Top 19 Stupid Office Sayings
#1. Worst thing can happen in work place is, to work with less knowledge, pretending to be good, taking others creditability, or in simple words 'Stupid Office Politicians'.
Vivek Thangaswamy
#2. The woman clearly didn't like me or the pen I wrote with.
Penny Pike
#4. Can you imagine...the detrimental effect on your marriage prospects, to be found unchaperoned in a library with a dead vampire!
Gail Carriger
#5. I would love to do a really stupid character on 'The Office'. I'm so an 'Office' fan.
Marisol Nichols
#6. We like to think we're in charge of our own lives, but we ain't.
Moira Young
#7. For many Sudanese, it's for strength they choose to be Christian rather than Muslim. My mum was a Muslim but she became a Christian later.
Emmanuel Jal
#8. The attraction here is based on man's need to conquer and tame, but also to hoard and deprive others of the prize.
Francisco X Stork
#9. The social aspect of blogging is just as important as the content, so to borrow a phrase from the 1960s: the medium is the message. And my personal experience shows me that the potential of this medium is extra large.
Mark Powell
#10. [I] never talk about gratitude and joy separately, for this reason. In 12 years, I've never interviewed a single person who would describe their lives as joyful, who would describe themselves as joyous, who was not actively practicing gratitude.
Brene Brown
#11. How stupid these people were, coming into my office unarmed.
Don DeLillo
#12. I felt a decidedly positive energy in the office with Rohan's presence. I was not sure if it was real enough for others to experience it too, but I felt it keenly. Gawd, my stupid feelings.
Sandhya Jane
#13. I've made some stupid decisions, so I have to be careful. I once said 'no' to a film that was a number-one hit. And 'Date Movie' had the smallest budget of any movie I'd been in, and it went to the top of the box office.
Sophie Monk
#14. It's really beneath the office of a member of Congress to say something that outrageous. The fact that she was once the Speaker is mind-numbing, honestly ... mind-numbingly stupid.
Trey Gowdy
#15. My alarm went off at five a.m., like always. But instead of rising from the bed to go to the office where I'm a star, I threw the clock across the room, smashing it to kingdom come.
It was annoying anyway. Stupid clock. Stupid beep-beep-beeping
Emma Chase
#16. - Yet only six days ago, you were in my office on your knees telling me you'd do anything to land me as a client.
- I was young and stupid.
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
#17. Like their parents, kids flock to see James Bond and Derek Flint movies - outrageously antiheroic heroes who break all the taboos, making attractive the very things the kids are told they shouldn't do themselves.
Johnny Carson
#18. Broadmindedness, when it means indifference to right and wrong, eventually ends in a hatred of what is right.
Fulton J. Sheen
#19. Tanzania is standing by the people of Zimbabwe including President Mugabe ... Mugabe is there, he is president, he has been elected. If Tanzania had simply said, stupid, you're hopeless, a murderer, a violator of basic human rights; does that remove Mugabe from office? It doesn't.
Jakaya Kikwete
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