Top 100 Wrong Ideas Quotes

#1. In the jungle of ideas, it is hard to find the true direction! The paths of the wrong ideas often seem to be very alluring!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Wrong Ideas Quotes #784705
#2. My idea is, that if capital and labor are left alone they will mutually regulate each other. People who think they can regulate all mankind and get wrong ideas which they believe to be panaceas for every ill cause much trouble to both employers and employees by their interference.

Jay Gould

Wrong Ideas Quotes #927514
#3. If you can get good at destroying your own wrong ideas, that is a great gift.

Charlie Munger

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1186950
#4. Repressive societies always seemed to understand the danger of "wrong" ideas.

Octavia E. Butler

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1213135
#5. Devotion to your goal makes you live a clean and orderly life , given to search for truthand to helping people, and realization makes noble virtue easy and spontaneous, by removing for good the obstacles in the shape of desires and fears and wrong ideas .

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1281683
#6. Most of the American films were made in southern California, so if you were in Europe, watching those palm trees swaying in the wind with someone like Rita Hayworth gliding underneath them in a white convertible, you got all kinds of wonderfully wrong ideas about the place.

Charles Simic

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1291071
#7. Our religious police has the most dangerous effect on society - the segregation of genders, putting the wrong ideas in the heads of men and women, producing psychological diseases that never existed in our country before, like fanatacism.

Basmah Bint Saud

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1457405
#8. There must be a marsh in the brains of these men or there would not be so many frogs of wrong ideas gathered in their heads.

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1651301
#9. We must fight all that we dislike in public life. We must substitute better ideas for wrong ideas.

Ludwig Von Mises

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1653259
#10. I wanted to be an actor my whole young life. My dad was an actor, obviously - he won an Academy Award, but I had no idea what was involved. I had all the wrong ideas about acting.

Ed Begley Jr.

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1734902
#11. They ran their heads very hard against wrong ideas, and persisted in trying to fit the circumstances to the ideas instead of trying to extract ideas from the circumstances.

Charles Dickens

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1838237
#12. Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyze data, this will give you new ideas. Unfortunately, this belief is totally wrong. The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.

Edward De Bono

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1034
#13. When 99% of people doubt your idea, you're either gravely wrong or about to make history.

Scott Belsky

Wrong Ideas Quotes #4606
#14. Until it had been clearly explained that men were always and always partly wrong in all their ideas, life would be full of poison and secret bitterness. Men fight about their philosophies and religions, there is no certainty in them; but their contempt for women is flawless and unanimous.

Dorothy Richardson

Wrong Ideas Quotes #23070
#15. Of distinction by birth or badge, [Americans] had no more idea than they had of the mode of existence in the moon or planets. They had heard only that there were such, and knew that they must be wrong.

Thomas Jefferson

Wrong Ideas Quotes #39211
#16. There are Muslims of all kinds. The idea of closing them into a single identity is wrong.

Amartya Sen

Wrong Ideas Quotes #45694
#17. What if the idea of Mr. Right is completely false? What if there is no Mr. Wrong? What if every relationship-no matter how brief-contains a priceless lesson allowing you to grow and evolve into your grandest self?

Marie Forleo

Wrong Ideas Quotes #54142
#18. It's innate in me to be a blue-dog Democrat. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, but that's what I am. My wife and I and our family will do everything we can to support Obama. I like his ideas, I like his energy, and I like the statement he would make for our country to the world.

Tim McGraw

Wrong Ideas Quotes #56396
#19. The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong.

Bowe Bergdahl

Wrong Ideas Quotes #71055
#20. Drop your false ideas. See through people. If you see through yourself, you will see through everyone. Then you will love them. Otherwise you spend the whole time grappling with your wrong notions of them, with your illusions that are constantly crashing against reality.

Anthony De Mello

Wrong Ideas Quotes #72772
#21. I think marriage is dangerous. The idea of two people trying to possess each other is wrong. I don't think the flare of love lasts. Your mind rather than your emotions must answer for the success of matrimony. It must be friendship - a calm companionship which can last through the years.

