Top 76 Steven J. Lawson Quotes

#1. For unbelievers, at the final judgment, there will not be one drop of mercy, only perfect justice-so much sin, so much wrath.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #16366
#2. Better to have small faith in a great God than to have great faith in a small god.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #41027
#3. By grace (that is to say, by favor) we are plucked out of Adam, the ground of all evil, and grafted in Christ, the root of all goodness.28 You are chosen for Christ's sake to the inheritance of eternal life.29

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #74134
#4. The more we grow to know God, the more we realize how little we know of Him.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #75616
#5. The greatest work God ever performs was not the creation of the universe out of nothing, but is the new creation of saints out of sinners.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #87016
#6. If you please God, it does not matter whom you displease. And if you displease Him, it does not matter whom you please.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #117157
#7. The blessing of heaven will not accompany the preaching that is done in a worldly manner.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #123463
#8. The voice of Christ is so powerful that it awakens the spiritually dead in the grave of sin to hear it and live.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #125988
#9. In the race of faith, stay focused upon Christ, not the other runners, nor the spectators.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #147169
#10. The pursuit of holiness is always on the path of obedience to the Word, never apart from it.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #159537
#11. A cross without offense in the world is a cross without power in the world.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #167412
#12. If the Bible is what it claims to be, how can we allow it to remain on a bookshelf?

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #171578
#13. Romans gave Luther his theology, but it was the Psalms that gave him his thunder.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #215014
#14. No preacher, regardless of where he serves, is free to reinvent preaching.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #218767
#15. Some Christians live in such fear, they act as if they believe in the sovereignty of Satan rather than the sovereignty of God.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #221763
#16. These truth-seeking students gathered at a local pub on the campus of King's College, called the White Horse Inn, to debate the ideas of Luther.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #268653
#17. If you're saved and you're breathing, you need to know who William Tyndale is.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #283836
#18. God is the decider and the determiner of every man's destiny, the controller of every detail in every individual's life, which is another way of saying, "He is God."1 - John MacArthur

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #298273
#19. A high view of God leads to high worship and holy living, but a low of God leads to trivial worship and low living.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #316310
#20. The heart of the new birth is the new birth of the heart.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #318174
#21. Lloyd-Jones believed the man who is called to preach comes under a sobering humility. He believed that this person is overwhelmed with a deep sense of his own personal unworthiness for such a high and holy task and is often hesitant to move forward to preach for fear of his own inadequacies.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #335969
#22. At the cross, the worst about us-our sins-was laid upon Christ, and the best about Him-His righteousness-was laid upon us.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #351315
#23. Miracles of grace must be the seals of our ministry; who can bestow them but the Spirit of God? Convert a soul without the Spirit of God! Why, you cannot even make a fly, much less create a new heart and a right spirit."48

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #380591
#24. No one goes to heaven by parroting a prayer, being baptized, or joining a church, but by believing in Jesus Christ with humble submission.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #384293
#25. In the school of discipleship, suffering for Christ is never an elective course, but a required core class.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #414302
#26. You cannot have Christ for your Savior unless you also have Him as your Lord.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #429173
#27. God has loved us in spite of us.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #436489
#28. With arms outstretched on the cross. Jesus took holy God in one hand and sinful man with the other and brought the two together.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #500017
#29. It matters to God what is preached. And it matters to Him how it is preached. No man is free to preach whatever and however he so chooses.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #570611
#30. He who has ceased to learn has ceased to teach. He who no longer sows in the study will no more reap in the pulpit.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #622333
#31. Grace has uprooted us from a barren wilderness of sin and transplanted us by streams of living water.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #627097
#32. If you do not receive Christ as the Lamb who saves and delivers, you will face Him as the Lion who stalks and devours.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #667487
#33. If there is no fruit in sanctification, there is no root in regeneration.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #674539
#34. The spiritual life of any congregation and its growth in grace will never exceed the high-water mark set by its pulpit.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #709203
#35. All men of God must take forth the banner of truth, and once more valiantly proclaim the magnificent sovereignty of God in man's regeneration. May such preaching ring from pulpits today.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #767739
#36. If your repentance has not changed your life, you need to repent of your repentance.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #801813
#37. Whatever your Bible translation is, it stands on the shoulders of one man - William Tyndale.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #880628
#38. The doctrines known as Calvinism are not something that emerged late in church history, but rather are that which takes its origins in the teachings of Jesus.1 - James Montgomery Boice

