Top 100 The Inheritance Quotes
#1. If the derived class isn't going to adhere completely to the same interface contract defined by the base class, inheritance is not the right implementation technique. Consider containment or making a change further up the inheritance hierarchy.
Steve McConnell
#2. The stream of time sweeps away errors, and leaves the truth for the inheritance of humanity.
Georg Brandes
#3. I bought an insurance policy covering the inheritance tax my kids will have to pay when we die, which I thought was a good bit of forward thinking. And I always know I'm going to have enough for tax because I make sure I keep it back in my business account.
Mark Billingham
#4. By grace (that is to say, by favor) we are plucked out of Adam, the ground of all evil, and grafted in Christ, the root of all goodness.28 You are chosen for Christ's sake to the inheritance of eternal life.29
Steven J. Lawson
#5. wisdom." I suspect you're upset about the inheritance Daddy left me. But
Rachel Hauck
#6. More astronauts have been to the moon than farmers who paid the inheritance tax in 2013.
Bill Maher
#7. One may lack words to express the impact of beauty but no one who has felt it remains untouched. It is renewal, enlargement, intensification. The parks preserve it permanently in the inheritance of the American citizens.
Bernard DeVoto
#8. In choosing a companion, it is necessary to study the disposition, the inheritance, and training of the one with whom you are contemplating making life's journey.
David O. McKay
#9. It doesn't take a new heart to want the psychological relief of forgiveness, or the removal of God's wrath, or the inheritance of God's world. All these things are understandable without any spiritual change. You don't need to be born again to want these things. The devils want them.
John Piper
#10. Y May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for z all endurance and patience a with joy, 12. b giving thanks [4] to the Father, who has qualified you [5] to share in c the inheritance of the saints in light.
#11. The ancient priest who had taken Father Angel's place and whose name no one had bothered to find out awaited God's mercy stretched out casually in a hammock, tortured by arthritis and the insomnia of doubt while the lizards and rats fought over the inheritance of the nearby church.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#12. In particular, for younger researchers on whom the future of mankind may depend. We believe that they are working with all the scientific wisdom at their disposal for the preservation of the inheritance of the earth and for the lasting survival of mankind.
Kenichi Fukui
#13. Almost nothing is known from hybridization studies about the inheritance of courtship behavior of females, or of their responsiveness to particular male signals.
Peter R. Grant
#14. Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
#15. When I was young, my father had a serious heart attack. He
survived, but we lost our house and car. Under the Canadian Medicare
system, though, we would have kept the house and car and would have just
had to pay the inheritance tax.
Emo Philips
#16. Let us be thankful that there is no court by which we can be excluded from our share in the inheritance of the great poets of all ages and countries, to which our simple humanity entitles us.
James Russell Lowell
#17. If it was in the interest of Rome to extend her conquests towards the East, and to enter on the inheritance of Alexander the Great there in all its extent, the circumstances were never more favourable for doing so than in the year 716.
Theodor Mommsen
#18. This is all the inheritance I give to my dear family. The religion of Christ will give them one which will make them rich indeed.
Patrick Henry
#19. Except for the rare cases of plastid inheritance, the inheritance of all known cofactors can be sufficiently accounted for by the presence of genes in the chromosomes. In a word the cytoplasm may be ignored genetically.
Thomas Hunt Morgan
#20. One of the most important of all the causes of great inequality of income is the inheritance of a great fortune by a small minority.
Hugh Dalton
#21. Prayer is the inheritance we receive and the legacy we leave.
Mark Batterson
#22. According to Celtic law, all sons equally divided the inheritance and principalities of their father.
Sabine Baring-Gould
#23. Prayer is the condition by which all foes are to be overcome and all the inheritance is to be possessed.
E. M. Bounds
#24. No invader has ever conquered the heart of Poland, that spirit which is the inheritance of sons and daughters, the private passion of families and the ancient, unbreakable tie to all those who came before.
James A. Michener
#25. We must save ourselves from ourselves before the inheritance of humanity is ash.
