Top 44 Using Color Quotes

#1. What I could have done in real life only by throwing a bomb which would have led to the scaffold I tried to achieve in painting by using color of maximum purity. In this way I satisfied my urge to destroy old conventions, to disobey in order to re-create a tangible, living, and liberated world.

Maurice De Vlaminck

Using Color Quotes #1147056
#2. Whether it's a bright shoe or a clutch or a lipstick, I've had a lot of fun using color contacts as an accessory.

Nina Dobrev

Using Color Quotes #1158859
#3. So many people shy away from using color in their homes for fear of getting it wrong ... But ignorance and fear are no reason to live in a bland box.

Jonathan Adler

Using Color Quotes #1491284
#4. After we map out all the main characters' individual arcs, using color-coded index cards, we arrange them by episode and get a rough idea of the scene order.

Bryan Cogman

Using Color Quotes #910927
#5. But, kid, you can't color your world with Lonnie's crayons, if you know what I mean. Especially when he's only using one color.

Day Leclaire

Using Color Quotes #1036632
#6. Small things bring joy, somedays.

Warren Ellis

Using Color Quotes #1845832
#7. My life is mine and I form it. Tell yourself this often. Create your own life now, using your beliefs as an artist uses color.


Using Color Quotes #1082491
#8. I have been using the art of photography to research the ways in which the pictorial strategies of the Nineteenth Century color the way in which the American landscape is apprehended by today's viewers.

John Pfahl

Using Color Quotes #1114236
#9. The first degree of proficiency is, in painting, what grammar is in literature, a general preparation for whatever the student may afterward choose for more particular application. The power of drawing, modeling, and using colors, is very properly called the language of the art.

Joshua Reynolds

Using Color Quotes #1170993
#10. So really what I am trying to do is create and understand form. But then too, color enters into it because a lot of things are color changes without a value change, which wouldn't show up if you were just using a non-color medium.

Nelson Shanks

Using Color Quotes #1239400
#11. Basically, one of the hardest things about being an actor is getting your first break. I'm a product of nepotism. The doors were open to me. I'd done several movies before I decided what I wanted to do.

Jeff Bridges

Using Color Quotes #1246775
#12. The urge to create, the urge to photograph, comes in part from the deep desire to live with more integrity, to live more in peace with the world, and possibly to help others to do the same.

Wynn Bullock

Using Color Quotes #1287837
#13. 1780, as Thomas-Alexandre turned eighteen, the king issued a new law prohibiting people of color from using the titles Sieur or Dame ("Sir" or "Madame"). Saint-Georges remained a chevalier - and Thomas-Alexandre was a count - but neither could use "Sir" before his name without risking arrest.

Tom Reiss

Using Color Quotes #1289261
#14. Today's dreams create tomorrow's hope. So act today and hope for the best.

Debasish Mridha

Using Color Quotes #1304700
#15. All hangs together, I am in chains.

Samuel Beckett

Using Color Quotes #1305126
#16. When using colors to recreate a general harmony of tones in nature, one loses it by painfully exact imitation. One keeps it by recreating in an equivalent color range, and that may not be exactly, or far from exactly, like the model.

Vincent Van Gogh

Using Color Quotes #1324038
#17. You are an artist and I happen to be the bit of color you are using today.

Edith Wharton

Using Color Quotes #1330568
#18. Every day I create a new color study using an online or mobile app. So, I decided to write a book on Applying Color Theory to Digital Media and Visualization to teach others how easy it is and the joy in doing their own color studies.

Theresa-Marie Rhyne

Using Color Quotes #1481104
#19. One of my favorite beauty products is Vincent Longo Water Canvas creamy blush. I have it in every color and I've been using it for 5 years and that's all I put on when I leave the house. It looks so natural I just put a little bit on my cheeks to give them some color.

Alessandra Ambrosio

Using Color Quotes #1546145
#20. Flourishing is not measured by outward signs such as income, possessions, or attractiveness. It means becoming the person he he had in mind in creating you. Flourishing means moving toward God's best version of you.

John Ortberg

Using Color Quotes #1562336
#21. My desire is to let go of my ego and let in His direction.

