y N Quotes #666901
#94. N.Y. Chamber of Commerce Urges Passage of Silver For War Use.

Caryl Parker Haskins

Y N Quotes #666334
#95. For my first three books the setting (or place if you will) has always been a given - N.J. and the Dominican Republic and some N.Y.C. - so from one perspective you could say that the place in my work always comes first.

Junot Diaz

Y N Quotes #633534
#96. I need to be working with the art world in N.Y.C. as much as I need to be working in my studios in Chicago and rural Wisconsin.

Michelle Grabner

Y N Quotes #619547
#97. My momma always said, 'You and Elvis are pretty good, but y'all ain't no Chuck Berry.

Jerry Lee Lewis

Y N Quotes #618595
#98. I would beg, borrow, and steal to live in N.Y.C.

Chris Diamantopoulos

Y N Quotes #612030
#99. The transliterated name and address of the addresser of the 3 letters in reversed alphabetic boustrophedonic punctated quadrilinear cryptogram (vowels suppressed) N. IGS./WI. UU. OX/W. OKS. MH/Y. IM:

James Joyce

Y N Quotes #609467
#100. I don't think the Port Authority does a good enough job in anything that they do, quite honestly, but clearly in the area of security. Those cops get paid more than N.Y.P.D. cops, and quite honestly - I know I'm going to get into trouble for saying this - they're nothing more than mall cops.

Joseph J. Lhota

Y N Quotes #585367

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