Top 100 That Was Nothing Quotes
#1. Nothing was anything until someone defined it. Nothing was inevitable. Nothing was inviolate. Everything existed, perhaps, by the act of faith, and we were always in the midst of creating our world, complete with the trappings of tradition that was nothing more than an invention like all the rest.
Anne Rice
#2. I thought I'd been condescended to as an Indian - that was nothing compared to the condescension for writing young adult literature.
Sherman Alexie
#3. She was now on her way to an old world that was nothing but new to her.
Abby Slovin
#4. Los Angeles: city that was nothing but a slot machine dispensing plastic toys.
Marge Piercy
#5. When they ran up to him, Percy said, 'Hey,' like they were just meeting for lunch or something.
'You're alive!' Frank marveled.
Percy frowned. 'The fall? That was nothing. I fell twice that far from the St. Louis Arch.'
'You did what?' Hazel asked.
Rick Riordan
#6. I watched him take a drink, swirl it around in his mouth like a fine wine, and then swallow it. The working of his throat made me hot, but that was nothing compared to what the intensity of his stare did to me. "Not bad," he murmured. "Tell me if we made it right." He kissed me.
Sylvia Day
#7. Just smashing for a girl's confidence, that was. Nothing like having a bloke's attention wander when you were doing your best to divert him.
Kady Cross
#8. It was better than Harry had expected. As for Dumbledore's writing to the Dursleys, that was nothing. Harry knew perfectly well they'd just be disappointed that the Whomping Willow hadn't squashed him flat.
J.K. Rowling
#9. A man, good or bad, was magnificent. It was not possible that this thing that was nothing and would never change [death] could mean the end of everything that moved and changed within him - the good, the bad, the magnificent. Yet it did.
Richard Flanagan
#10. I was more scared than I let on, but that was nothing new.
Tammara Webber
#11. All I heard was the blood rushing through my ears, and the distant rumble and crackle of the Lake of Fire. (And Khufu scratching himself and grunting, but that was nothing new.)
Rick Riordan
#12. He rambled.
Oh boy, did he ramble.
He rambled in a way that was nothing but
a bunch of bippidy blah blah to my ears.
Rambled in a way that made my head go
all dizzy and squeezy.
Alyson Noel
#13. That was nothing. I've talked myself out of much worse.
Richelle Mead
#14. I'd get a shell, they weighed about 80 pounds I think, but when I was 19 or 20 that was nothing. I'd take a shell and a bag of powder, I'd put it in the hoist and then I would send it up to the gun.
Barney Ross
#15. I wondered how I looked to her, in that place, and knew that even in a place that was nothing but knowledge that was the one thing I could not know. That if I look inward I would see only infinite mirrors staring into myself for eternity.
Neil Gaiman
#16. Vashet: "I will admit, I've never had a studen offer himself up for a vicious beating in order to prove he's worth my time."
Kvothe: "That was nothing. Once I jumped off a roof.
Patrick Rothfuss
#17. Trust me, Jade. I'm very skilled in the water. And it's not just limited to swimming." He loosens his grip like he's going to let me go, but then tightens it again. "Oh, and what we did just now? That was nothing. I can get very creative when water's involved.
Allie Everhart
#18. I guess at the end of the day it's better to have nothing with the right person than to have everything with the wrong person, isn't it?
She was absolutely right about that.
Jay Crownover
#19. If I had to sit in Heaven forever, knowing that there are these people, millions and millions- probably billions of people, suffering these eternal horrible torments and there was nothing I could ever do for them, that, to me, would be Hell.
Richard Carrier
#20. My parents always told me that nothing was impossible.
Richard Rogers
#21. She would never again lie in bed on a Good Friday morning and relax in the blissful knowledge that there was nothing to do and nowhere to be, because for the rest of her life, there would always, always be something left undone. An unmade confession. An ugly secret.
Liane Moriarty
#22. Running cleared the day's cobwebs from my mind and focused my thinking, and gave me time and space to sort out anything that was bothering me, or to detach and think of nothing at all.
Jeff Horowitz
#23. The thing about 'Watchmen' that people should know is that when it came out there was absolutely nothing like it. Up until then, comics were about the same thing: a guy in tights fighting another guy in tights and saving the girl - that was it.
Gerard Way
#24. When I opened up in "Gaslight," for instance, playing that narky maid, that all came about from my experience and my training up to that point, and so nothing was wasted.
Angela Lansbury
#25. I think there's nothing better than laughing in life, so that's nice, to be thought of as someone who can make someone laugh. It's 'cause I think life is hard. You know, my dad was a really silly man. A great Irish silly man. And that's fine.
Joan Cusack
#26. I hate to think of you stuck here all day every day, doing nothing with that brilliant brain of yours."
"It never was brilliant. Anyway, who keeps these books to see who's used themselves wisely and who's wasted?