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #883440
#39. Faith only glances at problems, but gazes upon Jesus.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #888094
#40. Humility begins with seeing who God is, seeing yourself compared to God, and then seeing yourself as God sees you.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1004086
#41. There is a vast difference between merely knowing about Christ and actually knowing Him-the difference between heaven and hell.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1017721
#42. Every decision and direction must come under this overarching goal of bringing glory to God.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1049381
#43. We do not merely add Jesus Christ to our lives and continue in the same direction. Following Christ means we stop, turn around, and pursue Him.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1056167
#44. Until we have the right knowledge of God, the knowledge of self and our need for grace remains distorted.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1059465
#45. There is a kind of preaching that God blesses, specifically the proclamation that exalts the crucified Christ by the power of the Spirit. Conversely, there is a kind of preaching that God does not bless, a mere echoing of man's empty wisdom that is devoid of Christ.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1104895
#46. Your faith depends on the strength of its object ... a puny god just won't do.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1130189
#47. If you are only born once, you will die twice. But if you are born twice, you will only die once.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1159960
#48. God will honor the preaching that honors Christ, but abandon the pulpit that abandons Him.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1245830
#49. If we want revivals, we must revive our reverence for the Word of God. If we want conversions, we must put more of God's Word into our sermons.8 His gospel preaching was grounded

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1280947
#50. In Christ God loved us, His elect and chosen, before the world began, and reserved us unto the knowledge of his Son and of His holy gospel.30

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1329487
#51. We will never know how great God's love is until we first see how great our sin is.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1363775
#52. Predestination ... and salvation are clean taken out of our hands, and put in the hands of God only ... for we are so weak and so uncertain, that if it stood in us, there would of a truth be no man saved; the devil, no doubt, would deceive us.23

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1371104
#53. Jesus is not a good way to heaven, nor even the best way. He is the only way to heaven.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1378640
#54. It would be easier to grow oak trees by planting marbles than for someone to be saved without the seed of the word.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1379974
#55. Church hoppers are like wandering dogs. If they are not regularly patted on the head, they will go elsewhere until they are.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1408102
#56. It will cost you to follow Christ, but it costs even more not to follow Him.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1408701
#57. Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1416789
#58. Hell is a real place, more real than the city in which you live, much hotter and more populated.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1438405
#59. If Christ is not everything, He is nothing. He who has Christ has everything.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1441723
#60. Where God has put a period, the devil puts a question mark, casting doubt.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1462640
#61. There shall be in the church a fleshly seed of Abraham and a spiritual; a Cain and an Abel; an Ishmael and an Isaac; an Esau and a Jacob; as I have said, a worker and a believer; a great multitude of them that be called, and a small flock of them that be elect and chosen.31

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1486770
#62. Expository preaching consists in the explanation and application of a passage of Scripture. Without explanation it is not expository; without application it is not preaching.32

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1486966
#63. New truth is old heresy.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1523665
#64. The Bible is shallow enough for a new believer to wade in, but deep enough for a theologian to drown in.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1573717
#65. May I beg you carefully to judge every preacher, not by his gifts, not by his elocutionary powers, not by his status in society, not by the respectability of his congregation, not by the prettiness of his church, but by this - does he preach the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation?43

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1635878
#66. Souls must be converted here, and if there be not many born to Christ, may the Lord grant to me that I may sleep in the tomb and be heard of no more. Better indeed for us to die than to live, if souls be not saved.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1639105
#67. We become like what we focus upon. Fix your eyes upon Christ and be conformed into His image.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1650945
#68. We do not sit in authority over the Scripture, the Scripture sits in authority over us.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1783677
#69. To preach the gospel is to proclaim with trumpet tongue and flaming zeal the unsearchable riches of Christ Jesus, so that men may hear, and understanding, may turn to God with full purpose of heart.30

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1801797
#70. What is clear is that a spiritually dead sinner contributes nothing - except his sin - to His salvation, not even his faith.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1822533
#71. There are many roads that lead to hell, but only one way to go to heaven.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1837557
#72. If you miss Christ you miss everything, and if you have Christ you have everything.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1858424
#73. When God calls, it has the intensity of a shout and the authority of a summons. When He calls, He secures His own desired results.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1860352
#74. Suffering is not an elective; it is a core course in the University of Life.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1860657
#75. As you preach, stay in the text, give honor to Christ and He will use you

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1874735
#76. The pastor who cares about the spiritual growth of his people must make God and His Word the centerpiece of his ministry.

Steven J. Lawson

Steven J. Lawson Quotes #1874818

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