Top 55 White Horse Sayings

#1. She dreams a lot. She dreams of Ondines and falling maidens and houses burning in the night. But search her dreams all you like and you'll never find Prince Charming. No knight on a white horse gallops into her dreams to carry her away. When she dreams of love, she dreams of smashed potatoes.

Jerry Spinelli

White Horse Sayings #1562953
#2. Won't you ride my white horse?

Ozzy Osbourne

White Horse Sayings #981727
#3. My mom never taught me to be waiting for some prince on a white horse to swipe me off my feet.

Tyra Banks

White Horse Sayings #993458
#4. What are you like inside? Don't you have feelings where you love everyone, and at the same time you hate everyone? Or - don't you have times when everything goes the way you want, but nothing feels good or right? That's what I mean," he'd say, "about my black horse and my white horse.

Frank Delaney

White Horse Sayings #1052569
#5. I felt like I was riding into infinity, and soon I forgot I existed as the sky surrounded us in a blanket of stars, constellations the texture of slushies, swirling blue and violet and gold. I was swallowed b the universe, riding on a white horse in a midnight dream...

Aishabella Sheikh

White Horse Sayings #1070802
#6. Vampires are sexy to a woman perhaps because the fantasy is similar to that of the man on the white horse sweeping her off to paradise.

Frank Langella

White Horse Sayings #1073928
#7. This obsession with leadership ... It's not neutral; it's American, this idea of the heroic leader who comes in on a white horse to save the day. I think it's killing American companies.

Henry Mintzberg

White Horse Sayings #1133649
#8. Like the Society for Creative Anachronism, The Ballad of the White Horse depicted "the Middle Ages as they should have been." Chesterton's ballad made a lasting impression on Robert E. Howard, who praised it in letters to his friend Clyde Smith.

Joseph Laycock

White Horse Sayings #1463294
#9. Christ, under the law, appeared on a red horse, denoting the terror of that dispensation, and that he had yet his conflict before him, when he was to resist unto blood. But, under the gospel, he appears on a white horse

Matthew Henry

White Horse Sayings #1519742
#10. Sometimes a musical phrase would perfectly sum up
The mood of a moment. One of those lovelorn sonatas
For wind instruments was riding past on a solemn white horse.
Everybody wondered who the new arrival was.

John Ashbery

White Horse Sayings #84099
#11. The white horse and the black one wheeled like lovers at a harvest dance, the riders throwing steel in place of kisses.

George R R Martin

White Horse Sayings #1585395
#12. I looked it at like this way. To get folks to like you, as a screen player I mean, I figured you had to sort of be their ideal. I don't mean a handsome knight riding a white horse, but a fella who answered the description of a right guy.

Gary Cooper

White Horse Sayings #1735732
#13. I had always imagined being in love as some grand, sweeping epic. A prince on a white horse. Dashing.

Allison Parr

White Horse Sayings #1736628
#14. Few minutes later, when she momentarily forgot that the water was off
and turned on
the faucet, it ran beautifully.
Andrew had, once again, succeeded. He'd arrived unannounced like a knight on
his shiny
white horse to save the damsel in distress.
Damn him.

Bella Andre

White Horse Sayings #1760844
#15. What is a unicorn without his horn?" (Antonella)
"A white horse?" (Adam)
Antonella smiled. "A very unhappy white horse.

Mark Mills

White Horse Sayings #1811059
#16. As a little girl I used to daydream about my real father coming on a white horse to rescue me.

Christine Keeler

White Horse Sayings #1851240
#17. I'll drive you home."
"On your white horse?"
"In my red truck.

Rainbow Rowell

White Horse Sayings #1865072
#18. The summer lasted a long long time, like verse after verse of a ballad, but when it ended, it ended like a man falling dead in the street of heart trouble. One night, all in one night, severe winter came, a white horse of snow rolling over Bountiful, snorting and rolling in its meadows, its fields.

Ardyth Kennelly

White Horse Sayings #778585
#19. Women can be the most fearful about letting men off the white horse and the most likely to be critical of their vulnerability.

Brene Brown

White Horse Sayings #947558
#20. Then she spotted in the corner, glowing wonderfully, a Wurlitzer jukebox. ' Holy shit!' It was like being on a commuter train through the Bronx and seeing among the piles of crushed cars a pasture with a lone white horse.

Garth Risk Hallberg

White Horse Sayings #41479
#21. I want Prince Charming to ride up on a white horse and carry me off to his castle. The only difference between me and other girls is once I get there, I want him to bend me over the throne and pull my hair while he fucks me hard and calls me names.

Stylo Fantome

White Horse Sayings #139744
#22. These truth-seeking students gathered at a local pub on the campus of King's College, called the White Horse Inn, to debate the ideas of Luther.

Steven J. Lawson

White Horse Sayings #268653
#23. Hopalong Cassidy conducting his great white horse across the traffic;

Jack Kerouac

White Horse Sayings #274736
#24. I am not waiting for a prince on a white horse. I am waiting for you ... So why don't you kiss me?

Frank Warren

White Horse Sayings #284244
#25. Death rode out, but found himself guiding the white horse down the track to the orchard. He stopped in front of one particular tree, and stared at it for some time. Eventually he said: LOOKS PERFECTLY LOGICAL TO ME.

Terry Pratchett

White Horse Sayings #305630
#26. I wanted to save her. Took me all these years to figure it out, but even back then, I wanted to be her prince on a white horse.

Stylo Fantome

White Horse Sayings #308090
#27. Before the gods that made the gods had seen their sunrise pass, the white horse of the white horse vale was cut out of the grass

G.K. Chesterton

White Horse Sayings #398606
#28. Poverty was an ornament on a learned man like a red ribbon on a white horse.

