Top 100 Story Story Quotes
#1. Directing made me realise what I do as an actor that's extraneous, it focuses your mind on story, story, story.
Matt Smith
#2. When it became clear that Lennon was not going to speak with me, it really became a how-I-didn't-get-the-story story. It was a caper.
Laurence Shames
#3. Though it may not seem like it, I never try to write about a place, per se; it's always, first and last, about story. Story is everything. Story and a bit of attitude.
Martin McDonagh
#4. Diligence, word-lust, empathy equal growing objectivity and then what? Story. Story. Dammit, story!
Stephen King
#5. If it's commercial fiction that you want to write, it's story, story, story. You've got to get a story where if you tell it to somebody in a paragraph, they'll go, "Tell me more." And then when you start to write it, they continue to want to read more. And if you don't, it won't work.
James Patterson
#6. Lastly get emotionally connected to your story so you can deliver it, you know, if you can't deliver the emotions to your script there's no point to your story. Story is the key.
Robert Redford
#7. To make magic credible on screen is always very difficult. The story is the most important thing. That is what should win. If sacrifices or compromises are made, it's usually for story. Story in magic is very, very important to me. That's what I've really championed through my career.
David Copperfield
#8. What writer wants to make compromises with story? Story is the only reason you're in it.
David Simon
#9. Once you have love as a motivator in a story, your character is free to do anything. Once you say the character is in love, he can do the craziest thing that nobody would do who's not in love. Once you're in love, you have that excuse to go and do whatever you want.
Josh Hutcherson
#10. Everything about you fascinates me, Sophie. The smell of your skin. The sound of your voice. Your long legs. Your sense of humor. Your personality. You don't seem to need me, and if you don't need me, it is much more gratifying that you want me.
Elisa Marie Hopkins
#11. Perhaps that same concept applied to people as well. Did we love them more when we knew their full story? How they came to be who and what they were? Or was the mystery what kept us coming back for more, slowly enticing us, knowing that once the truth was out, the appeal would be lost?
Amber Lynn Natusch
#12. In their efforts to provide a sufficiency of water where there was not one, men have resorted to every expedient from prayer to dynamite. The story of their efforts is, on the whole, one of pathos and tragedy, of a few successes and many failures
Walter Prescott Webb
#13. The difference between memoir and autobiography, as far as I see it, is that a memoir is there primarily to tell one particular story, whereas an autobiography tries to be a full account of a life.
Salman Rushdie
#14. I think you've all heard my story about my daughter and how we felt Children's Hospital saved her life when she was less than a year old. I won't go through all of the details of that.
Jack Nicklaus
#15. It's no longer about the Lost Boys. They keep trying to make their way out, then they meet other people and empathize with them. It's a story that a lot of people are going to discover their purpose from. When someone doesn't know their purpose, they get lost.
Emmanuel Jal
#16. There was a precarious balance during those crucial months between composition and decomposition - what the world gained and what a great city lost. Even then, some part of Detroit was dying, and that is where the story begins.
David Maraniss
#17. And when they start talking, and they always do, you find that each of them has a story they want to tell. Everyone, no matter how old or young, has some lesson they want to teach. And I sit there and listen and learn all about life from people who have no idea how to live it.
Paul Neilan
#18. I'm wondering if you can speed this story up a bit," Ms. Jordan said. "I spilled pudding on Missy Trillin's head while she was taking a pee." "I see." Ms. Jordan nodded. "Now I think we're getting somewhere.
James Patterson
#19. In any story where solutions to mysteries are found, there should always be at least one mystery which remains unsolved.
Sean Terrence Best
#20. People are a lot more open than even they think they are. And I feel like I carry a heavy story about where I come from and those roots, but also what I like as a thinker.
