Top 100 The Group Quotes
#1. That was the thing about Joy Division: writing the songs was dead easy because the group was really balanced; we had a great guitarist, a great drummer, a great bass player, a great singer.
Peter Hook
#2. After the group vet appointment
during which Lyle scratched the vet, the vet tech, and some poor woman minding her own business in the waiting room
we went back to Sabrina's and re-released the cats to their natural habitat.
Sarah Dessen
#3. A good deal of confusion could be avoided, if we refrained from setting before the group, what can be the aim only of the individual; and before society as a whole, what can be the aim only of the group.
T. S. Eliot
#4. 'He'll probably end up angling for a threesome. Then I'll have to get my animal name so I can be a part of the group. So Native American of you white boys. I'll probably go for something like Falcon. Or Wolf.'
'Jackass suits you better,' Anna intones.
T.J. Klune
#5. Clearly, health and disease cannot be defined merely in terms of anatomical, physiological, or mental attributes. Their real measure is the ability of the individual to function in a manner acceptable to himself and to the group of which he is a part.
Rene Dubos
#6. The New Kids took some hits for, you know, not writing their own music. But on a songwriting standpoint, I mean, I'd never written music before when I was in the group, ... Now the music is my music, so it's kind of like my baby, and that was a whole different experience.
Joey McIntyre
#7. I enjoyed every minute of what I was doing with sessions, because The Blossoms, the group that I was singing with, they were the first black background singers. There weren't any.
Darlene Love
#8. We were going to have to experiment, and we needed to develop our younger players. And a lot of the changes were because of injuries. But that's where I give a lot of credit to the group in terms of being able to maintain things.
Isaiah Thomas
#9. If you are worried about what others might think and about how your position in the group might be jeopardized, then you will never really create anything.
Robert Greene
#10. I really like the group tour better than going it alone. First of all, it kind of takes the pressure off a little. I'm not a naturally extroverted person. But I also like it because it brings in new fans. For example, someone who really loves Aprilynne Pike's books might pick up mine and vice versa.
Veronica Roth
#11. Regardless of the overall state of the economy, there is now a large enough elite made up of new multi-millionaires and billionaires for Wall Street to see the group as "superconsumers," able to carry consumer demand all on their own.
Naomi Klein
#12. Every time she allowed her gaze to wander to the group at the piano, she found Lord Wentworth's eyes on her. In the end it was easier to study the patterns in the ornate rug on which her chair sat. She was glad when the evening ended.
Susan Leona Fisher
#13. You know, Glen Campbell sang with the group right before I joined the group.
Bruce Johnston
#14. The only group of Atlanteans that was truly successful in transplanting their knowledge to a new location was the group that landed in what is now Egypt.
Frederick Lenz
#15. The group had an atomic structure: a nucleus of nuts surrounded by darting, nervous nurse-electrons charged with our protection.
Susanna Kaysen
#16. The crowd is just as important as the group. It takes everything to make it work.
Levon Helm
#17. Be mindful of your social environment. By nature, the group you hang-out with will develop a common behavior and mindset. This behavior usually gravitates towards the lowest common denominator. Choose your group wisely.
Steve Maraboli
#18. I would want to be in a larger group. Personally, it would give me a sense of security, that we aren't a force to be messed with. I'd stay in the center of the group, and stay in shape! I've just got to be able to outrun the rest of them!
Christian Serratos
#19. Wars are not fought for territory, but for words. Man's deadliest weapon is language. He is as susceptible to being hypnotized by slogans as he is to infectious diseases. And where there is an epidemic, the group-mind takes over.
Arthur Koestler
#20. And I'd certainly never explored being tall before. It had always just been a fact. I am tall. I buy tall clothing. I date tall men. I can reach high things. The end. But when towering over the grocery store checkout line or out with my friends, I still felt like I didn't quite fit into the group.
Arianne Cohen
#21. In crowds we have unison, in groups harmony. We want the single voice but not the single note; that is the secret of the group.
Mary Parker Follett
#22. Too much excitement, Your Majesty?" I asked.
"He was standing too close."
"He was asking about Andrea."
"Too close. I didn't like it." Curran wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started walking,
steering me away from the group. His Possessive Majesty in all of his glory.
