Top 100 Thing I Love About You Quotes
#1. The thing I love about you the most, is that when you're sleeping, I can imagine what you will look like when you're dead.
Julieanne Lynch
#2. For me, I love food. It's my greatest pleasure and also the thing that could ruin you as well. It's one of those things where, if you're not thoughtful about it, it could be unhealthy. But if there's a mindfulness about it; it actually is a wonderful tool of emotional expression.
Jon Favreau
#3. Let's do, let's get some handles. I don't know why I'm talking about this stuff. Look, I love you and I miss you and you're doing the right thing. It's costing you too, I know that. I'm here and I'll be here whenever you come home, or I'll meet you anywhere, anytime. That's what.
Thomas Harris
#4. I love San Francisco; it's very hard to compete with San Francisco when it comes to availability of product, but one thing you can't replace about Las Vegas or Miami is people are walking in the door and they want to have a good time.
Michael Mina
#5. Make your life your art. It doesn't have to be that you're an artist. I know I talk about art a lot, but I mean a very broad thing with that. You could be a veterinarian, that's your art. Find your art; find your thing you love.
Gerard Way
#6. Linc?"
"About the other thing my dad said to you," I cringed.
"What else is he supposed to think?" he asked, a smile in his tone. "You're over here all the time. If not training, we're hanging out. I'm surprised he hasn't warned me off sooner. It's good to see he's paying attention.
Jessica Shirvington
#7. I love stage work. The thing about plays is that they're perfectible. With film, you shoot that take and maybe another. During 'Spamalot,' I rewrote Act II three times.
Eric Idle
#8. What I love about photography, and it's the same thing I love about acting, really, is that it forces you, like, right into the moment, where you can't be distracted, where you can't be, like, thinking about other things or ahead of yourself or behind yourself.
Jessica Lange
#9. Within seconds, my heart filled with more love than I had thought possible. Because that was the thing about hearts-when you thought they were completely full, you somehow found room to add a little more love.
Brittainy C. Cherry
#10. Now let me teach you another thing about my daughter. I love her very much but she has the ability to hide as expertly as a sock in a washing machine. No one knows where it goes, just as no one knows where she goes, but at least when she decides to come back, we're all here, waiting for her.
Cecelia Ahern
#11. The thing about Mumbai is you go five yards and all of human existence is revealed. It's an incredible cavalcade of life, and I love that.
Julian Sands
#12. I don't have a problem with recognition ... It's very, very rarely about who I am, it's always, 'I love your work.' ... It's always in relation to my work, which I think is a really lucky thing to have happen as opposed to, 'Oh, you're a famous personality.'
C. C. H. Pounder
#13. Yoga is really trying to liberate us from ... shame about our bodies. To love your body is a very important thing - I think the health of your mind depends on your being able to love your body.
Rodney Yee
#14. My dream role would probably be a psycho killer, because the whole thing I love about movies is that you get to do things you could never do in real life, and that would be my way of vicariously experiencing being a psycho killer. Also, it's incredibly romantic.
Christina Ricci
#15. I think you fall in love with someone when you least expect to. When it's the last thing you want. That's what's so great about it.
Katie Klein
#16. I'll get a three-page letter and the last paragraph says 'I know you'll never read this, but here's my number.' I love to call those people because the first thing they say is, 'Governor, I didn't mean everything I said in the letter about you.'
Dave Heineman
#17. The worst thing you can do to a filmmaker is to walk out of his film and go, 'That was a nice movie.' But if you can cause people to walk out and then argue about the film on the sidewalk ... I think we're all seeking dissension, and we love to affect an audience.
Paul Haggis
#18. You get a script and you love it. You find a director that you trust, and it becomes all about how do I commit to this as fully as possible? And the last thing you can afford to have in your mind is what are other people going to think of this?
James Van Der Beek
#19. My godchild Zoe, age 6, suddenly said: "Can you describe what romance is?" I talked about wooing, and yearning, and she sighed and leaned back, "I think that love is my favorite thing in this whole world ... " Me too, Zoe, me too.