Lizz Wright
#21. This is not the proper place to begin speaking of this new passion of Ivan Fyodorovich's, which later affected his whole life: it could all serve as the plot for another story, for a different novel, which I do not even know that I shall ever undertake.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
#22. Having exhausted every possibility at the moment when he was coming full circle, Antonino realised that photographing photographs was the only course that he had left - or, rather, the true course he had obscurely been seeking all this time. (Last line of the story The Adventure of a Photographer )
Italo Calvino
#23. Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story.
Jane Austen
#24. A story knows no honor. A story knows no allegiance. A story simply is.
Matthew J. Kirby
#25. Reading a Lydia Davis story collection is like reaching into what you think is a bag of potato chips and pulling out something else entirely: a gherkin, a pepper corn, a truffle, a piece of beef jerky.
Kate Christensen
#26. Every time a story about me appears in a newspaper, I am injured professionally.
Norman Mailer
#27. Ms. Scarlett always delivers hot, sexy alphas and this isn't any different. Holy smokes, is this ever HOT! Love her writing and the way she spins a story but adds the HOT factor. Her alphas are phenomenal! - JC
Scarlett Avery
#28. Immensely clever story, and quite creepy, in a delightfully scary way.
Mark Z. Danielewski
#29. Books are a weird collaboration between author and reader: You trust me to tell a good story, and I trust you to bring it to good life in your mind.
John Green
#30. Reflecting on these complex relationships between reader and story, fiction and life, can constitute a form of therapy against the sleep of reason, which generates monsters.
Umberto Eco
#31. There might be a proper age to know how to tell a story, but there's no proper age to start telling them.
Xavier Dolan
#32. Tell the truth. That way you don't have to remember a story.
John Wooden
#33. The last story: God is everything, God is good.
Byron Katie
#34. Can I ask what you're reading?" ... She turned the book so the cover faced me. Wuthering Heights. "Have you read it?" She said. I nodded. I could feel the pulsating beat of my heart behind my eyes. "It's a sad story." "Sad stories make good books," She said. "They do.
Khaled Hosseini
#35. The beauty of being an Author is, It's your story and you can write what ever you want.
Toni House
#36. You know, I like to think my life is kind of like the books I read, only I'm the author. I can write the story I want. The future can be anything I want it to be." He moved his head side to side, considering my words. "That works, as long as your story has a blond stud that fucks like an animal.
Adriana Locke
#37. Our story opens in the mind of Luther L. (L for LeRoy) Fliegler, who is lying in his bed, not thinking of anything, but just aware of sounds, conscious of his own breathing, and sensitive to his own heartbeats. Lying beside him is his wife, lying on her right side and enjoying her sleep.
John O'Hara
#38. I'm excited about how books work in a digital age. When you read a book, unlike a film, you are decoding symbols in order to 'see' the story, so it is collaborative in a way that a film can never be.
Steven Hall
#39. I have always thought that if you can give viewers the sense of being there a story can be very compelling.
Chris Hegedus
#40. I am so honored to be the vessel into which you pour this story of pain and strength.
Anita Diamant
#41. We're saying the story doesn't end here, that the air in your lungs is there for a reason.
Jamie Tworkowski
#42. I wanted to do London Boulevard because I saw the potential of a story about two people who need each other desperately, who love at first sight, as one does, and above all a story in which no one is what they appear to be.
William Monahan
#43. For the fiction writer himself the whole story is the meaning, because it is an experience, not an abstraction.
Flannery O'Connor
#44. Two things make a story. The net and the air that falls through the net.
Pablo Neruda
#45. You have very short travel blogs, and I think there's a split among travel writers: the service-oriented writers will say, 'Well, the reader wants to read about his trip, not yours.' Whereas I say, the reader just wants to read a good story and to maybe learn something.
Tim Cahill
#46. At this stage of my life, I had reached the conclusion that I would never be the protagonist of any story. The only thing I could hope for was to make an appearance in somebody else's.
Cesar Aira
#47. You will go on and meet someone else and I'll just be a chapter in your tale, but for me, you were, you are and you always will be, the whole story.
