Top 49 The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes

#1. Accepting the loss of a loved one is difficult. But reconciling with the living is just as important.

Edie Claire

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #312104
#2. Grieving the loss of a loved one - whether human or animal - is not only permissible, it is essential.

Linda Bender

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #643573
#3. I grieve for every death.'It breaks my heart to think about a family weeping over the loss of a loved one. I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place.

George W. Bush

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #988730
#4. No family should have to endure the loss of a loved one at the hands of a previously convicted violent criminal.

Niecy Nash

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #995163
#5. There are countless opportunities to comfort others, not only in the loss of a loved one, but also in the daily distress that so often creeps into our lives.

Billy Graham

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #999677
#6. Thinking the loss of a loved one was unfortunate, ill timed, sad, or an accident is to miss the gift.

Mike Dooley

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1021941
#7. I believe that everyone can appreciate the right of a family to grieve the loss of a loved one in peace, regardless of anyone's position on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Dave Reichert

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1653459
#8. Mourning is one of the most profound human experiences that it is possible to have ... The deep capacity to weep for the loss of a loved one and to continue to treasure the memory of that loss is one of our noblest human traits.

Edwin S. Shneidman

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #150876
#9. [EDITORS' NOTE: For support in dealing with the illness or loss of a loved one due to an illness, call Kids Konnected at 800-899-2866.]

Jack Canfield

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1366577
#10. You never know how the loss will come -- whether he will lose you or you him, but it is a certainty that there will be a shattering involuntary separation. Death is the abandonment caused not by betrayal but by fidelity.

Jeanne Safer

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1027811
#11. She was too young to truly understand our loss, and she was too old to hold in my arms. Yet, I wanted nothing more than to clutch her against me as we faced the burial of her mother.

Cheryl R Cowtan

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1363674
#12. The greatest loss is the lost of life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1349473
#13. There are few experiences in life as painful and brutal as the failure of a small business. For a small business conceived and nurtured by its owner is like a living, breathing child. Its loss is no less traumatic than losing a loved one.

William Manchee

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1255683
#14. How do you go on knowing that you will never again - not ever, ever - see the person you have loved? How do you survive a single hour, a single minute, a single second of that knowledge? How do you hold yourself together?

Howard Jacobson

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1218485
#15. There's only so much room for life and death
in our world. One must be traded for the other.

Will Bly

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1168524
#16. Memories is all that you have, which help you survive the storms and struggles of your daily life after you lose someone!

Nikita Dudani

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1090498
#17. Perhaps we become accustomed to our grief and, as it becomes increasingly familiar, increasingly part of the emotional landscape, it becomes a dullness. But there is no closure, no forgetting. One mourns those one has loved who have died until one joins them. It happens soon enough.

David Rieff

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1076678
#18. Loss is a strange thing. It comes without a warning. It rips your heart to shreds and lets you learn to live with the pieces. It never lets you heal, but eventually, the memories you carry will help you learn to live with the pain of knowing that you will never see your loved one again.

J.C. Reed

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1868143
#19. Loss, be it the death of a loved one, deteriorating health, lost dreams, or some kind of divine interruption . . . will usually include a measure of pain. Your positive attitude, perspective change, and faith are what will turn your wailing into praise and joyful dancing.

Cheryl Zelenka

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1385420
#20. As you know so well, the passage of time never really heals the tragic memory of such a great loss, but we carry on, because we have to, because our loved one would want us to, and because there is still light to guide us in the world from the love they gave us.

Edward Kennedy

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1396859
#21. It is important to feel the anger without judging it, without attempting to find meaning in it. It may take many forms: anger at the health-care system, at life, at your loved one for leaving. Life is unfair. Death is unfair. Anger is a natural reaction to the unfairness of loss.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1430430
#22. People mourn the loss of a friend or loved one in many different ways, some turn to the bottle, others to something stronger just to get some warped sense of feeling something.

Adam Steven Page

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1484845
#23. Where do we enroll in Life 101? Where are the classes dealing with the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, the failure of a relationship? Unfortunately, those lessons are mostly learned through trial by fire and the school of hard knocks.

Les Brown

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1514293
#24. One must learn to live with the living before one can learn to live with the dead.

Irvin D. Yalom

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1527755
#25. I guess we'll never know exactly what ... the reasons behind the losses we experience in this life. But being angry doesn't make them any less devastating. It only robs us of the happiness and love we can experience. Only forgiveness can set us free.

Christene Houston

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1557417
#26. I used to feel afraid of the future, always assuming the worst. But now I've realized that my worst fears have already happened, and I've survived them! I've walked into the fire and made it out alive. Only the loss of a close loved one could have "woken me up" to reality in the same way.