Pierce Brown
#26. ignorance is the cause of the unbelief that fails of the inheritance. If, in our orthodox Churches, the abiding in
Andrew Murray
#27. Value the blood of Christ as the foundation of your hope, but never speak disparagingly of the work of the Spirit which is your meetness for the inheritance of the saints in light. This day let us so live as to manifest the work of the Triune God in us.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#28. The possession of wealth, and especially the inheritance of wealth, seems almost invariably to sterilize genius.
Beatrice Webb
#29. The rich women, to avoid dividing the inheritance among many, kill their own fetus in the womb and with murderous juices extinguish in the genital chamber their children.
#30. If we are to make progress, we must not repeat history but make new history. We must add to the inheritance left by our ancestors. If we may make new discoveries and inventions in the phenomenal world, must we declare our bankruptcy in the spiritual domain? Is
Paramahansa Yogananda
#31. I think that's what activates the Tea Party Movement. What they see is the government interfering with their lives and with the inheritance of their children. Are we going to pass down liberty or deficits? And that's really what this movement is about.
Sharron Angle
#32. Literature and the arts are also criticism in a more particular and practical sense. They embody an expository reflection on, a value judgement of, the inheritance and context to which they pertain.
George Steiner
#33. Fame is the inheritance not of the dead, but of the living. It is we who look back with lofty pride to the great names of antiquity.
William Hazlitt
#34. Through our awareness, we can open the inheritance of our qualities or talents, and behind that, reside in the stillness of being, present in the sanctity of universal love.
Georgi Y. Johnson
#35. Art is the inheritance of every individual, it activates evolutionary growth, it is an intellectual virtue, and the fostering principle for all that is made, done, or known.
Alonzo King
#36. The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.
Benjamin Disraeli
#37. Thus the genetic basis to the origin of bird species is to be sought in the inheritance of adult traits that are subject to natural and sexual selection.
Peter R. Grant
#38. The poetry of life, the inner side of nature, rises near the surface to meet the eyes of the man who makes. The advantage gained by the carpenter of Nazareth at his bench is the inheritance of every workman as he imitates his maker in the divine - that is, honest - work.
George MacDonald
#39. And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.
#40. It is the high privilege and sacred duty of those now living to educate their successors and fit them, by intelligence and virtue, for the inheritance which awaits them.
James A. Garfield
#41. Children are the inheritance of the Lord to us in this life and also in eternity. Eternal life is not only to have forever our descendants from this life. It is also to have eternal increase.
Henry B. Eyring
#42. 14 The Spirit is God's guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us
#43. The amassing of unfettered wealth of individuals and corporations should stop. The inheritance of rich people's wealth by their children should stop. The expropriators should have their wealth expropriated and redistributed.
Arundhati Roy
#44. The inheritance of a distinguished and noble name is a proud inheritance to him who lives worthily of it.
Charles Caleb Colton
#45. Barbarism is not the inheritance of our prehistory. It is the companion that dogs our every step.
Alain Finkielkraut
#46. The white man's blood and bones have begotten this bronze race, and bequeathed to it in some degree qualities, tendencies, capabilities, such as are the inheritance of the highest order of human animals.
Fanny Kemble
#47. There are historic situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of a civilization, however imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may result in consequences even worse than war.
Reinhold Niebuhr
#48. The nucleus has to take care of the inheritance of the heritable characters, while the surrounding cytoplasm is concerned with accommodation or adaptation to the environment.
Ernst Haeckel
#49. PRO13.22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
#50. G Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! h According to his great mercy, i he has caused us to be born again to a living hope j through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4. to k an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and l unfading, m kept in heaven for you,
#51. Nobody knows what tribes we came from nor what our tribal inheritance is nor what the mysteries were in the woods where the people lived that we came from. All we know is that we do not know. We know nothing about what happens to us in the nights.
Ernest Hemingway,
#52. On the beach, Roran stood alone, watching them go. Then he threw back his head and uttered a long, aching cry, and the night echoed with the sound of his loss.
