Top 100 Good Western Quotes

#1. The only thing I've kind of missed is finding a really good western that I want to do, because I watched westerns a lot.

Samuel L. Jackson

Good Western Quotes #162575
#2. I've always loved a good Western.

Ryan Robbins

Good Western Quotes #647883
#3. 'The Duellists' won Cannes, but Paramount didn't know how to release a film about two guys in bizarre breeches, waving swords around. I actually think it's a pretty good Western.

Ridley Scott

Good Western Quotes #1796182
#4. If a western is a good western, it gives you a sense of that world and some of the qualities those men had; their comradeship, loyalty, and physical courage.

James Stewart

Good Western Quotes #1861139
#5. Her arms crept around his neck and she sunk her hand into the wavy hair at his nape. He was stealing her senses. She needed to stop this ... in just a minute. He was such a good kisser, just the right amount of pressure and passion. She sighed again and moved her hands to his shoulders pushing back.

Tamara Hoffa

Good Western Quotes #61690
#6. That got me to laughing too. His laughter, like his yelling, got into you until you was right soaked with it. So you couldn't help yourself. But it felt good. Light. I tell you, I hadn't felt like that in a long while.

J.D. Jordan

Good Western Quotes #109638
#7. Western society has many flaws, and it is good for an educated person to have thought some of these through, even at the expense of losing a lecture or two to tear gas.

Robert B. Laughlin

Good Western Quotes #125485
#8. My motto is - if it feels good -" he grinned as he held her gaze "- then I do it.

B. J. Daniels

Good Western Quotes #169546
#9. With cold hands he massaged her right foot, his fingertips digging into all the right places to make her groan.
"Feel good?" he asked.
"You can't imagine. You have until midnight to stop."
He chuckled. "Why midnight?"
"Because from then until daylight you can work on the other foot.

Carolyn Brown

Good Western Quotes #200775
#10. The markets where we've got real good presence are the older, more mature markets like Australia, and Western Europe - where we've only got 6,000 stores, compared to the US with 13,000.

Jim Cantalupo

Good Western Quotes #242218
#11. I had always thought that the 'good,' and the 'bad' and the 'violent' did not exist in any absolute, essential sense. It seemed to me interesting to demystify these adjectives in the setting of a Western. An assassin can display a sublime altruism while a good man can kill with total indifference.

Sergio Leone

Good Western Quotes #251602
#12. For the whole of Western Europe, I know the business community quite good.

Anatoly Chubais

Good Western Quotes #272628
#13. I had the only beard in the Western Hemisphere that made Bob Dylan's look good.

Bill Walton

Good Western Quotes #276836
#14. For me, it doesn't matter whether it's a comedy, a Western or horror. As long as you've got a good story to tell, the genre almost doesn't matter. As an actor playing the role, it's all rooted in reality.

Patrick Wilson

Good Western Quotes #284667
#15. Giving him a wry look, Shiloh said, "I think you're forcing me to look at myself, what I want, who I am."
"Good relationships always do that for both people, Darlin'. It's just a natural progression between them. It can bring out our self-awareness. It's not easy. But it's rewarding.

Lindsay McKenna

Good Western Quotes #287430
#16. I think the way the audience takes the Indian film-star is a little different from the way the audience takes the Western star there. We are considered like demi-gods here, and the reason is not because we are better or good, but because there is no other mode of entertainment in India.

Shah Rukh Khan

Good Western Quotes #292470
#17. At issue in the Hiss Case was the question whether this sick society, which we call Western civilization, could in its extremity still cast up a man whose faith in it was so great that he would voluntarily abandon those things which men hold good, including life, to defend it.

Whittaker Chambers

Good Western Quotes #320704
#18. I'd love to do a sci-fi movie, a western, or an espionage thriller. But I'm not going to limit myself. If a good script comes along, I'm not going to discount it because it doesn't fit into one of these genres.

Park Chan-wook

Good Western Quotes #324465
#19. It's good to have you back in town, Bonnie Blue.

Cat Johnson

Good Western Quotes #447981
#20. Lionsgate and Lorenzo di Bonaventura saw my Korean Western-style film, 'The Good, the Bad, the Weird,' and probably felt that I would be right for 'The Last Stand,' which could be classified as a modern Western.

