Top 100 Thought But Quotes
#1. They are not true as a thought but they are going in mind and are screwing everthing in mind - Fuck them!
Deyth Banger
#2. Don, we're huge fans," I said.
"Don, we're huge fans," he shot back in a high-pitched voice meant to mock me.
What a jerk, I thought, but I didn't care, because he was Don Berman, and that's what Don Berman did.
Natalie Standiford
#3. There are no hierarchies in nature other than those imposed by hierarchical modes of human thought, but rather differences merely in function between and within living things.
Murray Bookchin
#4. Redwyne does not give a fig, he thought, but Rowan looks fit to gag.
George R R Martin
#5. Political and social events must also be effective, but not in a very obvious fashion. But political confusion and prolonged peace undoubtedly affect creative thought but whether they respectively hinder or help it is not at all certain.
John Desmond Bernal
#6. The greatest danger that threatens us is neither heterodox thought nor orthodox thought, but the absence of thought.
Henry Steele Commager
#7. Sometimes parents don't know their children, he thought. But sometimes a parent knows her child better than anyone else, and
Henning Mankell
#8. I have ridden a dragon!" Tiago protested. "I have eaten a dragon," Gromph replied. I have slept with a dragon - two! Jarlaxle thought, but did not say, though he couldn't avoid a grin at the pleasant memory of the wonderful copper dragon sisters, Tazmikella and Ilnezhara.
R.A. Salvatore
#9. I always wanted to say I came out of the cornfields and got to the major leagues. That was my biggest thought. But now I can say I came out of the cornfields and got to the Hall of Fame.
Ray Dandridge
#10. In the end you can't save your soul and life by thought. But if you think, the least of the consolation prizes is the world.
Saul Bellow
#11. Ishmael was looking at him through narrowed eyes. "This is very important to you, this box."
"It's important to the world."
Ishmael said: "The sun rises, and the sun sets. Sometimes it rains. We live, then we die." He shrugged.
He would never understand, Wolff thought; but others would.
Ken Follett
#12. Thought: everyone had their own thought, but those who writes had their own view and people make several views on that one view. Its not fair, he who thinks only can describe what the reality is not by others.
Nutan Bajracharya
#13. The purpose of the poetry is not to dazzle us with an astonishing thought, but to make one moment of existence unforgettable and worthy of unbearable nostalgia.
Milan Kundera
#14. I remember reading once that some fellows use language to conceal thought; but it's been my experience that a good many more use it instead of thought.
George Horace Lorimer
#15. I know less than you thought, but more than you realize.
Jasmine Wilmany
#16. Zobrist may have been a lunatic, he thought, but he certainly had a sophisticated grasp of Dante.
Dan Brown
#17. Let it not be a beautiful face,' I thought, 'but to make up for that, let it be a noble, an expressive, and, above all, an extremely intelligent one.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
#18. The foundations of the world are to be found, not in the cognitive experience of conscious thought, but in the aesthetic experience of everyday life.
Alfred North Whitehead
#19. Modern minds no longer object to the Church because of the way they think, but because of the way they live. They no longer have difficulties with the Creed, but with her Commandments. The heresy of our day is not the heresy of thought, but of action.
Fulton J. Sheen
#20. Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
#21. Whole worlds exist beneath the surface. And maybe you can't see down there, Michael thought, but there's a part of you that knows.
Jess Walter
#22. At last it faded away, and the mushroom cloud began to disperse. Greg heard Frank Oppenheimer say: "It worked." Oppie said: "Yes, it worked." The two brothers shook hands. And the world is still here, Greg thought. But it has been forever changed.
Ken Follett
#23. I ... Why do you want me to?"
There was a flicker of something in Greta's look. I couldn't tell whether it was a flicker of love or regret or meanness, and then she said, "Why wouldn't I want you to?"
Because you hate me, I thought, but I didn't say it.
Carol Rifka Brunt
#24. Books of quotation are not only of importance to the reader for what they contain of matured thought, but also for what they suggest. Our brains receive the spark and become luminous, like inflammable material by the contact of flint and steel.
Maturin Murray Ballou
#25. What is now called free thought is valued, not because it is free thought, but because it is freedom from thought; because it is free thoughtlessness.