Carole Lombard

Wrong Ideas Quotes #76741
#22. We have a disturbing cultural appetite for novelty, and it seems to me wrong each new laureate should dislodge the ideas of his or her predecessor, especially when they're still unfolding.

Louise Gluck

Wrong Ideas Quotes #96215
#23. Words could betray you if you chose the wrong ones, or mean less if you used too many. Jokes could be grandly miscalculated, or stories deemed boring, and I'd learned early on that my sense of humor and ideas about what sorts of things were fascinating didn't exactly overlap with my friends'.

Robyn Schneider

Wrong Ideas Quotes #112386
#24. The ideas of right and wrong change with the experience of the race, and this change is wrought by the gradual ascertaining of consequences - of results.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Wrong Ideas Quotes #125305
#25. There's an admirable belief about the virtues of meritocracy - that the best ideas prove the best results. It's a wrong and misguided belief by well-intentioned people.

Mitch Kapor

Wrong Ideas Quotes #153061
#26. Metaphorically speaking, a person's ideas must be the building he lives in - otherwise there is something terribly wrong.

Soren Kierkegaard

Wrong Ideas Quotes #162172
#27. Collective judgment of new ideas is so often wrong that it is arguable that progress depends on individuals being free to back their own judgment despite collective disapproval.

W. Arthur Lewis

Wrong Ideas Quotes #176288
#28. Our moods change constantly and thus our ideas about the past change with them. As for the future, it remains unwritten. Anything can happen, and often we are wrong. The best we can do with the future is prepare and savor the possibilities of what can be done in the present.

Todd Kashdan

Wrong Ideas Quotes #182741
#29. I think it is the general rule that the originator of a new idea is not the most suitable person to develop it, because his fears of something going wrong are really too strong ... At age 69.

Paul Dirac

Wrong Ideas Quotes #193797
#30. I don't come up with ideas, they come to me. I write them down and try to convey what's wrong with me to the audience as best I can.

Iliza Shlesinger

Wrong Ideas Quotes #194465
#31. The idea that laws decide what is right or wrong is mistaken in general. Laws are, at their best, an attempt to achieve justice; to say that laws define justice or ethical conduct is turning things upside down.

Richard Stallman

Wrong Ideas Quotes #196862
#32. The connected economy of ideas demands that we contribute initiative. And yet we resist, because our lizard brain, the one that lives in fear, relentlessly exaggerates the cost of being wrong.

Seth Godin

Wrong Ideas Quotes #204089
#33. I'd been used to this idea of destructive performance art instead of a slick, good-sounding show. So, I became frustrated as I felt I'd been doing the shows wrong. That sucked.

Erika M. Anderson

Wrong Ideas Quotes #208505
#34. I think of a plot, I think of an idea, and then I wonder, How can I get that onto the stage? ... Whatever devices you use should always be there to serve the theme. If the theme has been overtaken by the device, then something's wrong.

Alan Ayckbourn

Wrong Ideas Quotes #240031
#35. My parents really instilled this idea in me of being your own person, almost to the extent that I couldn't do wrong. I'd get a bad grade and they'd be like, "No! What you did was great!"

Winona Ryder

Wrong Ideas Quotes #243265
#36. So many people operate in a world of right and wrong [that] they become polarized. You're conservative or you're liberal; and if you're one or the other, you can't be both. I just think that this idea of right and wrong is kind of a damaging idea.

Robert Kiyosaki

Wrong Ideas Quotes #245435
#37. Do not hold an idea tightly! There is always a possibility that what you believe might be wrong! Hold your ideas loosely so that you can easily get rid of them once you have realised that they are wrong!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Wrong Ideas Quotes #280226
#38. When you don't know what to play, wait for an idea to come into your opponent's mind. You may be sure that idea will be wrong

Siegbert Tarrasch

Wrong Ideas Quotes #301327
#39. I myself used to believe ideas didn't matter that much, but I'm very sure that's wrong now.

Sam Altman

Wrong Ideas Quotes #305961
#40. Once slavery in America was not seen as radical. It became, instead, a revolutionary idea that slaves should be freed. When we have lived under a pernicious power long enough, no matter how oppressive, we grow so accustomed to the yoke that its removal seems frightening, even wrong.