Ilona Andrews
#23. Surround yourself with people of like mind and different talents and temperaments with the purpose of serving the goals of every member of the group. Associate with these people on a regular basis.
Jeff Olson
#24. Natural selection has duped us with an emotion that encourages group thinking. It is an emotion that makes us act as if for the good of the group; an emotion that brings pleasure, pride, or even thrills from coordinated group activity.
Mark Pagel
#25. Any education given by a group tends to socialize its members, but the quality and the value of the socialization depends upon the habits and aims of the group. Hence, once more, the need of a measure for the worth of any given mode of social life.
John Dewey
#26. To be included in the group with women like Glenn Close and Kyra Sedgwick is a little bit astonishing to me. To even be mentioned in the same sentence as Glenn Close is just ridiculous.
Julianna Margulies
#27. The human brain takes in information from other people and incorporates it with the information coming from its own senses, neuroscientist Gregory Berns has written. Many times, the group's opinion trumps the individual's before he even becomes aware of it.
Alexandra Robbins
#28. Or consider "Here Without You" by 3 Doors Down, or almost any song by the group Maroon 5. Those bands are so featureless that critics and listeners created a new music category - "bath rock" - to describe their tepid sounds. Yet whenever they came on the radio, almost no one changed the station.
Charles Duhigg
#29. gazed blankly at nothing in particular. I knew that look. They were the Russells of the group.
Bobby Adair
#30. I had nothing to contribute. I played no part. I was on the edge.
Everything around me, grey.
It was the same old feeling, back again.
I was in the middle of the group but I might as well have been a million miles away from these people.
Tim Relf
#31. Generally speaking, beliefs arise from an event or character that may or may not be authentic, and rapidly evolve into social movements that are conditioned and shaped by the political, economic and societal circumstances of the group that accepts them.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
#32. In Jazz, like in America, the group works together toward a common cause with lots of room left for each individual to shine.
Richie Gerber
#33. After we tried ecstasy everyone at school called us 'The Group'.
Norman Fox
#34. Before the group left, Gary asked for my phone number, and the next day he called to ask me to dinner that night. I had no idea he was married, but I found out that night.
Donna Rice
#35. The Yale group was doing the Harold. So by our senior year we were trying to do the Harold. Again, we had no idea what we were doing. We had one guy in the group who was pretty experimental; he would kind of push us to do weird things. It was really fun, a great experience.
Rachel Dratch
#36. Throughout America's young history there has been a necessary tension between the individual and the group.
Harold Evans
#37. You can do something. You can, even for one person Don't turn away; help. Because those who suffer, often suffer not because of the person or the group that inflicts the suffering; they seem to suffer because nobody cares.
Elie Wiesel
#38. One of the members of the group, I can't remember which one, found out we were making $3 - $5,000 a night. We were getting a hundred dollars a week a piece. Everybody got upset about it.
Ben E. King
#39. Outside museums, in noisy public squares, people look at people. Inside museums, we leave that realm and enter what might be called the group-mind, getting quiet to look at art.
Jerry Saltz
#40. Since then, I have worked with the group that commissioned and improved the ring and that is now preparing the construction of a second ring to increase the p stacking rate by an order of magnitude.
Simon Van Der Meer
#41. The group made the salesman aware in no uncertain terms that his tendency to avoid problem-solving by ignoring a problem in the hope that it would go away was in itself his major problem.
M. Scott Peck
#42. I'd hope to reach any kid who feels apart from the group - those who seem to be outsiders, who feel different. Kids who want to reach their parents often don't know how to do so.
Ellen Muth
#43. Members of a cohesive group feel warmth and comfort in the group and a sense of belongingness; they value the group and feel in turn that they are valued, accepted, and supported by other members.
Irvin D. Yalom
#44. There is that interdependence and that strength you get from a team, that the group is greater than any individual.
Pete Newell
#45. A city is a kind of pattern-amplifying machine: its neighborhoods are a way of measuring and expressing the repeated behavior of larger collectivities - capturing information about group behavior, and sharing that information with the group.
Steven Johnson
#46. And so Nat stood up and joined the group, and followed, and watched, and awaited his chance as the light of Chaos lit the plain and gods and demons marched to war.
