Top 78 What The World Believes Quotes
#1. Learn to shake yourself loose from what the world believes is the only reality.
Neville Goddard
#2. Sadly, when pastors choose to neglect controversial issues, they do great damage to the spiritual growth of their congregates. We have generations of young people in our churches who simply believe what the world believes on social and moral issues, and they don't think biblically on these matters.
Ken Ham
#3. We are all apt to believe what the world believes about us.
George Eliot
#4. How any government could promote the Vardy academies in the North-East of England is absolutely beyond me. Tony Blair defends them on grounds of diversity, but it should be unthinkable in the 21st century to have a school whose head of science believes the world is less than 10,000 years old.
Richard Dawkins
#5. Albert Einstein believes in humanity, in a peaceful world of mutual helpfulness, and in the high mission of science.
Albert Einstein
#6. The key is to get one's life, every part of one's life, inside of Him who is salvation. As it is written: God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. - JOHN 3:16
Jonathan Cahn
#7. Of publishing a book on religion, my dear sir, I never had an idea. I should as soon think of writing for the reformation of Bedlam, as of the world of religious sects. Of these there must be, at least, ten thousand, every individual of every one of which believes all wrong but his own.
Thomas Jefferson
#8. Yes, it always pays when the wife believes and admits that her husband is the wisest man in the world and that whatever he does is right.
Hans Christian Andersen
#9. I'm not in the camp that believes that Netflix is going to take over the world ... technology makes it impossible to have a monopoly.
Bob Iger
#10. Idealism is an ideal which is based on the idea of someone of the perfect world or the perfect life. An idealist fails to understand the limitation of his idea and believes that the real world can be converted into the world of his idea.
Awdhesh Singh
#11. Everyone believes in his youth that the world really began with him, and that all merely exist for his sake.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
#12. A Christian sits in his or her well and thinks that the whole world is his or her well. The Jew sits in his or her little well and thinks that it is the whole world. A Muslim sits cooped up in his or her tiny well and believes it to be the whole universe. The same goes for a Hindu and all others.
Abhijit Naskar
#13. The boy who expects every morning to open into a new world finds that today is like yesterday, but he believes tomorrow will be different.
Charles Dudley Warner
#14. He has carefully studied the benefits of various strategies of deception in order to "master" the world in order to achieve freedom and autonomy. He is convinced that a deceptive lifestyle would be appropriate in order for him to get even with those that he believes have let him suffer.
H.G. Tudor
#15. Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But, there is, unseen by most, an Underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit, a Dark side. The Dark Side is always there, waiting for us to enter, waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight!
#16. The whole world believes that performing good deeds is dharma (religion). Performing good deeds is known as laukik dharma (worldly religion, that religion which does not lead us to self-realization but binds merit karmas).
Dada Bhagwan
#17. I have become lost to the world
In which I otherwise wasted so much time
It means nothing to me
Whether the world believes me dead
I can hardly say anything to refute it
For truly, I am no longer a part of the world.
Hanya Yanagihara
#18. Each of us, deep down, believes that the whole world issues from his own precious body, like images projected from a tiny slide onto an earth-sized screen. And then, deeper down, each of us knows he's wrong.
Chad Harbach
#19. At the moment when anyone begins to take philosophy seriously, all the world believes the opposite."
- Human, All Too Human, "Assorted Opinions and Maxims,
Friedrich Nietzsche
#20. The destiny of the world is determined less by the battles that are lost and won than by the stories it loves and believes in.
Harold Clarke Goddard
#21. Each of us believes himself to live directly within the world that surrounds him, to sense its objects and events precisely, and to live in real and current time. I assert that these are perceptual illusions ... Each of us lives within the universe - the prison of his own brain.
Vernon Benjamin Mountcastle
#22. The child lives in a world which he unhesitatingly believes accessible to all around him.
Maurice Merleau Ponty
#23. Conventional wisdom is invariably out of date. Because in the time it has taken to become conventional - to become what everyone believes - the world has moved on. Conventional wisdom is a remnant of the past.
Michael Crichton
#24. The terrible thing is that the crowd that fills the street believes that the world will always be the same and that it is their duty to keep that huge machine running, day and night, forever. This is what comes of a Protestant morality, that I, as a (thank God) typical Spaniard, found unnerving.
Federico Garcia Lorca
#25. America believes what's good for us is good for the world. It's very difficult to understand that that's not necessarily true.
