Top 100 Tears Of Blood Quotes

#1. Remorse weeps tears of blood.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Tears Of Blood Quotes #408775
#2. Without going into too much detail, the end of my major action scene, after the climax of the scene, there was one little change that I suggested regarding the way things should turn out. It was in the detail of the tears of blood.

Chiaki Kuriyama

Tears Of Blood Quotes #523982
#3. Do you not know that there is nothing the eye can see that can make it shed the tears of blood? Do you not know that there is no loss we cannot overcome?

Chigozie Obioma

Tears Of Blood Quotes #526236
#4. And with tears of blood he cleansed the hand,
The hand that held the steel:
For only blood can wipe out blood,
And only tears can heal

Oscar Wilde

Tears Of Blood Quotes #595865
#5. You left and I cried tears of blood. My sorrow grows. Its not just that You left. But when You left my eyes went with You. Now, how will I cry?


Tears Of Blood Quotes #670158
#6. We weep,
tears of blood,
we weep,
In despair, crying,
we weep;
the sun forever has stolen
the light from his eyes.
No more his face do we see,
no more his voice do we hear,
nor will his affectionate gaze
watch over his people.

Jane Bierhorst

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1317994
#7. For a human being, sadness is as powerful as terror. Sadness makes a warrior shed tears of blood.

Carlos Castaneda

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1472291
#8. He felt something trickle down his face and he wiped it away irritably. When he looked at the back of his hand, he found trails of red. He had never cried in his life; in fact, he could not cry with no tear ducts. But now, at last, he was. He was crying tears of blood. For her.

Phillip W. Simpson

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1644104
#9. Making the ungrateful grateful will bring tears to your eyes, tears of blood bleeding from the heart.

Ana Monnar

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1818061
#10. A mannequin? An unfeeling heartless bitch who feeds on others' misery and is physically incapable of crying, unless it's tears of blood?

Alexandra Bracken

Tears Of Blood Quotes #112308
#11. And it is through strife and the readiness for strife that a man or a nation must win greatness. So, let the world know that we are here and willing to pour out our blood, our treasure, our tears. And that America is ready and if need be desirous of battle

Theodore Roosevelt

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1329588
#12. Before 'Whiplash,' I'd had a string of failed scripts. I'd pour my blood, sweat and tears into them, and no one would like them.

Damien Chazelle

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1451038
#13. I'd come to terms with what I did long ago. The bodies, the blood, the tears of those left behind. Even the fact I was probably going to burn in hell didn't bother me. Much.

Jennifer Estep

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1331931
#14. Every poem is a coat of arms. It must be deciphered. How much blood, how many tears in exchange for these axes, these muzzles, these unicorns, these torches, these towers, these martlets, these seedlings of stars and these fields of blue!

Jean Cocteau

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1334426
#15. Most blacks will argue that they excel because of hard work, because of intellect, determination, sweat, blood, tears and risk.

Jesse Jackson

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1336396
#16. Had I lived in Palestine, in the days of Jesus of Nazareth, I would have washed his feet, not with my tears, but with my heart's blood!

Swami Vivekananda

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1339309
#17. Welcome to Tears of Crimson, the New Orleans Vampire Bar.

Michelle Hughes

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1343523
#18. I could only imagine the carnage that would come with talking to thirteen-year-old Lucca about my period; there would be blood, sweat, and tears, most of which came from Lucca, who'd probably sob himself into a puddle of nervous sweat. I'd be the one bleeding, of course.

Bailey Lamar

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1375421
#19. "I have not made any arrogant, confident, boasting predictions at all. On the contrary, I have stuck hard to my "blood, toil, tears and sweat," to which I have added muddle and mismanagement, and that, to some extend I must admit, is what you have got out of it."

Winston Churchill

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1390425
#20. Hide me from the hostile light That does not warm, but burn; That drains the blood of suffering men; Drinks tears, instead of dew; Let me sleep through his blinding reign, And only wake with you!

