Top 36 There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes

#1. If you're behind the times, they won't notice you. If you're right in tune with them, you're no better than they are, so they won't care much for you. Be just a little ahead of them.

Shel Silverstein

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #444645
#2. If he only made three miles a day, so be it. Better to have those three miles behind him than ahead.

Michael Punke

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #317489
#3. Why do you want to become an author? I will accept only one answer. If it is because you feel you can write better than you can do anything else then go ahead and do it without frills and flourishes. Stick to your present job and write in your spare time: but do it as if it is a whole time job.

Ngaio Marsh

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #399466
#4. Sometimes instead of creating a scene it's better to quietly slip out of the scene, practically unseen. It saves a lot of drama, unless of course you're into more drama in your life, in which case, go ahead and make a scene, see what happens.

Art Hochberg

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #406736
#5. It's better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret.

Jackie Joyner-Kersee

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #412620
#6. Some people spend their life studying maps but never start the journey; other people blast off the starting line full speed ahead without first charting a course. Most of us could benefit from a better balance between planning and doing.

Gregory D. Kincaid

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #422080
#7. If I wasn't dyslexic, I probably wouldn't have won the Games. If I had been a better reader, then that would have come easily, sports would have come easily ... and I never would have realized that the way you get ahead in life is hard work.

Caitlyn Jenner

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #430313
#8. What lies ahead of you is better than what you have already experienced.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #430645
#9. There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

C.S. Lewis

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #435924
#10. A slave lacks incentives; for him it is better to work slowly and badly, since his effort benefits only the master, but free people work hard to save and get ahead,, that is their incentive.

Isabel Allende

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #276995
#11. City people try to buy time as a rule, when they can, whereas country people are prepared to kill time, although both try to cherish in their mind's eye the notion of a better life ahead.

Edward Hoagland

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #472329
#12. We all have negative days, but that doesn't mean we are pessimistic. We all do stupid things, but that doesn't mean we are stupid. It's important to be able to distinguish between what happens to us and who we are, and look forward with hope for new and better days ahead!

Lindsey Stirling

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #497600
#13. I think it is better for all people to live on, to look forward to the next stage (after death), as if he had to spend centuries, then he lives properly ... looking forward to the great adventure ahead, then he lives!

Carl Jung

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #503202
#14. And perhaps most important, he gave the nation the idea of American progress - the animating spirit that the future could be better than the present or the past. The greatest American politicians since have prospered by projecting a Jeffersonian vision that the country's finest hours lay ahead.

Jon Meacham

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #503698
#15. Bad days will come for each one of us, and the more we've thought these things through ahead of time, the better prepared we'll be when tragedy strikes or struggles emerge.

Terri Blackstock

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #508839
#16. You want to be an alchemist so badly? Don't wait to react to the immediate problem.
Plan ahead. Look at the big picture and you won't ever have to deal with that problem.
Better to save yourself from a major catastrophe than drag your feet over a bunch of little inconveniences.

Richelle Mead

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #515059
#17. There are always far better things ahead than what we will leave behind.

Chris Vonada

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #784325
#18. Hope
Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope! In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us ... A belief in things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead.

Barack Obama

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #1193732
#19. Anything that comes your way by force was not meant for you. Everything that locates you on it's own was yours and will be yours forever.

Michael Bassey Johnson

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #150970
#20. The twins turned out well, not because of anything that Craig or his wife did but because of the kind of people they are. Good, decent people who always put the needs of their children ahead of their own. It was never more complicated than love, one generation raising a better version of the next.

Jung Yun

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #49413
#21. There's something up ahead,' I said. 'Something really bad.' 'So of course we're heading straight for it,' said Penny. 'At some point, we're going to have to sit down and have a serious talk about making better lifestyle decisions.

Simon R. Green

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #73824
#22. Learning to quit while you're not ahead, when the dull ooze of depression tells you things are not going to get any better, is one of the best financial and life skills you can master.

Martha Beck

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #75458
#23. All my life Ive known better than to depend on the experts. How could I have been so stupid, to let them go ahead?

John F. Kennedy

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #81114
#24. Without the anticipation of better things ahead, we will have no heart for the journey.

John Eldredge

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #121273
#25. The terror ran endlessly on in his mind, making him feel like a rat trapped on an exercise wheel. And when he tried to look ahead to some better, brighter time, he could see only darkness.

Stephen King

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #125499
#26. Now you've a clean start ... you've brushed three or four ornaments down, and in a fit of pique knocked off the rest of them. The thing now is to collect some new ones, and the farther you look ahead in the collecting, the better, but remember, do the next thing.

F Scott Fitzgerald

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #144618
#27. The Palestinians are the only nation in the world that feels with certainty that today is better than what the days ahead will hold. Tomorrow always heralds a worse situation.

Mahmoud Darwish

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #150436
#28. In Los Angeles ... was the thinking-est crowd on earth: how to get ahead, how to mold a better body, how to have a better relationship, how to score, earn, fight, win, get published, be a star.

Caroline B. Cooney

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #43452
#29. I'm playing better than I've ever played, and I m feeling better. I have this crazy idea that the best part of my career is ahead of me. I really believe that with all my heart.

Roger Williams

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #162789
#30. Go ahead and do things, the bigger the better, if your fundamentals are sound. Avoid procrastination. Do not quibble for an hour over things that might be decided in minutes. However, if the issue at stake is large, stay as long as the next man, but go ahead and do things.

John J. Raskob

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #163761
#31. Watching John Lasseter's films, I think I can understand better than anyone that what he's doing, is going straight ahead with his vision and working really hard to get that vision into film form. And I feel that my understanding this of him is my friendship towards him.

Hayao Miyazaki

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #176026
#32. A great future awaits you. However, you have to divorce your past and get hooked for a better life. Embrace the great future ahead with all optimism!

Israelmore Ayivor

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #209173
#33. It's a gamble you take, the risk of alienating an audience. But there's a theory - sometimes it's better to confuse them for five minutes than let them get ahead of you for 10 seconds.

Paul Thomas Anderson

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #240587
#34. Just the responsibility of wanting to see my mother have a better life; making sure my sister had a better life. I went ahead and accepted that responsibility when I was young and it paid off. That was really the only goal.

Yo Gotti

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #249419
#35. Many of the high-return projects are high risk, which is why I suggest you forget the idea of looking at risk at all. Manage the risk by using an incremental or, even better, agile approach to the project. Start with your organization's context of what moves the organization ahead instead of risk.


There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #254155
#36. I'll tell you what the real problem is: These people are working under the assumption that they know better about what is good for kids, what kids need to learn to get ahead in this world.

Daniel Greenberg

There Are Better Things Ahead Quotes #267890

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