Top 7 Layne Beachley Quotes

#1. Have confidence in yourself and don't let people put you down or make you feel weak or worthless, because the more they put you down, the more you need to get back up and prove how wrong they are.

Layne Beachley

Layne Beachley Quotes #304509
#2. You've always got to be aware of why you don't win; otherwise you'll keep losing. Every mistake is a learning experience and, hopefully, you won't make the same mistake again.

Layne Beachley

Layne Beachley Quotes #466403
#3. It's not so much what you do, it's just how well you do it, and that you do, do it.

Layne Beachley

Layne Beachley Quotes #787429
#4. Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself, what do I want? The first thing that comes to mind is always the right one.

Layne Beachley

Layne Beachley Quotes #929496
#5. I wasn't born a world champion. I just worked really hard to become one.

Layne Beachley

Layne Beachley Quotes #1441673
#6. If you are doing what you love then you're doing what is right. Desire and passion resonate with your body, mind and soul. When you're passionate you don't question, judge, criticize, second-guess, or doubt. It's that passion that will fuel the fire to overcome challenges.

Layne Beachley

Layne Beachley Quotes #1729079
#7. There are so many people put there who will tell you that you can't. What you've got to do is turn around and say Watch me.

Layne Beachley

Layne Beachley Quotes #1862618

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