G.K. Chesterton
#26. it's usually a bad one, a negative thought, but we have
Mark Johnson
#27. ... we never know, and never would know, what it would be like to understand another person fully. It seems a simple thought, but as I get older I see more and more that she had to tell us that.
Elizabeth Strout
#28. The teacher who isn't a genius is made into a teacher of genius by the student of genius at this precise moment for a very precise time period, I thought. But
Thomas Bernhard
#29. We can wake up one morning and find that the technology of this virtual, inter-connected world wasn't the liberating force we thought, but binds us ever more tightly under the control of the money men.
Anita Roddick
#30. He looked like himself, Eleanor thought, but bolder. Like Park with the volume turned way up.
Rainbow Rowell
#31. Memory was a curse, yes, he thought, but it was also the greatest gift. Because if you lost memory you lost everything.
Anne Rice
#32. Goldie hadn't tried all three beds, she thought, but she'd certainly tried all three brothers.
Leigh Savage
#33. A prince must not have any other object nor any other thought ... but war, its institutions, and its discipline; because that is the only art befitting one who commands.
Niccolo Machiavelli
#34. Wit is that which has been often thought, but never before was well expressed.
Samuel Johnson
#35. His ear heard more than what was said to him, and his slow speech had overtones not of thought, but of understanding beyond thought.
John Steinbeck
#36. People place so much value on thought, but feeling is as essential. I want to read books that make me laugh and cry and fear and hope and punch the air in triumph. I want a book to hug me or grab me by the scruff of my neck. I don't even mind if it punches me in the gut. Because we are here to feel.
Matt Haig
#37. Some segments of this book may be rough going. That's the nature of real science. It requires thought. Sometimes deep thought. But thinking can be rewarding. You can just skip the rough parts, or you can struggle to understand.
Kip S. Thorne
#38. Is it possible to want something so badly that you yearn for it and let it dominate your every thought, but at the same time it terrifies you and makes you tremble with fear at the very idea of it?
Cindy Vine
#39. Her cackle resumed at full volume, and Delbert laughed with her. Life can be a hellish mess, he thought, but these shavings of joy are such an exquisite remedy.
Dan Hammond Jr.
#40. But now it was he, not they, who crossed the street, so they would not see the tears he could no longer hold back, not his midnight tears, as he thought, but other tears: the ones he had been swallowing for fifty-one years, nine months and four days.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#41. A female's body should be looked at and respected as something divine. At least, that was the original thought, but time marches on, and the sanctity of the sacred body is no longer sacred.
Lionel Suggs
#42. Research indicates that, as long as we keep using our brains in an active way, we continue to build neural pathways as we get older. This gives us not only the ongoing potential for creative thought, but also an additional incentive for continuing to stretch ourselves.
Ken Robinson
#43. True Wit is Nature to advantage dress'd
What oft was thought, but ne'er so well express'd;
Something whose truth convinced at sight we find,
That gives us back the image of our mind.
As shades more sweetly recommend the light,
So modest plainness sets off sprightly wit.
Alexander Pope
#44. You can become instantly successful with a simple thought, but long-lasting and pronounced success comes to those who renew their commitment to a mindset of abundance every minute of every hour of every day.
Bryant McGill
#45. He froze as the scent of her hair met him. It was touching his cheek,tickling him.
I cant afford this, he thought, but he didnt move, watching her finger trace the new line. "He cracked my mirror,"she said, clearly angry.
Kim Harrison
#46. That's a big nose," he croaked and instantly realized he shouldn't have said something so impolite. I must be light headed, e thought. But the face smiled. The teeth seemed inordinatley white against the dark beard and skin.
The only one I have," he said.
John Flanagan
#47. Stiftung is not enveloping thought, but open thought, not the intended and Vorhabe of an actual center, but an 'off-center' which will be rectified, not the positing of an end, but the positing of a style, not a frontal grasp but a lateral divergence, algae brought back from the depths.
Maurice Merleau Ponty
#48. There may be deep thought, but deep people don't exist. Our bodies must float on the surface, otherwise we drown.
Anthony Marais
#49. Udell was an ordinary man, I thought, but a man with an extraordinary way of thinking. That was truly worth more than gold: extraordinary thinking.