Gerry Spence

Wrong Ideas Quotes #319180
#41. A fervently believed idea, even if wrong, dies hard.

Hal Hellman

Wrong Ideas Quotes #324833
#42. It is always unconscionable for the government to punish people for expressing an idea merely because government officials - or the majority of citizens - decide that those ideas are 'dangerous' or 'wrong.' That is a power nobody ought to possess.

Glenn Greenwald

Wrong Ideas Quotes #339252
#43. When you feel in love with an ex, it isn't that you still love him, but that you are simply stuck in the idea of what YOU did wrong.

Robin Lopez

Wrong Ideas Quotes #397059
#44. Sometimes people's spiritual ideas become fixed and they use them against those who don't share their beliefs - in effect, becoming fundamentalist. It's very dangerous - the finger of righteous indignation pointing at someone who is identified as bad or wrong.

Pema Chodron

Wrong Ideas Quotes #404592
#45. In science, if an idea is not falsifiable, it is not that it is wrong, it is that we cannot determine if it is wrong, and thus it is not even wrong.

Michael Shermer

Wrong Ideas Quotes #416112
#46. Archiving is extremely expensive and time consuming. I'm sure an archivist would tell me I'm doing it wrong. It's an industry that's built upon essential ideas, and some of those practices are abusive.

Ian MacKaye

Wrong Ideas Quotes #419443
#47. Those who lack all idea that it is possible to be wrong can learn nothing except know-how.

Gregory Bateson

Wrong Ideas Quotes #428501
#48. The real truth about children is they don't speak the language very well. They're physically uncoordinated. And they are ignorant of our elaborate ideas about right and wrong.

P. J. O'Rourke

Wrong Ideas Quotes #430620
#49. I was doing what I thought I had to do. There was romance in the idea of being married. It was just the wrong reasons.

Rush Limbaugh

Wrong Ideas Quotes #436459
#50. Almost everything wrong with our health care system comes from government interference with the free market. If the health care system is broken, then fix it. Don't try to invent a new one premised on all the bad ideas that are causing problems in the first place.

Ann Coulter

Wrong Ideas Quotes #439498
#51. You can talk about right and wrong and good and bad all day long, but ultimately people need to see it. Seeing and studying the actual lives of people is simply the best way to communicate ideas about how to behave and how not to behave. We need heroes and role models.

Eric Metaxas

Wrong Ideas Quotes #446505
#52. Even though you're a member of the wrong party, you've got some great ideas ...

Lynn Westmoreland

Wrong Ideas Quotes #461053
#53. There is no right or wrong angle for something. The idea of putting the camera in an unfamiliar position is simply to do with film language. Sometimes it is spectacular, sometimes it is ugly, sometimes it is uninteresting.

Steve McQueen

Wrong Ideas Quotes #465093
#54. The process of science is difficult and challenging. It involves always being aware that your ideas might be right or they might be wrong. I think it's that kind of balance that makes science so interesting.

Lisa Randall

Wrong Ideas Quotes #476466
#55. The idea that no gentleman ever swears is all wrong. He can swear and still be a gentleman if he does it in a nice and benevolent and affectionate way.

Mark Twain

Wrong Ideas Quotes #481516
#56. The idea of The Boy Vs. The Cynic is the tension between the wide-eyed optimism in youthfulness where you think nothing can go wrong, I've got the world ahead of me. I'm gonna be a go-getter.

John Reuben Zappin

Wrong Ideas Quotes #491090
#57. A liberal society stands on the proposition that we should all take seriously the idea that we might be wrong. This means we must place no one, including ourselves, beyond the reach of criticism; it means that we must allow people to err, even where the error offends and upsets, as it often will.

Jonathan Rauch

Wrong Ideas Quotes #524884
#58. If you have a truly big idea, the wrong technique won't kill it. And if you don't have a big idea, the right technique won't help you

David Ogilvy

Wrong Ideas Quotes #537951
#59. On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.

Charles Babbage

Wrong Ideas Quotes #538776
#60. There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.

George Orwell

Wrong Ideas Quotes #541031
#61. Now here is a departure from the first principle of true ethics. Here we find ideas of moral wrong and moral right associated with something else than beneficial action. The consequent is, we lose sight of the real basis of morals, and substitute a false one.