#20. The beautiful thing about New York is, you have to expose yourself to other people the minute you step outside the door. There is no choice. And I love that.
Sarah Jessica Parker
#21. I'm mad, true. But only about one thing. Horror movies. I love spooks. They are a friendly fearsome lot. Very nice people, actually, if you get to know them. Not like these industry chaps out here
Kishore Kumar
#22. I realize the thing about a guy you've spent your whole life loving from afar is that even though he's real you've really made most of him up.
Kirsten Smith
#23. There's nothing else to say right now. I love you, baby, more than life itself. And the greatest thing about it ... our happiest days are still to come.
Sawyer Bennett
#24. It's a 12-hour cooking class for me on the set of 'Chopped.' You'd think I'd get sick of it, but it's a source of endless interest to me. The only thing I don't like about it is it's a long day and my feet hurt. Otherwise, I love it.
Ted Allen
#25. I prefer theater, but I love to do films, and I prefer theater primarily because I've done more. I know less about movies. You can't lie in either medium. The wonderful thing is that the camera, just like an audience, is made out of skin - because celluloid is skin.
Amanda Plummer
#26. One of the great thing about New York is the neighborhood - you go for your walk in the morning and you know your dry cleaning lady, you know the guy in your coffee shop - that's your neighborhood and I love that.
Piper Perabo
#27. In my mind that's the best thing I can do for my girl, is to love my body and the way I look. That's what I sort of decided when she was young. And so it's sort of about faking it until you can make it.
Lauren Bowles
#28. The most important thing to me about energy is mental, not physical. By that I mean to say, the easiest way I've found to create sustained enthusiasm is to be absolutely head-over-hells in love with what you do.
Matthew Hussey
#29. I, um, I have this problem. I broke up with my boyfriend, you see. And I'm pretty upset about it, so I wanted to talk to my best friend. [ ... ] The thing is, they're both you.
Jodi Picoult
#30. The thing I love about television is that people watch you in their pajamas, and when they're eating dinner. You're part of the family.
Barbara Feldon
#31. The thing that I love about television there are no more than two or three people watching you at a time. If there are more than two or three people in a room they're talking to each other, they're not listening to you.
Betty White
#32. One thing I love about God Almighty is that He works in mysterious ways.
Sometime He will tell you; "Stand still and I will do all the work for you."
Isn't He the one that can make all things possible.
Temitope Owosela
#33. Darling it may be a long time before we see one another again. But I want you to know. Every time I've said I love you- I meant it. There's no two ways about it. The crew was talking about what's ahead of us, but we all agreed on one thing. We're coming back.
Kara Martinelli
#34. The beautiful thing
perhaps the thing I love most about the gospel
is that everything we learn we can use and take with us and use it again. No bit of knowledge goes wasted. Everything you are learning now is preparing you for something else. Did you know that? What a concept!
Marjorie Pay Hinckley
#35. I thought about how love was always the thing that did that - smashed into you, left you raw. The deeper you loved, the deeper it hurt.
Wally Lamb
#36. I think love is different for each person, but I think the one thing it has in common is putting the other person's feelings before yours. If you're so worried about Libby loving you, isn't that the same thing?
Magan Vernon
#37. I've heard you talk about this town like it's the only thing you love aside from fixing cars. People go entire lives without figuring out exactly what they want from life. You already have it, and the future you and your dad have planned out for you is going to take it away from you.
Adi Alsaid
#38. For everything you are, and everything I love about you, there's nothing you can do to save us from an impossible situation. I've accepted that. That's the hardest thing we have to do today and I've done it.
Taylor Adams
#39. I remember every good thing about you. Every sweet and perfect thing. And nothing else." He touched her chin, tipped it up to look into her wet brown eyes. Even smudged, they were gorgeous. The dawning light in them filled his heart, and healed it. "Nothing else.