Walter Dean Myers
#26. The stage is not only a world apart, it is a myriad of worlds, and in those worlds a man can have anything he fancies, if only he believes in what he sees.
Kathe Koja
#27. I think, increasingly, despite what we are being told is an ever more open world of communication, there is a terrible alienation in the ordinary man between what he is being told and what he secretly believes.
John Le Carre
#28. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16 and in that moment I realized, "Wow, there's a love greater than what I know of in this world."
Christian Hosoi
#29. But no one can lose sight of what he desires. Even if there are moments when he believes the world and the others are stronger. The secret is this: do not surrender.
Paulo Coelho
#30. The objector and the rebel who raises his voice against what he believes to be the injustice of the present and the wrongs of the past is the one who hunches the world along.
Clarence Darrow
#31. A belief does not become a truth just because the whole world believes it.
Debasish Mridha
#32. Surely there is not a capitalist or well-informed person in this world today who believes that [World War I] is being fought to make the world safe for democracy. It is being fought to make the world safe for capital.
Rose Pastor Stokes
#33. The world," he resumed after a short pause, "has no faith in any man's conversion; it never forgets what he was, it never believes him anything better, it is an inexorable and stupid judge.
J. Sheridan Le Fanu
#34. The secret of a person's nature lies in their religion and what they really believes about the world and their place in it.
James Anthony Froude
#35. If I had an ordinary illness, I'm sure they could fix me. But I've seen demons rip my world to pieces. Nobody believes that, so nobody knows what I'm going through. I'm alone. I always will be. That's my life now. That's just the way it is.
Darren Shan
#36. I can only see my life through the lenses of my personal worldview. Everything is coloured by my lenses, and the events are made brighter or dimmer by my perspective.I believe what I see is reality, but everyone else in my world believes what they see is reality too.
Lori Gosselin
#37. Anyway, what I really think good writing does: It enlivens that part of us that actually believes we are in this world, right now, and that being here somehow matters. It reawakens the reader to the fact and the value of her own existence.
#38. One' is not a doer in this world. Where he believes that he is the doer, there is 'charging' (of karma). When one tastes egoistic pride of, "I did this samayik, I did these activities", he will 'charge' (karma). The taste of egoistic pride is very sweet.
Dada Bhagwan
#39. The atheist is a religious person. He believes in atheism as though it were a new religion. According to Renan, "The day after that on which the world should no longer believe in God, atheists would be the wretchedest of all men."
Eric Hoffer
#40. Why do we persist in this divided idiocy? Because the world is full of prideful bastards, that's why. Everyone believes they're smarter than everyone else, more capable than everyone else, more justified than everyone else. Humility went extinct a long time ago.
Orson Scott Card
#41. Anyone who believes we're living in a postfeminist age will learn that violence against females - from female infanticide and child marriage to honor killings and sex trafficking - has now produced a world with fewer females than males, a first in recorded history.
Gloria Steinem
#42. No one has proof that I know of, that a higher power exists, yet a major portion of the world believes in it and relies on it in faith in trust, in what that is. Where is the science in that? And yet you have incredible belief in that.
Sandra Bullock
#43. The only theism worthy of our respect believes in God not because of the way the world is made but in spite of that. The only theism that is no less profound than the Buddha's atheism is that represented in the Bible by Job and Jeremiah.
Walter Kaufmann
#44. A paranoiac, my friend, is a person who has gone crazy in the most intelligent, well-informed way, the world being what it is. The paranoiac believes that great secret conspiracies are afoot to destroy him.
Philip K. Dick
#45. He believes, but he does not believe: the impossibility of believing is the impossibility which he accepts most reluctantly, but still it is there with the other impossibilities of this world which is too full of weeping for a child to understand.
Edmund Wilson
#46. Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.
#47. We live in a world that treats the dead better than the living. We, the living are askers of questions and givers of answers, and we have other grave defects unpardonable by a system that believes death, like money, improves people.
Eduardo Galeano
#48. Barack Obama is Occupy Wall Street. Barrack Obama is plugged into that world. That's what he believes.
Monica Crowley
#49. For GOD loved the world, HE gave HIS only begotten SON, for whom ever shall believes, shall have everlasting life! Hail KING JESUS!
#50. There is no philosopher in the world so great but he believes a million things on the faith of other people and accepts a great many more truths than he demonstrates.