Elizabeth Berrien

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1655686
#27. I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of my dear friend Ronni Chasen. I have had the honor of working with her for over 15 years. She was one of a kind. I loved her. I miss her.

Diane Warren

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1749680
#28. It is a sad truth in life that when someone has lost a loved one, friends sometimes avoid the person, just when the presence of friends is most needed.

Lemony Snicket

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #1853525
#29. Death is never easy when you know the people doing the dying.

Oliver North

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #529820
#30. There's extra suffering when someone you love dies by their own hand. The ones left breathing got to find their own way to survive and make it through living still.

Sandi Morgan Denkers

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #17434
#31. Death never pierces the heart so much as when it takes someone we love; cleaving the heart they held with their passing.

Brandon M. Herbert

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #81783
#32. At times like this There's not a lot that words can do To help ease your pain and sense of loss And though it may be hard to believe right now Know that the pain will ease with time And you will look back at the memories of your dear one And smile and remember a life well lived and loved.

Margaret Jones

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #341991
#33. Why do we as humans always tend to remember the worse things about people? We may know someone for many years, know them as vibrant and healthy, yet when they fall ill and pass away, we can only picture them at their sickest, as though they were born and lived their whole lives wearing a death mask.

K. Martin Beckner

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #371351
#34. His absence seemed a solid thing, a burden I must carry in addition to my grief ... Yet I knew I would continue to live. Sometimes that knowledge seemed the worst part of my loss.

Robin Hobb

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #373736
#35. At a family's most difficult time, I want to make sure at a minimum that they have the very basic of comforts: the ability to grieve their loss privately and the knowledge that their country is grateful for their loved one's sacrifice and service.

Dave Reichert

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #403457
#36. The death of a famous person is different from the death of a loved one, whether it is Michael Jackson, Frank McCourt, or Walter Cronkite. We didn't know any of them personally, and yet, we experience a sense of loss.

Madeleine M. Kunin

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #461971
#37. I was 'led' to read The Shack by Wm Paul Young after the sudden & unexpected death of my fiance', Marina DeAngelo in July of 2012. It helped me as it has millions of people with the trauma and grief associated with the great personal loss of a loved one."

~R. Alan Woods [2013]

R. Alan Woods

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #496946
#38. Death is really a matter of perspective. So many people say "sorry for your loss" when a special one dies, but I don't see it as a loss. You don't lose the person at all, you gain a guardian angel that will stay with you and watch over you and their loved ones for life.

Tanya Masse

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #514858
#39. May you find the strength and resolve today, to allow a deeper sense of healing to begin.


The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #516393
#40. I am overachieving at aimlessness, I am a type-A, alpha-girl lollygagger, the leader of a gang of heartbroken kids, running wild across this lonely strip of amusements, each of us smarting from the betrayals of a loved one.

Gillian Flynn

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #999565
#41. She was convinced a word existed, a noun, that meant the loss of feelings for someone who was formerly loved - a word for the act of falling out of love. I said I couldn't think of it. It wasn't in the dictionary either, not the one she wanted.

Olivia Sudjic

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #569557
#42. The attitude of invincibility flees at the first encounter of injury, disease, or loss of a loved one.

Jonah Books

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #603305
#43. But she wasn't around, and that's the thing when your parents die, you feel like instead of going in to every fight with backup, you are going into every fight alone.

Mitch Albom

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #639048
#44. [after the death of a loved one] It is when there is nothing more to be done that the reality of the loss often hits with full force.

Judith Martin

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #669654
#45. First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the family of Michael Brown. As I have said in the past, I know that, regardless of the circumstances here, they lost a loved one to violence. I know the pain that accompanies such a loss knows no bounds.

Robert P. McCulloch

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #770886
#46. All that is left to one who grieves
Is convalescence. No change of heart or spiritual
Conversion, for the heart has changed
And the soul has been converted
To a thing that sees
How much it costs to lose a friend it loved.

Herbert Mason

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #864305
#47. The creek was hers now and yet she felt nothing. It had been the longest walk of her life for no one was at the end waiting for her. She slept through winter. Missed Christmas and awoke to a New Year. She felt so lost. Until the first bluebells and ramsons colored the green-brown floor of her world.

Sarah Winman

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #912383
#48. I'm tired of everyone looking at me with pity in their eyes. I'm tired of feeling like my heart is being ripped out of my chest every damned day. I'm tired of waking up in the morning, and then remembering ...

A.B. Shepherd

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #945830
#49. Dry fingers of decaying branches protruded upward, above what was left of the canopy of green. They rattled like skeletal bones, grasping for a final breath from the last silvery clouds of evening that slowly drifted by.

K. Farrell St. Germain

The Loss Of A Loved One Quotes #990851

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