Marian Keyes
#48. If the story's there for it, if there's a reason for it, then I'm all for it. But if you throw in a barbed wire match just to do a barbed wire match, then it makes no sense to me.
CM Punk
#49. He is a blind man and I am his book of braille. His breath against my collarbone raises goosebumps on my arm as I let him read my story.
Alanna Rusnak
#50. Your story isn't powerful enough if all it does is lead the horse to water; it has to inspire the horse to drink, too. On social media, the only story that can achieve that goal is one told with native content.
Gary Vaynerchuk
#51. I have a musical called Goodbye and Good Luck, based on a Grace Paley short story. I also have King Island Christmas, and there are 20 different productions of it this year.
David Friedman
#52. I don't mind UFO's and ghost stories, it's just that I tend to give value to the storyteller rather than to the story itself.
Robert Stack
#53. A perception is not a story, and no amount of sensitivity can make a story-writer out of you if you just plain don't have a gift for telling a story.
Flannery O'Connor
#54. Someday an opportunity will come. Think about Harry Potter. His life is terrible, but then a letter arrives, he gets on a train, and everything is different for him afterward. Better. Magical."
"That's just a story."
"So are we- we're stories too.
Matthew Quick
#55. Then there's the story of ill-fated love. It's universal.
Rita Moreno
#56. The Washington Times wrote a story questioning the authenticity of some of the suggestions made about me in Silent Coup. But as a believer in the First Amendment, I believe they have more than a right to air their views.
Bob Woodward
#57. Liberation of mind is realising that we don't need to buy any story at all. It's realising that before our confused thought, there actually is Reality. We can see it. All we have to do it to fully engage in this moment as it has come to be.
Steve Hagen
#58. What we gain in the world, we lose in the world, forgotten in death. We must rather fancy what we brought into the world, for therein lives our story, our legend.
Palle Oswald
#59. Soul Mountain, the story of one man's quest for inner peace and freedom.
Gao Xingjian
#60. The grim reality is that most start-ups fail. Most new products are not successful. Yet the story of perseverance, creative genius, and hard work persists.
Eric Ries
#61. The thing is that Warcraft has so much story available to it. For the fans, there are some key stories they really want to see on screen. I won't be doing those.
Duncan Jones
#62. I'm a sci-fi fan, and I guess you have to let go of some of that at some point, and realize that as long as you're focused on telling a story that you care about, at the end of the day, that's what really matters, even to hard-core sci-fi fans.
Rian Johnson
#64. Death is sad, but to those closest to the deceased it is greater than that, it is a catastrophe, an off-the-Richter-scale, ground-shaking earthquake, a gale force fuck hurricane, a three-story-high rolling tsunami that knocks you flat, sweeps you away and strips you bare.
#65. Every story holds insight into the writer's soul. If the soul can't be found, the writer didn't bleed enough.
M.L. Stephens
#66. What counts in a good story is the person inside. Keep it simple.
Paulo Coelho
#67. True story," Horse chimed in. "Fuck with us, we'll fuck you back. Harder. Always.
Joanna Wylde
#68. Money comes with a price, and for me, the price is both freedom and a real life.
Savi Sharma
#69. Well, how did you die, then?" the old man finally asked.
"Die?" Matthew threw back. "Are you crazy? I'm not dead. I'm just very late.
J. Tonzelli
#70. It was suggested that I take a recording test. I passed, was liked and, well, you know the rest of the story.
Johnny Kidd
#71. Half of this story is true and the other half might very well have happened.
William Pene Du Bois
#72. When anybody starts out with a memoir, you get the impulse to tell your own story with your own voice, and you get all that out in one fell swoop sometimes.
Dave Eggers
#73. If this is a sad story, don't tell it to me tonight.'It is not sad,' she said. 'Only some things happen and are there for always even though you forget why or when.
Jean Rhys
#74. A lot of people have this strategy where if they have a hard question they wait to ask it to the end of the interview because they think the person is going to walk out. But what they have to realize is, is that if the person walks out, they have a pretty successful story.
