Top 46 Sports Losing Quotes

#1. Everything for me started with my love of the sport. In society we're losing the fun with kids and pushing success on them too hard. Success comes from fun.

Shawn Johnson

Sports Losing Quotes #1509305
#2. By continually increasing the difficulty of the sport, we are discouraging younger athletes from starting and continuing in the sport. But most importantly, we are losing the beauty of our sport. We do not want gymnastics to lose what makes it so great - its artistic beauty.

Svetlana Boginskaya

Sports Losing Quotes #944457
#3. Sport is not just about entertainment. It is equally about winning and losing, pooling and galvanising the energy of the youth, upgrading people's physical fitness and mental prowess.

Nita Ambani

Sports Losing Quotes #972383
#4. Nothing amuses people more than a cocky guy who starts losing.

Criss Jami

Sports Losing Quotes #1131237
#5. A team sport is not very good for me, because I can't take losing.

Donovan Bailey

Sports Losing Quotes #1160583
#6. I drew my strength from fear. Fear of losing. I don't remember the games I won, only the games I lost.

Boris Becker

Sports Losing Quotes #1218439
#7. I recognize that losing is a part of growth in this sport and it's a positive thing in the long run.

Rory MacDonald

Sports Losing Quotes #1282922
#8. I don't think you're going to be a success in anything if you think about losing, whether it's in sports or in politics.

Edward Kennedy

Sports Losing Quotes #1304885
#9. No athletic director holds office longer than two losing football coaches.

Robert Zuppke

Sports Losing Quotes #1395802
#10. The best kids are going to become the best. But the best thing about it is that you're going to learn lessons in playing those sports about winning and losing and teamwork and teammates and arguments and everything else that are going to affect you positively for the rest of your life.

Carl Lewis

Sports Losing Quotes #1408991
#11. My opinion is there should NOT be an MVP award [in hockey]. The Olympic teams sports shouldn't acknowledge individuality. And if there is going to be such an award a player on the losing team who lets in the losing goal shouldn't get it.

Michael Wilbon

Sports Losing Quotes #1444679
#12. There's one thing I don't ever think about: losing ... Instead, I think about how I'm going to win, and how I can do it the quickest way.

Joe Frazier

Sports Losing Quotes #1468914
#13. I have no sense of humor about losing

Rafael Nadal

Sports Losing Quotes #907465
#14. Losing is the great American sin.

Jerome Holtzman

Sports Losing Quotes #1539836
#15. I've been looking at companies that are on a positive path vs. a negative path and I've come to use the language of sports, winning streaks and losing streaks.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Sports Losing Quotes #1591994
#16. Don't let winning make you soft. Don't let losing make you quit. Don't let your teammates down in any situation.

Larry Bird

Sports Losing Quotes #1599596
#17. Neither winning nor losing means as much to me as knowing the crowd has enjoyed my match. Some players feel that winning is everything and that losing is a disaster. Not me. I want the spectators to take home a good memory ...

Evonne Goolagong Cawley

Sports Losing Quotes #1648513
#18. When I first came to the Eagles, I found a bunch of guys shell-shocked from losing. They had been through some lean years, they just didn't know how to handle the pressure. They were quiet; they kept to themselves. I said, " Hey, this has gotta change. Let's make pressure fun."

Ron Jaworski

Sports Losing Quotes #1658101
#19. When you're winning - you don't need any friends. When you're losing - you don't have any friends anyway.

Woody Hayes

Sports Losing Quotes #1755194
#20. The best possible thing in baseball is winning The World Series. The second best thing is losing The World Series.

Tommy Lasorda

Sports Losing Quotes #1762832
#21. People think, sports delivers a message. It's not just about winning and losing, although that's important. It's about other things, too. It demonstrates how it can say certain things about your culture and your society.

Gabe Polsky

Sports Losing Quotes #1836081
#22. One of the most basic factors in sports is that winning becomes a habit, and losing is the same way. When failure starts to feel normal in your life or your work or even your darkest vices, you won't have to go looking for trouble, because trouble will find you. Count on it.

Hunter S. Thompson

Sports Losing Quotes #1844235
#23. Things that aren't important, that have nothing to do with winning and losing, don't have to be a rule.

Peter Richmond

Sports Losing Quotes #1866219
#24. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

Vince Lombardi

Sports Losing Quotes #509987
#25. The mind is absolutely instrumental in achieving results, even for athletes. Sports psychology is a very small part, but it's extremely important when you're winning and losing races by hundredths and even thousandths of a second.