Anzia Yezierska

White Horse Sayings #491260
#29. Everyone has a first love, and mine was the western. When I was a child and dreamed of the movies, it was always as a cowboy on a white horse.

Franco Nero

White Horse Sayings #491660
#30. Did I hear you say that you had no intention of ever dying?"

"Um. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. It's a mug's game. I won't have any part of it."

"Then you must tell me what it's like. Let us meet here again, Robert Gadling. In this tavern of the White Horse. In a hundred years.

Neil Gaiman

White Horse Sayings #580831
#31. The white horse of heroin will ride you to hell.

James Brown

White Horse Sayings #593134
#32. The war is won but the battle rages, the lion is toothless yet roars, the clown frowns but the Son Shines, the Trumpet is ready to sound, the sword drawn, and the white horse ready to descend, whose rider is called Faithful and True.

Jonah Books

White Horse Sayings #672865
#33. I'm not a princess
This ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet
Lead her up a stairwell
This ain't Hollywood
This is a small town
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around

Taylor Swift

White Horse Sayings #752736
#34. If a prince on a white horse actually appeared in front of me...I think I'd like to see him fall off that horse. But..if he wasn't a prince on a white horse to begin with...what would I want then?


White Horse Sayings #366390
#35. Cinderella said to snow white, how does love get so off course? All I wanted was a white knight with a good heart, soft touch, fast horse.

Faith Hill

White Horse Sayings #1324089
#36. The deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony and man - all belong to the same family ... The White Man must treat the beasts of this land as his brothers.

Chief Seattle

White Horse Sayings #1331467
#37. Dear to me is my bonnie white steed; Oft has he helped me at pinch of need.

Walter Scott

White Horse Sayings #1343380
#38. There's something great about terrible westerns. They look like gay dancers and bad, overwrought dialogue and overacting, black and white sped up horses.

Alec Sulkin

White Horse Sayings #1350714
#39. Morality is a easy horse to ride when all the horses are just black and white.

Jury Nel

White Horse Sayings #1383616
#40. A lot of brainless unicorns swaggering about and calling themselves educated just because they can push each other off a horse with a bit of a stick! It makes me tired.

T.H. White

White Horse Sayings #1498331
#41. Now the great winds shoreward blow Now the salt tides seaward flow Now the wild white horses play Champ and chafe and toss in the spray.

Matthew Arnold

White Horse Sayings #1678622
#42. I'm not really a director or producer for hire. There's lots of big gigs out there, but I'm not looking to do that. Usually, when I'm directing or producing, I've written it myself. I'm not really trying to get on some big horse that's running through town. I just make my own stuff.

Mike White

White Horse Sayings #1818368
#43. It is at a fair that man can be drunk forever on liquor, love, or fights; at a fair that your front pocket can be picked by a trotting horse looking for sugar, and your hind pocket by a thief looking for his fortune.

E.B. White

White Horse Sayings #1822300
#44. The chief contribution made by white men of the Americas to the folk songs of the world - - the cowboy songs of Texas and the West - - are rhythmed to the walk, the trot, and the gallop of horses.

J. Frank Dobie

White Horse Sayings #1839461
#45. The floss-silk manes tossed up like the crest of a breaking wave ... Light ran and glittered on them. They were obedient ... you would have sworn ... as the white horses of the wave crests are to pull of the moon.

Mary Stewart

White Horse Sayings #1054931
#46. A golf ball is white, dimpled like a bishop's knees, and is the size of small mandarin oranges or those huge pills which vets blow down the throats of constipated cart-horses.

Frank Muir

White Horse Sayings #976051
#47. If Hillary can't win the nomination - and it's clearly very, very hard for her - she's basically a stalking horse for McCain. She's preparing the demographic ground for McCain, by getting white working-class Democrats used to (if you will) not voting for Obama.

Rich Lowry

White Horse Sayings #805265
#48. She thought of the horse with his scars and wondered if having them so visible wasn't preferable to the hidden kind where nobody knew how to avoid the parts that still hurt.

Karen White

White Horse Sayings #573106
#49. ...I'm not supposed to smell like a horse. I'm a kelpie. Different thing entirely.

K.L. White

White Horse Sayings #553386
#50. He is dressed in a long, white robe and in his hand is a white cap. I draw up as he passes down the hall; he does not see me. Shortly I hear a horse leaving. There is much I do not know about him, but tonight I know one of his secrets. He is a midnight rider.

Nancy B. Brewer

White Horse Sayings #524555
#51. But the observers were even more surprised by her thigh boots, black breeches, and the red leather corset she wore over a white shirt. It was a daring outfit, to say the least... She also wore a sword and rode her horse like a man. It was scandalous...
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Pierre Pevel

White Horse Sayings #522844
#52. Scientists think they can now clone an all-white zebra. Now, I'm no expert, but isn't that a horse?

Jay Leno

White Horse Sayings #516512
#53. There the black horse stood - his feet planted firm on the ground, afraid to move. His coat was covered in sweat and a stark white rim lined his eyes. All three of us gawked at his sudden silence. The rattling metal gate was now the only sound.

Brittney Joy

White Horse Sayings #196693
#54. Vacations in my family are rare events squeezed between races. I can count them on one hand, and even those amount to only a few hours each. Shopping in Los Angeles. Sinking my toes into snow white sand in Florida. They are tiny slips of memory strung around horses.

Mara Dabrishus

White Horse Sayings #132520
#55. You guys on the white horses keep trying to save women in distress, not realizing you just end up with a distressed woman.

Laura Schlessinger

White Horse Sayings #118707

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