Kim Jee-woon

Good Western Quotes #472637
#21. If I just produce the transparent ideal accepted by the Western experts, a process of privatization which will be very good but never happen, that means nothing.

Anatoly Chubais

Good Western Quotes #484184
#22. It seems to me that in the western world, culture has something to do with appearance. A person that's out creating good stuff has got to appreciate someone when they take the time to have an appearance that goes with what they're doing.

Ornette Coleman

Good Western Quotes #498653
#23. Then swear you'll make this so damn good I won't regret it in the morning."
His mouth molded into that sexy, dimpled grin. "Darlin', the only thing you're going to regret is putting me off for so long.

Victoria Vane

Good Western Quotes #506348
#24. Rabindranath Tagore put it gently to a Western audience in New York in 1930: 'A great portion of the world suffers from your civilisation.' Mahatma Gandhi was blunter: asked what he thought of Western civilization, he replied, 'It would be a good idea'. 'The

Shashi Tharoor

Good Western Quotes #507835
#25. It's pretty obvious that Western lifestyles which rely on gigantic amounts of electricity use up far more resources than a subsistence-based life. A little more poverty would be a good thing.

Tom Hodgkinson

Good Western Quotes #572512
#26. Allie's eyes followed him as he walked away. He filled out those jeans really well and she could imagine what that tight butt would look like with nothing on it at all. Good lord, she had to get a grip.

Carolyn Brown

Good Western Quotes #578256
#27. It's a mistake to assume that Islamists always come from the slums. Indeed, many come from affluent families but for some reason just couldn't manage to integrate into Western society, even though they had good opportunities for advancement.

Otto Schily

Good Western Quotes #578964
#28. Careful listening to current country and western and rock music with the help of an interpreter for coded phrases shows that young people are hearing a constant stream of messages about getting high, feeling good, going on trips, and using drugs of all kinds with all methods.

Virgil Miller Newton

Good Western Quotes #590719
#29. In Serbia a lot of people hate me because they want to westernize, not understanding that the western world is bipolar, with very good things and very bad things.

Emir Kusturica

Good Western Quotes #608229
#30. Good, modern, civilized Western white men are so easily cowed by charges of bias and privilege that they work tirelessly to outdo each other with social displays of moral universalism - by cucking themselves in every way imaginable. Western

Jack Donovan

Good Western Quotes #680749
#31. I like the clothes, too. I should shop flea markets more often."
He laughed at that. "You'd look good in anything, even rags.

B. J. Daniels

Good Western Quotes #691572
#32. The generation now coming out of Western schools is unable to distinguish good from bad. Even those words are unacceptable. This results in impaired thinking ability.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Good Western Quotes #696969
#33. The basic problem is that most Western countries have privatised the next generation. Having children tends to be regarded as a personal choice rather than a social good.

Tony Abbott

Good Western Quotes #707712
#34. You know you're nuts, right?"
His brother should know him better than to be surprised that when he did something, he went all in.
"No, I'm just that good."
Although when riding a bucking animal that out-weighed a man by ten times, being a little crazy didn't hurt.

Cat Johnson

Good Western Quotes #714908
#35. It's bound to be one hell of a steel wheelin, railroadin good time ... while the western country rolls by and the smoke rises blacker than musical notes pouring out of that stoked-up-and-chuggin iron chariot.

Ketch Secor

Good Western Quotes #718825
#36. In the West we are free to think what we want, to read what we want, to practice our religion, to live as we choose. Liberty is codified in human rights, a magnificent Western creation but also, I believe, a universal good.

Ibn Warraq

Good Western Quotes #744046
#37. The influence (for good or ill) of Plato's work is immeasurable. Western thought, one might say, has been Platonic or anti-Platonic, but hardly ever non-Platonic.

Karl Popper

Good Western Quotes #762911
#38. The Female Western is the battle between the good and evil methods of getting the men who perform best.

Warren Farrell

Good Western Quotes #774889
#39. One of the most highly developed skills in contemporary Western civilization is dissection: the split -up of problems into their smallest possible components. We are good at it. So good, we often forget to put the pieces back together again.

Alvin Toffler

Good Western Quotes #786540
#40. The four movies I can remember seeing as a kid were 'The Elephant Man,' 'The Magnificent Seven,' 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' and 'Mad Max!' Two of those are westerns. So the western genre is emblazoned on my memory from childhood, and those are two great movies.