Christopher Paolini
#53. My father belongs to the generation that fought the war in the 1940s. When I was a kid my father told me stories - not so many, but it meant a lot to me. I wanted to know what happened then, to my father's generation. It's a kind of inheritance, the memory of it.
Haruki Murakami
#54. Saeed quickly found employment at a Banana Republic, where he would sell to urban sophisticates the black turtleneck of the season, in a shop whose name was synonymous with colonial exploitation and the rapacious ruin of the third world.
Kiran Desai
#55. Taxes are necessary. But the system of discriminatory taxation universally accepted under the misleading name of progressive taxation of income and inheritance is not a mode of taxation. It is rather a mode of disguised expropriation of the successful capitalists and entrepreneurs.
Ludwig Von Mises
#56. The best inheritance a father can leave his children is a good example.
John Walter Bratton
#57. The finest inheritance you can give to a child is to allow it to make its own way, completely on its own feet.
Isadora Duncan
#58. I inherited her.
I preyed on her.
I owned her life and had the piece of paper to prove it.
Nila Weaver.
And my task ... ..
... .
... .
devour her.
Pepper Winters
#59. All prejudices, whether of race, sect or sex, class pride and caste distinctions are the belittling inheritance and badge of snobs and prigs.
Anna Julia Cooper
#60. Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.
Henry David Thoreau
#61. Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are the work of many generations. All this is put in your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it on to your children.
Albert Einstein
#62. Quin took on the air of someone who has just realized it's time for the yearly visit to the spinster great-aunt in a desperate attempt to woo her inheritance away from her thirty-eight cats.
Amy Fecteau
#63. Our modern democratic ideal is based on the hope that inequalities will be based on merit more than inheritance or luck.
Thomas Piketty
#64. If you wish to remain above the forces here, do not let anyone's approval dictate your actions
Christopher Paolini
#65. With every step of the recent traveler our inheritance of the wonderful is diminished. Those beautiful pictured notes of the possible are redeemed at a ruinous discount in the hard coin of the actual.
James Russell Lowell
#66. One of my favorite phobias is that girls, especially those whose tastes aren't routine, often don't get a fair break ... It has come down through the generations, an inheritance of age-old customs which produced the corollary that women are bred to timidity.
Amelia Earhart
#67. The illusions of paternal love are perhaps no less poignant than those of the other kind; many daughters regard their fathers merely as the old men who leave their fortunes to them.
Marcel Proust
#68. Wherever on this planet ideals of personal freedom and dignity apply, there you will find the cultural inheritance of England.
Karel Capek
#69. Enter into the promises of God. It is your inheritance. You will do more in one year if you are really filled with the Holy Ghost than you could do in fifty years apart from Him.
Smith Wigglesworth
#70. We're seeing a new 'Gilded Age,' where inheritance is a deciding factor in who becomes the wealthiest.
Annalee Newitz
#71. The estate tax punishes years of hard work and robs families of part of their heritage by imposing a huge penalty on inheritance after death - a tax on money that has already been taxed.
Mike Fitzpatrick
#72. If, then, this civilization is to be saved, if it is not to be submerged by centuries of barbarism, but to secure the treasures ofits inheritance on new and more stable foundations, there is indeed need for those now living fully to realize how far the decay has already progressed.
Johan Huizinga
#73. We have a priceless inheritance - an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. - 1 Peter 1:4
Gary Chapman
#74. After all, we are not French and never can be, and any attempt to be so is to deny our inheritance and to try to impose upon ourselves a character that can be nothing but a veneer upon the surface.
Edward Hopper
#75. Fake Math owes its existence to a number of things and people who have inspired and assisted this book on its way into the world.
Ryan Fitzpatrick
#76. The Course states that there are only two emotions: love and fear. The first is our natural inheritance, and the other our mind manufactures.
Gerald G. Jampolsky
#77. The most precious inheritance that parents can give their children is their own happiness.
Thich Nhat Hanh
#78. Shelters, conservationists, those concerned about unnecessary cruelty toward the animals we eat, and people working against species extinction fight to preserve the true riches of our planet, our real inheritance. These are big, critical goals.