Nancy E. Turner
#50. True understanding is possible only when we are fully conscious of our thought, not as an operative observer on this thought, but completely and without the intervention of a choice.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
#51. I'd rather cut my throat, she said.
An intriguing thought. But I can do it so much more enjoyably.
#52. If you really love me, you have to come to me without demands, I thought but didn't say, I wanted her to notice on her own.
Karl Ove Knausgard
#53. Here is the world, sound as a nut, perfect, not the smallest piece of chaos left, never a stitch nor an end, not a mark of haste, or botching, or second thought; but the theory of the world is a thing of shreds and patches.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#54. Ideas about life organize perception; names of emotions organize sensations; rules of syntax organize thought. But pain comes on its own.
Mason Cooley
#55. We were as close as two people could be, or so I thought, but Wheaton had secrets
his own treasures. Perhaps if I'd paid closer attention, I wouldn't have lost him.
Michele Young-Stone
#56. But my mind is like a thin line; it travels badly. I go from thought to thought but not with logic, and I forget things [ ... ]
William Goldman
#57. I like if you're reading something, and they're saying something you always thought, but they're putting it in the exact right way
Blake Nelson
#58. She called herself Mater Tantibus." I scraped the rust off my Latin. "Mother of Nightmares?" "Pretentious, right?" Said the Grand Matriarch of the House of Dead Roses, I thought, but I was smart enough not to say that out loud.
Craig Schaefer
#59. It's not that we grow old, I thought, but that we grow old in decline and discomfort, and these hardships are made worse by the awareness that nothing will improve. No coming days will dawn brighter than the last that dawned, and this sorrow is further deepened by a fear of death ...
Thomas H. Cook
#60. I want to reach over and grab her hand to comfort her. I want to say something reassuring to her. If this were yesterday, I'm sure I would have done that without a second thought. But it's not yesterday. It's today, and Charlie and I are complete strangers today.
Colleen Hoover
#61. For intelligent people, action often means escape from thought, but it is a reasonable and a wise escape.
Andre Maurois
#62. It was not the violence of our enemies [in World War I] that would undo us, I thought, but our own spiritual weakness, the shallowness of our convictions.
Learned Hand
#63. Style," the well-known historian Peter Gay once wrote, "is not the dress of thought but part of its essence.
Marc Trachtenberg
#64. I've watched too many Kurosawa movies, she thought, but couldn't quite abandon the idea. The imagery was a lovely way of turning angst and suicidal ideation into honor and noble sacrifice.
James S.A. Corey
#65. He who is drawn to something desirable does not desire to have it as a thought but as a thing.
Thomas Aquinas
#66. I'm not surprise to hear this from you. People love to express their thought and ideas. They preach everyone to believe and follow their seemingly good ideology and thought but they themselves don't practice their own preach." - Arluna
Rin Ahmad
#67. With her head on his shoulder, Jean Louise was content. It might work after all, she thought. But I am not domestic. I don't even know how to run a cook. What do ladies say to each other when they go visiting? I'd have to wear a hat. I'd drop the babies and kill 'em.
Harper Lee
#68. Is there a lot of stuff you don't understand? she said & I said pretty much the whole thing & she nodded & said that's what she thought, but it was nice to hear it anyways & we sat there on the porch swing, listening to the wind & growing up together.
Brian Andreas
#69. Schopenhauer has analysed the pessimism that characterize modern thought, but Hamlet invented it
Oscar Wilde
#70. This is the second day now that I do not know the result of the juegos he thought. But I must have confidence and I must be worthy of the great DiMaggio who does all things perfectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his heel.
Ernest Hemingway,
#71. Words are so heavy, she thought, but as the night wore on, she was able to complete eleven pages
Markus Zusak
#72. To have solely one thought, but it to be capable to destroy the universe.
Mircea Eliade
#73. We are astonished at thought, but sensation is equally wonderful.
#74. In reality they all lived in a kind of hieroglyphic world, where the real thing was never said or done or even thought, but only represented by a set of arbitrary signs.
Edith Wharton
#75. We all have it in us to be something other than what we are, I thought, but we don't often get a glimpse of what we could have been
Alastair Reynolds
#76. Somehow, the whole idea of me writing art reviews was just too much of a complicated thought, but I liked art, and later on I just realized that it would be perhaps a pleasure, and so I decided to do it for 'Art in America' - a lot.