V.S. Carnes
#40. Isn't that thing a little unsanitary for the workplace?" I pointed to his lip ring.
"I assure you that my lip ring is the last thing you should be worried about." He smiled as he leaned on the counter.
Magan Vernon
#41. When I'm on the set, I take five minutes to find the best angle for a scene, and then we just shoot it and it looks exactly what you see on screen because I don't touch it afterwards. I never think about it, before being on the set. That's my thing. I love to be stuck.
Quentin Dupieux
#42. The thing that I really love about film is that it is with you forever - it goes to your children, and they get to see it again and again and have it forever.
Tammy Blanchard
#43. The thing I love about Rome is that is has so many layers. In it, you can follow anything that interests you: town planning, architecture, churches or culture. It's a city rich in antiquity and early Christian treasures, and just endlessly fascinating. There's nowhere else like it.
Claire Tomalin
#44. ... but the thing about hearts, I've come to discover, is that, just like ankles and noses, they heal, even if you don't want them to or think they never will, they do. And someday you wake up and the pain is gone.
Jean Grainger
#45. My big mantra is 'food is medicine,' so I really love being able to talk about how you can make food your medicine, how you can make food be the thing that hopefully allows you to live a longer, happier, healthier life.
Travis Lane Stork
#46. It is not easy to learn much about love, but one thing I discovered, that Lady Harleigh taught me: it is not whom you love that is important, but only that we love.
Thomas Tryon
#47. The thing I never understood about love is that it can't be quelled, like lust can. With love, if you follow its call, if you give in to it, it just gets worse. The more you have, the deeper you go, the more you need.
Emily Maguire
#48. -It's hard to explain, Adders. But I just...I don't feel that way about him. I've tried really hard...believe me I have.
-That's the thing though, if you have to try really hard then it's not meant to be. You shouldn't have to try to love someone. You either do or you don't.
Lisa J. Hobman
#49. I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty ... you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are.
J.D. Salinger
#50. It's the craziest thing, but I can't stop thinking about you.
Anna Godbersen
#51. I've had more people come up to me about 'Saving Silverman' than anything else. That and 'That Thing You Do!' But 'Saving Silverman' is the one I get most often. And I love that.
Steve Zahn
#52. That's the thing about success and happiness. Every time I fall in love I become absolutely, pathologically obsessed. The moment that you have what you want, and you're not totally ready for it, you become obsessed with the idea that you don't deserve it.
Sara Quin
#53. The hardest thing about being a grown up is realizing there are no magic formulas to release the ones we love from pain. Maybe that's why I enjoy computer games so much; you get to be God.
Val McDermid
#54. The idea of it was I was thinking about how when you're a kid you get this unconditional love and you spend the rest of your life trying to find that, but you can't because everyone's in it for their own thing. It's kind of cynical.
Sam Endicott
#55. I love Jonathan Richman - I love a lot of his music, and the thing I really like about him is his attitude. He seems very happy, and the way he performs is like, 'Don't worry, everybody, just get into it. I'm just having fun; I like when you guys are having fun.'
Mac DeMarco
#56. let me tell you i'm in love with you. let me tell you that the first thing i do when i wake is think of you. let me be completely honest about this-- about what you mean to me.
let me take it there without ruining everything.
#57. Maybe it'll stop you trying to be so desperate about making more money than you can ever use? You can't take it with you, Mr. Kirby. So what good is it? As near as I can see, the only thing you can take with you is the love of your friends.
Lionel Barrymore
#58. One thing concerns me a little, nick has a girlfriend, right? Well, how do you think she'll feel about all of this? He probed. He had this look on his face that he always had when I'm doing something a little bit naughty. You know, something you can get away with, but it's still a bit dodgy.
Jessica Thompson
#59. This thing about you that you think is your flaw - it's the reason I'm falling in love with you.
Colleen Hoover
#60. I was thinking of love,' I replied in a tone of reproach, 'and here you are talking to me again - forever - about torture!'