Tessa Hadley
#27. I used to think romantic love was a neurosis shared by two, a supreme foolishness. I no longer think that. There's nothing foolish in loving anyone. Thinking you'll be loved in return is what's foolish.
Rita Mae Brown
#28. Nothing pleases me more than when somebody who was awe-inspired to be working with me realizes I'm just another schmuck that they're bored of hanging out with on a set. I love that moment. I like it when that persistent illusion is smashed.
Robert Downey Jr.
#29. Forced relations between two things that superficially appear foreign create a new, instantaneous state. Authentic poetry asks nothing more. A kinship completely nonexistent moments ago was created by the poet's authority, just as it might have been created in life by the authority of chance.
Odysseus Elytis
#30. 'When Doves Cry' came out - it sounded like nothing that was on the radio. 'Let's Go Crazy' was number one on R&B stations, and there's nothing that's been like that on radio since.
#31. I wasn't sure what expression I was expecting her to wear when she saw that it was me. I'd braced myself for disgust or anger. But she just
looked at me like I was - nothing. An annoyance, maybe.
Maggie Stiefvater
#32. I bowed my heard, and I knew that we have a lot to learn from the leaf because it was not afraid - it knew that nothing can be born and nothing can die.
Thich Nhat Hanh
#33. Nothing could assuage the secular grief that was your heritage.
Aldous Huxley
#34. Nothing feels worse than knowing that people didn't see your movie. That they wanted to and the critics loved it but nobody knew where it was because it didn't do what it was supposed to do opening weekend. It used to be that independents were allowed to stay in the theaters, build word of mouth.
Allison Anders
#35. I think, honestly, that the word 'indie' is a false gimmick. 'Independent' used to mean a movie that was financed outside corporate Hollywood, but a lot of what gets called independent these days is totally produced within that system. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
#36. It was the lack of a clear reason that got to her most, & it stabbed her that a relationship that had once seemed unbreakable could slip apart so easily due to nothing more than time, family turmoil, & growth spurts.
Dennis Lehane
#37. What was venerated as style was nothing more than an imperfection or flaw that revealed the guilty hand.
Orhan Pamuk
#38. [After the twins' birth,] I spent two years doing nothing. I was a wife and a mom. But you need that time to grow. You can't be afraid of, 'Oh, I'm out of the public, then I'm going to have to make a comeback.' It's ridiculous. No.
Jennifer Lopez
#39. He must have screwed hundreds of girls in his effort to get that chick out of his system. Hadn't worked so far, but hey. He was nothing if not persistent.
Shannon McKenna
#40. There's nothing else I would rather do, unless there was a profession that involved cuddling bunny rabbits and kittens all day for money.
Kat Dennings
#41. It is flat-out strange that something-that anything-is happening at all. There was nothing then a Big Bang, then here we all are. This is extremely weird.
Ken Wilber
#42. The Titanic was in more senses than one a fool's paradise. There is nothing that man can build that nature cannot destroy, and far as he may advance in might and knowledge and cunning, her blind strength will always be more than his match.
Filson Young
#43. But she was not even grateful to him for it; nothing good on Pierre's part seemed to her to be an effort, it seemed so natural for him to be kind to everyone that there was no merit in his kindness.
Leo Tolstoy
#44. Mr Rycroft said nothing. It was so difficult not to say the wrong thing to Captain Wyatt that it was usually safer not to reply at all.
Agatha Christie
#45. The anxiety was like poison ivy. It took nothing to set off that mental itch-a chance remark, remembering an event from the day before-but once it started I found it impossible to stop the cycle. My thoughts twisted in a circle, my pulse hammered, I couldn't concentrate.
Tracy Thompson
#46. The day I entered St Columb's College, my parents bought me a Conway Stewart pen. It was a special afternoon, of course. We were going to be parting that evening; they were aware of it, I was aware of it, nothing much was said about it.
Seamus Heaney
#47. See, I don't know nothing about singing. I never wanted to be a frontman. Frontmen had big egos and was always crazy and aggravating. I just never thought that was a good idea.
Dr. John
#48. We were all worried that nothing good was going to happen for Florida
Gary Danielson
#49. The probability that the Earth was created with such a perfect combination to sustain life seems almost impossible. So, in the grand scheme of the Universe, you might be one insignificant pin-prick, but with all things considered, you're also nothing short of a miracle
Becki Tedford
#50. It wasn't for nothing that the raven was just now croaking on my left hand.
#51. One hand traced small circles against my back, and I pressed closer to him, listening to his heartbeat. "I used to think that having nothing to live for made you a better fighter," he murmured. "Turns out I was wrong on a lot of fronts.
Julie Kagawa
#52. Glanced back behind me but heard nothing save for a grunt that was repeated from several different sources at once.