Joanne Harris
#47. The individual is not a killer, but the group is, and by identifying with it the individual is transformed into a killer.
Arthur Koestler
#48. The farther a society progresses, the more clearly the individual becomes the antithesis of the group.
Herbert Read
#49. Sports constantly make demands on the participant for top performance, and they develop integrity, self-reliance and initiative. They teach you a lot about working in groups, without being unduly submerged in the group.
Byron White
#50. It'll be all of our efforts together. It won't won't ever be exactly the way I imagined it. And that is, I think, an important lesson as well, is that in any group enterprise it's going to be the sum total of the group.
James Cameron
#51. The hardest thing to walk away from, over a long-form TV show, is the comradery of the company, both with the crew and the group of actors.
Joshua Jackson
#52. Once the miracle of creation has taken place, the group can build and extend it, but the group never invents anything.
John Steinbeck
#53. If I go to a seminar and someone like you or someone like him is talking, I'm never part of the group that rushes him directly afterward. I always wait in the back corner with my head down until everyone is gone, and then I go up and do my thing.
Arthur Godfrey
#54. The essence of politics is to direct oneself to the group which wields power
Steven Biko
#55. When a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in Harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance, becomes available to every individual brain in the group.
Napoleon Hill
#56. I find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping, and the group of people who are mostly - though not exclusively - who are keeping life going in the midst of war, are not included in the negotiating table.
Zainab Salbi
#57. She acknowledged each person's nearness to the dead and helped the group in its struggle for order-who grieved most, whose pain was most real-because in life there is always hierarchy, and it is frankly not profitable to remain modest and anonymous, not even at a funeral.
Hilary Thayer Hamann
#58. Bianca, one of the quieter members of the group, shocked us all by butting in. That's just not true.
R.K. Lilley
#59. When is a game more than a game? So often, we pay lip service to the uplifting power of sports, the teamwork, the camaraderie, the lessons in taming one's own ego for the sake of the group. But you have to wonder, how often is that still really true?
Michel Martin
#60. TSX-002 will reinforce Aspen's pipeline, further bolstering its presence in a key therapeutic area for the Group. The registration of the product will allow Aspen the opportunity to develop the testosterone market in emerging markets.
Stephen Saad
#61. It's the group sound that's important, even when you're playing a solo.
Oscar Peterson
#62. It is essential for the image of the Leader that the group does not see the face of the one who goes before, but sees him only from behind as the figure stepping out ahead. His humanity is veiled in his Leader's form.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
#63. It was as if the power and loneliness of the vampires' world had combined with the group oriented puppy-pile world of the shapeshifters and made something new.
Laurell K. Hamilton
#64. The group of writers I had grown up with in the '60s - Derek Mahon, Michael Longley, James Simmons, John Hewitt, Paul Muldoon - formed a very necessary and self-sustaining group.
Seamus Heaney
#65. When we parted I had written everything for the group. My leaving sort of evened things out within the group.
Syd Barrett
#66. If we want groups to serve as incubators for contagious messages, then ... we have to keep groups below the 150 Tipping Point. Above that point, there begin to be structural impediments to the ability of the group to agree and act with one voice.
Malcolm Gladwell
#67. According to the group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, fish have feelings too. Whenever my sons go fishing they always tell me, "Dad it doesn't hurt a fish to get hooked." Well I watch and I see and I believe it's painful for the fish.
Donald Trump
#68. Miserably. Forty minutes later, the group
J. Sterling
#69. The group of guys I have ... They are playing off straight motivation.
LeBron James
#70. There is nothing intrinsically better about a child who happily bounces off to school the first day and a child who is wary, watchful, and takes a longer time to separate from his parents and join the group. Neither one nor the other is smarter, better adjusted, or destined for a better life.
Ellen Galinsky
#71. Idealization of a group is a natural consequence of separation from the group; in other words, it is a by-product of alienation.
Paula Gunn Allen
#72. We think the Mac will sell zillions, but we didn't build the Mac for anybody else. We built it for ourselves. We were the group of people who were going to judge whether it was great or not. We weren't going to go out and do market research. We just wanted to build the best thing we could build.
Steve Jobs
#73. No one in the group was really growing up besides me, which is pretty weird 'cause there was no one in that group more self-destructive than I was.
