Top 100 The Better Quotes

#1. In the process of being a lady from a girl ... I understood that the White Knight, the Prince Charming and the Bad Guy are kind of same. You cant distinguish them by how they look or behave and often the Bad Guy has the better dressing sense.

Upasana Banerjee

The Better Quotes #1865217
#2. Even of his sins the Enemy does not want him to think too much: once they are repented, the sooner the man turns his attention outward, the better the Enemy is pleased.

C.S. Lewis

The Better Quotes #1866022
#3. The higher the heel, the better you feel.

Carrie Bradshaw

The Better Quotes #1866160
#4. The best way to conduct research on a larger scale is to make sure everyone knows what everyone else is doing ... The sooner the better - start talking to other people about what you're doing. Because that's what will stimulate things the fastest.

James Harris Simons

The Better Quotes #1866848
#5. Don't regret your mistakes. You'll always make mistakes. The better you are, the less mistakes you make. The only way to get better is to thoroughly analyze your mistakes.

James Altucher

The Better Quotes #1867981
#6. In fact, every woman I met seemed disposable and replaceable. I was experiencing seducer's paradox: The better a seducer I became, the less I loved women. Success was no longer defined by getting laid or finding a girlfriend, but by how well I performed.

Neil Strauss

The Better Quotes #1868702
#7. There's something about the superheroes and the idea behind their relationship with humans, whether it's a metaphor for the better part of ourselves, or the more flawed part of ourselves. So it seems to really be our own pop-culture version of Greek mythology.

Clark Gregg

The Better Quotes #1869572
#8. This is an important rule: a good design is one that changes customer behavior for the better.

Eric Ries

The Better Quotes #1871655
#9. I think I'm like wine. The older I get, the better I get.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

The Better Quotes #1872772
#10. I hope for all of us that the future brings us towards evolving our consciousness. To delving deeper into our true power. To exploring more the key to sustaining our planet and our art for the better of all living things.

Rain Phoenix

The Better Quotes #1872978
#11. What black eyes you have ... "
"All the better to devour you with.

Krista Ritchie

The Better Quotes #1873288
#12. Now is not the time for us to shy away from challenging ourselves to make substantive change for the better. We have the opportunity to raise the bar in the faith-based world by forging a culture in which inclusivity, diversity, and equality are paramount.

Lynn Schusterman

The Better Quotes #1873787
#13. It's like, to me, acting is like a child walking in the park, the better the actor, the greater the playground he has.

Logan Lerman

The Better Quotes #1874118
#14. Discretion is the better part of valor.

William Shakespeare

The Better Quotes #1877787
#15. I think that for me, growing up, my dad was in the Navy; we went all over the world. I love things the weirder the better. The idea I could eat things like snails or frogs legs or things like that was mind-blowingly cool.

Graham Elliot

The Better Quotes #1878000
#16. The more things that can bring you joy in life, the better

Dennis Prager

The Better Quotes #1878369
#17. The better question to ask yourself is: How to correct your diet so you can start losing weight?

Vinnie Tortorich

The Better Quotes #1878531
#18. the death penalty, and the sooner the better.

John Grisham

The Better Quotes #1879115
#19. It all suddenly seemed like a hopeless fight, but so what? I told myself. What does it cost you to pretend that the can change (for the better)? That history is an arc and it bends toward justice, even if it is long?

Kelly J. Cogswell

The Better Quotes #631811
#20. The world will change for the better when people decide they are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the way the world is, and decide to change themselves.

Sydney Madwed

The Better Quotes #575824
#21. The Jew's really the better-looking.

Anthony Powell

The Better Quotes #576033
#22. The older you get, the better you get, because you've seen more. You don't necessarily have to go through a lot, but you have to witness it in order to recreate it.

Janet McTeer

The Better Quotes #576635
#23. Life should be about changing for the better. If you have to let go of some people along the way, then go right ahead.

Krystal Volney

The Better Quotes #576794
#24. I consider failures to be the compost that feeds the better and best that is on its way.

Tim Johnson

The Better Quotes #577288
#25. The one of us who lies the best will get the better of the bargain. It's a game. A very exciting game that's played all over the world. Good players got rich, and bad players don't.

David Eddings

The Better Quotes #579208
#26. The more specific your questions the better. If you feel that you can't really continue the conversation without asking questions, you need to ask specific questions.