Robert J. Crane
#53. I was born in 1961. Now I think the 16 years that elapsed between 1961 and the end of the wars is nothing. To a child growing up it felt like an eternity, an entirely different world.
Jeremy Northam
#54. When I was 17, I had an experience that I later learned could be called a 'mystical experience.' It was almost violent. No faces, voices, nothing like that. It is like the world burst and flamed into life all around me. That is not a great image, but it is as good as I will ever do.
Barbara Ehrenreich
#55. I wondered if that wasn't the answer to the mystery, countrywide. It wasn't that eating was so great-it wasn't-but that nothing was great. Eating being merely okay still put it head and shoulders above everything else that was decidedly less than okay.
Lionel Shriver
#56. Nothing really happened - I was elected in '86 - until 1992, and that's when the Anita Hill debacle happened.
Barbara Mikulski
#57. It was inevitable for people to try to create a sense of normalcy in a place where nothing was normal. It helped one get through the day, to add predictability to a life that was inherently unpredictable.
Nicholas Sparks
#58. It was with some difficulty that I got through the multiplication tables. The fact that I recollect nothing more of those days than having learnt, in company with other boys, to call our teacher all kinds of names, would strongly suggest that my intellect must have been sluggish, and my memory raw.
Mahatma Gandhi
#59. President Bush insisted that there was nothing in the August 6th, 2001 briefing, which was titled 'Bin Laden determined to attack the United States', that hinted what bin Laden was up to. Bush says that he would have moved mountains to stop the attack. Yeah, but he draws the line at reading a memo.
David Letterman
#60. I realized that searching was my symbol, the emblem of those who go out at night with nothing in mind, the motives of a destroyer of compasses.
Julio Cortazar
#61. Roosevelt's declaration that Americans had 'nothing to fear but fear itself' was a glorious piece of inspirational rhetoric and just as gloriously wrong.
Russell Baker
#62. That was the way things worked. When you were looking for the big fight, the moment that you thought would knock everything over, nothing much happened at all.
Ann Patchett
#63. It seems impossible that you could get something from nothing, but the fact that once there was nothing and now there is a universe is evident proof that you can.
Bill Bryson
#64. Nothing good about this but it's title. A priggish little yarn. And Hidden Riches is not a story
it's a machine. It creaks. It never made me forget for one instant that it was a story. Hence it isn't a story.
L.M. Montgomery
#65. When he heard his father call out for Abel and he saw his borther go forth, it made him feel like he was nothing. He couldn't even say that he felt like Cain anymore. One could not feel like Cain because it had no flavor. Cain was the absence of flavor. Cain was like saliva or a Wednesday.
Jonathan Goldstein
#66. Father laughed, which upset Bruno even more; there was nothing that made him more angry than when a grown-up laughed at him for not knowing something, especially when he was trying to find out the answer by asking questions.
John Boyne
#67. I assumed it was perfect, that everyone was happy and beautiful and wanted for nothing, and in my numb, limited way I felt envy and wanted to eat them all the more
Isaac Marion
#68. Nothing-was more degrading than for a woman to have to marry for a home. Love should be the sole reason. Surely those with a brain-to think, eyes to see and a mind-to reason must realise that the capitalist system must cease and a co-operative system prevail in its place.
Vida Goldstein
#69. When was the last time you kissed somebody new. If you can tackle that fear, you've nothing to fear.
Sarvesh Jain
#70. so this desertion was nothing more than the last rebellion of the doomed, like the lambs that stagger back on their feet after their throats have been cut. In
Laila Lalami
#71. Politics was good a hundred years ago. Today, politicians have no ability to solve any problems because they are not students of behavior. They are not students of agriculture, oceanography - they know nothing about the factors that operate the world.
Jacque Fresco
#72. I think,' I said, watching his face for a reaction, 'that fate wants me to become a serial killer,'
He raised an eyebrow; nothing more. I told you he was calm.
Dan Wells
#73. But that was the thing about life. Sometimes it's boring, and nothing happens. Sometimes everything happens at once. And sometimes it's just plain stupid.
Joe Kimball
#74. From the stereo came music that Alice didn't recognize, but it wasn't there to be listened to, just to complete a perfect scenario; there was nothing casual about it.
Paolo Giordano
#75. It's wherever you are. If it's tapped into any of your senses, it knows where you are and what you're doing."
Oh no, I thought, my spirits sinking. I hadn't considered that. Did that mean nothing I did was ever anymore?
"Even in the bathroom?" the Gasman's eyes widened with surprise.
James Patterson
#76. It was no coincidence, that fear could move a person to extremes, just as seamlessly as love. They were the conjoined twins of emotion: If you didn't know what was at stake to lose, you had nothing to fight for.
