Top 37 Valentine Card Quotes

#1. Not every article in every magazine or newspaper is meant to be a valentine card addressed to every reader's self-esteem.

Rex Murphy

Valentine Card Quotes #1260447
#2. I found the right (Valentine) card to send her. On the cover there were hearts, and it said, "Here's hoping you'll soon have something big and strong around the house to open those tight jar lids." Inside was a picture of a pipe wrench.

Barbara Kingsolver

Valentine Card Quotes #1512848
#3. My wife sent me a Valentine card that said, "Take my heart, take my lips, take my soul." That's just like her. She kept the good parts for herself.

Milton Berle

Valentine Card Quotes #1239369
#4. That was the difference between her and the idiots of the world. They were all trying to look smart and keep their social standing. Whereas Valentine didn't care about social standing, she cared about getting it right. Getting the truth.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1298057
#5. Valentine's Day was created by the greeting card industry to get pussy.

Anthony Jeselnik

Valentine Card Quotes #1879517
#6. I got a Valentine's Day card from my girl. It said, 'Take my heart! Take my arms! Take my lips!' Which is just like her. Keeping the best part for herself.

Robert Orben

Valentine Card Quotes #1326337
#7. If you asked me to marry you all over again today I'd say yes, said Valentine.
And if I had only met you for the first time today, I'd ask.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1423724
#8. Another oral exam, huh?' Peter said.
'Shut up, Peter,' said Valentine.
'You should relax and enjoy it,' said Peter. 'It could be worse.'
'I don't know how.'
'It could be an anal exam.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1448602
#9. We never have 100 percent certainty. We never have it. If you wait until you have 100 percent certainty, something bad is going to happen on the battlefield.

Gordon R. Sullivan

Valentine Card Quotes #1453215
#10. Maybe that's who you are, what you remember. - Valentine

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1457504
#11. Dead calm, then a murmur, a name, a murmured name, in doubt, in fear, in love, in fear, in doubt, wind of winter in the black boughs, cold calm sea whitening whispering to the shore, stealing, hastening, swelling, passing, dying, from naught come, to naught gone

Samuel Beckett

Valentine Card Quotes #1468059
#12. I like Valentine's Day. The trouble is the florists and the candy-makers and the card people are all advertising so much, you don't dare let the day go by without making an offering, whether you mean it or not. Money exceeds affection.

Andy Rooney

Valentine Card Quotes #1491792
#13. In any election, it's important that the public perceive that the election is held fairly.

Avi Rubin

Valentine Card Quotes #1532922
#14. Valentine's Day is a sham created by card companies to reinforce gender stereotypes. [..] I'll buy some cookies, but NOT for Valentine's Day. These cookies celebrate the February 14th birthday of Anna Howard Shaw, famed American suffragette.

Anna Howard Shaw

Valentine Card Quotes #1548859
#15. Then you're dead, too, sweet little sister.'
Oh, yes,' said Valentine. 'They'll believe that. I didn't know it would kill Andrew. And when he was dead, I didn't know it will kill Valentine too.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1695337
#16. The biggest secret of focused people is that they don't think about focus.

Penelope Trunk

Valentine Card Quotes #1738860
#17. All my wife wanted for Valentine's Day was a little card - American Express.

Milton Berle

Valentine Card Quotes #1742379
#18. I felt alienated at school, and I never did well with girls.

Burt Bacharach

Valentine Card Quotes #1749990
#19. The humble listen to their brothers and sisters because they assume they have something to learn. They are open to correction, and they become wiser through it.

Thomas Dubay

Valentine Card Quotes #1757703
#20. I sold my brother," Valentine said, "and they paid me for it.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1822652
#21. None of us could be happy for long, doing nothing.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #870432
#22. Valentine's day has gotten blown way out of proportion. Valentine's Day just used to be for your girlfriend or your wife but now everyone's like 'Oh, happy valentine's day!' I even got a Valentine's Day card from my grandmother. How ridiculous is that? We stopped having sex years ago!

Greg Giraldo

Valentine Card Quotes #202664
#23. The confusing thing is we now live in a society where it's not illegal to be an asshole, but it's illegal to slap one.

Ronda Rousey

Valentine Card Quotes #522565
#24. You're bigger than I remember," she said stupidly.
"You too," he said. "I also remember that you were beautiful."
"Memory does play tricks on us."
"No. Your face is the same, but I don't remember what beautiful means anymore. Come on. Let's go out into the lake.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #531910
#25. Christianity and Islam were willing to accept rewards in heaven for their sacrifice," said Valentine. "Then they were all selfish pigs,

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #589984
#26. But being happy, that is for those who write their names in the lives of others, and hold the hearts of others as the treasure most dear. Valentine

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #665421
#27. ...sometimes the truth is cruel.

Stephen King

Valentine Card Quotes #683371
#28. We bear more than pain and sorrow when we depart life. Among the heaviest burdens is apt to be regret, which deserves a word at this point.

Sherwin B. Nuland

Valentine Card Quotes #768497
#29. Unlikely things to see in a Valentine's card - "I may be dyslexic but that doesn't mean I don't vole you."

Russell Howard

Valentine Card Quotes #807105
#30. We can only understand what we can name.

Edward Hirsch

Valentine Card Quotes #1296054
#31. And it's true, thought Valentine. I'm not the same person, really, from book to book, because each world changes who I am, even as I write down the story of the world. And this world most of all.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #895560
#32. My needs are simple and few, thought Valentine. Food. Clothing. A comfortable place to sleep. And no idiots.
But of course a world with no idiots would be lonely. If she herself were even allowed there.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1082078
#33. She wondered if Hallmark made a card for women like her - "Happy Valentine's Day. One more year celebrating your spinsterhood.

Kathleen Brooks

Valentine Card Quotes #1140225
#34. Light and dark ain't supposed to mix. They're like broccoli and chocolate - just nasty when you put them together - but that appears to be what's happening with you

H.M. Ward

Valentine Card Quotes #1143021
#35. Blood calls to blood.

George R R Martin

Valentine Card Quotes #1150148
#36. What else should you be? Human beings didn't evolve brains in order to lie around on lakes. Killing's the first thing we learned. And a good thing we did, or we'd be dead, and the tigers would own the earth.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1176665
#37. I love you Ender. More than ever. No matter what you decide.

Orson Scott Card

Valentine Card Quotes #1250027

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