'Doubtless! since it's the same thing -
Octave Mirbeau
#61. You know, I think I'm more of a micro-person, so to me, the context and the framework of trying to do what you love and feel passionate about, in supporting your family in that way, is the most important thing to me.
Joan Cusack
#62. Maybe that is the only thing I have ever learned about love: love is when you save someone no matter what the cost.
Sarah Rees Brennan
#63. I think chemistry is finding something you love about a person and then transfering it to an in love kind of thing.
Drew Barrymore
#64. I love working and I love doing lots of things and a variety of things. It keeps your mind active ... and you don't end up worrying about just the one thing. When I chew things over or analyze too much, that is when I can trip myself up.
Sally Hawkins
#65. I don't think it's about art being a career but it's about making sure that if art is something that you love, something that brings you joy, it's about you having a duty to find time in your life for that thing that brings you joy ... even if it can only be a small amount.
Sarah Kay
#66. You have to age gracefully. And that's what I love about Keith Richards. That's what I love about the Rolling Stones. They are aging gracefully. They are falling apart at the seams right before our eyes, and they are doing it gracefully. And that's the most beautiful thing that we can do.
Nikki Sixx
#67. If you come from a place of love, and you're not saying, 'I'm better than you,' that's one thing that allows you to talk about different ethnicities. It's almost like laughing with each other.
Maz Jobrani
#68. I don't want to be alone; the thing I love about acting is the other people you're doing it with.
Martin Freeman
#69. Fact: you can never know another person completely.
Fact: you are born alone and die alone.
Fact: there is no such thing as safety. Only vigilance, determination to survive, and a willingness to be ruthless about it.
Fact: love is not perfect.
Fact: neither am I.
Karen Marie Moning
#70. What I love about the filmmakers that I mentioned [Danny Boyle,Leo Carax], is that it's visual but it's also, you see that the characters are the most important thing. The actors are the most important thing.
Fredrik Bond
#71. It's incredible. Everything you ever thought about love just becomes night and day. I mean, you never thought you could love that much. You rediscover the world, and it's just a beautiful thing.
David Arquette
#72. I look at you and I see this amazing, beautiful thing. All these books and songs are written about people looking for the love of their life and never fining it, and we've got it and it isn't worth a damn to you.
Jodi Picoult
#73. Name one thing you love about me."
"I can name five.
Theresa Paolo
#74. Most things take more time than we believe they will. But, now, what about love? Will love take more time than you think?" "I don't know anything about love." "That is true," she agreed. "Yet, every mile you travel on this journey is for this thing you don't know anything about." Homer
Homer Hickam
#75. I love doing big movies. It's awesome! You have all these toys. The thing I like about this movie is, like they always say, directors have the biggest train sets! Don't tell anyone, but I'd do this for free.
Michael Bay
#76. Everything that's going on within the peloton - there's about ten different races going on. There is also a survival element to it - I love the fact that it's so epic. You crash on a bike, the first thing you do is try and get back up on it. No whinging!
David Millar
#77. What I love about the gay thing is that every single person I type into Google, it doesn't matter if it's Florence Welch, anybody, if you are not being called gay you don't have a career. That's my theory!
Daniel Radcliffe
#78. What I love about the theater is that you know who you're acting for: your audience. And the thing I find really hard in film is, you don't. The audience is invisible. And we're sitting there, hoping there's other people out there.
Cate Blanchett
#79. The thing about the banjo is, when you first hear it, it strikes many people as 'What's that?' There's something very compelling about it to certain people; that's the way I was; that's the way a lot of banjo players and people who love the banjo are.
Steve Martin
#80. It still hurts and I think the 'hurting phase' might take a long time. The fact that we can't hear you laugh breaks us into pieces. One thing's for sure though, you don't need to worry about us. We'll get by...
Bianca Salindong
#81. I love storytelling, you know, beyond anything. I love a great story beyond a great performance. Storytelling is about what we all do together and how we collaborate together. A performance can be a collaboration in ways, but oftentimes it's one individual thing.