Jodi Picoult
#77. No matter how educated you are, no matter how irrational it seems, you will follow a glimmer of hope. The National Socialist German Workers Party, it was that ray of light. Nothing else was working to fix Germany
Jodi Picoult
#78. (Thirty-nine steps)' was the phrase; and at its last time of use it ran - '(Thirty-nine steps, I counted them - high tide 10.17 p.m.)'. I could make nothing of that.
John Buchan
#79. And Ralph always wound up these mental soliloquies by arriving at the conclusion, that there was nothing like money.
Charles Dickens
#80. Are you saying you don't want anything from me?"
"I want this. I want our arrangement. I want you ... " I sucked in a breath, feeling my control slip. " ... to fuck it out of me."
"Fuck what out, Jocelyn?"
Couldn't he see it? Was my mask really that good? I shrugged. "All the nothing
Samantha Young
#81. I'm NOT used to it! But ... I'm not as scared as I was before. Getting rejected is painful, but there are also people who accept me. We aren't alone, you know. And that's why we have nothing to be afraid of.
Sakura Tsukuba
#82. I also knew that I was number one on the Yankees Cap hit parade. That settled me down. There's nothing like immident death to sharpen a guy's outlook.
Jim Stewart
#83. I have a company that is not Microsoft, called Corbis. Corbis is the operation that merged with Bettman Archives. It has nothing to do with Microsoft. It was intentionally done outside of Microsoft because Microsoft isn't interested.
Bill Gates
#84. If looks could kill ... well, Dick was already dead, so nothing would happen. But Gabriel was not laughing.
"See Dick," Dick said, pointing at his chest. He then swept his hand dangerously close to mind. "Jane. Dick and Jane. Come on, you humorless jackass. That's funny.
Molly Harper
#85. I had just had a daughter, who was three or three-and-half years old, and I had been watching nothing but cartoons. That's really it. There was no YouTube. You're in France and you're raising a kid, so you break out the Tex Avery.
Johnny Depp
#86. My family was made of good people who did good things with what they were given. What fairness does life show in a time like this? But life is not fair and that is nothing new, so I bottled the pain and loss, and released them through a single tear rolling down my cheek.
B.M. Tolbert
#87. Imaginative cook, and her experiments weren't always edible. I was surprised, and sad, that he seemed to remember that far back. "Steak and potatoes," I answered, and he looked relieved. He seemed to feel awkward standing in the kitchen doing nothing; he lumbered
Stephenie Meyer
#88. All I wanted to do was to become famous, but then I found out that it was nothing special.
Jean-Claude Van Damme
#89. The monks' response was to climb into their curraghs and row off toward Greenland. They were drawn across the storm-racked ocean, drawn west past the edge of the known world, by nothing more than a hunger of the spirit, a yearning of such queer intensity that it beggars the modern imagination.
Jon Krakauer
#90. If all responsibility is imposed on you, then you may want to exploit the moment and want to be overwhelmed by the responsibility;yet if you try, you will notice that nothing was imposed on you, but that you are yourself this responsibility.
Franz Kafka
#91. I was aggressively nonpolitical. I believed that people who make a fuss about politics do so because their heads are too empty to think about more important things. So I felt nothing but impatient contempt for Osborne's Jimmy Porter and the rest of the heroes of social protest.
Colin Wilson
#92. I'm one of those people who was meant to have a very ordinary life. I have no special talent, no great beauty, nothing that distinguishes me from a hundred, thousand other girls. But I can't go through an entire lifetime without at least one night of magic.
Lisa Kleypas
#93. I started super young, but when I think about myself at that age - what I thought I knew, and how priggish I was, how certain of things - now I realize that nothing is certain.
Milla Jovovich
#94. she had nothing now that the fantasy was gone.
J.R. Ward
#95. I can recollect nothing more to say at present; perhaps breakfast may assist my ideas. I was deceived
my breakfast supplied only two ideas
that the rolls were good and the butter bad.
Jane Austen
#96. I was playing the game where I was going to be a great TV or film writer some day and there was nothing else that I thought about, including other people.
Dan Harmon
#97. I always felt that the great high privilege, relief and comfort of friendship, was that one had to explain nothing
Katherine Mansfield
#98. he had made a mirror with the power of causing all that was good and beautiful when it was reflected therein, to look poor and mean; but that which was good-for-nothing and looked ugly was shown magnified and increased in ugliness. In
Hans Christian Andersen
#99. Neither Rousseau nor Robespierre was capable of dreaming of a goodness beyond virtue, just as they were unable to imagine that radical evil would 'partake nothing of the sordid or sensual' (Melville), that there could be wickedness beyond vice.
Hannah Arendt
#100. We humans are here because nothing can be perfect. There always have to be some living things that are unsatisfied, itchy, trying too hard. If it was all just animals and rocks and lettuce, the gods wouldn't feel like they had enough to do.
Miranda July
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