Frances Wright

Wrong Ideas Quotes #544556
#62. repentance is sometimes described as "coming to our senses" (see Luke 15:17)- 2 Tim. 2:25-26). It involves a waking up to the fact that we have been deceiving ourselves and that our ideas, attitudes, values, or goals have been wrong.

Ken Sande

Wrong Ideas Quotes #568477
#63. mechanical reinterpretations of human affairs not only lack explanatory power, they are morally wrong as well, for in effect they deny the humanity of the participants, casting them and their ideas merely as side effects of the landscape. Diamond

David Deutsch

Wrong Ideas Quotes #577633
#64. Everything in the media is fleeting. Don't get the wrong idea. Fame is when you're still the hot topic next week or even the week after.

Miki Aihara

Wrong Ideas Quotes #582671
#65. A single test which proves some piece of theory wrong is more valuable than a hundred tests showing that idea might be true.

Arthur C. Clarke

Wrong Ideas Quotes #609702
#66. It's wrong to think that money is the first requirement for great accomplishments. This argument is neither here nor there. Money or no money, success begins with your ideas.

Israelmore Ayivor

Wrong Ideas Quotes #619291
#67. Rumi says: Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing There is a field. I'll meet you there.

Elizabeth Lesser

Wrong Ideas Quotes #653030
#68. It is better to agree with a "wrong" idea than to press a "right" idea on other people.

Frederick Lenz

Wrong Ideas Quotes #653794
#69. There are many hypotheses in science that are wrong. That's perfectly alright; it's the aperture to finding out what's right. Science is a self-correcting process. To be accepted, new ideas must survive the most rigorous standards of evidence and scrutiny.

Carl Sagan

Wrong Ideas Quotes #681957
#70. To me the greatest moment in an experiment is always just before I learn whether the particular idea is a good or a bad one. Thus even a failure is exciting, and most of my ideas have of course been wrong.

Ivar Giaever

Wrong Ideas Quotes #693141
#71. Don't merely scratch at a problem. Flag it, and then show up at the meeting with ideas on how you can fix whatever is going wrong. Be a problem solver:

Karen Dillon

Wrong Ideas Quotes #695662
#72. I believe in myself. There's nothing wrong with believing in myself. That's the whole idea, is that you can always become better.

Tiger Woods

Wrong Ideas Quotes #707626
#73. My government, you can be assured, will be less focused on personalities. It is about treating people with respect. I think complaining about the community not being able to see the wisdom of our ideas is the wrong approach.

Jay Weatherill

Wrong Ideas Quotes #710986
#74. If you give up on your principles I don't think that's being pragmatic ... Doing the wrong thing, even partially, isn't being practical ... if you have the right ideas and are forceful enough ... I think you can get the support you need.

Ron Paul

Wrong Ideas Quotes #716190
#75. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, and fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear.

Swami Vivekananda

Wrong Ideas Quotes #725737
#76. History is strewn with ideas that were intuitive and made sense at the time, but were also hopelessly wrong.

Steven Novella

Wrong Ideas Quotes #738965
#77. A lot of these ideas are built under wrong presumptions which officials have that chess players are lazy bastards whose sole idea is to deceive (the) public and to make short draws and go home. It's not true. It's a lie.

Boris Gelfand

Wrong Ideas Quotes #749055
#78. If you are going to have ideas ahead of the times, you will have to get used to living with the fact that most people are going to believe you are wrong.

Bruce Lloyd

Wrong Ideas Quotes #782141
#79. That fellow seems to me to possess but one idea, and that is a wrong one.

Samuel Johnson

Wrong Ideas Quotes #802067
#80. It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all.

Edward De Bono

Wrong Ideas Quotes #822792
#81. My confidence is in the idea that I may be wrong on this or that. No man in this life should ever have to bear the burden of perfection.

Criss Jami

Wrong Ideas Quotes #823441
#82. Most of the people will try to prove your right ideas as wrong, so share your ideas carefully or not at all.