Jake Gyllenhaal
#82. One thing I love about making an ensemble film is that you can have ten people come away from it with ten different messages.
Morris Chestnut
#83. It [love about acting] is all about role playing - the same thing you do when you're a kid, when you play with dolls or toys and make up stories. I never grew out of it.
Morgan Freeman
#84. I really feel that the thing that I love the most about my career is that it is so eclectic. You know, I've gone from so many genres and so many different mediums and I love that most - that people have always given me the chance to do vastly different things.
Katie Finneran
#85. It's important that he accepts my love for Jeb. I'll have to tell Jeb the same thing about Morpheus before I'm gone. I will not leave them with lies hanging between us. "I love you both."
A.G. Howard
#86. People weren't made for this kind of thing, he said, the way I feel about you, how much I feel, no one ever has or ever will even come close to it.
Laekan Zea Kemp
#87. The craziest thing about fashion people in general, not just designers, is that it's always, "Oh my God, you lost weight! I love your hair!" Or "Oh, you're so tan!" Or, "You're so skinny! I love your shoes!" These are fashion icebreakers. Everyone's always looking at each other.
Michael Kors
#88. We have been made to believe that a baby is basically a magical agent of change and that having one will, in one fell swoop, make your husband love you more, make your life more meaningful and, above all else, is the best thing you will ever do as a woman. I didn't care about any of it
Radhika Vaz
#89. My life is full of love; I designed it that way. I try to make my own experience about love and I look for kindness in others. That's the thing I value the most: it will get you through everything.
Armistead Maupin
#90. Human character is just endlessly fascinating, and there is no character who is one thing any more than any one person is just one thing. As you work on a character, he/she is revealed more and more. That's what I continue to love about the work.
Sada Thompson
#91. I don't believe there's such a thing as conventional love. Love is bending. Love is breaking. Love is constantly learning about the other person until you go crazy because it will never be perfect, but there's no fault in trying. I've loved a boy who was extraordinary beyond words, in my eyes.
Amber L. Johnson
#92. We academics - I am an academic - we love complexity. You can write papers about complexity, and the nice thing about complexity is it's fundamentally intractable in many ways, so you're not responsible for outcomes.
George M. Whitesides
#93. And I'll tell ya, I'm really enjoying this marriage thing. You think about each other. You care about each other. It's wonderful! Plus, I love saying 'my wife.' Once I started saying it, I couldn't stop - 'my wife' this, 'my wife' that ... it's an amazing way to begin a sentence.
Jerry Seinfeld
#94. I love what I'm doing. And the world is so mad at everybody. If I do something to make people smile, I'm going to say, I got you. For that moment, if it don't last, I made you forget about the other thing you might have been thinking about.
Buddy Guy
#95. You are right about one thing, Mr. Kent. I don't need a hero," I said in a firm, even voice. "But I could never love a man who would not be my ally.
Tarun Shanker
#96. The thing that is really hard about adaptation is that I try to only pick things I love because if it is something where you think, "Oh, that sounds like an interesting idea but I don't love it," then I can't do my job well.
Andy Weir
#97. It's the only thing I never understood about him,that he had you ... he had you right in the palm of his hand. And yet somehow he didn't want to spend every second of every day touching you all over. He didn't want to make love to you.
Charlotte Stein
#98. That's the thing I love about sports: sports force you to quit. You can't pursue your dream till you're 46. When it comes to acting, writing, comedy, nobody ever stops you.
Adam Carolla
#99. I think love and obsession are almost one and the same thing at some times. Because the person you end up falling in love with, there is an element of obsession in the early days - it's all you can think about.
#100. That's one thing I like about you, Sarah Booth. You put your own personal style on a room. I'd call this boudoir pigsty. Yes sir, any man would find this an enticin' little love nest, if he didn't break his neck tryin' to get to the bed.
Carolyn Haines
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