Dee Dee Ramone
#74. I am obsessed with my sisters. Being the oldest, I probably just have that in me. But I also think I am the youngest sometimes. We all have moments when we are the maternal one of the group.
Kourtney Kardashian
#75. Important insights ought never to be limited to the group from which may arise.
Richard J. Foster
#76. The strength of the group is in the will of the leader, and the will is character in action.
Vince Lombardi
#77. Every individual is in touch with the deeper level of being, the aware consciousness. If these humans form groups, they do not derive their sense of self from the group, which does not mean there cannot be a sense of being part of this group. But the group itself does not become an egoic entity.
Eckhart Tolle
#78. I'm convinced that the infantry is the group in the army which gives more and gets less than anybody else.
Bill Mauldin
#79. I think that it's hard enough being an adolescent and wanting so much to fit in with your peers, your schoolmates, and to erase any sign of difference, to be part of the group. And being biracial but also being black in a predominately white school marked me as different.
Natasha Trethewey
#80. A band is not a marriage. There are no oaths of allegiance. If you feel your life will be better served by splitting up the group, you've got to do it - but of course it does cause problems.
Steve Winwood
#81. I believe one thing powerfully- that the only creative thing our species has is the individual, lonely mind ... The group ungoverned by individual thinking is a horrible destructive principle.
John Steinbeck
#82. I might be the only chick in the group, but that didn't make me the damsel in distress.
Jeaniene Frost
#83. Leon Wells told of Operation 1005, the group of Jewish prisoners assigned to eradicate the evidence by opening mass graves and exhuming, burning, and pulverizing the bodies.
-- The Eichmann Trial, page 87
Deborah E. Lipstadt
#84. The social system based on and consonant with the altruist morality-with the code of self-sacrifice- is socialism, in all or any of its variants: fascism, Nazism, communism. All of them treat man as a sacrificial animal to be immolated for the benefit of the group, the tribe, the society, the state.
Ayn Rand
#85. When people in stadiums do the Wave, it's the group-mind collective organism spontaneously organizing itself to express an emotion, pass time, and reflect the joy of seeing the rhythms of many as one, a visual rhyming or music in which everyone senses where the motion is going.
Jerry Saltz
#86. The # Divine incarnates only in the individual -He or It overshadows the group. The supreme responsibility always lies with the individual. At the exact moment, in the most definite manner Destiny acts and speaks though the individual.
Dane Rudhyar
#87. When someone uses the word 'cult,' it usually says more about them than the group
J. Gordon Melton
#88. And now the forces marshaled around the concept of the group have declared a war of extermination on that preciousness, the mind of man.
John Steinbeck
#89. In a cult intervention information is presented about the group that the member is most often not aware of.
Rick Ross
#90. Remember the power is not in the leader of the group, but in the Creator of the universe.
Teresa Hampton
#91. It was also never wanting to be part of any group or movement or anything that was the done thing. I hated organization. When you have a group, you have a leader who is going to put down the rest of the group.
Rei Kawakubo
#92. The group who really could benefit from more protein is not fit young gym-goers but older people, who seem to be at much greater risk of protein deficiency.
Bee Wilson
#93. The group consisting of mother, father and child is the main educational agency of mankind.
Martin Luther King Jr.
#94. Leadership is not achieved by an individual. Leadership is bestowed by the group.
Simon Sinek
#95. If any of our songs ever did make it on the top ten, I'd disband the group immediately.
Robert Smith
#96. Most people in the media aren't bad people. They just go along to get along and it's the group culture and the conditioning. As soon as they see that things are wrong, some of them will start speaking out and making a stand.
Alex Jones
#97. You can always make a lot of people love one another so long as there are a smaller number outside the group for them to kick.
Sigmund Freud
#98. The individual or the group which organizes any society, however social its intentions or pretensions, arrogates an inordinate portion of social privilege to itself.
Reinhold Niebuhr
#99. The individual makes a clear effort to define moral values and principles that have validity and application apart from the authority of the groups of persons holding them and apart from the individual's own identification with the group.
Lawrence Kohlberg
#100. We should think not only of what the leader does to the group, but also of what the group does to the leader.
Mary Parker Follett
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