Casey Affleck

Good Western Quotes #789598
#41. Some Libertarians argue that Western occupation fans the flames of radical Islam; I agree. But I don't agree that, absent Western occupation, that radical Islam 'goes quietly into that good night.'

Rand Paul

Good Western Quotes #812323
#42. Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Graff-'
'Not Graff,' the big man snapped, looking annoyed. 'The name is Garff-Garff!'
'Say, that's good,' the hunter said. 'Garff-Garff- that's even better than bow-wow. Do you know any other animal imitations?

Joe Millard

Good Western Quotes #814042
#43. I think starting in anime, like I did, gave me a good idea of how to approach games that come from Japan. Japanese developers can be very different from companies here in the western market.

Laura Bailey

Good Western Quotes #815582
#44. Need twisted deep and low inside her. It twined through her body like kudzu vines growing out of control, taking over and smothering what little good sense she had left.

Cat Johnson

Good Western Quotes #826121
#45. Turns out ovaries work just as good as balls when you're in the driver's seat.

Reece Butler

Good Western Quotes #854697
#46. So, thanks God, our films, our first films were suddenly being appreciated by the Western media; especially France was very good, and Switzerland was very good.

Milos Forman

Good Western Quotes #860591
#47. People often say that videogames made by Western developers are somehow different in terms of taste for the players, in comparison with Japanese games. I think that means that the Western developers and Japanese developers, they are good at different fields.

Shigeru Miyamoto

Good Western Quotes #895028
#48. The wealthy white western minority of the world could not hope to prosper if most of the rest of mankind were foundering in hopeless poverty. Islands of plenty in a vast ocean of misery never have been a good recipe for commercial success.

Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson Of Lodsworth

Good Western Quotes #899353
#49. Friends who kiss might be good.

Cindi Madsen

Good Western Quotes #949406
#50. (When asked what he thought of Western civilization): 'I think it would be a good idea.

Mahatma Gandhi

Good Western Quotes #976684
#51. The typical Western is kind of a good-guy/bad-guy thing, and that's great, but initially when I heard about 'Into the West,' and what I love about it is it delves into both sides of our cultural past, and it puts more of a human face on the Native Americans.

Matthew Settle

Good Western Quotes #987980
#52. And so we picked up our bags, he the trunk with his one good arm and I the rest, and staggered to the cable-car stop; in a moment rolled down the hill with our legs dangling to the sidewalk from the jiggling shelf, two broken-down heroes of the Western night.

Jack Kerouac

Good Western Quotes #1061200
#53. It is brutal. Only I never could see the sense in having folks look at your tombstone and say, 'He was a man who didn't believe in violence, He's a good man ... and dead.

Louis L'Amour

Good Western Quotes #1061856
#54. But the weakness comes from these Westernised co-opted Muslim leaders who just want to look good in the eyes of the West and Western media.

Abu Bakar Bashir

Good Western Quotes #1066357
#55. [The Dalai Lama ] says Western traditions can teach Tibetans a lot about social action, and he thinks some Christians are very good at that.

Pico Iyer

Good Western Quotes #1084176
#56. What's Denver's feel? I know there're mountains, and people in western hats, but I never got a good sense of the city.

Darin Strauss

Good Western Quotes #1113910
#57. Ahhh, darlin', the women won't even glance my way."
She squeezed. "If they do, they'll learn that I'm a damn good shot.

Carolyn Brown

Good Western Quotes #1163317
#58. Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.

Thomas Sowell

Good Western Quotes #1168795
#59. Those were the good old days when educated Americans read foreign literature in translation, even works written in non-Western languages.

Minae Mizumura

Good Western Quotes #1207663
#60. I use the old Strathmore vellum surface paper, which is the best paper you can get in the Western world for ink line drawing. It has a good, hard surface.

Robert Crumb

Good Western Quotes #1212338
#61. Yes, hypothetically, western Catholicism could revise the theme of celibacy ... But for the moment, I am in favor of maintaining celibacy, with the pros and the cons it has, because we have ten centuries of more good experiences than bad ones.

Pope Francis

Good Western Quotes #1227142
#62. The musical instuments may be western but my voice never wavers away from my own ragas. it is good to make experiments and I do a lot of them but my thoughts always round the centre and that centre is the tradition of my elders and it is classical music..