Charlotte Bronte

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1404508
#21. But yet let me lament
with tears as sovereign as the blood of hearts [ ... ]
that our stars, irreconcilable, should divide
our equalness to this.

William Shakespeare

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1413023
#22. Rocking back and forth, she clutched the sword like it was the only thing she had ever loved, and let the blood spill down instead of tears.

Cassandra Clare

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1099764
#23. Blood sweat and tears homie I'm made of it

Kid Cudi

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1298716
#24. There comes a point when you have to realize that the sum of all your blood, sweat, and tears will ultimately amount to zero.

Max Brooks

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1288310
#25. dripped down her neck and stained the collar of her shirt. It was a mirror to the wash of blood pouring from her scalp, blinding her left eye and trailing down her cheek like macabre tears.

Kayti Nika Raet

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1214924
#26. You may cry out tears for misplacing your money, but you got to cry out blood if you have misplaced your dreams. Sadly, you may not even know the great deal of influence you loss when you misplace your dreams, so how will you cry for such a loss?

Israelmore Ayivor

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1213972
#27. Christians well know that the much-decorated statue of the Church, as it now stands, is not of pure chiseled marble, but of clay, cemented together by blood and tears and hardened in the fires of hatred and persecution.

Virchand Gandhi

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1206229
#28. love is a drop of blood
in a
pool of tears

Patrick B. Vince

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1147098
#29. From the seed of the thief
The Dragon will rise,
the gluttonous one,
feeding on the blood of babes,
Drinking the tears of mothers.
- Song of Venda

Mary E. Pearson

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1134622
#30. With iron and blood, it seems, and from the rich depths of the earth, John Griswold has fashioned a classic American novel, its dignified intonations of our young nation's sweat and tears evocative of the indelible storytelling of Dos Passos, Frank Norris, and Upton Sinclair.

Bob Shacochis

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1120793
#31. People like a story that has a lot of blood, sweat and tears. But I don't think the Slint story really has that.

David Pajo

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1114290
#32. We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered.

James Weldon Johnson

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1107967
#33. God wept; but that mattered little to an unbelieving age; what mattered most was that the world wept and still is weeping and blind with tears and blood. For there began to rise in America in 1876 a new capitalism and a new enslavement of labor.

Howard Zinn

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1876802
#34. Whenever you get to win, you feel the satisfaction of all of your hard work, all the sacrifices, all the blood, sweat and tears. It feels right and makes you realise that you are really doing the right thing.

Abby Wambach

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1691259
#35. No one makes it to the "top" by themselves. Each step you take is guided by at least one person's blood, sweat and tears. Appreciate those who stand behind you as you rise. They are the only ones who will catch you if you fall. The ladder of success is steadiest when someone's there to support it.

Carlos Wallace

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1870895
#36. Gold medals are made out of sweat, blood and tears and effort in the gym every day.

Gabby Douglas

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1870598
#37. If you don't feel any connection to the ocean, then ask yourself why your tears, blood and saliva contain about the same percentage of salt.

Jim Lynch

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1840466
#38. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today.

Barack Obama

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1813245
#39. For four hundred years the blacks of Haiti had yearned for peace. for three hundred years the island was spoken of as a paradise of riches and pleasures, but that was in reference to the whites to whom the spirit of the land gave welcome. Haiti has meant split blood and tears for blacks.

Zora Neale Hurston

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1765396
#40. Have you ever stopped to ponder the amount of blood spilt, the volume of tears shed, the degree of pain and anguish endured, the number of noble men and women lost in battle so that we as individuals might have a say in governing our country? Honor the lives sacrificed for your freedoms. Vote.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1758197
#41. Down the endless halls of quilt
My silver thread of tears is split.
My fingerbone the key that broke
My blood the oil that smooth the lock.

Catherine Fisher

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1757954
#42. Smoking blood, over-filled cemeteries, mothers in tears, - these are formidable pleaders. When the earth is suffering from too heavy a burden, there are mysterious groanings of the shades, to which the abyss lends an ear.