Amit Kalantri

Wrong Ideas Quotes #833188
#83. Having been an editor for more than a decade, I thought I had a good idea of how much work was involved in writing a novel. I was wrong! Writing is a lot harder than I ever imagined - but worth it.

Julie Klassen

Wrong Ideas Quotes #844025
#84. You have to take away the idea that something you do is right or wrong. I don't think there's a right or a wrong; I think there's an "it works" or "it doesn't work" for the whole. And that's why you need a director you trust, so you can just keep throwing out suggestions.

Susan Sarandon

Wrong Ideas Quotes #858338
#85. Scientific research involves going beyond the well-trodden and well-tested ideas and theories that form the core of scientific knowledge. During the time scientists are working things out, some results will be right, and others will be wrong. Over time, the right results will emerge.

Lisa Randall

Wrong Ideas Quotes #861748
#86. Any preoccupation with ideas of what is right or wrong in conduct shows an arrested intellectual development.

Oscar Wilde

Wrong Ideas Quotes #867242
#87. Your ideas about right and wrong are just that-ideas. They are the thoughts which form the shape and create the substance of Who You Are. There would be only one reason to change any of these; only one purpose in making an alteration: if you are not happy with Who You Are.

Neale Donald Walsch

Wrong Ideas Quotes #868973
#88. BBC TV gets hold of an idea and beats it to death until we're all heartily sick of it. They buy people without thinking what they're going to do with them. It's the wrong way around. What they should be doing is employing really good ideas people to come up with good ideas.

Terry Wogan

Wrong Ideas Quotes #881819
#89. There was a man I was supposed to meet. He's got all these ideas about honour and fair play, and he tries to keep me from doing the wrong thing. But he's not here right now. Unfortunately for you.

C.S. Pacat

Wrong Ideas Quotes #894694
#90. It's occurred to me that our human values, our ideas of right and wrong, good and bad, evolved in simpler times, before there were machines.

Herman Wouk

Wrong Ideas Quotes #936692
#91. I think anybody can take a good picture. My idea of a good picture is one that's in focus and of a famous person doing something unfamous. It's being in the right place at the wrong time.

Andy Warhol

Wrong Ideas Quotes #947494
#92. I don't mind, it doesn't hurt me if anyone says I'm not normal. I don't know what normal is. Sometimes I'm just really tired, or I haven't eaten, and people get the wrong idea about me.

Craig Nicholls

Wrong Ideas Quotes #949305
#93. Once again, only religion can answer the question of the purpose of life. One can hardly be wrong in concluding that the idea of life having a purpose stands and falls with the religious system.

Sigmund Freud

Wrong Ideas Quotes #964209
#94. If you're waiting for encouragement from others, you're doing it wrong. By the time people think an idea is good, it's probably too late.

Aaron Levie

Wrong Ideas Quotes #974131
#95. The only thing that can set aside a law as wrong is a better law, or an idea of a better law. And the only thing that an give a law the quality of better or worse is the concrete result which it promotes or fails to promote.

William Ernest Hocking

Wrong Ideas Quotes #977452
#96. When communism failed, it wasn't a good idea that had gone wrong, it was a bad idea that had been sustained with incredible determination in the face of all the commonsense arguments, and at the cost of 20 million lives at least, in Russia, to build the socialist Utopia.

Martin Amis

Wrong Ideas Quotes #986045
#97. The only way to be sure is to go out and test your ideas and programmes, and to realise that you will often be wrong. But that is not a bad thing. It leads to progress. This

Matthew Syed

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1022977
#98. It used to take me forever to read and comprehend stuff, so I decided not to make the 'Captain Underpants' books too challenging. Don't get me wrong - the humor and ideas are often sophisticated - but the books aren't hard to read. I wanted kids who hate reading to find these books irresistible.

Dav Pilkey

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1057891
#99. I try to wait until things set up just right before I take a trade. Then, when I'm ready to take the trade, I slowly count to ten before I pick up the phone. It's better to have the wrong idea and good timing than the right idea and bad timing.

Linda Bradford Raschke

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1070519
#100. There's usually some process by which a potentially great idea gets prostituted into something lacklustre, or by which the wrong idea gets put forward.

Clayton Christensen

Wrong Ideas Quotes #1071373

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