Patrick King

The Better Quotes #579391
#27. She thought the flat would be all the better for some photographs, not only to serve as reminders of those who were loved, or reflections of happy times spent in company, but to act as mirrors, where she might see the affection with which she was held by those dear to her.

Jacqueline Winspear

The Better Quotes #580558
#28. In my long and difficult and mature life, I have come to learn that the less I know about acting and the more I know about everything else, the better I'll be at both acting and living.

Jean Seberg

The Better Quotes #581360
#29. I think I've changed a little bit. I don't know whether it's for the better or for the worse at the moment. I've settled into a different mind frame now ... being a bit wilder maybe!

Liam Payne

The Better Quotes #582042
#30. I always liked to put on a tie. The more you look like an executive, the better treated you are. It catches people by surprise.

Don Wright

The Better Quotes #582450
#31. When I'm composing a scene for the first time, I try to imitate my character. The less critical distance the better - particularly when they're acting badly.

Jonathan Dee

The Better Quotes #584120
#32. Organized religion, wielding power over the community, is antithetical to the process of what modern democracy should define as liberty. The sooner we are without it, the better.

Lawrence M. Krauss

The Better Quotes #585362
#33. The simpler, the better. Complications lead to multiplicative chains of unanticipated effects.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Better Quotes #587121
#34. To Sethe, the future was a matter of keeping the past at bay. The "better life" she believed she and Denver were living was simply not that other one.

Toni Morrison

The Better Quotes #588090
#35. The devil always has the better tunes!

Rob James-Collier

The Better Quotes #588234
#36. The more everybody knows about all aspects of the problems we face, the better off all of us will be. Less time spent explaining things means more time for coming up with creative solutions.

Jesse James Garrett

The Better Quotes #588504
#37. The mind should be allowed some relaxation, that it may return to its work all the better for the rest.

Seneca The Younger

The Better Quotes #589589
#38. And so - if it's shame, let it be shame, if it's disgrace, let it be disgrace, if it's degradation, let it be degradation, and the worse, the better - that's what I chose.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The Better Quotes #590257
#39. If I have said something to hurt a man once, I shall not get the better of this by saying many things to please him.

Samuel Johnson

The Better Quotes #590625
#40. The greater the fool the better the dancer.

Theodore Hook

The Better Quotes #591494
#41. One way to become creative is to discipline yourself to generate bad ideas. The worse the better. Do it a lot and magically you'll discover that some good ones slip through.

Seth Godin

The Better Quotes #593848
#42. The more connected you are to the work, the better it is.

Jesse Peyronel

The Better Quotes #594021
#43. I don't mind bees and think we are all the better for having them around. I like the taste of honey.

Henry Rollins

The Better Quotes #594359
#44. The better you understand yourself the less cause you will find to love yourself.

Thomas A Kempis

The Better Quotes #594715
#45. In life, worthwhile accomplishments and acquisitions take time. Usually the better the reward, the more time it takes to acquire it.

John Wooden

The Better Quotes #594727
#46. The longer she spent in America, the better she had become at distinguishing, sometimes from looks and gait, but mostly from bearing and demeanor, that fine-grained mark that culture stamps on people. (Chapter 17)

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The Better Quotes #595723
#47. I preach nonviolence because it's the better alternative.

Jesse Jackson

The Better Quotes #595823
#48. Positivity transforms us for the better.

Barbara Fredrickson

The Better Quotes #597466
#49. Writing is like anything - baseball playing, piano playing, sewing, hammering nails. The more you work on it, the better you get. But it seems to take a longer time to get better at writing than hammering nails.

Betsy Byars

The Better Quotes #599995
#50. When I interview people, and they give me an immediate answer, they're often not thinking. So I'm silent. I wait. Because they think they have to keep answering. And it's the second train of thought that's the better answer.

Robin Leach

The Better Quotes #600403
#51. In a way, comedy is like sex. The more noise you hear, the better you think you're doing.

Ray Romano

The Better Quotes #600967
#52. Let us become like Christ, since Christ became like us. He assumed the worse that He might give us the better; He became poor that we through His poverty might be rich.

Gregory Of Nazianzus

The Better Quotes #601318
#53. Sometimes men change for the better. Sometimes men change for the worse. And often, very often, given time and opportunity . . .' He waved his flask around for a moment, then shrugged. 'They change back.