Janine Turner

Using Color Quotes #1622323
#22. They were wrestling with canvases, using violent colors and huge brush strokes. I arrived with gray, silent, sober, oppressed paintings. One critic said they were paintings that thought.

Antoni Tapies

Using Color Quotes #1691957
#23. Wanting to be understood by an audience that didn't know Russian, I tried to paint musical pictures by emphasizing the phrasing, using voice color more boldly, and varying the shade and nuance.

Galina Vishnevskaya

Using Color Quotes #1706500
#24. It seemed to me that it was possible to translate light, forms, and character using nothing but color, without recourse to values.

Pierre Bonnard

Using Color Quotes #1838834
#25. History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Using Color Quotes #307905
#26. Prayer and praise are the oars by which a man may row his boat into the deep waters of the knowledge of Christ.

Charles Spurgeon

Using Color Quotes #35618
#27. I just always wrote songs as a side hobby. So it was sort of a natural thing to write comedy songs. But when I started writing songs, I wrote very serious songs. Or things that a 13-14 year-old would think are very serious issues.

Kyle Dunnigan

Using Color Quotes #37744
#28. I really love Beyonce. I like to look to her because we look similar; we have similar features about ourselves. So whenever I see that she's using a new product, or a new hair color, I like to look at her. because I know that if it looks good on her, it's something that I could try.

Amber Stevens

Using Color Quotes #44101
#29. I use dull colors in my drawings because I started out using a root beer base because it seemed like an interesting idea and when it turned out that it worked quite well as an ink I started using other colors that would compliment it.

Marcel Dzama

Using Color Quotes #57593
#30. In my case, I used the elements of these simple forms - square, cube, line and color - to produce logical systems. Most of these systems were finite; that is, they were complete using all possible variations. This kept them simple.

Sol LeWitt

Using Color Quotes #134265
#31. Chaga mycelium is relatively easy to grow by using methods already practiced elsewhere in the mushroom industry. Its mycelium is initially an off-whitish color, deepening with age.

Paul Stamets

Using Color Quotes #156386
#32. Little by little, I've reached the stage of using only a small number of forms and colors. It's not the first time that painting has been done with a very narrow range of colors. The frescoes of the tenth century are painted like this. For me, they are magnificent things.

Joan Miro

Using Color Quotes #208946
#33. I started thinking about how rain is depicted in illustrations. In comics that use gouache or watercolor, they use light blue, so I started using that color.

Lucien Smith

Using Color Quotes #211254
#34. Life is about using the whole box of crayons.


Using Color Quotes #265018
#35. In order to be a really good investor, you need to be a little bit of a philosopher as well.

Daniel S. Loeb

Using Color Quotes #943588
#36. If you're going to succeed, you've got to be like one of those punch-drunk fighters in the old Warner Bros. boxing pictures: too stupid to fall down, you just keep slugging and stay on your feet.

Frank Darabont

Using Color Quotes #494217
#37. You can create a CGColor directly using Core Graphics methods if you prefer, but using UIColor saves you from having to manually release the color when you no longer need it. Listing

Nick Lockwood

Using Color Quotes #507213
#38. By using patches of color and tone it is possible to capture every natural impression in the simplest way, freshly and immediately.

Paul Klee

Using Color Quotes #521536
#39. If wrestling can be considered an art form, then [Ric Flair] is using oils, and the many others merely water colors.

Ric Flair

Using Color Quotes #590171
#40. I'm still driving along on the pop freeway of life. Thinking even further into the future, I definitely want to make an acoustic record. I want to try lots of different things.

Katy Perry

Using Color Quotes #598305
#41. Using a forecasting company is like going to a fortune-teller. If you believe the company and the color does not sell, who do you blame? The forecasters? No, you blame yourself.

Tadashi Shoji

Using Color Quotes #756757
#42. You can't be a mod and a rocker. You have to choose sides.

Noel Gallagher

Using Color Quotes #757108
#43. In 'Hamilton,' we're telling the stories of old, dead white men, but we're using actors of color, and that makes the story more immediate and more accessible to a contemporary audience.

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Using Color Quotes #914902
#44. We don't need to solve the problem of the rich-poor gap. We need to solve the problem of common prosperity.

Zong Qinghou

Using Color Quotes #928411

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