Chuck Klosterman
#75. Writing a story I am just trying to find some little interesting thing to start out with: something small, even trivial. Preferably something that doesn't have a lot of thematic or political baggage - a little crumb that is interesting.
George Saunders
#76. You'd think God would come right out and tell us what to do in the Bible, but He doesn't. He mostly tells stories, and He rarely stops the story to say what the point is. He just lets the characters and conflict hang in the air like smoke.
Donald Miller
#77. The most intoxicating thing about being an actor is to surrender to a story that you never would have come up with.
Brit Marling
#78. Become the director, producer, choreographer of your own story
Deepak Chopra
#79. My scars tell a story. They are a reminder of times when life tried to break me, but failed. They are markings of where the structure of my character was welded.
Steve Maraboli
#81. My God, is this a date?" Jeff had asked when I asked if I could bring her along.
"I don't know," I said. "She might still be happily lesbian.
Jefferson Bass
#82. The first step to finding a God-written love story is handing the pen to the true Author of romance.
Leslie Ludy
#83. Only meaning can make a difference and we all know there's no meaning. All stories express a desire for meaning, not meaning itself. Therefore any difference knowing the story makes is a delusion.
Glen Duncan
#84. I've commissioned an adaptation of 'The Jungle', by Upton Sinclair, a story of a young immigrant from Lithuania to the meat-packing industry of Chicago in 1904, and the rise of the unions in America.
David Schwimmer
#85. The statistics of life out there and the statistics of intelligent beings and advanced civilization is a certainty, the way I look at it. that It has not been accepted, because we've been in an anthropocentric era.
Story Musgrave
#86. The happening and the telling are very different things. This doesn't mean that the story isn't true, only that I honestly don't know anymore if I really remember it or only remember how to tell it.
Karen Joy Fowler
#87. I think we all have blocks between us and the best version of ourselves, whether it's shyness, insecurity, anxiety, whether it's a physical block, and the story of a person overcoming that block to their best self. It's truly inspiring because I think all of us are engaged in that every day.
Tom Hooper
#88. I write - and read - for the sake of the story ... My basic test for any story is: 'Would I want to meet these characters and observe these events in real life? Is this story an experience worth living through for its own sake? Is the pleasure of contemplating these characters an end itself?
Ayn Rand
#89. Doing a story about my mundane, waking life, how much I don't like my job, or breaking up with someone, I don't think so. Those stories don't interest me that much as a general thing.
Jim Woodring
#90. It's probably why I'm a short story writer. I tend to remember things in the past in narrative form, in story form, and I grew up around people who told stories all the time.
Tobias Wolff
#91. William Faulkner said, "The only story worth telling is that of the human mind in conflict with itself".
Miles Skedsvold
#92. Are you still wearing those flimsy white panties?"
"Yes," Story breathed.
"Good. I need you to reach inside and pet your clit for me. Gently, like I do it.
Tessa Bailey
#93. There are more people involved in telling a story than the writer.
Cecelia Ahern
#94. The story of Genesis could only be a poorly written misconception that put needless blame on women. Estella
Ira Smith
#95. I like the idea of a love story between men. There is a great affection between men, which exists much more in ethnic groups: Latin, Italian, Jewish.
Arne Glimcher
#96. The giving of the Torah is a story of God seeking to provide humanity with the opportunity to make moral decisions.
Meir Soloveichik
#97. The filmmakers have a story they want to tell, and they go get the material they need for it. The film either exceeds or fails to meet up to their expectations or it's different.
Joshua Oppenheimer
#98. Accept nothing. Challenge everything.
A.D. Posey
#99. When writing a book what is more important? Grammar and spelling or telling a great story? I know which I would choose.
Samuel Colbran
#100. The pictures do not lie, but neither do they tell the whole story. They are merely a record of time passing, the outward evidence.
Paul Auster
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