Joe Abercrombie

The Better Quotes #604104
#54. Life is an experiment. The more experiments the better

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Better Quotes #605008
#55. Whoever has the better stuff wins. Sound familiar, American lackeys of late-stage capitalism?

Colson Whitehead

The Better Quotes #606285
#56. Lying to God is like sawing the branch you're sitting on. The better you do it, the harder you fall.

Frederick Buechner

The Better Quotes #606743
#57. In other words, the better they did on the IQ test, the worse they did on the practical test and the better they did on the practical tests, the worse they did on the IQ test.

Robert Sternberg

The Better Quotes #607086
#58. So much of who I was then I'm not today, I've changed for the better through the years, I've grown spiritually. I look at people differently, everyone is unique in their own special way

Shellie Palmer

The Better Quotes #607419
#59. Life doesn't make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.

Erik Erikson

The Better Quotes #607679
#60. When people see the terrible scenes of violence on television, when we mourn the death of each and every American man and woman in uniform or a civilian that's killed, that it's hard to see the progress that's being made and it's hard to believe that this is all going to come out for the better.

Condoleezza Rice

The Better Quotes #608132
#61. But I work harder now because I have so much more exposure. And actually the harder you work as a writer, the better you get at it. It's like anything else. It's a muscle you have to exercise. I write more now than ever.

Ron White

The Better Quotes #608911
#62. In any case, the fewer boundaries that exist hindering free movement between all forms of articulate human cognition, the better.

Brian Ferneyhough

The Better Quotes #609678
#63. That's typically what writers do; we just sit around complaining most of the time. And the better things are going, the more they complain.

Markus Zusak

The Better Quotes #610731
#64. I understand that I may not be, may never be, the better man, but I also understand that I love you and I will never let you go again.

Mandy Lou Dowson

The Better Quotes #611585
#65. But if she can marry blood, beauty, and bravery - the sooner the better.

George Eliot

The Better Quotes #611635
#66. The moon is the better storyteller for this event. Our ancient craters are smoothed over by erosion and tectonic motion. With no erosion, no wind, and no liquid water on the moon, craters can remain perfectly visible for billions of years, an orbiting catalog of impacts.

Craig Childs

The Better Quotes #612003
#67. As a producer, I try to bring as many nice people as I can to insure that there's no screaming, there's no shouting, there's no bullying. The more of those kind of people that you can bring together, the better the experience everyone has on set.

Lorenzo Di Bonaventura

The Better Quotes #614551
#68. I have met Saddam Hussein exactly the same number of times as Donald Rumsfeld met him. The difference is that Donald Rumsfeld met him to sell him guns and to give him maps the better to target those guns.

George Galloway

The Better Quotes #615132
#69. Who touches money touches dirt; and the less religion has to do with it, the better.

Philip Schaff

The Better Quotes #619089
#70. The more primitive a man is the better he believes himself to be.

Erich Maria Remarque

The Better Quotes #619664
#71. The task of the positional player is systematically to accumulate slight advantages and try to convert temporary advantages into permanent ones, otherwise the player with the better position runs the risk of losing it.

Wilhelm Steinitz

The Better Quotes #619727
#72. I thought yesterday would never end. There was over me a yearning for sleep in some sort of blind belief that to wake would be to find things changed, and that any change must now be for the better.

Bram Stoker

The Better Quotes #619834
#73. Patience is the better part of valor. And obedience the better part of humanity. Listen to your elders.

Pierce Brown

The Better Quotes #621416
#74. Nothing's ever too fast. Maybe sometimes on the road some people are too fast if they don't know how to control the car, but in racing, the faster and more power and grip, the better it is.

Heikki Kovalainen

The Better Quotes #622352
#75. Make a difference, change the game for the better, leave a legacy, be a guide that someone else can follow and make better, and then someone else will follow that and make that better.

Carlos Wallace

The Better Quotes #623501
#76. I never yet heard man or woman much abused that I was not inclined to think the better of them, and to transfer the suspicion or dislike to the one who found pleasure in pointing out the defects of another.

Jane Porter

The Better Quotes #623564
#77. Here we were supposedly changing the world for the better in the Sixties, but as we get 40 years further down the line, we realise that some of those changes such as the drugs probably weren't all that great or sensible. It was all about social experiments.

Steve Winwood

The Better Quotes #623780
#78. I've found in life the more you practice, the better you get. If you want something enough and work hard to get it, your chances of success are greater.