Victor Hugo

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1748968
#43. My life is the direct product, if you will, of the legacy of the blood, sweat and tears of the NAACP and so today I'm particularly mindful that the NAACP has made America what it is, and certainly made my life possible and we are all grateful heirs of that legacy.

Cornell William Brooks

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1701670
#44. Baseball is not a lot of statistics to me. It's blood and tears.

Laraine Day

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1694433
#45. He is so beautiful that he makes a part of my soul weep. I don't understand those tears. They aren't like the ones I cry for Alina. They aren't made of water and salt. I think they're made of blood.

Karen Marie Moning

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1503081
#46. You cut up a thing that's alive and beautiful to find out how it's alive and why it's beautiful, and before you know it, it's neither of those things, and you're standing there with blood on your face and tears in your sight and only the terrible ache of guilt to show for it.

Clive Barker

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1689613
#47. Let no man of us budge one step, and let slaveholders come to beat us from our country. America is more our country, than it is the whites-we have enriched it with our blood and tears. The greatest riches in all America have arisen from our blood and tears.

David Walker

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1678557
#48. I'm offering you my pain. My blood. My pleasure. I'm offering you the right to whip and fuck. To debase and harm. I'm offering to fight your needs with my own. I'm willing to join you in the darkness and find pleasure in excruciating pain. I'm willing to be your monster, Q.

Pepper Winters

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1655332
#49. The bones cry for the blood of the white whale,
The fat flukes arch and whack about its ears,
The death-lance churns into the sanctuary, tears
The gun-blue swingle, heaving like a flail,
And hacks the coiling life out ...

Robert Lowell

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1647910
#50. Enough of blood and tears. Enough!

Yitzhak Rabin

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1639841
#51. Biting his lip, blinking against fresh tears, Kien smoothed Ela's dark tangled hair, then dared another look at her face. So serene. Beautiful beneath the dried trails of blood. What had she suffered? Brave little prophet.
He whispered, "I love you!" Always.

R.J. Larson

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1615395
#52. As a hungry man makes haste and takes large morsels on account of his great hunger so your servant feels a great desire to die that he may glorify you, he hurries day and night to complete his work in order that he may give up his tears and his blood to be shed for you.

Raymond Lulle

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1610980
#53. For wine is the color of blood and the texture of tears, and you can drink it to warm your belly and piss it out to get rid of it. And forget the whole damned mess that is too much for any man to face.

Oakley Hall

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1602707
#54. We cry the same tears. We feel the same pain, of hurt, of hunger, of thirst. When we bleed, our blood is one color. The color of the price of freedom.

Michelle Muriel

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1600914
#55. You have not wept at all! I see a white cheek and a faded eye, but no trace of tears. I suppose then, your heart has been weeping blood?

Charlotte Bronte

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1511158
#56. Southern states in the confederacy were not ready to give up their fight to secede or give up their way of life, which was made possible in large part through the blood, sweat and tears of African slaves.

Corrine Brown

Tears Of Blood Quotes #243477
#57. A peregrine falcon," a passenger said, "lives at 2180 Yonge Street in Toronto, on the corner of Yonge and Eglinton. It sits high on the Canadian Tire building, hunts from there, brings prey, and in full view of everyone in the offices, tears it to pieces. Blood everywhere.

Kathleen Winter

Tears Of Blood Quotes #631580
#58. In the legends, chimaera were sprung from tears and seraphim from blood, but in this moment they are, all of them, children of regret.

Laini Taylor

Tears Of Blood Quotes #609037
#59. Only tears can hear the sound of pain
when warm blood reddens discolored stain

Munia Khan

Tears Of Blood Quotes #557148
#60. I welcomed my slavish existence as a surgical resident, the never-ending work, the cries that kept me in the present, the immersion in blood, pus, and tears
the fluids in which one dissolved all traces of self. In working myself ragged, I felt integrated ...

Abraham Verghese

Tears Of Blood Quotes #513547
#61. Gold medals are made out of your sweat, blood and tears, and effort in the gym every day, and sacrificing a lot.

