Top 36 Western Union Quotes
#1. Pictures were made to entertain; if you want to send a message, call Western Union.
Samuel Goldwyn
#2. When I was 13, I worked for Western Union. When the telegrams came in, I would glue them on the paper and deliver them on my bicycle.
Francis Ford Coppola
#3. I'm of the Samuel Goldwyn school of writing: If you need to send a message, call Western Union. Any messages people take away from my books are the ones they see in them.
Tamora Pierce
#4. A lot of bands mature, which means they get square; they start delivering messages. Hey, you got a message, use Western Union.
David Lee
#5. The Soviet Union welcomed the new system. At the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, urgent messages from the Soviet ambassador in Washington had been encoded by hand and then given to a Western Union messenger who arrived at the embassy on a bicycle.
Eric Schlosser
#6. Read the great stuff, but read the stuff that isn't so great, too. Great stuff is very discouraging. If you read only Beckett and Chekhov, you'll go away and only deliver telegrams for Western Union.
Edward Albee
#7. Just received western union tellagram via carrier pigieon from mexican cousin Juan, Apparently he just got hired by wwe ... And would like me to watch his first match tonight in salisbury md, I'll be there.
John Cena
#8. I'm afraid, Glory. Afraid of what I read in the papers. Of not knowing if Western Union will deliver a telegram from someone I've never met, telling me my husband or son died on soil my feet have never touched.
Suzanne Hayes
#9. If you're not very busy, a grown man in the uniform of a Western Union boy should make you feel a little sick.
Nathanael West
#11. If you want to send a message, try Western Union.
Frank Capra
#12. I like the idea of there being times when even words cost so much you used them sparingly. I have known a lot of old men and women who talked as if they were paying Western Union by the word.
Ted Kooser
#14. Pictures are entertainment, messages should be delivered by Western Union.
Samuel Goldwyn
#15. The artist is the confidant of nature, flowers carry on dialogues with him through the graceful bending of their stems and the harmoniously tinted nuances of their blossoms. Every flower has a cordial word which nature directs towards him.
Auguste Rodin
#16. The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.
Mikhail Gorbachev
#17. Woody Allen made it acceptable for beautiful women to sleep with nerdy, bespectacled goofballs; all we need to do is fabricate the illusion of intellectual humor, and we somehow have a chance.
Chuck Klosterman
#18. I thought it went without saying that when the Soviet Union collapsed and the eastern states opened up, we would be plagued by a new kind of criminality in Sweden and Western Europe. And that is what happened.
Henning Mankell
#19. Marx and other social critics quipped, Western governments were becoming a capitalist trade union.
Yuval Noah Harari
#20. I want to tell them (western countries) just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
#21. I've become a kissing addict. I think that's it. The buzzy feeling. Burning lips. The foggy eyes. Maybe i could kiss every good-looking guy here at school. Maybe even the good-looking male teachers. The thought warms me and troubles me at the same time.
Carol Lynch Williams
#22. NATO was constructed on the - with the reason, whether one believes it or not, that it was going to defend Western Europe from Russian assault. Once the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union was beginning to collapse, that reason was gone. So, first question: why does NATO exist?
Noam Chomsky
#23. The neutron warhead is a defensive weapon designed to offset the great superiority that the Soviet Union has on the western front against the NATO nations.
Ronald Reagan
#24. Something about being here in this neon-glitzy place, my shoes off and my boobs pushed up to my neck made me feel bold. Daring. Ready to grab the world by the balls and make it beg for mercy. Rawr.
Elle Casey
#25. I think the best way I can put it," Tom summarized, "was what I was once told that a Confederate prisoner said to his Union captor. The Yank said: 'Why do you fight us so hard, Reb?', and his prisoner replied: 'Because you are here, Yank'.
C.G. Faulkner
#26. I wonder if those people shown protesting the deployment of nuclear weapons to western Europe during the Reagan era are feeling appropriately stupid today. 'Please don't take away our precious Soviet Union! - We demand the annihilation of all life on Earth!'
Craig Bruce
#27. The first two crusades brought the flower of European chivalry to Constantinople and restored that spiritual union between Eastern and Western Christendom that had been interrupted by the great schism of the Greek and Roman Churches.
Joseph Jacobs
#29. Alexander was silent. "Now you're really tiny," he said at last. "I'm not tiny," she returned. "You're just outsized." Blushing, she lowered her gaze.
Paullina Simons
#30. I very much feel that marriage is a sacrament and that sacrament should extend ... to that legal entity of a union between what traditionally in our Western values has been defined as between a man and a woman.
Bill Frist
#31. My argument is simple, which is, that for several thousand years in Western civilization, marriage has been the union of one man and one woman. Research is overwhelming that children need mothers and fathers.
Gary Bauer
#32. If I can only live to see the American union firmly fixed, and free governments well established in our western world, and can leave to my children but a crust of bread and liberty, I shall die satisfied.
George Mason
#33. Martinis as cold as a banker's handclasp and dry as a deacon's cupboard.
Matthew Blood
#34. No. I mean those people really did something for designers I don't think department stores can, could or should do still today. Today the world is different so you have to make it differently. There's TV. There's a lot of things.
Karl Lagerfeld
#35. Our western mind lacking all culture in this respect, has never yet devised a concept, not even a name for "the union of opposites through the middle path", that most fundamental item of inward experience which could respectably be set against the Chinese concept of Tao.
Carl Jung
#36. In all of Western civilization, there have been societies that celebrating the homosexuality, the ancient Greeks. But they, in fact, protected the institution of marriage as a union between one man and one woman. They got the joke. And the American people get the joke.
Ken Blackwell
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