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

Good Western Quotes #1245262
#63. All our Western thought is founded on this repulsive pretence that pain is the proper price of any good thing.

Rebecca West

Good Western Quotes #1261329
#64. As an observer, you can clearly see that Western countries are war-weary and don't want to be pulled into new conflicts. They always proclaim their will to fight for Israel in an emergency. That's good but what if that's not at all true when the time comes?

Ronald Lauder

Good Western Quotes #1264927
#65. Getting sweaty with a woman after some good sex was one thing, but he'd rather not start out that way.

Cat Johnson

Good Western Quotes #1286720
#66. It's sort of another innovation, probably a good innovation, of Western culture to separate the ideas between science and philosophy, but it's important to remember they weren't always separate realms of inquiry.

Brad Warner

Good Western Quotes #1308950
#67. There's guilt about our treatment of native peoples in modern intellectual life, and an unwillingness to acknowledge there could be anything good about Western culture.

Steven Pinker

Good Western Quotes #1329440
#68. But there is a more virulent strain at the root of Western Lysenkoism today. Scientists, like Holdren and Michael Mann, can be leftist ideologues as well, posing to manipulate and mislead for the good of the cause. Bottom line: green is the new red. That is why Obama at root is so committed to it.

Peter Ferrara

Good Western Quotes #1330385
#69. I'm drawn to a good story, really, as I hope most people are. For me, it's the story that's going to stay with you eventually, not necessarily the genre. I go to watch a film because of the story, not because it was a Western or a comedy.

Ryan Kwanten

Good Western Quotes #1330848
#70. Seriously, 'Honey Boo Boo' is the decay of Western civilization. Just because so many people watch the show doesn't mean it's good.

Adam Levine

Good Western Quotes #1334928
#71. Memory relates to ethics as well as to spirituality (the distinction between ethics and spirituality is a Western one and does more harm than good). Memory places obligations upon you. The Israelites were to remember their experience of servitude in Egypt, and treat their servants accordingly.

John E. Goldingay

Good Western Quotes #1336757
#72. I'm not crazy about country-western music. But the lyrics are good.

Alice Cooper

Good Western Quotes #1347105
#73. What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.

Mahatma Gandhi

Good Western Quotes #1358543
#74. The Olympics were produced absolutely the same way from 1960 through 1988. It was always the Western World against the Eastern Bloc. You didn't even have to spend one second developing the character of any of the Eastern Bloc athletes. It was just good guys and bad guys.

Dick Ebersol

Good Western Quotes #1390583
#75. In Western culture, the joyous shouting of children often irritates us because it interferes with our depression. That is why we have invented a term, hyperactivity, so that we can, in good conscience, sedate the spontaneous joy in many of our children.

Ronald Rolheiser

Good Western Quotes #1402518
#76. When Gandhi was asked what he thought of Western civilization, he famously replied that "it would be a very good idea.

Yanis Varoufakis

Good Western Quotes #1405447
#77. We have lost all sense of other considerations, because they are artificial. Only the facts are real and important to us. And good boots are hard to come by.
- All Quiet On The Western Front, Ch. 2

Erich Maria Remarque

Good Western Quotes #1414617
#78. The U.S.-led western alliance, while acting as an advocate of democracy, rule of law and human rights, is acting from the opposite position, rejecting the democratic principle of the sovereign right of states enshrined in the U.N. Charter and trying to decide for others what is good and what is bad.

Sergei Lavrov

Good Western Quotes #1420098
#79. But you have to understand, my beard is so nasty. I mean, it's the only beard in the history of Western civilization that makes Bob Dylan's beard look good.

Bill Walton

Good Western Quotes #1426608
#80. They rode up a trail until the trees parted and they got their first good view of Lone Peak across the valley and river. This late morning it was breathtaking. The stark peak gleamed against the deep blue of the big sky. No wonder this area had been named Big Sky.

B. J. Daniels

Good Western Quotes #1440230
#81. Cinema explains American society. It's like a Western, with good guys and bad guys, where the weak don't have a place.

Jacques Delors

Good Western Quotes #1444118
#82. Our [western] culture embraces sex addiction. If I drink too much or rack up credit-card debt or lose the rent in Vegas, that's bad. But if I have many lovers, that's good.