Gabby Douglas

Tears Of Blood Quotes #507868
#62. For only blood can wipe out blood, And only tears can heal: And the crimson stain that was of Cain Became Christ's snow-white seal. VI.

Oscar Wilde

Tears Of Blood Quotes #489052
#63. He sank to his knees, absolutely full of despair and sadness. For a long time, droplets of blood continued to fall into his lap.

Phillip W. Simpson

Tears Of Blood Quotes #428164
#64. Six years of dreams would end in eternal love, or an eternity of loss.

Michelle Hughes

Tears Of Blood Quotes #426205
#65. I would not encourage you to go through the sweat, blood, and tears of the recovery process only to reach some kind of mediocre state where you were just 'managing' the illness. It is possible to live without Ed.

Jenni Schaefer

Tears Of Blood Quotes #397189
#66. Only the very stupid or the very deprived can any longer help knowing that the documents of civilization have been written in blood and tears, blood and tears no less real for being very remote.

Seamus Heaney

Tears Of Blood Quotes #368709
#67. The lamp you lighted in the olden time Will show you my heart's-blood beating through the rhyme: A poet's journal, writ in fire and tears ... Then slow deliverance, with the gaps of years ...

Bayard Taylor

Tears Of Blood Quotes #361156
#68. he'd grow up to be nothing like his father. Nothing like the filthy boys who wrapped women up in chains and tore their wings down to seeping stumps that leaked tears instead of blood.

Cole McCade

Tears Of Blood Quotes #631608
#69. Until the blood from my pen runs dry, I shall worship the Greek body, the Greek mind, and the Greek soul.
Until my tears land upon Greek soil, I shall forever live in exile.

Pietros Maneos

Tears Of Blood Quotes #203631
#70. After you have seasoned your gloves with the blood, sweat and tears of your opponents, all else is anticlimactic.

Brian D'Ambrosio

Tears Of Blood Quotes #193310
#71. the water of the lagoon was warm as blood, salt as tears, and astonishingly clear

Gillian Bradshaw

Tears Of Blood Quotes #190201
#72. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this career of mine.

Kevin Hart

Tears Of Blood Quotes #134511
#73. Love is what brings you together, Lucy. But it's the blood, sweat, and tears of hard work that keeps you together

Nicole Williams

Tears Of Blood Quotes #108664
#74. The pathway traced with blood and tears,
and dust of all our father's dead,
Whose backward footsteps, wandering, red,
Fade to the mist of nameless years.
("The Testimony of the Suns")

George Sterling

Tears Of Blood Quotes #105415
#75. Classic mountaineering grows out of a traditional romantic imagination. Its heart is the feeling, its path is blood, sweat and tears, and its restriction is God.

Wojciech Kurtyka

Tears Of Blood Quotes #67334
#76. Blood and tears are going to be our lot, whether we like them or not. Our blood and tears will flow; maybe the parched soil of India needs them so that the fine flower of freedom may grow again.

Jawaharlal Nehru

Tears Of Blood Quotes #67074
#77. I am the blood of the dragon. I must be strong. I must have fire in my eyes when I face them, not tears.

George R R Martin

Tears Of Blood Quotes #54543
#78. Lots of fans believe fighting is full of glitz and glamor. Fighting is blood sweat and tears.

Phillipe Nover

Tears Of Blood Quotes #32388
#79. The wars come and go in blood and tears; but whether they are bad wars, or what are comically called good wars, they are of one effect in death and sorrow.

William Dean Howells

Tears Of Blood Quotes #782011
#80. On hearing the news [of being awarded a Nobel Prize], a friend who knows me only too well, sent me this laconic message: 'Blood, toil, sweat and tears always were a good mixture'.

Max Perutz

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1054173
#81. If you love a Dream Woman ... let her stay the divine Woman of the Dream. To awaken and clasp flesh and blood, no matter how delicately tender, and find that love has sped at the dawn is a misery too deep for tears.