April Gornik
#79. The descendants of Abraham were flattered by the opinion, that they alone were the heirs of the covenant, and they were apprehensive of diminishing the value of their inheritance, by sharing it too easily with the strangers of the earth.
Edward Gibbon
#80. Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked; 17 for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the LORD upholds the righteous. 18 The blameless spend their days under the LORD's care, and their inheritance will endure forever.
#81. To remember the other world in this world is to live in your true inheritance.
David Whyte
#82. Jesus didn't leave a material inheritance to His disciples. All He had when He died was a robe. But Jesus willed His followers something more valuable than gold. He willed us His peace. He said: "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives" [John 14:27 KJV].
Billy Graham
#83. This is a prayer, inchoate and unfinished, for you, my love, my loss, my lesion, a rosary of words to count out time's illusions, all the minutes, hours, days the calendar compounds as if the past existed somewhere like an inheritance still waiting to be claimed.
Dana Gioia
#84. No one knows exactly when or where the redwood entered the history of life on earth, though it is an ancient kind of tree and has come down to our world as an inheritance out of deep time.
Richard Preston
#85. The wildest part is that Jesus doesn't have to love us. His being is utterly complete and perfect, apart from humanity. He doesn't need me or you. Yet He wants us, chooses us, even considers us His inheritance (Eph. 1:18). The greatest knowledge we can ever have is knowing God treasures us.
Francis Chan
#86. To while away the day contemplating evils that might have been is to poison the happiness we already have.
Christopher Paolini
#87. As if all that weren't enough, factor in the whole tedious millenial saga of female virtue, modesty, shame, repression, male ineptitude ... in short, a cruel combo of anatomical inheritance and sexual inhibition for the gal set; a nature-culture one-two punch, right to the female pleasure principle.
Laura Kipnis
#88. Science is the one human activity that is truly progressive. The body of positive knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation.
Edwin Powell Hubble
#89. the greatest mutational health hazard in the population is fertile old men. Thankfully, uniparental inheritance means that men don't pass on their mitochondria at all.
Nick Lane
#90. The classical example of multiple inheritance conflict is called the 'Nixon Diamond.' It arises from the observation that Nixon was both a Quaker (and hence a pacifist) and a Republican (and hence not a pacifist).
Stuart Russell
#91. Someday all the children of the world will learn the truth about their noble inheritance. When that happens, a miracle will unfold on the kingdom of Earth.
Charlene Costanzo
#92. There was a debt to be paid. And I was the method of extraction. Plain and simple. I'm a Hawk. She's a Weaver. That was all I needed to know.
Pepper Winters
#93. On Caladan, we ruled with sea and air power," the Duke said. "Here, we must scrabble for desert power. This is your inheritance, Paul.
Frank Herbert
#94. Of course, money will do after its kind, and will steadily work to unspiritualize and unchurch the people to whom it was bequeathed.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#95. When the "sacredness of property" is talked of, it should always be remembered that any such sacredness does not belong in the same degree to landed property. No man made the land. It is the original inheritance of the whole species.
John Stuart Mill
#96. It seems to me that the least deserving recipients of wealth are inheritors. Further, there are many indications that inheritors often have trouble adjusting to their unearned inheritance. An inheritance tax would de facto help remedy this.
Julian Robertson
#97. Justification is the truly dramatic transition from the status of a condemned criminal awaiting a terrible sentence to that of an heir awaiting a fabulous inheritance.
J.I. Packer
#98. A man who is an agnostic by inheritance, so that he doesn't remember any time that he wasn't, has almost no hatred for the religious.
H.L. Mencken
#99. Our ideals, laws and customs should be based on the proposition that each generation in turn becomes the custodian rather than the absolute owner of our resources - and each generation has the obligation to pass this inheritance on in the future.
Alberto Moravia
#100. In the new conditions created by the global economy, the information revolution and the growth of smart technologies, it is more necessary than ever for all companies to be guided by their rich spiritual inheritance, as spiritual enterprises.
Ted Malloch
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