Ted Williams

The Better Quotes #624493
#79. If there is a way for the world to be transformed for the better, it can only be done by pessimism; optimists will never change the world for the better.

Jose Saramago

The Better Quotes #624787
#80. Discontents are sometimes the better part of our life. I know not well which is the most useful; joy I may choose for pleasure, but adversities are the best for profit; and sometimes those do so far help me, as I should, without them, want much of the joy I have.

Owen Feltham

The Better Quotes #625060
#81. So love is like a test,but in what sense?To what end?Who was carrying out the test?But I think I did believe that Love had immense power to unearth all that was good in us,refine us and reveal to us the better versions of ourselves.

Ayobami Adebayo

The Better Quotes #625472
#82. A better life can only come when the consciousness of men is altered for the better; and therefore, those who wish to improve life must direct all their efforts towards changing both their own and other people's consciousness.

Leo Tolstoy

The Better Quotes #626559
#83. What man in his right senses, that has wherewithal to live free, would make himself a slave for superfluities? What does that man want who has enough? Or what is he the better for abundance that can never be satisfied.

Roger L'Estrange

The Better Quotes #628289
#84. Casey was the better team and the better team won.

Bill Evans

The Better Quotes #628593
#85. I have never considered myself anything other than an environmentalist. I have spent the better part of my life either in the wilderness, or trying desperately to get there.

Wil S. Hylton

The Better Quotes #628897
#86. Safety and security stifle creativity! The more I suffer the better I create. But then I create to live of it safe and secure one day!

Nathan Haddish Mogos

The Better Quotes #629670
#87. The trouble with being educated is that it takes a long time; it uses up the better part of your life and when you are finished what you know is that you would have benefited more by going into banking.

Philip K. Dick

The Better Quotes #629673
#88. Spain has been massively diverting capital from the private sector into politically favored environmental projects for the better part of a decade ... every green job created, eliminated 2.2 real jobs and cost around $800,000 each!

Ron Paul

The Better Quotes #630908
#89. You have to decide what level you want to participate in your children's lives. The more you do, the better your relationship is going to be. You have to listen to your instincts. You know when it's time to lay down the law.

Laird Hamilton

The Better Quotes #678260
#90. Don't ask me how he got here, or what he really is. I think we've all learned over the years that the sooner we accept the simple explanation for the unexplained, the better chance we have of surviving a crisis.

Christopher Moore

The Better Quotes #669024
#91. Having children changes you forever, as a writer and as a human being. I hope it's for the better on both counts, but I guess we'll see.

Brian K. Vaughan

The Better Quotes #670387
#92. I met a lot of amazing people whose lives were changed (for the better) by the power of music. Music gave them strength to get out of abusive relationships or to just pick up a musical instrument and learn to play.

Lita Ford

The Better Quotes #670564
#93. Like all of us in this storm between birth and death, I can wreak no great changes on the world, only small changes for the better, I hope, in the lives of those I love.

Dean Koontz

The Better Quotes #670586
#94. Think reds, orange, yellows, greens, purple, blue - the darker and deeper the colors, the better they are for you.

Rick Warren

The Better Quotes #671083
#95. It's called the pump, people - you got to experience it; it's one of the better highs in life, you don't need to shoot up for it, you don't need to snort it. All you got to do is sweat for it.

Greg Plitt

The Better Quotes #671731
#96. It's important to remember that school is about our students, not us, so the more we can empower them to be in control of their learning, the better.

Starr Sackstein

The Better Quotes #672317
#97. I think Thomas Jefferson would have said the more speech, the better.

Antonin Scalia

The Better Quotes #673044
#98. You are a toolbox, and you have to add stuff to it and build on it. I think the more tools you have, the better life gets." "I like that idea." "That's my mission in life. To keep adding to the toolbox.

Lang Leav

The Better Quotes #673543
#99. Whether democracy or aristocracy is the better form of government constitutes a very difficult question. But, clearly, democracy inconveniences one person while aristocracy oppresses another. That is a truth which establishes itself and precludes any discussion: you are rich and I am poor.

Alexis De Tocqueville

The Better Quotes #674789
#100. Then a faintness came over her; she recalled the Viscount who had waltzed with her at Vaubyessard, and his beard exhaled like this air an odour of vanilla and citron, and mechanically she half-closed her eyes the better to breathe it in. But

Gustave Flaubert

The Better Quotes #674963

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