William John Locke

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1040246
#82. First Moloch, horrid king, besmirched in blood, Of Human sacrifice, and parent's tears, Though, for the noise of drums and timbrels loud, Their childrens' cries unheard, that passed through fire, To his grim idol.

John Milton

Tears Of Blood Quotes #957651
#83. Crime is redeemed by remorse, but not by a blow of the axe or slipknot. Blood has to be washed by tears but not by blood.

Victor Hugo

Tears Of Blood Quotes #948495
#84. Why do you hurt me? What more do you want?" she asked, tears shining in her eyes.
"Power over you, little one," he said, smiling. "What does any man want but that? It is something in the blood of every one of us. We would all be a tyrant if we could.

Conn Iggulden

Tears Of Blood Quotes #933276
#85. It is important to be conscious of the message that you're putting out there. It takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get a movie to the screen. I do feel a certain element of responsibility to say something worth saying with it, as well as entertainment.

Gugu Mbatha-Raw

Tears Of Blood Quotes #908431
#86. Even our tears of repentance need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Jerry Bridges

Tears Of Blood Quotes #896137
#87. Tears are the blood of the soul

Paulo Coelho

Tears Of Blood Quotes #893346
#88. Literature is the product of a strange rain of blood, sweat, semen, and tears.

Roberto Bolano

Tears Of Blood Quotes #821319
#89. We do not know the worth of one single drop of blood, one single tear.

Elie Wiesel

Tears Of Blood Quotes #803000
#90. God gave us a variety of ways to get hurt out and do it clean. Blood cleans a wound. Tears clean a different kind of wound. You might not like it, Frannie, but you shouldn't stop yourself from doing it. Clean the wound so it can heal. Then move on.

Kristen Ashley

Tears Of Blood Quotes #1054897
#91. In her dreams, blood tasted like fizzy strawberry soda. If you drank it too fast, you got brain freeze. When she was older, after she'd licked a cut on her finger, the taste of that became the taste in her dreams: copper and tears.

Holly Black

Tears Of Blood Quotes #781445
#92. With the passage of time, as well as the social evolution and genetic exchange, we ended up putting our conscience in the color of our blood and the salt of our tears.

Jose Saramago

Tears Of Blood Quotes #773029
#93. I speak for the colored women of the South, because it is there that the millions of blacks in this country have watered the soil with blood and tears, and it is there too that the colored woman of America has made her characteristic history and there her destiny is evolving.

Anna Julia Cooper

Tears Of Blood Quotes #768386
#94. Death will be my supreme protest against a world of tears and blood.

Albert Camus

Tears Of Blood Quotes #752183
#95. and when I took my fingers down, there was the stain of the tears, tinged with mortal blood. And already there was begun in me the tingling of the monster that had killed, and would kill again,

Anne Rice

Tears Of Blood Quotes #743248
#96. If you want something good to come out of something, you have to put in a lot of effort. That involves a lot of hard work, and a lot of blood, sweat and tears sometimes. No different to anything, no different to what we all do.

Ed O'Brien

Tears Of Blood Quotes #719837
#97. But the price of freedom is blood, toil and tears. This consolation I have, however, that Africa never forgets. And these martyrs of freedom, these young and budding women, will be remembered and honoured when Africa comes into her own.

Benjamin Pogrund

Tears Of Blood Quotes #707457
#98. All wines are by their very nature full of reminiscence, the golden tears and red blood of summers that are gone.

Richard Le Gallienne

Tears Of Blood Quotes #664057
#99. I dislike weeping", I muttered.
"God gave us a variety of ways to get hurt out and do it clean. Blood cleans a wound, tears clean a different kind of wound...

Kristen Ashley

Tears Of Blood Quotes #649690
#100. Sing me a pretty love song as I start to cry
Tell me you love me as you wipe the blood from my eye
Tell me why the only one who can wipe away my tears
Is the only one who's the source of all my fears

Rachel Lloyd

Tears Of Blood Quotes #638943

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