Susan Cheever

Good Western Quotes #1513864
#83. Warm summer sun, shine friendly here
Warm western wind, blow kindly here;
Green sod above, rest light, rest light,
Good-night, Annette!
Sweetheart, good-night!

Robert Richardson

Good Western Quotes #1582443
#84. I tell you, mister, if there's anything good about being a hot-tempered bitch, it's knowing right well what buttons to push in others seeing as they're the same ones what get your own back up.

J.D. Jordan

Good Western Quotes #1623802
#85. He met her challenging gaze. "You really have no idea what is good for you," he said as he caged her against the side of the pickup with a hand on each side of her.
I used to think you would be good for me," she said quietly, her voice rough with emotion.

B. J. Daniels

Good Western Quotes #1635457
#86. You look good to me," he said, his eyes raking appreciatively over her. "I think ranch life must suit you."
"Thanks. You look good to me too." He was dressed in his customary faded jeans and a worn denim jacket, but Keith would look good in a burlap sack.

Victoria Vane

Good Western Quotes #1635486
#87. As a Western, 'The Magnificent Seven' was a pretty good film. I don't think it was as interesting or as multi-faceted as 'Seven Samurai.'

George Lucas

Good Western Quotes #1647473
#88. Most of the well-developed world - Australia, Western Europe - they develop their resources base, they inventory it, they develop it, and they view it as a good source of jobs and revenue. We are a country that for too long has taken affordable energy for granted.

John S. Watson

Good Western Quotes #1663597
#89. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: I was watching an old western and started thinking the Good, the Bad and the Ugly are present in all of us. What determines which one dominates is the one that is fed. Which one are you feeding?

Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.

Good Western Quotes #1675038
#90. I'm a young, good looking guy. I shouldn't be wasting all this charm on horses and cows. Cory waggled his eyebrows.

Cindi Madsen

Good Western Quotes #1711502
#91. As for restaurants, one of our favorites is the Silk Road next door to the Tibetan Choijin Lama Museum. It's a very exotic setting. The western food there is pretty good. We also liked the Hazara Restaurant for its Indian food, and the Mongolian Barbecue restaurant. All are downtown.

Ruth Lor Malloy

Good Western Quotes #1748872
#92. A Western would be good. I'd love to do a Western.

Richard Jenkins

Good Western Quotes #1750494
#93. In the Western Church to which I belong, priests cannot be married as in the Byzantine, Ukrainian, Russian or Greek Catholic Churches. In those churches, the priests can be married, but the bishops have to be celibate. They are very good priests.

Pope Francis

Good Western Quotes #1758899
#94. We're all a bunch of no-good apostates and blasphemers and murderers and fornicators and God-haters, so fuck the lot of us. For those guys, and all the guys we'd like to meet who share their perceptions, it's the Western hemisphere versus Islam, and no stops between.

John Le Carre

Good Western Quotes #1769238
#95. Canada has become trouble recently ... It's always the worst Americans who go there ... We could have taken them over so easy. But I only want the western part, with the ski areas, the cowboys, and the right wingers. They're the only good parts of Canada.

Ann Coulter

Good Western Quotes #1772670
#96. There's times I've been quite nervous doing session work, such as when I'm asked to play the violin in a 'country and western' style or a 'gypsy' style. I'm not very good at that sort of playing at all. I think it's important as a session musician to have your own voice.

Ric Sanders

Good Western Quotes #1784639
#97. Ain't no good ever comes of it, if you ain't steering yourself.

J.D. Jordan

Good Western Quotes #1801412
#98. The previous year, Baba had surprised Hassan with a leather cowboy hat just like the one Clint Eastwood wore in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - which had unseated The Magnificent Seven as our favorite Western.

Khaled Hosseini

Good Western Quotes #1810279
#99. Usually with this genre the first thing that happens is a good fight sequence to show that you're in good hands. So we broke that rule. I think a lot of that comes from the western audience.

Ang Lee

Good Western Quotes #1810310
#100. We are a mixed up people. We have mixed up ways of naming, too ... When my father's brothers and sisters first went to colonial schools, they had to produce a surname. They also had to show they were good Christians by adopting a western name. They adopted my grandfather's name as surname. Wainaina.

Binyavanga Wainaina

Good Western Quotes #1815833

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