Michael Johnson

Sports Losing Quotes #127390
#26. If the Age of Sport has been all champagne and roses hitherto, then expect our love affair with its newly-acquired prominence to become increasingly tainted by scandals about cheating. Sport is losing its shine and allure.

Martin Jacques

Sports Losing Quotes #162386
#27. My job is to call attention to the things that I think are the difference between winning and losing. If I can't do that then I have failed as a coach.

Bill Parcells

Sports Losing Quotes #185174
#28. I just love sport; I love competing. I'm obsessed by it, to be honest. I can accept losing, sure, no question, but it just drives me crazy. Just ask my wife.

James Spithill

Sports Losing Quotes #264021
#29. I'd have to say losing the title to Ali in '74 was the lowest moment in sports for me. It was the most devastating thing in my boxing career, and it still hurts to this day.

George Foreman

Sports Losing Quotes #276956
#30. Two weeks ago, I was in a fantastic situation, winning at Roland Garros. Now, losing in the first round, it's tough. The tour continues. Life continues. This is a sport of victories, not a sport of losses. Nobody remembers the losses. I don't want to remember the loss.

Rafael Nadal

Sports Losing Quotes #379079
#31. I think sports for kids is the greatest thing in the world because it teaches you how to share, about winning and losing and pressure. But I don't think you should force your kid to become a professional athlete.

Wayne Gretzky

Sports Losing Quotes #382903
#32. Boxers are going away and not getting decisions and are losing, so it's not looking good for us, is it, as a nation? Thanks for pointing that out. It's put even more pressure on me now. I don't mind that at all. I love pressure.

Carl Froch

Sports Losing Quotes #432174
#33. You've always got to be aware of why you don't win; otherwise you'll keep losing. Every mistake is a learning experience and, hopefully, you won't make the same mistake again.

Layne Beachley

Sports Losing Quotes #466403
#34. Pressure bursts pipes. I thank God for giving me peace of mind to overcome pressure. The difference between winning and losing is when pressure hits.

Evander Holyfield

Sports Losing Quotes #467261
#35. I much preferred winning to thinking and I didn't like losing at all.

Aleksandar Hemon

Sports Losing Quotes #487435
#36. Worse than getting kicked out of your slot to go on to a winning season is to lead during a losing one. Nobody wants to be king of the losers.

A.D. Aliwat

Sports Losing Quotes #44643
#37. It's always good to bat at the top, where you get more opportunities, but sometimes crucial 30s and 40s can be very helpful for the team. Ultimately it is a team sport. Personal records don't matter much if your team ends up on the losing side.

Suresh Raina

Sports Losing Quotes #531820
#38. If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing your grandmother with her teeth out.

George Brett

Sports Losing Quotes #562365
#39. There's a difference between hurting when you lose and being a bad loser. You don't compete at the highest level of sport to feel comfortable about losing, but you behave in a civil way when it goes wrong because that is the flip side.

Sebastian Coe

Sports Losing Quotes #565773
#40. I may discuss contemporary cinema, how to shop at a mall without losing energy, how to use the power of mind to increase career and academic success, the Zen of sports, reincarnation, karma, sex, the experience of "suchness" or a new book by Stephen King.

Frederick Lenz

Sports Losing Quotes #599593
#41. I told him how winning never feels as good as losing feels bad and when he asked why, I told him that my wins were for someone else but my losses were all on me.

Douglas Brunt

Sports Losing Quotes #630573
#42. Sport and life is about losing. It's about understanding how to lose.

Lynn Davies

Sports Losing Quotes #679965
#43. I have long understood that losing always comes with the territory when you wander into the gambling business, just as getting crippled for life is an acceptable risk in the linebacker business. They both are extremely violent sports, and pain is part of the bargain. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Hunter S. Thompson

Sports Losing Quotes #690580
#44. You can't play sports without losing sometimes and, in losing, you learn something about grace and how to act under pressure.

John F. Kerry

Sports Losing Quotes #714680
#45. If you're losing a tug of war with a tiger, give it the rope. You can always buy a new one.

Max Gunther

Sports Losing Quotes #782860
#46. One of the biggest gaps in sports is the difference between the winning and losing teams of the Super Bowl. They don't invite the losing team to the White House. They don't have parades for them. They don't throw confetti on them.

John Madden

Sports Losing Quotes #812877

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