Eileen Myles
#77. A week ago, he would've sank his fangs into her flesh without a second thought. But now? Muriah had lured him into her world, into her reality, not as a god, but as a partner, a man.
Lisa Kessler
#78. Evolution is the creation-myth of our age. By telling us our origin it shapes our views of what we are. It influences not just our thought, but our feelings and actions too, in a way which goes far beyond its official function as a biological theory.
Mary Midgley
#79. This is what he has always wanted, or so he had thought, but now here he is, in the middle of a story of his own and looking for the exit, and realizing all the exits are blocked and then realizing that an exit is not what he needs.
Charles Yu
#80. Language is properly the servant of thought, but not unfrequently becomes its master. The conceptions of a feeble writer are greatly modified by his style; a man of vigorous powers makes his style bend to his conceptions.
William Benton Clulow
#81. Thought is like a bubble rising to the surface. When thought is joined to will, we call it power. That which strikes the sick person whom you are trying to help is not thought, but power.
Swami Vivekananda
#82. Few things concentrate the mind more efficiently than the necessity of saying what you mean. It brings you face to face with what you are talking about, what you are actually proposing. It gets you away from the catch phrases that not merely substitute for thought but preclude it.
Edwin Newman
#83. It was a rather dreadful thought but somehow comforting.
Dodie Smith
#84. Think she needs to have an adventure once in a while. And she's overly curious." "You get that from her," my mother said. "You're a lot like your grandmother." Sort of a scary thought, but I knew it was true. Even at this moment, I had a horse in my kitchen.
Janet Evanovich
#85. I was born a slave-was the child of slave parents-therefore I came upon the earth free in God-like thought, but fettered in action.
Elizabeth Keckley
#86. When we feel the poetic thrill, is it not that we find sweep in the concise and depth in the clear, as we might find all the lights of the sea in the water of a jewel? And what is a philosophic thought but such an epitome?
George Santayana
#87. Common consensus is not thought but wishful thinking.
Ernst Pawel
#88. ... there was only one rule. Work hard and be nice, and everything would go just fine. That should be the rule for life, too, Emily thought. But, of course, that wasn't how things went.
Lisa Unger
#89. Don't panic, I thought. But already my breathing was faster, shallower. "You mean you can feel happy or sad or - "
"Desire." A barely-there smile.
Becca Fitzpatrick
#90. Electra Gates would never concern herself with how much lard should be in pie dough, I thought; but then, I was not Electra Gates. I wanted pie, something that didn't seem to interest romantic heroines.
Sharon Pywell
#91. The actual tragedy of Emmett Till, he had told her once, was not the murder of a black child for whistling at a white woman but that some black people thought: But why did you whistle?
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
#92. I may be mad, he thought, but I prefer the shit of this world to whatever sweet ambrosias the next may offer.
Tom Robbins
#93. It is not excess of thought but defect of fertile and generous emotion that marks them out. Their heads are no bigger than the ordinary: it is the atrophy of te chest beneath that makes them seem so.
C.S. Lewis
#94. No matter how careful we are, if we live long enough, eventually one of us will die. It is not a happy thought, but it is the truth. Such is the way of the world.
Christopher Paolini
#95. In all my wild mountaineering, I have enjoyed only one avalanche ride; and the start was so sudden, and the end came so soon, I thought but little of the danger that goes with this sort of travel, though one thinks fast at such times.
John Muir
#96. I think vital religion has always suffered when orthodoxy is more regarded than virtue. The scriptures assure me that at the last day we shall not be examined on what we thought but what we did.
Benjamin Franklin
#97. Uncertainty may be beneficial in that it invites further research and further thought. But uncertainty disguised as certainty is dangerous.
Bernard Lewis
#98. He held out the bottle. Clarice's hand was steady as she took it from him. It is poison, she thought distantly. It will kill her. She tried to be horrified at the thought, but she couldn't manage it.
Mercedes Lackey
#99. Perhaps we can win, he thought. But there will be no happy ending
Eoin Colfer
#100. When I grew up, I simply didn't have mentors that said, "Science is important. Science helps you build a country. Science makes a country powerful." And that's such a simple thought, but when you think about what's powered Taiwan and Korea and Silicon Valley and Cambridge.
Juan Enriquez
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