Alexis De Tocqueville
#51. Deep inside each of us is a part that mistrusts order and craves the relief of seeing the world shatter into the chaos it believes lies underneath all along.
Michael Marshall Smith
#52. America's military is the best in the world, but this president [Barack Obama] is hollowing out our military. We need a commander in chief that believes in American exceptionalism again.
Bobby Jindal
#53. Repeat, over and over again, in case anyone forgets it or believes the contrary, that we do not live in the best of all possible worlds.
Luis Bunuel
#54. I play a guy who believes he's a king. He's the most common man in the world; in fact his family, like his suits, are just make-up. It's about dysfunctional people and dysfunctional relationships.
James Caan
#55. My dad believes that bad disguises itself - that danger hides. I think it's the opposite. The truly horrible things about the world are always reaching out for you.
Brian James
#56. No matter what painful things happens, even when it looks like you'll lose... when no one else in the world believes in you... when you don't even believe in yourself... I will believe in you!
#58. I am a person who believes in asking questions, in not conforming for the sake of conforming. I am deeply dissatisfied - about so many things, about injustice, about the way the world works - and in some ways, my dissatisfaction drives my storytelling.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
#59. Reality depends a great deal upon one believing what he sees - or seeing what he believes. Either way.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#60. And the whole world, the whole world that believes in freedom, whether you're talking about personal freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom, they look to the United States for leadership; and you're part of that leadership.
Don Nickles
#61. Bit believes the treats' chemical afterburn is what the world beyond Arcadia must taste like.
Lauren Groff
#62. He believes the world has entered "an era of perpetual irregular warfare.
Moises Naim
#63. No man of sense in the whole world believes in devils any more than he does in mermaids, vampires, gorgons, hydras, naiads, dryads, nymphs, fairies, the Fountain of Youth, [or] the Philosopher's Stone ...
Robert Green Ingersoll
#64. I am one who believes that the world goes from the slime to the sublime. And you can take Darwin and all your philosophers and all your ontologists, and that's the direction.
Mario Cuomo
#65. Mr. Obama is proud of his belief that government knows best. When he told the world that individuals were not totally responsible for their personal success, that government has a major role in it, many Americans were taken aback. But Barack Obama sincerely believes that.
Bill O'Reilly
#66. The first step before anybody else in the world believes it, is that you believe it.
Will Smith
#67. Every one is well or ill at ease, according as he finds himself! not he whom the world believes, but he who believes himself to be so, is content; and in him alone belief gives itself being and reality
Michel De Montaigne
#68. But he was not kidnapped ... It's in his imagination. He creates his own world and he believes it is reality.
Gerard Latortue
#69. In ancient mythology," Langdon offered, "a hero in denial is the ultimate manifestation of hubris and pride. No man is more prideful than he who believes himself immune to the dangers of the world.
Dan Brown
#70. The man who goes through life with an uncertain doctrine not knowing what he believes, what a poor, powerless creature he is! He goes around through the world as a man goes down through the street with a poor, wounded arm, forever dodging people be meets on the street for fear they may touch him.
Phillips Brooks
#71. If, therefore, a man will so live as to show that he feels and believes the most fundamental doctrines of Christianity, he must live above the world.
William Law
#72. We live today in a world in which nobody believes choices should have consequences. But may I tell you the great secret that our culture seeks to deny? You cannot escape the consequences of your choices. Time runs in only one direction.
Stephen L. Carter
#73. Nobody believes me when I say that my long book is an attempt to create a world in which a form of language agreeable to my personal aesthetic might seem real. But it is true.
J.R.R. Tolkien
#75. The Dalai Lama. He is a very wise man of great inner peace who believes that happiness is the purpose of our lives. Through his teachings and leadership, he continues to make this world a better place in which to live.
Sidney Sheldon
#76. Intimacy makes you feel unique. Intimacy makes you feel as though you have been singled out, that someone in the world believes you have special qualities that nobody else has.
Heather O'Neill
#77. I was challenged to a fistfight by Margo Jefferson, the Pulitzer Prize winner, New York Times writer, who is part of a feminist clique at the Times, which believes that Black men are the principal threat to the women of the world.
Ishmael Reed
#78. I had to learn, as I soon did, that one must give up everything and not do anything else but write, that one must writer and write and write, even if everybody in the world advises you against it, even if nobody believes in you.
Henry Miller